renting points/NO FREE DINING!

rinkwide said:
Don't let the subtle elitism bother you. Just know that most members do appreciate renters like yourself and aren't bothered by your questions. You all add tremendously to the value of our DVC memberships.
What he said. You asked a legitimate question. You weren't expecting anything, you were just asking if it was available. Don't be afraid to ask questions. You shouldn't get a snotty response, but if you do, just balance it against all the other people trying to help.

I don't rent points (I HOG them all for myself!), but I also appreciate renters because you provide an option that I may want to use somewhere down the road.
disneyobessed said:
didnt realize one question would create such a problem. next time i wont even ask... and NO i wont be cancelling my reservations through my renter.... I do realize im saving a ton of money renting and yes i do appreciate it.

No - do not be afraid to ask a question.
Yes - you are saving money by renting DVC
if - you compare apples to apples (Deluxe accomodations, meal Plan, ticket options)

IF you are looking for the cheapest option available... you need to compare the cost of a value resort room w/free dining against a studio DVC rental for the same time period with the option of eating in (OK, no stove in a studio, but there's a toaster and a micro-wave) and add in the amt you'd plan on spending on eating out.

It's a no-brainer for me. As I cannot fathom ever staying in a value - DVC wins hands down.
twinklebug said:
It's a no-brainer for me. DVC wins hands down.

Same for me ::yes::

I'm an owner, but I've rented before. I know that even if I still booked through CRO and saw that deal with the dining I'd still pick renting points.
rinkwide said:
Don't let the subtle elitism bother you. Just know that most members do appreciate renters like yourself and aren't bothered by your questions. You all add tremendously to the value of our DVC memberships.

I agree that no one should be rude to anyone or any question asked; but I truly did not see any elitism being shown, and remarks such as this I feel contributes to the divide. It's kinda like saying, You don't think it's nice to put down any renters, but you don't have a problem with putting down some members. Seems it would go both ways.

Plus everyone on public forums needs to remember at times comments are not made necessarily to the OP, as a person, but more to the discussion of the particular situation. In this case renters and the Dining Plan. And yes others on other threads, not the OP, have whined and complained that they can't get it if they rent.

According to MS the number of members that rent is small in comparsion to the total membership, so I am not sure "most" members appreciate renters. Most do not not have an opinion.

I am curious though, how does renting add to the value of DVC membership? It might add to your value if you rent, but can't see it adding to those that don't rent. :confused3
Sammie said:
I am curious though, how does renting add to the value of DVC membership? It might add to your value if you rent, but can see it adding to those that don't rent. :confused3
I would say that anything which increases the flexibility of the use of DVC points probably adds to the value of DVC membership. For example, I don't rent points, nor do I trade out through II, nor do I use many of the other features of DVC. But it's good to know they are there, and they all contributed in a small way to my decision to bite the bullet and buy DVC. I think prospective buyers probably look at DVC the same way -- "I don't plan to rent...but it's good to know that I could if I wanted to take a DCL cruise, etc, etc."

I guess what I'm saying is that some of these options add resale value even if I personally don't use them.
Yes: Resale value. I think the point, though, that some folks are making is that some things that add to resale value may not add to their own personal value.
We had this same topic come up last summer & fall. Like many topics on DIS, it's not uncommon for past discussions to color the answers. I know I do this very often and it does come across a little harsh at times when all you're doing is putting the info out there that you know will need to be addressed if you don't add it up front. There was quite a discussion about this issue from both renters and members previously.
Sammie said:
...I am curious though, how does renting add to the value of DVC membership? It might add to your value if you rent, but can't see it adding to those that don't rent...
That's sort of like saying, "I've never used a lifeboat on a cruise ship so I don't see the value in them."

Options negate uncertainties.
rinkwide said:
Don't let the subtle elitism bother you. Just know that most members do appreciate renters like yourself and aren't bothered by your questions. You all add tremendously to the value of our DVC memberships.

Gee, I really hope nobody interpreted my post in an elitist sort of way..... :guilty:

I rent points to repeat renters, and very much appreciate them. I only commented because I was shocked at the incredible hysteria about the free dining over on the "codes" board. I figured that there would undoubtedly be a few DVCers who rented points & would end up shafted. :guilty:
natanya said:
OK, we are renting points for 7/31-8/4 for 2BR at BWV. Just out of curiosity after all the posts about the free DP with Disney Visa I called and checked.
If we were to change our dates to 8/13 (within the rabge of the offer) and add 1 more day (min. is 5 nights/ we are booked for 4) the cost for the Visa offer would be $4462.80 (with 6 day/hopper for 5 adults). The breakdown on our current plans are:
DVC rental - $1600
6 day hopper - $1251.40
DP (thru DVC) - 759.80

Current total - 3611.20

Even if we add another night to make it the same # as the Visa offer it would be less that the $800 difference.

We come out way ahead renting points. Thank you to all owners for offering this.
Yep, but are most renters smart enough to do that math?
dianeschlicht said:
Yep, but are most renters smart enough to do that math?

Well, I don't know about "most". However, with a degree in engineering with a minor in math, I'd say that, Yes, I am. And besides, a contract is a contract, and I would never try to break that with the member I'm renting from.
I think that as a group, renters are a pretty saavy bunch. I think they can do the math. But "FREE" evokes an immediate emotional response in just about all of us.

Many people speak/type before they think it through. Once they do (use math & logic portion of their brains), they calm down. IMHO, that is all that is happening. :)

Someone said Disney is just using a very good Marketing campaign to fill rooms that would otherwise go empty and I agree!!

Best wishes -
CarolMN said:
I think that as a group, renters are a pretty saavy bunch. I think they can do the math. But "FREE" evokes an immediate emotional response in just about all of us.

Many people speak/type before they think it through. Once they do (use math & logic portion of their brains), they calm down. IMHO, that is all that is happening. :)

Someone said Disney is just using a very good Marketing campaign to fill rooms that would otherwise go empty and I agree!!

Best wishes -

I think there will be a lot of good deals in future all this renting seems to be leaving empty rooms in none DVC resorts that Disney is going to have to fill somehow
rinkwide said:
That's sort of like saying, "I've never used a lifeboat on a cruise ship so I don't see the value in them."

Options negate uncertainties.

I might can see the options part of it, thanks for pointing that out.

However can't see the life saving aspect of it. :thumbsup2
You will save renting from a DVC member.
You know, this happened to us last year. We rented points and then the free dining came out.

And you know what, I never thought twice about it.

We spent $600 for a week at a BWV studio.
No dining plan was allowed yet for DVC.
And at the end of the week, we spent about $1000 in food and souvenirs and got to eat at Flying Fish Cafe, Fulton's Crabhouse, Hoop de Doo Revue, Liberty Tree Tavern, Brown Derby (fantasmic package) and Bomas. And we even had room service.

So it was less and I would have NEVER been able to be at a deluxe except for the kindness of a renter.

Am I doing the free dining this year? Yes, but I wasn't going to go at all this year and as you will note I'm staying at a value resort - because I couldn't afford the deluxe.

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