*** Return to the World *** PTR

20160726_170358.jpg Got my nails done today :) and have managed to upload a photo - yay!
Suitcases all packed, house all tidy, can't wait to go to bed so we can get up and go!!!
Just wanted to say we did all return safely. Lots to share at some point, but my Mum is currently in hospital so lots on my mind at the moment. Will start a trip report in a few weeks or so hopefully when she is improving.
Just wanted to say we did all return safely. Lots to share at some point, but my Mum is currently in hospital so lots on my mind at the moment. Will start a trip report in a few weeks or so hopefully when she is improving.
Glad you returned safely. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
Hello :)
Not sure if anyone will read this or be interested after 4 years but thought I'd just come and finish off.

So when we returned from the airport after our 2 week trip, my Auntie and cousin were waiting at my house. Unfortunately I had been feeling ill for the last day or 2 of our trip and it didn't even register that my Mum wasn't there. I just wanted to go to bed! My Auntie told me that my Mum had had a brain haemorrhage and was in hospital.
To cut a very long story very short - she is absolutely fine. However at the time it was very scary and a lot of visiting the hospital etc.
I felt like I didn't want to talk about our trip that we had been enjoying whilst my Mum was in hospital. I guess i felt guilty. So I just never got around to finishing my trip report. Didn't really think about it until recently when we have been talking about coming back to WDW.

I always try and write a diary when we gonon holiday but after 4 years I have no idea where it is, so this will be what I can remember! (My memory isn't great!)

The 4 of us were very excited when we woke up and got ready for the airport.
We had Wetherspoons for breakfast at the airport.
Pretty sure the queues for arrivals were awful when we got there. Very hot in the airport from what I recall.
We chose a rental car and then got on the road. Unfortunately we got lost finding the hotel again (when we previously went in 2011 we got lost from the airport to the hotel) and it was extremely late when we finally arrived. Then to make matters worse they couldn't find our booking. I said we would pay out of pocket and rectify in the morning as we were all exhausted and T was asleep in the chair in reception.
We didn't unpack as we thought it was possible we had ended up at the wrong hotel.
I contacted my Mum in the morning to connect the travel company on my behalf.
After a lot of anxious calls - it was finally confirmed that we were in fact in the right place!!
We went for breakfast at McDonald's as we were all starving as we hadn't eaten the night before. It was quite early at this point, about 6am. I had set an alarm early in order to be up to deal with the accomodation issue!

Possibly popped to Walgreens to pick up some essentials and then we were on our way to The Magic Kingdom :)515294
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Thursday 28th July 2016
We got to Magic Kingdom with no issues.
We parked and walked straight onto a monorail. We must have parked somewhere we'd never been before as we went through the inside of a hotel (The Contemporary?) Soon we were at the entrance. We exchanged our tickets and brought our Magic Bands - this was new for us :)
I got a pink one, DH a star wars one of course! B - red and T - blue.

We then queued to get in and use our Magic Bands for the first time. It was around 9am. The plan was to head to Tomorrowland but DH had been checking the app on the monorail
and Splash Mountain was only a 5 min wait. We headed there as boys were really hot already. We rode Splash twice. We headed to Space Mountain to try and get ourselves back on track. It was a 45 min wait but the queue was inside and had A/C so in we went. It was very loud - there was a tour group from a kids club and they were everywhere! Both boys loved the ride. We got an ice cream whilst deciding what to do next. Queue for Buzz and Astro orbiter were huge so went on the People mover with no wait.
Time for Speedway was 30 mins so skipped that. Rode the teacups. Then we saw Chip and Dale with hardly any wait. T didn't want to be in the photo as he was soaking from Splash/soak Station (boy is obsessed with water!!)
We did The Little Mermaid next as the queue had A/C. The ride stopped twice whilst we were on it. Boys were hungry by now so DH & T had a turkey leg, whilst T and I popped into Pinnocchio Haus. B had chicken parmasan sandwich and I had a chicken kids meal with apple slices and a yogurt. The boys had really had enough by now and wanted to leave but I wanted to use our FP before leaving and B wanted to ride Splash Mountain again. So we watched Philarmagic for the A/C and then went to Hall of Presidents (A/C)
We went over to Tom Sawyer Island but probably shouldn't have bothered as boys were really hot and grumpy.
We walked over to Splash Mountain for our 325pm FP. We had 25 mins to kill so I suggested we ride Big Thunder as it was a 25 min wait but the boys really didn't want to. So we just waited in a shop (A/C) until our FP time. We barely waited 5 minutes so definitely loving FP.
We walked back to get the monorail but it wasn't working so we had to wait in line for the ferry boat. A lot of kids from the tour group were there and it was VERY loud. We had all had enough by now! All tired, hot and grumpy...
T had been going on about the hotel pool all day so once back and after a quick shower, I took boys to the pool. DH was tired so stayed in the room.
We went to Sizzler for dinner that evening.
When we returned to the hotel both boys were asleep withing minutes.

