SAP+ ?

Looks like a solid plan, can always alternate between CCV and BLT if you don’t wanna do a split stay. I would say you don’t need to keep those points necessarily in the same use year as the the VGC contract though since I presume you will pretty much be only booking VGC with your VGC points. On the other hand now that you’ve already added AKV to your June UY, might as well keep it all the same I suppose.
I generally look for June-Oct, but I think ideally Sept would be best, but I'm not too concerned with it, would be nice to match, and definitely no need to match VGC. :)

AKV has become somewhat disposable. lol
No, its just "want" or plan to get. I currently only have VGC & AKV at the moment. It was just that after all the SAP+ talk, then the CCV vs BLT conversations, I decided this was the right answer. (like I said, either of them could end up being 50 & the AKV could be sold)

I was getting crazy trying to find all these different contracts AKV & BWV that weren't really needed or necessarily the right thing to do, it was just feels, & it helps to talk it out. :)

So you already have the 75 at VGC which means I won't have to fight you for a June 75pt contract if it pops up for sale??

We stuck with June UY for both coasts just because we will sometimes use our VGC over at WDW. I know some people are really against that but it works for us.

Though now that I'm looking at what's available...I'm a bit nervous I'll never find what I want in June!
So you already have the 75 at VGC which means I won't have to fight you for a June 75pt contract if it pops up for sale??

We stuck with June UY for both coasts just because we will sometimes use our VGC over at WDW. I know some people are really against that but it works for us.

Though now that I'm looking at what's available...I'm a bit nervous I'll never find what I want in June!
I think it's perfectly fine to do that as long as it is not a regular thing otherwise you paid more for VGC unnecessarily lol. But I get it, sometimes you just want convenience and not have to deal with renting out your points and etc.
So you already have the 75 at VGC which means I won't have to fight you for a June 75pt contract if it pops up for sale??

We stuck with June UY for both coasts just because we will sometimes use our VGC over at WDW. I know some people are really against that but it works for us.

Though now that I'm looking at what's available...I'm a bit nervous I'll never find what I want in June!
Yea, I'm good with VGC... if anything i could be intrigued by VDH resale if small ones started popping up (probably a few years before small ones are regularly listed)
Every scenario i looked into was available at 7months at BWV (& AKV Savanna view as well), so I really don't NEED either of them.
Our summer trips are the ones we're most likely to switch - and I've found the same to be true. So of course I like a challenge and wait list BWV standard (hey, it's the shortest walk to HS and the bus stop if you make your room request just right) or BW view.

Same with BLT LV, to be fair.
We’ve been able to get a P/G view studio at 7 months in Sept for F&W as well as January for FoTA both in the past year.
Ironically, within 15 minutes of my post agreeing with @ClaraOswald that it's very difficult to get in at BWV, I cleared off a waitlist for 4 consective nights in August in STANDARD VIEW during our summer break... admittedly, it's a MISERABLE time to be running around the theme parks, but with our Sorcerer's passes, we will be lounging at the pool mid-day and visiting the parks after dinner.

Those 4 nights are 14 points per night on average... I looked up the room rates-- no promotion available, they'd be $632/night (BEFORE tax and fees)... so $45.14 per point... or netting about $37/pt/yr on these points after dues. This, incidentally, is why I don't think BWV and BCV are going to decline dramatically for a long while.
Isn't boardwalk one of the hardest to get at 7-months?
Generally yes, but it’s very doable. It’s not like Beach Club and Grand Cal where you’re locked out pretty much if you don’t own there. If you’re flexible with the dates you book, potential split stays and if you’re booking during less popular DVC times which is basically not September through December you’ll probably be fine. Pool/garden view is the easiest to get and if you’re booking right at 7 months will likely be there. Boardwalk view studios are a little bit harder to get and standard view studios are probably the hardest to get without owning there. If you’re okay with 1BRs as well it obviously is even easier because pretty much the entire resort is 2BR lockoffs.

I’ve managed to stay there multiple times without owning there because I don’t book during like Food and Wine season and etc. I’m content staying at Riviera if I really want to be in the Epcot area during that time. Realistically if you don’t feel like you NEED to stay in the Crescent Lake area every single time, you probably don’t need to own at BWV and will have decent success at 7 months.
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Generally yes, but it’s very doable. It’s not like Beach Club and Grand Cal where you’re locked out pretty much if you don’t own there. If you’re flexible with the dates you book, potential split stays and if you’re booking during less popular DVC times which is basically not September through December you’ll probably be fine. Pool/garden view is the easiest to get and if you’re booking right at 7 months will likely be there. Boardwalk view studios are a little bit harder to get and standard view studios are probably the hardest to get without owning there. If you’re okay with 1BRs as well it obviously is even easier because pretty much the entire resort is 2BR lockoffs.

I’ve managed to stay there multiple times without owning there because I don’t book during like Food and Wine season and etc. I’m content staying at Riviera if I really want to be in the Epcot area during that time. Realistically if you don’t feel like you NEED to stay in the Crescent Lake area every single time, you probably don’t need to own at BWV and will have decent success at 7 months.
Ah to have the freedom of not having to travel during very specific school breaks…. I remember the pre-k days….
Ah to have the freedom of not having to travel during very specific school breaks…. I remember the pre-k days….

I decided I'm okay with pulling my son out for 1 week a year for a trip. But he's on his own special curriculum, doesn't have homework, etc. Makes it a little easier for him to miss school than the average kid. But we basically will only do shorter trips where we fly.

Just 8 more years to go! Then we can take one of our longer road trips out to DLR in the Fall (even though the crowds and heat suck...I still miss the park in the Fall. Haven't been there at that time of year since 2010.)

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