Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

Sat 10/1: Christmas without Cancer 5k. 9am. It's a local (right out my front door) race and Grandma said she'll hang out with my kiddo. So now I need to figure out what I'm doing here. My gut says "why race? your not training to race 5ks right now" but my competitive side says "FAST FAST GO FAST" and then my brain says "maybe let's split the difference." I will have just done 4 miles at tempo but I'll have had a rest day in between. Do I start at tempo pace of 9:42 and then as the race goes on try to get faster and if my legs are like "nope" then just try to maintain tempo? I'm lost on what to do without upsetting the training apple-cart. I doubt I'll age group...there's always like 5 women running sub 23's lately. But I sure wouldn't mind sub-30ing either. Ho-hum conundrum.
The other option is I could try to talk my hubby into letting me pace him to a sub 30...but I'm not sure how he will feel about that. Maybe best to let him come up with that instead of me suggesting it.

My advice always comes from the risk adverse side. Currently this week is 82% Easy and 18% Hard. If you were to add in a 5K at anything faster than Marathon pace (10:14), then you shift the balance of the plan to 72% Easy and 28% Hard. Now on it's own that's not awful. But considering that I've got you on an oscillating two-week schedule, that changes your easy-easy-easy weekly schedule from 77-82-73 to 77-72-73. My advice is with only 5 weeks to go until your 15K it is not worth the risk of increasing your possibility of your injury by racing this weekend's 5K. I would also advise being very careful about running it at all because you haven't been doing any back-to-back running days and you'd possibly add a 3+7 back/back. If you choose to do the 5K this weekend, be extra cautious about your pacing on Sunday (erring on the side of slower in the pace window).
My advice always comes from the risk adverse side. Currently this week is 82% Easy and 18% Hard. If you were to add in a 5K at anything faster than Marathon pace (10:14), then you shift the balance of the plan to 72% Easy and 28% Hard. Now on it's own that's not awful. But considering that I've got you on an oscillating two-week schedule, that changes your easy-easy-easy weekly schedule from 77-82-73 to 77-72-73. My advice is with only 5 weeks to go until your 15K it is not worth the risk of increasing your possibility of your injury by racing this weekend's 5K. I would also advise being very careful about running it at all because you haven't been doing any back-to-back running days and you'd possibly add a 3+7 back/back. If you choose to do the 5K this weekend, be extra cautious about your pacing on Sunday (erring on the side of slower in the pace window).

Thank you for the quick response...this is exactly why I asked. I haven't been training to race (edited to say "this race") and I don't feel the "need" to race so I wanted to figure this out way before walking up to a starting line. My hubby is doing three local races almost back to back because he is earning that "Evergreen Park challange medal" that I earned last year for running all the local races. I on purpose didn't run two of them so my chances are out. I wanted to participate in some way in at least one of them. The two choices are this weekend 10/1 and then the Cougar race at the college next door on 10/8. The courses are fairly interchangeable. If I did participate at a not-fast pace would the other week make more sense? I'm definitely not going to do both.
At least now I have a big excuse to give to my brain to hold myself off the "must-PR" self-destruct mode. If my hubby just wants to go easy, maybe I'll ask him if we can just easy-peezy one of these together? A jog-date?
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Love the sticker idea for your blind runs! Perfect. That picture of you with your daughter on that ride is so sweet! And of course you should feel good that you can fit on a toddler ride!
So it is finally not 90 degrees out....BUT it is 51 degrees!! What happened to that glorious middle ground? Oh Chicago, why do you do this to me??? Well, I am sure we will have bounce back weather by next week and we will get those low 70 days like I love. Hopefully.

Since tonight is a rest night maybe I will get myself organized for Fall weather and go grab all my long sleeve tech shirts and nice pullover and hoodies that I have accumulated. Find my long tights down at the bottom of my drawers and take long-sock inventory. Maybe doing that will ensure that the weather will change and I won't need them for another month??? Let's all hope.

Now a completely unrelated to running, but related to Disney question:
Is this the cutest thing you've ever seen for christmas...or is it just a bunch of plastic garbage that will scatter all over my house? Or is it both? I kind of want it (for my kiddo of course....meaning actually for me.)

And yes, I subscribe to a newsletter about being addicted to subscription boxes. But at least my family is only down to three. Birchbox, Blue Apron & Dollar Shave Club. We stopped Vinyl Me Please and Sock Panda. Once Birchbox is up I kind of want to try Sephora Play!
And I did get a runners box once from hubby.
Ok, and now you know too much :)

And finally a run related question. Since my treadmill time has increased, what is the best way to drink water while on a treadmill. I realize that question sounds really dumb after I have typed it. Let me rewind.
For example...if I will be doing a tempo run for 4 or 5 miles and that will take me a while to complete...if I am I just press pause and take my sips and then start going again or do I just wait it out and drink during my cool down? I feel like my "grace" as a human will not allow me to drink and treadmill at tempo at the same time.
I am REALLY bad at drinking anything or fueling during runs becomes my runs have always been in the 6 miles or less range. That is changing now with my miles creeping up and will keep creeping through my future half.
So it is finally not 90 degrees out....BUT it is 51 degrees!! What happened to that glorious middle ground? Oh Chicago, why do you do this to me??? Well, I am sure we will have bounce back weather by next week and we will get those low 70 days like I love. Hopefully.

