Resort Buses

Well, we've been going to WDW for 15 years, and the bus service has gotten worse the last several years IMO. It isn't the 20-30 minute wait so much as others have said, but so many people waiting for the bus so that .when it does arrive you often can't get on it. Then you have another 20 or more minute wait for the next bus. And I really hate the way people push their way onto the bus. I won't do that so we usually get left and have to wait for the next one. It's frustrating enough that my husband won't go anymore without renting a car. Oh, and we don't go during the busiest times, so I can't imagine this problem magnified at the Holidays. :eek:
I agree as well. We used it last year and really loved it. The only reason we did not use it this year was because we had a double stroller and it really was just much easier to drive ourselves. But we will use it again on our next trip without a double stroller. Know the schedule and expect crowds at park closing and you will be fine.
I have only had one bad experience with the busses. We were at DTD Market Place bus stop and were going to BC we waited 48 minutes for the bus. Then we had to go to the to the West Side and water parks. We were meeting people at Beaches and Cream. It was crazy how long it took. I took a nap on the bus. We even jumped off at YC and walked very fast to BC. I think we spent almost 1 hour and 40 minutes trying to get to BC.

Then we had two great bus ride during the same trip. We were having dinner at Jiko. We were staying at POR so we jumped on the EPCOT bus. At EPCOT you usually need to change buses. The bus driver heard us talking about eating at Jiko and asked us if we were going to AKL. We told him yes we were. He said just stay on the bus because his route had changed and that was where he was going. That was so nice of him to pay attention like that.
Then after dinner we needed to go back to POR. We got on the bus to DTD and the only other people on the bus were going to SSR. The bus driver came over and asked where we were going we said POR and the other people said SSR. He said so know one is actually going to DTD? We said no we need to get back to our resorts. He said that his shift ends after he drops us off so he would just take us to our resorts. He was so nice. That evening we had great bus Karma. :goodvibes
I dislike the the buses @ Disney.
20 minutes or SO....

I don't want to wait a half hour in 100 degree heat. If I give myself an hour to get to my ADR's and I spend over an hour in the process ( Yes, it has happened many times) and I'm late for ressies then they do not honor them.
Younger ones went back for a nap older kids and dads stayed in pparks ...the buses took so long dads and older kids did not have time to shower and get ready. I could go on and on...
I dislike the the buses @ Disney.
20 minutes or SO....

I don't want to wait a half hour in 100 degree heat. If I give myself an hour to get to my ADR's and I spend over an hour in the process ( Yes, it has happened many times) and I'm late for ressies then they do not honor them.
Younger ones went back for a nap older kids and dads stayed in pparks ...the buses took so long dads and older kids did not have time to shower and get ready. I could go on and on...

Your ADR should tell you to give your family at least an hour and a half to get to the restuarant using Disney transportation. And that is a very honest guide. An hour using Disney transportation is the absolute minimum time you should give yourself.
I just felt like the person in the wheelchair should have gotten in line and waited like everyone else until it was his or her turn to load the bus.

They have to load the wheelchairs and scooters before they can load regular passengers, so they have the room to maneuver and park them in the bus. So a wheelchair guest can't be, say, the 10th person in line, because the 9 people ahead would be in the way of loading. But I agree that it's not fair that a party of 10 or 15 able bodied people can be with that one wheelchair guest and basically get a front of the line pass to the bus. I wish that they would allow the wheelchair guest plus one companion enter through the back door, and the rest of the wheelchair companions wait in line with everyone else. Of course, there will be people who wouldn't think it's fair and their party shouldn't be split up - but then the wheelchair guest and one companion could always have the option of waiting until they know the rest of their party will be able to fit on the bus, and then board that bus first.

Basically, I think Disney's bus system is pretty good, all things considered. The only real waits I have had are for DTD buses, and that seems to be pretty much across the board no matter what resort you are staying in. I wonder sometimes if they don't run a slightly less frequent schedule for DTD but just don't advertise it - because in my experience it's been about 40-45 minutes between DTD buses on a consistent basis. These days, I almost always drive to DTD, but I use Disney transport for everything else.
I wish that they would allow the wheelchair guest plus one companion enter through the back door, and the rest of the wheelchair companions wait in line with everyone else. Of course, there will be people who wouldn't think it's fair and their party shouldn't be split up - but then the wheelchair guest and one companion could always have the option of waiting until they know the rest of their party will be able to fit on the bus, and then board that bus first.