In hindsight, we probably should just have had a pool day that first day or at least came out of the park sooner. It wasn't the greatest start to our trip-getting lost and to the hotel late. The stress/worry of possibly being at the wrong hotel😬 and then I was stressing that we weren't following the 'plan' at MK but I understood very quickly that a plan is just that - the plan can change. I'm sure Day 2 went much better :)
Friday 28th July 2016
Today we all woke around 530am (remember we are from UK so this was 1030am)
DH and T managed to get back to sleep but we were all up and ready by 730am and on our way to Epcot (or Apricot as T had continuously called it on our 2011 trip)
We arrived at Garden Grill around 805am (ADR was 820am) but got seated almost immediately. The breakfast was very enjoyable - served family style, as much as you'd like. The character interaction was Fantastic - the best we've ever had for a character breakfast. We saw Chip & Dale, (Farmer) Mickey and Pluto. Everyone wanted to share our breakfast and Pluto even borrowed DHs sunglasses!
I cannot express how good this experience was - I would highly recommend.
After breakfast we did Soarin' which was a 30 min wait but definitely worth it. Living with the Land had 0 min wait so did that. Turtle Talk next followed by Seabase and then Nemo and Friends. It was then time for our Test Track FP but the ride was down. T cooled down at the car wash and we went to Club Cool for some drinks. T and I liked the Pineapple Fanta. We visited Innoventions and then Test Track re opened. All of us thoroughly enjoyed it.
Mission space (green) was next and again everyone enjoyed it. We did it again (orange) straight after as it was raining and no wait. We visited the Advanced Training Lab and then we headed to World Showcase. We planned on trying to taste as much food as we could from the different countries.
Canada first, then the UK where I met Alice and we had yummy fish n chips!
Next was France where we tried: pain at chocolate, creme brulee and a ham and cheese croissant. So yummy we had more - chco mousse, choc tart and something coffee flavoured.
Next was Morocco, then Japan where we tried shave ice - wasn't too keen.
USA, followed by Cannenoli in Italy.
In Germany we tried caramel apple, and caramel brownie square. Yum!
T and I had some photos taken and I must say that was probably the best PP experience I've ever had.
Next was China, Norway and Mexico. We kind of gave up a little as we wanted to make our FP window for Spaceship Earth and then Project Tomorrow.
We had some PP pics taken in front of Spaceship Earth and then it was time to find the car.
We had Burger King for dinner and then a quick trip to Walmart. Then back to hotel for some much needed sleep!
It was such a good day today. The character breakfast was amazing and we all really enjoyed it. Much more chilled today, probably because of the weather and not so much time outside. Everyone really enjoyed Soarin' and I had a little tear near the end of the ride - seeing/hearing both the boys in such awe of the ride. It was the perfect moment and made all of the stress of the last two days worth it. Hoping we have many more perfect memories...
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Sat 30th July 2016
I woke and DH was awake checking his phone. T got up for the toilet and I thought that's it we're all awake now but DH and T managed to go back to sleep. It's 650am so we are getting later. Off to Hollowood Studios today :) The Planner in me wants everyone up now so we can get there for Rope Drop BUT I realise after the last 2 days that's not the right decision for my family. So everyone can sleep in and take it from there. I will be happy if we get to the park by 2pm latest. We have an ADR for Sci Fi Diner at 545pm and FP Tower of Terror for 150pm-250pm.
Sat 30th July 2016
I woke and DH was awake checking his phone. T got up for the toilet and I thought that's it we're all awake now but DH and T managed to go back to sleep. It's 650am so we are getting later. Off to Hollowood Studios today :) The Planner in me wants everyone up now so we can get there for Rope Drop BUT I realise after the last 2 days that's not the right decision for my family. So everyone can sleep in and take it from there. I will be happy if we get to the park by 2pm latest. We have an ADR for Sci Fi Diner at 545pm and FP Tower of Terror for 150pm-250pm.

