Rope drop for FOP is a mob be warned

They could walk people in with the rope like they do (or used to do heading towards Splash Mountain). Also - eject the runners from the park. They should, at worst, try.

Another option is to open the line. These self-inflicted crowd points are a part of the problem.

For rides like FOP, they could make pens in the waiting area. Fist 200 - pen 1. Second 200 - pen 2. Then bring them in in that order.

To say "well people are going to run and people are going to get shoved is how it is" is not okay.
I never said it was ok behavior. I said it wasn't Disney that was responsible for controlling the behavior, to a point. They have some controls in place. After a point, people are responsible for their own behavior and the consequences of such. Why are the people behaving badly let off the hook? Just because no one is stopping them? Really? You need someone to tell you not to run, shove and push others?
This makes me sad. I was planning on rope dropping it on my solo trip at the end of the month. I'm a young person still and would never act like that. But I was also a cast member, so I have a significant amount of respect for the parks and the CMs. As a former CM - I always tried to do my best, but there were just too many guests to police individually. As a whole we would try to do it, but it was impossible.

I'm also nervous about rope dropping it, but I think I'm still going to do it. I am a single rider, so I won't have to worry about people shoving or splitting up my party. And I don't really need to be first on the ride - a short wait is fine, let the runners get there first.
I almost wonder if Disney LIKES the mobbing, crowding. etc since it HYPES up the ride. Like the more HYPE the more people that want to come to Animal Kingdom and then more money for them. Its cynical but it makes me wonder.
For me, I do not enjoy the mad dash to the newest ride at rope drop so if we aren't able to get a FP+, we find the best way to ride the ride some other time. I'd rather plan that we may need to wait 2 hours later in the day, or try to research when the best time to ride is, then to get up early to get to the park 2 hours before open. With everyone running to FOP, I bet the other rides at AK have low enough wait times that you could ride most everything before noon, see some shows in the middle of the day when crowds are the worst, and then go back to Pandora before close and get in line late. The other place that I find most obnoxious is the MK for fireworks/happily ever after/castle shows - I avoid getting into that crowd as well even if it means our view isn't the best because of people being terrible to one another. I am sorry you had this experience - I would have been frustrated as well - especially if my family was negatively affected!
This happened to us a couple of years ago when we decided to RD Soarin. It was awful and I said NEVER AGAIN. It was the worst moment of our entire trip.
I'm honestly curious, at what point is it Disney's responsibility and at what point is it the guest?
How can Disney control the actions of every guest in their parks at all times?
Seriously asking how they can do this.
Ang, that's a fair question. And I think there's an answer.

When there is a *pattern* of behavior that becomes not just undesirable but presents the possibility for injury, or even just for *strong* guest dissatisfaction, then that pattern calls for some action to be taken. (I think the legal term would be "known indifference".)

We've seen some good suggestions in the thread. The one I like the best is the staged entry. Admit 100 or so guests. Accompanied by 3-4 CMs. When they reach a certain point, admit another group of 100. And so on. At each entry, give clear instructions on what is and is not acceptable behavior. Empower someone to take action on violators.

A simpler version of this would be multiple ropes to separate groups of guests as they move forward. Pass ahead of your rope, you're out.

Also as has been pointed out - this means more labor, and thus unlikely.

Nonetheless, I think it's important that they do something like this. Why? Think about the words "Star Wars". (I'm thinking it may be 2022 before I try to get in there.)
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I did RD for FOP in August by myself. I was easily one of the first 10 people waiting at security that day. I had no bags, and I was still maybe # 100-200 in line by the time we hit FOP. I wasn’t pushy and I only walked at a brisk pace. That’s why I was as far back as I ended up. It wasn’t worth it to me to run or be pushy. I just went with the flow. I still rode FOP and Everest, caught a bus back to Poly, and was in my room before 9:00 (it was an EMH morning).
When we did the Keys to the World tour a few years ago, our tour started about 30 minutes before the park officially opened. They brought us to the flagpole and asked us to watch "the running of the bulls" when the rope dropped. It was crazy!
We were at RD at AK 2 weeks ago and saw the mob of people headed toward FOP. We were going to the safari and were so glad to not be a part that madness. People running, strollers being used to bump people out of the way, wheelchairs barely able to move because of the crowd surrounding them.

