"Ready Are You?" - Maintaining Rebel Challenge Legacy - A Continuous Journal - Update 5/29

Princess Half Marathon - 1st 10K

The alarm at 2:30AM went off and I popped out of bed excited! I got dressed quickly and started making my breakfast. Looks very familiar doesn’t it? I ate this as my husband got ready until the point he needed my help.



Why did he need my help? Well, I had to put his hair on, tie his shoes for him (he had on nails & wasn’t efficient with them at all), and then do his make up. I was amazed at how much easier it is to put on eye liner on someone else than it is for yourself. And yes, I realize I’m talking about my husband here..

Presenting Mr. Dis_Yoda:

I wasn’t nearly as fun as him. I did get an outfit that complimented his and inspired by the same character:

Having to help him get ready, made us leave the hotel later than I had wanted. I wanted us to be on the bus by 3:15AM but we didn’t get downstairs until almost 3:40AM and the line was inside the lobby at Kidani. It took a three buses until we were able to be on our way. Walking to the corrals, we ran into some people we knew. We took a picture.


We headed to the corrals and parted ways. He was in B while I was all the way back in N. He knew I wanted to get to the front of my corral to have that extra space between myself and the balloon ladies just in case. I knew I would be able to finish but it just helps the mental space!

Everyone in the corral was sitting down and laying out and I was easily able to get to the front without pushing my way forward!


Waiting In Corral

Right at 5:30, the front corrals were off! My husband was off at 5:34AM in Corral B. He also was through the 5K portion before I had gotten towards moving to the start line in 28:33 (9:12 pace)


Start Line

Started @ 6:22:08! (49:45 into race)

Once we started, my skirt and I had a fight. It wanted to keep sliding off my butt until about a half mile in when I got sweaty enough for it to stick. The skirt was a Large so it shouldn’t have done that - only my Extra Large one does as I know its slightly too big for me. I wonder if this one was cut a bit off!

I got the message that my husband had passed the 10K mark in 57:23 (9:14 pace) He was definitely running slower than the day before but still was in a good pace (I guess I shouldn’t be shocked seeing as he was running in that outfit)

15:15 seconds later, I passed Mile 1!


Mile 1: 1:05:00

Mile 1 to 2 is really boring on this course. There wasn’t anything to really look at but other runners so I just kept going. In 15:17, I was at Mile 2!


Mile 2: 1:20:17

At least after Mile 2, we would get some other things to look at, like a hot air balloon!


Hot Air Balloon

I also made people think I was crazy when I cheered like crazy when I saw my husband pass me on the other side! The purple blob is him.


Husband Running Other Side

Before I ran under the gates, I got the message he completed the 15K in 1:28:20 (9:29 pace)


Magic Kingdom Gates

Mile 3 was hit 15:42. I was still feeling strong and kept on moving!


Mile 3: 1:35:59

I got the text that I passed the 5K Mark in 47:27 for an overall 15:15 pace. This made me happy!

I took a crappy photo of Aladdin & Jasmine, followed by Jack & Sally!




Jack & Sally

In 15:18, I hit Mile 4 and still was feeling awesome. It was such a different experience than this race last year where I felt like crap at this point.


Mile 4: 1:51:17

I successfully got through the first of the awful hills/dips that this race has with the party dj by the Contemporary!


Awful Underpass

In 16:18, I hit Mile 5. I was slowing a bit but still felt well. The underpass got a bit crowded so we all mostly walked that.


Mile 5: 2:07:35

I got the message that my husband had finished in 2:07:56 at an overall 9:46 pace! Not what his goal was but still a very respectable pace.

Once you get into the Magic Kingdom, there is so much entertainment between Mile 5 & 6! Such as the following!




Castle Selfie


Queen & White Rabbit


Evil Step Sisters


Castle w/ Elsa & Anna

I had such a different experience this year getting through the castle. It wasn’t as much of a hot mess. While crowded, it was still moving along nicely and I could keep up a slight jog through it rather than the stopped slow walking mass horde it was in 2015! That made me happy!


Woody & Jane

In 16:50, I hit Mile 6! Not bad considering the slow downs for the photo ops I took on the side lines!


Mile 6: 2:24:25

I think the people that lay down in front of the Train and then get back up to run again are insane! If I laid down, I might not get back up!



The line for Beauty & The Beast was huge! No way would I risk that.


Beauty & Beast

And shortly after that, I ran over the 10K Mark and was happy to see my pace still was pretty decent. I hit the 10K Mark the 1:36:53 so an 15:36 overall pace for the race so far!​
2016 Princess Half Marathon - Finish

I started slowing down after the first 10K. The section leaving Magic Kingdom going back towards World Drive was so crowded that most people were walking. I hit Mile 7 in 16:47 because of this.


Mile 7: 2:41:12

It was nice seeing all the characters along the way. I just love the Penguins from Mary Poppins!


Mary Poppins, Bert & Penguins


Glass Slipper + Bride/Groom!



I got to Mile 8 in 17 minutes!


