Resort Buses

As I previously stated, we had no complaints.

However, if I was to offer a suggestion, it would be to maybe have a DTD bus available at the parks.

Disney used to do this, but people from offsite would park there to keep from paying parking fees. The DTD parking lots got too full and had no room for people that really wanted to go to DTD, so they had to stop the buses that ran between the parks and DTD.
HI Aubriee,

I thought they must have had a system like that at some point - it seemed too logical.

I suppose the only way around it would be to swipe/show your KTTW card - but that would be a hassle and time consuming.
HI Aubriee,

I thought they must have had a system like that at some point - it seemed too logical.

I suppose the only way around it would be to swipe/show your KTTW card - but that would be a hassle and time consuming.
The problem with that is that Disney tells everyone that if you have a park pass, you are entitled to ride any WDW transportation you want. There were tons of people parking at DTD, for free, and then hopping on buses to the various parks. It clogged up the bus system immensely. So, Disney stopped running those buses. It was so convenient but the 'bad apples' ruined it for everyone.

Here's the thing...the buses to and from the parks are always busiest an hour before park opening and at park closing. If you feel that you aren't going to be happy with the wait, or possibly standing, then a rental car may be your best choice. Disney transportation is truly 'public transportation'...there is no way they can run buses that arrive every 5 mins....the cost would be prohibitive!!! Can you imagine what our resort costs would be then??? Those with strollers and young children who get tired out may be better off in their own cars...they can come and go as they wish, without having to take a chance of not being able to get a seat. And before the old 'I have an infant in my arms, I deserve a seat' argument starts can't discern if someone who is seated already has an issue that causes them to have to be seated and not offer you their seat. Do not make assumptions. Better to just take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and either take your chances or rent a car.

Yes, sometimes there is a longish wait for buses. The buses to DTD are the absolute worst. And yes, I have been at the bus stop at BW, waiting for the bus to MK and watched as 3 buses to AK came and went...truly frustrating. But, it's a minor takes a relatively small amount of time out of your day. Unfortunately, when you are waiting for the bus to MK, and you have a couple of excited kids in tow, and you have just missed the bus to MK and now have to wait 15 or so mins for the next one, seems like a much longer wait. One time, as I stood and waited for the bus to MK at BW, I decided to time my wait. Obviously, I need a life, but these are the things I do so that I can report back on the Transportation board. So.....I was the only one standing there, had arrived just as the MK bus was pulling off down the street (shouldn't have stopped to use the restroom I guess!!). Well, another family ambled on down about 5 mins later. The bus to MK arrived after I had been waiting for about 17 I said, I was timing it. So, the family that had come along after me had been standing there for less than 15 mins. they boarded the bus, in front of me, they berated the driver, telling her that they had been standing there for at least 30 mins...why did it take so %&%^%& long for the buses to get there!!! The poor driver apologized profusely, and said she had no idea why they had had to wait so long. I got up to here and told her that they had not been waiting over 30 mins, that they had been there less than 15! That driver was so relieved to hear that.
SO.....yes, it does feel like you are standing there forever. But many times the wait just seems to be longer than it is. And again...if you are going to be upset about less than perfect transportation, it may be a good idea to take matters into your own hands and rent a car.
I honestly don't see what the fuss with the transportation is about. Sure, we were at WDW at a quiet-ish time of year (22 Oct - 5 Nov), but we didn't wait that long (if at all) for buses.

I think people have to look at the system for what it is - a bus transportation network - and there's times when you're going to have to wait.

One big tick for CSR was that we didn't "share" the bus with other resorts, which will be a big factor when planning the next trip.

Question is: what other resorts have a dedicated service?
My husband and I came to our own conclusion regarding crowded buses at park closing times (though this mainly happens only at MK). After our first trip where I stood on the bus back to CBR with a sleeping 4yr. old in my arms and holding my 5yr. old against my legs so she wouldn't fall and my husband trying to keep me balanced, we decided that if it was our turn to board the bus and there were obviously no seats left, we let anyone who wanted to stand go in front of us and we would wait the 15 or whatever minutes for the next bus. It wasn't taking time away from anything because we were leaving the park and not going to it and we would at least arrive back at the resort without having been thrown around the bus at every single turn.
I honestly don't see what the fuss with the transportation is about. Sure, we were at WDW at a quiet-ish time of year (22 Oct - 5 Nov), but we didn't wait that long (if at all) for buses.

I think people have to look at the system for what it is - a bus transportation network - and there's times when you're going to have to wait.

One big tick for CSR was that we didn't "share" the bus with other resorts, which will be a big factor when planning the next trip.

Question is: what other resorts have a dedicated service?

