Resign and watch people freak out


Musket Mickey's Motoring Maniac #1
May 13, 2003
Wow. You never know your true value until you decide to leave.

I was offered a new job with more pay here in Dallas. In fact it is with a different company in the same building I already work in.

I give my 2 weeks notice yesterday. Wow, I never, ever expected the reaction I got. :scared1:

My boss's boss took me out to lunch today to basically, "what's it going to take to make you stay". It was hinted that they could double the increase I'm getting at the new place. If that's the case then why the hell ain't I already making that much. :confused3

As I was leaving work today I get a phone call from my boss's boss's boss's secretary. I have a meeting with the boss's boss's boss first thing in the morning.

I guess I can't complain. It's nice to be needed, I guess.
Congrats on the new job (or maybe a better old one)!

What gets me is how come you had to quit before they realize how valuable you are? Why couldn't they have offered you the better pay before you turned in you notice! Maybe then you wouldn't have even considered another job. But you can always tell them if I "STAY" then you "PAY"! :rotfl:
Congrats to you...milk it for all its worth!!!
Good for you! Good luck! I hope you get what you want from them.:thumbsup2
Boy, if that would only work in the school system.....:lmao:

private sector people can get away with such things...
It's still a shame that you have to leave in order for the employer to express the desire to keep you. They won't tell how much they want you, because then you might want more money. They only say it after you go.

The sad part is that they won't learn from this. Somewhere down the road they will have another person leaving, and they'll do this all over again. I guess I'd never be a good executive. For some reason I don't see the merit of staying in that cycle.

just be careful, often they will bump you up for the short term while they search for your replacement.
This reminded me of a lady I use to work with, she brought her bible every single day and would read it while on breaks and what not and would alway have an uplifting word from God, one day she came in and my manager made her mad, and she quit and thru that bible in his face and told him to $ off. Priceless! :lmao:
When you have that meeting, tell him, "Let me hear you squeal like a pig !"
Whatever your boss's, boss's, boss offers - GET IT IN WRITING (the pay part at least)!!! I had this happen when I worked at the telco. Six months after getting the new position, the department was moved to another state & I was sent back to the old position at the old rate of pay.:eek:
Unfortunately, that seems to be the game that all businesses play. It sucks that you haven't been making the biggest bucks this whole time....but it is nice to find out just how much they want to keep you! At this meeting you have, don't be intimidated by the boss' boss' boss~ you've got the upper hand in this situation and the security of another position. That's not a bad place to be in! Congratulations!

I guess this means the NRV is totally out? :sad2:
Don't forget in the negotiations that you need on the clock Dis time.;)
Keep us posted Mike. I want to know how this works out for you...
I think you need to throw in a gauranteed 2 week fort vacation every year!
Well my talk went pretty well this morning. I threw out a number and said I wanted to be moved into our development organization. I know I can get the latter, it's just a question of how close they can get to my number. I think if it was up to some of my coworkers it'd be "Give him whatever the hell he wants and don't let him leave":lmao:

If I could get them to pay for the annual Fort trip that would be great. :cool1:Actually with the profit sharing bonuses that we have been getting the last several years I guess that does pay for the trip. Having enough vacation time isn't a problem, it's being able to take the time off uninterrupted. I currently have 47 days accrued and earn 2 days a month.

Yes AMI the NRV looks like it is out. The position that I interviewed for up there has never reopened, in fact the group that I talked to was sold to another company last month.

Squeal like a pig. Man you guys can be too funny sometimes.
Just be careful staying. Many employers will get you to stay while they search for you replacement since "you are committed enough to the company to start looking in the first place". I made it a point to leave if I tell them I'm leaving for this very reason.
Definitely leave if you gave your notice. Last company I worked for, I gave them 30 days notice that after my wedding I would be leaving. (Don't ever give that big of a notice BTW.) The next week they told me just to leave that day as they had already found my replacement. Well, the week before I had spent a lot of time making a detailed report for the next person of how I had everything set up and exactly what was where and how to format the engineerng reports. How to run the program (can't remember the program), etc. Well, I "accidentally" deleted right before I ran a backup of the entire computer system (no backup copy). Ooops, sorry! I think that is the most vengeful thing I ever did. I thought about doing worse, but showed great restraint I think.:mad:


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