We actually stopped and watched the crowd before continuing on and saw a young woman stop because her heel was bleeding from getting hit by a stroller. I saw it happen and it wasn't the girl stepping in front of the stroller. The stroller was pushed by a mother who was running and yelling at people to "move aside, stroller coming through." I couldn't believe it. It was pure insanity and people were out of their minds. When Star Wars opens it's going to be 100x worse unless Disney gets a plan in place.
I managed to escape the Running of the Bulls during Our October trip. The mob at RD for FOP has been discussed over and over. It is the same with any new ride. I agree that guests should be courteous but I do not see how this behavior can be considered “cutting”. The OP was at the tapstiles then rope, not in the ride queue line. There would have been no way to maintain the order of guests unless there was a single file line led all the way to the ride. Line order hierarchy is established in the ride queue line. Guests should exercise extreme caution when taking their hand held children, stroller or wheelchair bound family members in a mad dash to the newest must ride attraction.
We were at RD at AK 2 weeks ago and saw the mob of people headed toward FOP. We were going to the safari and were so glad to not be a part that madness. People running, strollers being used to bump people out of the way, wheelchairs barely able to move because of the crowd surrounding them.

We actually stopped and watched the crowd before continuing on and saw a young woman stop because her heel was bleeding from getting hit by a stroller. I saw it happen and it wasn't the girl stepping in front of the stroller. The stroller was pushed by a mother who was running and yelling at people to "move aside, stroller coming through." I couldn't believe it. It was pure insanity and people were out of their minds. When Star Wars opens it's going to be 100x worse unless Disney gets a plan in place.

What, did precious entitled mother and her battering ram stroller decide she was entitled to get to the front first, regardless of the people in front of her? How cute. If it's survival of the fittest rules she's abiding by...stroller mommy isn't going to win. Absolutely ridiculous.
I almost wonder if Disney LIKES the mobbing, crowding. etc since it HYPES up the ride. Like the more HYPE the more people that want to come to Animal Kingdom and then more money for them. Its cynical but it makes me wonder.
Or just realize that this sort of thing happens in the real world too. Ever been to a movie premiere before? And talk about standing for 2 hrs for a ride try being in a line for 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 hours waiting for a movie and then when they remove the rope they have set up for the line...see what happens despite the whole (no running please be considerate, etc.) Now do that for movie premieres in the summer in the heat and in the winter in the cold.

Or have you been to any of the stores during Black Friday deals? We go to Nebraska Furniture Mart the day after Thanksgiving (so actually on Black Friday) and their process is just a mob of people held up by the doors until they unlock them. Now people are generally good about not pushing or shoving (in part due to the threat of being escorted out) but it still is a mad dash to get inside and grab up the sales. They do have vouchers they hand out for certain things but there are thousands of things they do not have vouchers for.

In both these cases the businesses aren't hyping it up for the sake of having mobs and crowds they just realize it comes with the territory. They try their best though.
This is exactly why we are rope dropping AK, but purposely getting there just a bit before RD, and heading to NRJ. The pics I have seen of the FoP RD hordes give me anxiety!
Reminds me of the (only) time we did BOG PPO. The people waiting outside BoG were very orderly but for whatever reason we were released later than usual and just as we started walking to the 7DMT queue the rope drop crowd arrived and flooded into the line in a very rough fashion. This cranky old man in line near us keep saying to his adult daughter, “But you said if I paid for the breakfast we wouldn’t have to deal with this!” It was like he thought his breakfast bought him a spot in line.

Then 7DMT wasn’t operating and all was for naught! Joke was on us - never again.
I have a FP for FOP so was hoping to RD NRJ, will I still get caught up in the craziness? What’s the best strategy? To hang back a bit and let all the people wanting FOP go ahead?
I would rather miss the attraction then get caught up in a mob. I don't know how they're doing FOP, but when we had PPO ADRs we moved about quite easily. The only problem we had was at FEA, and we still had only a 30 minute wait. Mostly because at the last minute the little one had to go to the potty. Still a good amount of pushing. We just didn't finish breakfast early enough. Did quite well at BOG and GG breakfasts. Had ridden Soarin and TT and was heading over to Mission Space before 9:30. Yeah we pay for it but it's worth it to us.
Or just realize that this sort of thing happens in the real world too. Ever been to a movie premiere before? And talk about standing for 2 hrs for a ride try being in a line for 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 hours waiting for a movie and then when they remove the rope they have set up for the line...see what happens despite the whole (no running please be considerate, etc.) Now do that for movie premieres in the summer in the heat and in the winter in the cold.

Or have you been to any of the stores during Black Friday deals? We go to Nebraska Furniture Mart the day after Thanksgiving (so actually on Black Friday) and their process is just a mob of people held up by the doors until they unlock them. Now people are generally good about not pushing or shoving (in part due to the threat of being escorted out) but it still is a mad dash to get inside and grab up the sales. They do have vouchers they hand out for certain things but there are thousands of things they do not have vouchers for.

In both these cases the businesses aren't hyping it up for the sake of having mobs and crowds they just realize it comes with the territory. They try their best though.
I do not do Black Friday by choice. No thanks. I have done movie premieres for big movies many times and they always set up queues so was not a problem and very orderly. I always got there super early and waited. Which is what I did today but somehow getting their first did me no good.


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