Since tonight is a rest night maybe I will get myself organized for Fall weather and go grab all my long sleeve tech shirts and nice pullover and hoodies that I have accumulated. Find my long tights down at the bottom of my drawers and take long-sock inventory. Maybe doing that will ensure that the weather will change and I won't need them for another month??? Let's all hope.

Now a completely unrelated to running, but related to Disney question:
Is this the cutest thing you've ever seen for christmas...or is it just a bunch of plastic garbage that will scatter all over my house? Or is it both? I kind of want it (for my kiddo of course....meaning actually for me.)

And yes, I subscribe to a newsletter about being addicted to subscription boxes. But at least my family is only down to three. Birchbox, Blue Apron & Dollar Shave Club. We stopped Vinyl Me Please and Sock Panda. Once Birchbox is up I kind of want to try Sephora Play!
And I did get a runners box once from hubby.
Ok, and now you know too much :)

And finally a run related question. Since my treadmill time has increased, what is the best way to drink water while on a treadmill. I realize that question sounds really dumb after I have typed it. Let me rewind.
For example...if I will be doing a tempo run for 4 or 5 miles and that will take me a while to complete...if I am I just press pause and take my sips and then start going again or do I just wait it out and drink during my cool down? I feel like my "grace" as a human will not allow me to drink and treadmill at tempo at the same time.
I am REALLY bad at drinking anything or fueling during runs becomes my runs have always been in the 6 miles or less range. That is changing now with my miles creeping up and will keep creeping through my future half.

First suggestion: Buy a small water bottle (like 10oz) and try to squirt it into your mouth while running at slower speeds and build up to tempo.
Second suggestion: Pause and drink for a few seconds and restart. This won't ruin the workout if the stoppage is short since this sounds like exactly what you would do during a race anyways.
Last night I did not want to go to the at all.
Now that doesn't mean I did not want to go running. It didn't even mean I didn't want to run on a treadmill. I just physically did not want to get dressed, walk to my car and get in my car and drive to the gym. We've all been there right? when you want to go eat something but there's nothing in the house and you are too lazy to get in your car and drive somewhere to get food? Even though once you have the food you are happy. That was me last night but with going to the gym.

BUT I went. My husband (ever the voice of reason) said...just go and do like 45 minutes of running. And I knew I would actually want to do my workout once I was I should just put on my big girl leggings and get my backside out the door.

It's is kind of chilly out this week, but note to self...the long leggings are too hot for indoor gym running right now. I think I got a little too carried away with thinking it was Fall. I forgot that even in the winter I like to wear capris or shorts in the gym because it is a sweaty warm place.

I'm leaning heavily towards either not doing my 5k tomorrow or joining the walkers and just taking it easy through the neighborhood with my kiddo in tow. I kind of feel like crud today...there's some kind of something developing as I have the start of a throat thing and a definite headache thing happening around the sinuses. yikes!
Then again it may rain and so I may just send hubby off to go on his own (he needs the race to complete his challenge.) There is a kids race at 10am so I would like to do that if the weather holds up (unless kiddo says she wants to do it on her own.)
Whatever scenario happens, I will get the benefit of post-race brunch that hubby will inevitably ask for :)
Great job on getting out there and doing the workout. I totally understand that challenge of just getting yourself out of the house some days! Hope you aren't getting sick, but probably not a bad idea to just take it easy tomorrow.
I didn't want to run on a treadmill. I just physically did not want to get dressed, walk to my car and get in my car and drive to the gym. We've all been there right?...

Definitely been there! Props for overcoming the inertia and getting the workout in!
image.jpg This week's Training plan + Mini-recap of Christmas without Cancer 5k from 10/1/16:

So I was hemming and hawing over running the small 5k in my town on Saturday. It really didn't fit in my training plan because I'm trying to do all of long runs and I'm trying to keep my tempo runs on my tempo days, etc. I don't know why it never occurred to me that I could just shoe-horn it into a planned run. By not driving to the race, I'd get my mileage in on the way home. It was like a light-bulb went off. Chris' parents said they'd come over to play with my kiddo and since it was a little gloomy out they ended up just staying at the house while we made the mile+ hike to the starting area. The plan was to just stick together and not try to break any world records. No speeding off for no reason. We did not bring any music for the specific reason to chat with each other, and chatting requires running comfy and easy.
Our plan was slightly foiled when it began to drizzle as we got close to the registration tent. I should have brought a hat! We ducked inside and registered and talked with a few volunteers about the cause (my husband is a cancer survivor and my mom is battling her third type time within a years time, so it was empowering seeing all the women with short hair helping to man the gear check and raffle tables etc.) Made me glad I was there. And then the skies opened up. We had a weird feeling the race would be called and it would just become a donation from us. But the race director got up on a chair and said they were delaying the start by a half hour and then they'd let us know. We were packed pretty tight into the tent at this point. There was a full JV footabll team under the tent and people in drenched ugly christmas sweaters and a high school choir singing christmas carols. Was kind of a funny scenario. We bumped into a woman around my age who asked about my pink flower in my hair (for my mom, I've been running with it this year) and she's an oncology worker. She just did her first two triathlons this year so her and Chris talked each other's ears off. Runners really are such a nice bunch.
Finally the rain let up enough that we got out to the start. Unfortunately all the pre-race speeches were a little long because it started coming down hard again. They announced all kids who did not want to run could go do hoola-hoop and obstacles in the tent aka be babysat. Good idea. And we were off. Hubby and I started at a reasonable pace and a million people flew past us. We entered a weird vortex of only us for a long time. All the speedy people way ahead...all the slower people way behind. Every now and again someone would come zipping by us and I think maybe only 4 times we passed anyone. But we were having fun out there. I was talking more than him, but that's like any other day. There was FlashDance and Eye of the Tiger sung. I removed my glasses during mile 1 and just ran half blind in the rain. A new thing for me. I should have brought my hat. I will forever remember this race as the "soggy cowbell race" because every intersection had a bunch of football players at it with cowbells (that's why that football team was under the tent!) and they were very supportive, calling out our numbers and cheering. Those boys should get a medal for standing in that rain being so cheerful. A fellow runner asked them how they were doing this season and they are undefeated and had won the night before. Nice, hope they don't all have pneumonia today!
So final .1 of a mile a woman looking my age zipped past me like lightning and I jokingly said "there goes my age group award." Full well knowing there were at least 30 runners who finished ahead of us (I told you all it was a small race.)
We crossed the finish hand in hand which got a good cheer from the dozen spectators and line of more soggy cowbell football players. I was shocked to be handed a medal. Was not advertised, so nice surprise. We both ate a soggy banana and drank some water and ducked into the tent to get our t-shirts that we had gear checked (which was just a folding table with ziploc bags on it with our name magic markered on it, but whatever, nice to have at a small race.)
And then we just turned around and went back...through the course again basically (not back over the timing mat though)..and back home. A police officer who was out blocking traffic saw us and joked "haven't you already gotten your excercise in for the day" Haha, nope. I joked back "we should have drove here." It was still raining btw, just lighter than before.
I'm kind of proud of us for doing something so silly in hindsight. And it was nice to spend the time together. And looking back I feel pretty good about being able to talk and joke around while running, I know my fitness was not "there" for that kind of thing a year ago (or even less.)
My hubby is going to try to PR the other local race next weekend. I told him I think he has it in him. He has not sub-30'd yet but has gotten very close a number of times. He has better endurance than me though. He ran 9.2 miles the other day because he felt like it. Ooof.
The final weird thing that I talked about in the running thread: I maybe might have gotten an age-group placement maybe? The initial results had me at first place for my age...but the # of runners listed was seriously low. I thought they updated the results today when I saw a patch article on facebook stating 160 runners of the 427 who registered ran/walked the race (due to the rain!) and when I clicked the results it had only 27 people on it and my hubby and I aren't on there at all. I hope they put us and everyone else back on there soon so I can solve the mystery. I DOUBT I actually placed first. I'd be happy with a top 10 though seeing as the field in front of us was pretty small but also it was full of women who look my age. Unless this was a magic race where all other women are 34 or 40???
My hubby needs his results to show so he can get his challenge medal for running our local race series.
No other was raining and I didn't bring my phone.

OK and now to my training for this week:
Monday 10/3: Usually rest, but my hubby flies out of town on Tuesday, so 4 miles @ EA on the treadmill.
Tuesday 10/4: Rest
Wed 10/5: Rest (aka clean and laundry)
Thur 10/6: 1 mi WU, 5mi Tempo 9:42, 1 mi CD EEEEEP, 5 miles TEMPO! AHHHH. Ok, I got this, I can do this. I may need some encouragement on Thursday.
Fri 10/7: try not to eat pizza night.
Weekend: 5 mi @ LR 11:01. Hey, only 5! So Thursday will be tricky but at least this one will be less tricky. I see hot it works :)
Next weekend I spy an 8 mile LR...which will be a new distance PR for me.