I understand what you are saying, but the problem is that there is no way to guarantee the next bus would have room for a wheelchair. You can only fit 2 or 3 wheelchairs on a bus, so the odds are great that the next bus would not have room for another one. It is not fair either to make a family that has to use a wheelchair to wait multiple busses.

I just think there is not a solution that will make everyone happy on that issue. It is best to pack your patience when using the Disney bus system, and try to not let things that you can't change about it bug you so much. Not you the poster I quoted, but you in general.
Basically, I think Disney's bus system is pretty good, all things considered. The only real waits I have had are for DTD buses, and that seems to be pretty much across the board no matter what resort you are staying in. I wonder sometimes if they don't run a slightly less frequent schedule for DTD but just don't advertise it - because in my experience it's been about 40-45 minutes between DTD buses on a consistent basis. These days, I almost always drive to DTD, but I use Disney transport for everything else.
I agree with you about the wait times for the Downtown Disney buses both going there and coming back to your resort, especially from the Magic Kingdom Resorts which is why my family and I always drive there.
As an driver and driving instructor for city transit buses in a large city I think a PP poster was correct in saying that people that already ride buses where they live don't think anything of having to wait for a bus at Disney, thats just part of riding transit systems.
I am very glad that in reading both good and bad reports of the bus system at WDW in the year or so that I have been a part of DIS I don't believe I have ever seen anyone blaming the bus driver for the problems. For those who might blame the driver for missing their ADR, or missing rope drop just remember, that driver isn't going to run late on purpose, he/she certain doesn't want to be listening to a passenger whining and complaining that its all the drivers fault that the persons little angel is going to miss hugging Goofy because the guest wanders out to the bus stop 20 minutes before rope drop to catch a bus that has 3 more stops to make and 30 minutes worth of driving before it even gets to the park.
You wouldn't believe some of the things I have heard passengers blame me for, everything from detours due to major accidents to running 15 minutes late with 10 inches of snow on the ground. :lmao:
We (me, DH, DD (6) & DS (5) )just returned from a two week trip staying at CSR.

We didn't have any complaints about the bus system. In fact, when my husband mentioned to the shift manager at the resort that we were really happy with the system, she gave him a very strange look as if he was being sarcastic. The reason? In 3 years of working there, no-one had ever complimented them on the system, only complained.

The longest we waited was 20 minutes after the close of Animal Kingdom. We put it down to the fact that it was after the close (during EMH) and the buses would obviously be less than during regular park hours.

Saying that, we loved the fact that CSR had a dedicated system - I don't know how frustrating it would be having to make numerous resort stops (particularly at the end of the day).
We (me, DH, DD (6) & DS (5) )just returned from a two week trip staying at CSR.

We didn't have any complaints about the bus system. In fact, when my husband mentioned to the shift manager at the resort that we were really happy with the system, she gave him a very strange look as if he was being sarcastic. The reason? In 3 years of working there, no-one had ever complimented them on the system, only complained.

The longest we waited was 20 minutes after the close of Animal Kingdom. We put it down to the fact that it was after the close (during EMH) and the buses would obviously be less than during regular park hours.

Saying that, we loved the fact that CSR had a dedicated system - I don't know how frustrating it would be having to make numerous resort stops (particularly at the end of the day).

I agree with you about the great bus system at CSR. We've stayed there a couple of times (and will be there again Dec 12th-20th:cool1:). I don't know what they do that is different but we've always had fabulous bus service there (much, much better than at any other WDW resort) and I go to WDW several times a year.:confused3 I've never even came close to standing on a CSR bus and frequently there are empty seats in the mornings.:confused3 Of all of the resorts I've stayed at AKL and BW seemed to have the worst bus service. It seemed like we'd wait forever at those two resorts.

We also had really bad bus service at PORS Sept '08. We were with my mom, who had an ECV. They had some really rude bus drivers who would just take one look at the ECV, poke their heads out and say their lift wasn't working so we'd have to wait for the next bus. One morning we waited through four buses where each driver said their lift wasn't working, before I called and demanded to speak to a transportation supervisor. He said that they had alot of new bus drivers who didn't like dealing with ECVs, and that he'd had alot of reports of drivers saying their lifts were broken when they weren't, but he'd send a bus immediately to pick us up. There was one there in less than 2 minutes. It took us over 2 hours to get to the park that morning.
I don't want to wait a half hour in 100 degree heat. If I give myself an hour to get to my ADR's and I spend over an hour in the process ( Yes, it has happened many times) and I'm late for ressies then they do not honor them.
Younger ones went back for a nap older kids and dads stayed in pparks ...the buses took so long dads and older kids did not have time to shower and get ready. I could go on and on...