Animal Kingdom Lodge. There is a stop at Jambo House and a stop at Kidani Village. We were there in sept-oct this year and really lucked out on the waiting times. I think the longest we waited was 5 maybe 10 minutes for a bus.
I used to be a bus driver there 15+ yeras ago :scared1: and can tell you there a lot of reasons why service can get messed up. here are a few examples;
1) Park close everyone is rushing out. 1st bus is packed, 2nd bus rolls for same resort. Well Bus 1 happens to have 2 wheel chairs in it. You know what that means. Got wait for em to load and unload as you ain't allowed to pass em. That alone can really screw up timing for buses.
same scenio except I am driving bus #2 and guess what, it's a prking lot outside of Epcot at close so I am stuck in traffic. Oh well.

For park close it USUALLy isn't a problem cause the Leads are right there watching and can bring buses online or shift services areas in a heartbeat to get people home faster. It's the morning issues at your resort that can be a problem. There usually isn't a lead hanging out at the Poly or where ever bus loading area and thus no one knows the 1st bus was totally loaded and the guests who couldn't get on have to wait even longer.

Here is one thing that happened to me that left people a little ticked and a call to my supervisor followed;
It was MGM park close (remember this was 15 years ago - the Tower of Terror was still under construction) There was a huge line for the MK resorts. My Lead informed me to make a "Grand Run" (Which meant FW, Contem, Poly, GF & Disney Inn - now Shades of Green) I announced to everyone in line very clearly and loudly the plan "If you don't want to get on, wait for the next bus, cause if you are at the Disney Inn or GF you are gonna be on for a while. I do not know how long til the next bus comes, could be 5 minutes or 20." I reveiwed with each guests as they climbed aboard and they all nodded that "just get me out here" nod.
Well, people were B**tching pretty hard by the time I got the Poly and yup the last 2 people on board were heading to the Disney Inn. They cursed me up and down and I was seriously considering hip checking (I'm an ex semi pro hockey player thus the name)the dude into tomorrow cause I clearly told him in particular the situation before he got on. Literally, I told him as he sat down and I asked where he was going and he said no problem. Well he called my Supervisor to say I took the wrong route (NOTE I didn't hip check him or use any bad language or was mean, that was just in my mind and for $6 hour it was tempting.
We stayed at Pop Century last July during a busy time and judging from that I don't think you will see an hour wait for a bus (although it may seem that way sometimes). They add on a lot of extra buses at closing time and after parades/fireworks. You can expect to see long lines and being packed into the bus like sardines as they try to get as many people on as possible.

I am glad to hear this. I was considering whether or not to rent a car or to upgrade to a moderate because of this. While being packed in like sardines is not pleasant, at least you're on your way back to the hotel and not waiting there with sleepy, crabby kids and adults:)
Overall ,I think the WDW transportation system is excellent. It is impressive how fast they are able to transport SO many people, and in somany different ways:bus, boat, monorail. I think anyone who can look at the system globally will appreciate that.

On the other hand, I also know that buses DO NOT run every 20 minutes all the time! When the buses are NOT running every 20 minutes is when it gets frustrating. It gets frustrating when you look at the transportation from a 'me' perspective - and you happen to get caught in one of the lapses.

It's not taking a bus back to the resort to sleep, I generally find frustrating - it's trying to get to a restaurant for an ADR I find frustrating - or trying to get back toa park for dinner/EMH hours that's frustrating. Disney should know that lots of folks are going to be doing this - so they should send extra buses during those hours. Disney holds me to my arriving in a certain time frame - they should hold up their end of the deal.

Another time that Disney transport gets frustrating is when you attempt it during a shift change. This has happened to us several times - and they are not particualrly well coordinated from a guest perspective.

Last, and I know this is s touchy subject- it can be frustrating when scooters are involved. Generally, I am just very thankful that my family has it's health. There have been a few times where we've needed to have a scooter in my family, so I've seen both sides. I think in this area WDW could come up with a better system somehow.Right now, it's not great from either perspective. Maybe adding special vans during peak hours, maybe make a point of sending a second bus if a scooter is loading. I saw this last year at Pop, and I thought it was great! They should try and do this at all big resorts.
The PP made me think of something else.

It USED to be, the driver had to stay at certain stops until a certain time. I am pretty sure it still is the same as I experienced a long wait at FW last month to get to the Haunted Carriage Ride. As a guest when I get on I want to go, but the driver hangs out for a certain time. Drives me nuts when I need to be some where but I also understand why they do it. It's so the buses don't pile on top of each other. Also a shift change is included in this time and all the driver does is walk around the bus to ensure the previous driver didn't screw it up some how. Takes a minute at best. Personally I find the buses at Dulles Airport to be way more annoying.

When I have ADR's I usually drive or give myself a lot of time if possible.


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