Everyone else slept until about 10am. We decided to try the buffet breakfast at the hotel - big mistake. We won't be eating there again. Only 2 staff trying to seat people, clear tables, sort drinks and settle bills 😒 The food wasn't that great with the exception of the made to order omelettes - they were nice.
We had some pool time after breakfast although B just chilled out in the room.
I managed to face time my Mum by the pool :)
Then we showered and got ready for Hollywood Studios.

DH and T did Hollywood Tower of Terror (twice) once with FP.
B and I watched the Beauty and the Beast show which I love.
Boys both had their first Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich which they enjoyed.
After that we did the Rock n Rollercoaster which we all loved.
Next was Launch Bay where DH and B did Launch Bay and met Kylo Ren and Chewbacca.
Up next was Toy Story Mania. Star tours FP was next followed by Muppets 4D. I don't have much love for muppets but DH loves them and the boys enjoyed the show. We then made our way to Sci Fi Diner. After a small wait we were shown to our car. It was very cool 😎
Food and shakes were very nice and the black and white movies were a nice touch.
We went back to Star Tours for a second ride. As we went through the Star Tours line, the Castmember said she liked DH and B t-shirts (Star Wars) and gave us 4 ANYTIME FP! Our first bit of Pixie Dust - we couldn't believe it! T and I wanted to do Rock n Rollercoaster again but DH and B persuaded us to do Toy Story again and in fact we rode twice as the line wasn't that long after we came off.
We managed to get a spot for Star Wars - a galactic spectacular, and watched that before leaving the park. For how busy it was it didn't actually take too long to exit.
Sunday 31st July 2016
Sizzler buffet breakfast today.
Facetimed my Mum and then made our way to Typhoon Lagoon.
We did the tube/raft rides first then the body slides. Then we went to the wave pool.
We shared a sandpail which was as amazing as I remember from last time. We only did a small stretch of the lazy river as couldn't take our refillable cup on there - even though it was empty🤷‍♀️ Shark Reef was next but B didn't take part as he had had enough. Just as we exited B had a nose bleed so whilst DH cleaned him up, T and I rode Crush n Gusher one last time.
We had Cici Pizza for dinner but T decided he didn't like pizza today so he had BK again. We looked in a few shops and then headed back to the hotel.

Monday 1st Aug 2016
Today we had Dennys for breakfast. Wow - I'd forgotten how much I love Dennys!
Today we visited Universal Resort:Islands of Adventure.
We headed straight to Kong, but it was a 75min wait and after waiting 5 mins were told there was an issue which could result in additional 40 min wait! We walked over to Ripsaw Falls and waited 75 min for that 😬 It was a great ride BUT the wait was too long in the heat. Everyone else was happy to try the single rider line whilst I went to refill our drinks.
The boys explored the Jurassic Park camp before using the single rider queue for the Jurassic Park River Ride. Discovery Centre was next. Boys were hungry by now so we had lunch. Then we went to Hogsmeade. We did Forbidden Journey and Dragon challenge. SR for both as queues were huge. Then we did the Hogwarts Express to London. Gringotts, Diagon Alley. We tried some butter beer of course. Then back on the Hogwarts Express. FJ again, Spiderman, Dooms Fearfall, Accelatron. Then it was time to think about heading out and getting something to eat. We tried the Sports Bar as had eaten there on our last visit but was a 30 min wait for a table. We decided to try Cowfish. T was really tired and didn't even try his food 😬 he fell asleep at the table...
The rest of us really enjoyed our food.

