Running NYC before Mickey?


DIS Veteran
Jan 9, 2010
I'd love some opinions:

I'm signed up for my 3rd Mickey Marathon in January, 2014. I'm also running the 10k but planning to pace my husband who is not a runner. While I'm not a fast runner, I finished the Goofy this year with a 5:52 marathon. I've run 8 half marathons in addition to my 3 full marathons (most recently finished in 2:25 about 2 weeks ago).

I'm considering signing up for the NYC Marathon as a charity runner. The race is the first weekend in November, so almost exactly 2 months before Disney). I have a few concerns about signing up and I'd love opinions!

1. How hard is it to raise funds for a charity? My husband and I are both doctors at large hospitals so I'm thinking I have a decent pool of people who would give $5-10. We've also tried to be generous in supporting other people's fundraising. My mom also recently passed away and I think my parents' friends would be very likely to donate in her memory. But I've never asked for money before...
2. Is it too much to do the NYC Marathon so close to the Mickey Marathon? I will do e-coaching with Jeff Galloway again as I did for the Goofy.

Thanks for the thoughts!

I don't think it's too much as long as you keep up your fitness coming out of NYC. You'll already have a marathon base and if time isn't necessarily important then you should be good. Really only you can answer that question as far as health concerns go but I say go for it if you

What charity are you running for?
I'd love some opinions:

I'm signed up for my 3rd Mickey Marathon in January, 2014. I'm also running the 10k but planning to pace my husband who is not a runner. While I'm not a fast runner, I finished the Goofy this year with a 5:52 marathon. I've run 8 half marathons in addition to my 3 full marathons (most recently finished in 2:25 about 2 weeks ago).

I'm considering signing up for the NYC Marathon as a charity runner. The race is the first weekend in November, so almost exactly 2 months before Disney). I have a few concerns about signing up and I'd love opinions!

1. How hard is it to raise funds for a charity? My husband and I are both doctors at large hospitals so I'm thinking I have a decent pool of people who would give $5-10. We've also tried to be generous in supporting other people's fundraising. My mom also recently passed away and I think my parents' friends would be very likely to donate in her memory. But I've never asked for money before...
2. Is it too much to do the NYC Marathon so close to the Mickey Marathon? I will do e-coaching with Jeff Galloway again as I did for the Goofy.

Thanks for the thoughts!


Hi Amanda-I'm betting your people skills will have the $$$ flowing in for the funds. I'm in IMFL because Kathy was able to enter me when IM Foundation registration opened up and she said I was going. She made the contribution and I was in so no fund raising for me.

As far as the racing goes, easy does it and you should have no issues. With the e-coaching you will do fine. I have IMFL on Nov. 2, then the Space Coast Half three weeks later and then Dopey. My goal is to finish IMFL in the allotted time, have fun with DGS in the SC Half then start last for the 5K and just in front of the Balloon Ladies in the 10K, Half and the Full with the McFlurry stop during the Full. No PR's, just fun.
I don't think it's too much as long as you keep up your fitness coming out of NYC. You'll already have a marathon base and if time isn't necessarily important then you should be good. Really only you can answer that question as far as health concerns go but I say go for it if you

What charity are you running for?

Thank you!
I think I would be running for Team for Kids.

Hi Amanda-I'm betting your people skills will have the $$$ flowing in for the funds. I'm in IMFL because Kathy was able to enter me when IM Foundation registration opened up and she said I was going. She made the contribution and I was in so no fund raising for me.

As far as the racing goes, easy does it and you should have no issues. With the e-coaching you will do fine. I have IMFL on Nov. 2, then the Space Coast Half three weeks later and then Dopey. My goal is to finish IMFL in the allotted time, have fun with DGS in the SC Half then start last for the 5K and just in front of the Balloon Ladies in the 10K, Half and the Full with the McFlurry stop during the Full. No PR's, just fun.