I'm gonna add some food pics from the week here now. So I apologize if you are all hungry.
Chicken with fennel and tomatoes and mashed potatoes.

Cajun chicken with grilled corn and tomatoes over zuchinni rice.

And my hubby made this one last night (bless him): Sliced grilled beef and shisito peppers over a toasted baguette with garlic aioli (I made the aioli...I think I'm spelling it wrong though) and a salad with just olive oil and some red wine vinegar on it (I wish it was ranch dressing but the point it us trying to be healthier.)

And last but not least. My kiddo earned her kids backstroke and breastroke patches and has moved up to level 3 on the big lanes...learning how to flip. And she's only 3! Got a little athlete on our hands here. Good thing hubby and I are trying to be in shape, gonna get harder to keep up with her.

Oh and finally finally...I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT TINK WEEKEND!!! I can't contain myself. There was a travel brochure at Costco this weekend that had the DCA ferris wheel on the cover and I about lost my mind with excitement.
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I'm not a fan of running in the rain, but sounds like you guys definitely made the best of it! I hope they get the results sorted out and that you placed for your age group.

And congrats on your sweet little girl and her swimming patches. That seems impressive to me for her age. Not to mention what a little doll she is.

I'm really hoping I get to come to Tink. We'll need to figure out a plan for a little Dis meetup!
I'm not a fan of running in the rain, but sounds like you guys definitely made the best of it! I hope they get the results sorted out and that you placed for your age group.

And congrats on your sweet little girl and her swimming patches. That seems impressive to me for her age. Not to mention what a little doll she is.

I'm really hoping I get to come to Tink. We'll need to figure out a plan for a little Dis meetup!

It was my first real run in the rain (not like a drizzle or a little bit of rain during a training run...but a full race full of rain.) I'd have to say I prefer to be dry :) But at least I could not tell how sweaty I was.

I really hope you can come to Tink too. I definitely would want to meet you and other Dis-ers. Not having the kiddo in tow will make it much easier for me to get to go do whatever/whenever, which is nice. (trying to ignore mom guilt, here)
I totally meant to write about this, and just remembered. My college friend (and still good friend) will be in town for Thanksgiving and we have decided to do a Turkey Trot together in Grant Park in Chicago. When I registered last night I realized that the swag is pretty amazing! I could wait for my recap to share it, but you know I won't. So here's what they say you get...and I got the early bird $35 price which seems like a pretty good deal for a Chicago race that gives you stuff.



My goal is 33:59 since my friend wants to beat her current 34:00 PR. I'll see on race day how aggressive she wants to get. By then my 15k training will be long gone. Mmmmmm...cinamon rolls :)
OK, so for whatever reason I never get a notification when you have new posts! The up side though, is then I have a few run posts to catch up on at one time!

Anyway! Congrats on your 5K. Love that you ran it with your hubby! And i can sooo relate to not wanting to get on the treadmill. Running is sometimes pure mind over matter.

That turkey trot looks fun! I really like the pullover.

Oh! And just last night, I looked at the tsum tsum advent calendar! I decided to go with the Lego Friends one though, since it was on sale! :)
OK, so for whatever reason I never get a notification when you have new posts! The up side though, is then I have a few run posts to catch up on at one time!

Anyway! Congrats on your 5K. Love that you ran it with your hubby! And i can sooo relate to not wanting to get on the treadmill. Running is sometimes pure mind over matter.

That turkey trot looks fun! I really like the pullover.

Oh! And just last night, I looked at the tsum tsum advent calendar! I decided to go with the Lego Friends one though, since it was on sale! :)

Thanks for reading through everything! I know I type a lot and repeat myself a lot!
The lego calendars are so cute. I want to wait a couple years for the kiddo to really play with them, but I definitely want to get one eventually.
Wow, that is AMAZING swag for your Turkey Trot!! I agree that the cinnamon rolls alone would be enough for me! :cloud9:

Sounds like a fun little run date. You guys are such a cute little athletic couple! :lovestruc

Are you ready to spend your entire weekends in a pool while roxyKiddo has swim meets? That's what I'm envisioning for you right now. :)
Wow, that is AMAZING swag for your Turkey Trot!! I agree that the cinnamon rolls alone would be enough for me! :cloud9:

Sounds like a fun little run date. You guys are such a cute little athletic couple! :lovestruc

Are you ready to spend your entire weekends in a pool while roxyKiddo has swim meets? That's what I'm envisioning for you right now. :)

I wonder if it would be acceptable for me to hang around the finisher area asking people if they are going to use their cinnamon roll ticket?

Did I mention her new class meets at 8:45am on sundays, ugh. But at least its very close to the costco, so I have a costoco excuse now every weekend.
What a cool Turkey trot!!!!! That's the coolest swag and such a great price! Cinnamon rolls .... mmmmmmmm (where's the drool emoji?)


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