Tues 2nd Aug 2016
We went to Dennys again for breakfast. T didn't eat much and said he had a sore throat and felt sick. We did have Universal Studios planned today but didn't want to risk it with T not feeling 100%. We popped to Walmart and then had a couple hours pool time. We made the decision to go to Blizzard Beach and do Universal Studios tomorrow. Boys had McDonald’s on the way as they were hungry again!
We arrived sometime after 3pm. We rode Toboggan racers first and then queued for Storm. However, they closed the park due to 'inclement weather' We decided to wait it out as we had only just got there. We sat bu Summit Plummet. After around 30 mins or so, everything re opened and DH, B & T rode Summit Plummet. I had a bad experience when I rode it as a teenager so I would never go on it again! I was disappointed that there weren't any PP photographers there. Next we all did Teamboat Springs and then the lazy river. Run off rapids and double dipper after that. We then did the wave pool followed by Storm twice. We finished off by taking the Lazy River to get us back to the front of the park.
We headed to Disney Springs for an hour or so before heading back to the hotel.

Weds 3rd Aug 2016
We grabbed McDonald’s on the way to Universal Studios.
When we arrived it was an 80 min wait for Dispicable Me with no SR line. So we moved on to Ripride Rockit. B didn't fancy it so waited at the bottom, near the lockers with strict instructions NOT to move. As we neared the front of the queue T said he wasn't feeling great and thought he might be sick. I got him to the front of the queue and asked to exit. Was asked if he wanted some water - i said yes please. As I was walking him across the platform he passed out and hit his head on the floor. I was so scared. All the staff were AMAZING. They called Health Services and we were taken back to their department so they could take his temperature and check his blood sugars etc. Everything was fine - he was just dehydrated and needed to chill out for a bit. T doesn't like water but drinks a lot of juice/squash - but he hadn't had much that morning. Plus he was probably still not 100% from the day before. I felt awful. I should have known he still wasn't 100% himself. B was amazing through all of it. He didn't moan or ask when we cpuld leave - I think he was genuinely concerned for T. We were hoping to continue our day after he had rested but it soon became clear that wasn't an option...after a couple hours T seemed OK enough to leave and we our way to the car. It took a while and we tried to keep him cool by going through the shops. T was sick at some point but that could have been the amount of fluid we had been trying to get into him...we finally got to the car and he went to sleep. Once back at the hotel he went back to sleep again. This was around 2pm DH and B went for lunch at the Red Lobster - apparently it was very nice (I don’t like seafood) whilst I stayed with T. I tried to nap but they were only gone an hour. When they returned I went to Cicis. At around 7pm boys were hungry again and T chose McDonald’s. We came back and had an early night.

Thurs 4th Aug 2016
First time trying Golden Corral - WOW- we thought Sizzler Breakfast was good. This had everything! We couldn't stop eating!
We were off to Magic Kingdom again :)
(These may have been from our first visit that I forgot to post)
Popped into City Hall to enquire about lost property as DH has lost his MB a few days before at Blizzard Beach 😢 he was very kindly given a grey MB for free! Our second piece of pixie dust! We met Tinkerbell :)
Then we walked though the shops as it was raining hard, to Adventure Land to ride Pirates of the Caribbean. Then we headed to 7DMT as the wait time had gone down but when we got there it was back up to 80 mins 😭 we decided to watch Philamagic again to cool down. Winnie the Pooh was next and then got the Railroad back ro Frontierland to ride Big Thunder Mountain.
Watched the 3pm parade and had our first ever dole whip - AMAZING!


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