You are too kind John! Thank you!!! I appreciate your thoughts. I'm strongly leaning towards running the NYC Marathon.

i'm planning on doing the same. i entered the lottery but if i don't get in i'm going to run for a charity. not sure which one. my dad was just diagnosed with prostate cancer so maybe the team zero prostate cancer. or team for kids? don't know yet...

i plan on emailing friends and spreading the word on facebook. my husband and i both own our own businesses so our business may donate a significant amount if i can't get others to donate. it's a write off anyway so not a bad thing.

i'm doing the dopey and i think that the nyc marathon is a good way to train for it. the JG plan has you go almost up that high in november anyway so it should be good. the only question is how to treat the long runs between november and january. we're going on a vacation for two weeks in november so i'll have to make sure not to relax too much ;)

good luck! looking forward to hearing how it all goes for you.
i'm planning on doing the same. i entered the lottery but if i don't get in i'm going to run for a charity. not sure which one. my dad was just diagnosed with prostate cancer so maybe the team zero prostate cancer. or team for kids? don't know yet...

i plan on emailing friends and spreading the word on facebook. my husband and i both own our own businesses so our business may donate a significant amount if i can't get others to donate. it's a write off anyway so not a bad thing.

i'm doing the dopey and i think that the nyc marathon is a good way to train for it. the JG plan has you go almost up that high in november anyway so it should be good. the only question is how to treat the long runs between november and january. we're going on a vacation for two weeks in november so i'll have to make sure not to relax too much ;)

good luck! looking forward to hearing how it all goes for you.

Thanks Nancy!
I'm pretty sure I'm going to run NYC for charity. I'm waiting to see the complete list of charities before I pick one.
I've already had a lot of support from friends and colleagues with regard to donations...

I always run for a charity and I make sure I have the funds available for when I don't make the charitable donations amount. You would be surprised at how many people don't contribute despite all the begging and pleading!
I love running for something bigger than myself. It makes it harder to quit when I really don't feel up to running the distance I was supposed to!
This year I am running the MCM with DH and a week later NYC! I am going to tell myself that the MCM is a training run for NYC! (MCM for the Semper Fi Fund- helping injured Marines and their families- NYC for Alzheimers)
Signed up for Dopey in January!
I always run for a charity and I make sure I have the funds available for when I don't make the charitable donations amount. You would be surprised at how many people don't contribute despite all the begging and pleading!
I love running for something bigger than myself. It makes it harder to quit when I really don't feel up to running the distance I was supposed to!
This year I am running the MCM with DH and a week later NYC! I am going to tell myself that the MCM is a training run for NYC! (MCM for the Semper Fi Fund- helping injured Marines and their families- NYC for Alzheimers)
Signed up for Dopey in January!

Did you already sign up with Alzheimer's for NYC? It seems like a lot of charities don't have their registration open yet....

My dad died from early onset Alzheimers disease. My local Alzheimers Association helps me set up a fund raising page. I pay for everything and hopefully generate a little money for the disease. Since I have a number for NYC I try to raise what I can.
My dad died from early onset Alzheimers disease. My local Alzheimers Association helps me set up a fund raising page. I pay for everything and hopefully generate a little money for the disease. Since I have a number for NYC I try to raise what I can.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
So you didn't get your entry thru the charity?
I actually emailed this weekend for more information about the official charity partners.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
So you didn't get your entry thru the charity?
I actually emailed this weekend for more information about the official charity partners.


good morning, amanda.

if you get a response re: charity partners, would you kindly share?

i applied for the $3500 level for fred's team but haven't heard from them and their website doesn't say when they will let people know if they are in. if i don't get in there i need to find another charity. i had hoped i could get an entry through a family member but i think it's more important to go the charity route this year.

good morning, amanda.

if you get a response re: charity partners, would you kindly share?

i applied for the $3500 level for fred's team but haven't heard from them and their website doesn't say when they will let people know if they are in. if i don't get in there i need to find another charity. i had hoped i could get an entry through a family member but i think it's more important to go the charity route this year.