If it has happened many times, perhaps you need to re-think giving yourself only an hour to get to an ADR using Disney transportation. Or, you should consider taking a cab when you find yourself not being able to be ready more than an hour before your ADR time. As another poster said, Disney guidance is to plan for at least 90 minutes to get from one resort to another using Disney transport.
:flower3:Hi Everyone, I am new at this and have a question. How do you find the exact bus stop locations in DW other than the resorts? Are they located in frequent place to be able to get one back if you wish from remote locations? (that was a couple of questions):rolleyes:
:flower3:Hi Everyone, I am new at this and have a question. How do you find the exact bus stop locations in DW other than the resorts? Are they located in frequent place to be able to get one back if you wish from remote locations? (that was a couple of questions):rolleyes:

Hi Caperica, there is a noticeboard at each of the parks with the resorts and their respective bus stop numbers on them. Luckily for us, the CSR bus stops always seemed to be the closest to the park exit (very handy when you see the bus sitting there and you have to make a run for it). There are also CMs around the area asking you where you would like to go.
As I previously stated, we had no complaints.

However, if I was to offer a suggestion, it would be to maybe have a DTD bus available at the parks. Also, if there was a bus from the other parks to the park with EMH (if on) to make taking advantage of the EMH's a little easier.

Saying that, it was never much of a hassle, it just would have made life that little bit easier.
I am more concerned about leaving the parks at closing time.

We are planning a trip for the middle of June, and I think we're going to stay at Pop Century. I am worried about leaving Magic Kingdom at closing time and waiting 1 hour or more for a bus when the kids are falling asleep waiting in line.
I totally agree with this, BUT there are times when I believe that the transporation system could be more efficient. Case in point... on our last visit, the transportation for the POP was horrible. One night after MK's EMH, we waited 2 1/2 hours to catch a bus back to the hotel. Yeah, that's right, 2 1/2 hours! Yes, I know that part was overly crowded, but not one other resort had people waiting. We were literally the only hotel that had a line (make that a huge line). Second, we waited 45 minutes at DTD to get back to the hotel during the mid-afternoon.

We are staying at the POP again this month, so I hope that the bus issue isn't so bad this time (or DH will be reallly mad at me again!) (And we're only staying there because that's where my family decided they were staying. Don't have much input when you're not the one paying! =) One the bright side, we only have 20 more days to go. And I guess bad bus service is better than not being in Disney at all! :banana:
The buses aren't terrible but they aren't fun. They are convenient but not if you really want to get to where you are going in a decent amount of time. It shouldn't take an hour to get from the BW to the MK. It's really not cool to have a bus driver say you'd get to your resort faster if you get off at the Swan and walk over to the BW because we are making 3 more stops before we get there. I don't know what happens at DTD - 20+ minute waits are not uncommon. :confused3

On the last few trips, we rented a car so we can move around on our schedule. If we go out in the evening and know we are going to have some drinks, we'll take taxis or maybe the bus one way (depends where we are going).
I am more concerned about leaving the parks at closing time.
We are planning a trip for the middle of June, and I think we're going to stay at Pop Century. I am worried about leaving Magic Kingdom at closing time and waiting 1 hour or more for a bus when the kids are falling asleep waiting in line.

We stayed at Pop Century last July during a busy time and judging from that I don't think you will see an hour wait for a bus (although it may seem that way sometimes). They add on a lot of extra buses at closing time and after parades/fireworks. You can expect to see long lines and being packed into the bus like sardines as they try to get as many people on as possible.
Just stayed at the POP back in August. Time is money in my world. I couldn't even think about taking a bus around Disney like that. God Bless you who do. Rental car for 8 days, $218.00 plus gas. Driving around Disney and to Wal-Mart on our time, no problem. Literally 3 mins from HS parking lot to being in our room. Less than 15 mins. to and from MK, AK, 5 mins maybe to Epcot. We saved SO MUCH time it's worth the rental. Do some homework, look for deals, and WOW we passed ALOT of buses. :woohoo:


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