I emailed Crowdrise which has the online charity fundraiser pages. Someone already emailed me back that she has contacted the person in charge of the NYC Marathon pages. I'm hoping to hear back soon!
I read (somewhere in my research and I can't remember where!) that the charity spots usually fill up by September, although it may be quicker this year. My impression is that a lot of people don't register for charity spots until they find out that they didn't get a lottery spot. Since the lottery is open until late May (May 24th?), it may be that the charities are announced then.
It would be political incorrect for me to run for Fred's Team because I work for a competing hospital. I'm happy to run for Team for Kids but want to see what other options are available...

I must comment on how wonderfully helpful and responsive the folks at Crowdrise have been. NYRR picked a good partner to run the charity side of things! :thumbsup2
I was emailed by a different person at Crowdrise today. He spoke to NYRR and believes that a more complete list of official charity partners will be released the first week of May (I'm guessing next week?). He recommended that I just keep checking the NYRR website.
I will update here as I learn more!

Congratulations on your decision to do the NYC Marathon! Based on your running history, I think you will be fine doing both. My sister will be running as well so I will be in the crowds cheering you on!
Congratulations on your decision to do the NYC Marathon! Based on your running history, I think you will be fine doing both. My sister will be running as well so I will be in the crowds cheering you on!

Thank you! That's great that your sister is running. I've heard it's a fun marathon to run due to great crowd support.

Thank you! That's great that your sister is running. I've heard it's a fun marathon to run due to great crowd support.


It is a ton of fun (as a spectator!). This will be her second time running it, and the first time we tried to hit all five boroughs to see her, but she was outrunning the subways lol. We saw her in Brooklyn, and then twice in Manhattan. Everyone has signs and cheers you on. My boys made little goody bags with gummy bears to hand out to the was a good time!

Try to find a place to make reservations if you plan on having your family and friends meet you after to eat. The restaurants and bars in the area are a madhouse. She did this for the full and the half that she just did a few weeks ago and we all hung out and celebrated afterwards.

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My boys made little goody bags with gummy bears to hand out to the was a good time!

tell your boys i'll be looking for those gummy bears :thumbsup2

the reservations advice is a great point. afterwards i'll just get my car and drive (ouch) home but if i were staying downtown i'd definitely make a reservation somewhere.

congrats to your sister on running it for the second time! wow!:banana:
It is a ton of fun (as a spectator!). This will be her second time running it, and the first time we tried to hit all five boroughs to see her, but she was outrunning the subways lol. We saw her in Brooklyn, and then twice in Manhattan. Everyone has signs and cheers you on. My boys made little goody bags with gummy bears to hand out to the was a good time!

Try to find a place to make reservations if you plan on having your family and friends meet you after to eat. The restaurants and bars in the area are a madhouse. She did this for the full and the half that she just did a few weeks ago and we all hung out and celebrated afterwards.

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I LOVE gummy bears!!! :lmao:
Great idea with the reservation. I wouldn't have thought of that.

tell your boys i'll be looking for those gummy bears :thumbsup2

the reservations advice is a great point. afterwards i'll just get my car and drive (ouch) home but if i were staying downtown i'd definitely make a reservation somewhere.

congrats to your sister on running it for the second time! wow!:banana:

I may well just drive home afterwards, too. But hoping my family comes to watch me run. In which case we'll need a reservation!

I was one of the out of towners who tried to run last year:(. From all the communication we have gotten there will be less charity slots this year since everyone who raised money last year was allowed to transfer their fundraising to this year. I would definitely get ahead of the pack if you want to go that route this year -there just won't be many spots available.
I deferred to 2014 so I can run DL half so maybe I'll see some of you next year:)!

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Hi Amanda! Brilliant to see you're thinking if running New York, very exciting! I think you're in a great position to raise the money for charity and now with online fundraising you don't have to do the awkward 'collecting' afterwards.

I was really stressed about raising £1500 for asthma UK before London, but in the end raised just over £2000. Just a tip- a lot of people wait til just before your event to sponsor you so progress feels slow until the end! We knitted Creme Egg cosy creatures and did a few supermarket collections that really helped.

Can't give any advice on the timing issue, but you have all of my support and cheering pixie dust!!!!! :)

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