Mile 8: 2:58:12

After Mile 8, my left knee really started bothering me. I whined in our group chat about it too and liked the encouraging words I got from them in return! My husband also sent me pictures of his post race Rapunzel self and I was shocked at how not horrible they were!

I could tell how much my knee was nothing me as it took 17:49 to get to Mile 9.


Mile 9: 3:16:01

My 15K Mark was hit in 2:31:28 at a 16:15 overall pace.

It kinda felt like a death march at this point in the race with the people around me. Most people weren’t running. Some people were obviously injured and still moving along. Slightly before Mile 10, a guy with his wife kept changing his story between how much he loved that overpass and how much he hated it and was LOUD as he wouldn't stop. I finally had enough and told him to Stop Lying. You just admitted you hated it. And he kept saying BUT IIII LLLOOOOVEEEE ITTT. I flipped him off at that point and no one likes a liar (I don't think anyone in Mile 10 was in a good mood) and the look on some of the others faces were well horrified. But I honestly tell it as it is no matter what.

I got to Mile 10 in 17:58.


Mile 10: 3:33:59

I got up the overpass of doom to only be visited by the mean Green Army Men who were playing the part. He was running backwards and was telling people they had to do special things to get photos with him. I just took my picture while walking by and kept on moving!


Nice Green Army Man


Yelling Green Army Man

In 18:12, I got to Mile 11. I was physically wiped at this point but I knew I could make it as I had less than a 5K to go! At least that is what I kept telling myself. I had to keep telling myself that as I still had one more hill/overpass to get through.


Mile 11: 3:52:49

In 18:57, I made it to Mile 12! The end was near! I just had to make it through EPCOT and I would get all my bling!


Mile 12: 4:11:46


Cinderella’s Carriage




No Idea What Her Name Is

That last mile was slow. It took 20 minutes exactly apparently to make it through but I did it!


Mile 13: 4:31:46

And shortly after, I saw the finish line and made it through!


Knight Donald & Joker Goofy

I finished. It was slow but I made it. I improved from 2015 by a 43 second improvement for my overall pace. I also didn’t feel mentally defeated! My knee was in definite pain though. When I got my massage this weekend, it was painful in new areas as I was totally tight in new areas thanks to that pain.


Finish Garmin Data

I got through the finisher’s shoot and made my way to the bus.


All The Bling

The bus was loading and I got on, except I really got to have the world’s worst bus driver. He took us out to Overpass Drive and turned towards Golden Oaks, then turned right towards Downtown Disney via the private Disney warehouses and then U-Turned and took us back towards Magic Kingdom where he was about to U-Turn again until I lost it. I and a few others on the bus yelled and told him no! To continue towards MK and turn at Seven Seas Way in front of Polynesian/TTC and get back to World Drive that way and follow the signs to Animal Kingdom Villas. We pulled up at Kidani at 10:55AM. I was happy Shaun was still in the room waiting for me as I made it to the room at 10:59AM and there was no way I wasn’t going to clean up and enjoy that nice jacuzzi tub. I dropped my items and was super glad to see that my husband had drawn a bath for me when I told him we were finally at AKL property through text to get cleaned up. I was able to clean up and get dressed and feel human again as we had lunch reservations to get to.


Official Data


Mr. Dis_Yoda’s Official Data

Lunch was nice, but it was even better that I didn’t have to drive home. I got to spend the whole way home like this!


Driving Home Elevating
Wow! Good for you! Your husbands costume was hilarious! What a great sport! You crack me up....yelling at the "liar" and flipping him off! I was LMAO! Seriously, good for you! I'm so scared and excited to sign up for Wine and Dine half in a few weeks! Omg....the what ifs? Oh well, I've set it as my goal so I'm doing it!!!
Wow! Good for you! Your husbands costume was hilarious! What a great sport! You crack me up....yelling at the "liar" and flipping him off! I was LMAO! Seriously, good for you! I'm so scared and excited to sign up for Wine and Dine half in a few weeks! Omg....the what ifs? Oh well, I've set it as my goal so I'm doing it!!!

His costume still makes me smile seeing him in that! I realize he didn't get as much love as those other 'princess men' but he's still #1 to me! Plus now I forever have some type of blackmail on him.

Congrats on setting your goal for Wine & Dine! You can do it with the right training! 7 months is more than amble time to get ready for it! Only 2 more weeks until sign ups (we sign him up next week under DVC/AP registration)
February Training Updates

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I was super happy that the pre-race long run ended up being the same day as the Super Bowl. Made me totally not feel guilty about all the goodies we had for the super bowl!




Race Weekend went pretty well! Recaps were posted above on this page!

Nothing is worse than coming home from a race weekend and ending up super sick. I was pretty much out of commission starting on Tuesday February 23rd. Getting through yoga with congestion sucks! After that, I pretty much just stayed home after work for the rest of the week. I was itching for something come that Saturday but was still too congested to really run. I walked on the treadmill for about 30 minutes to do something which I guess is better than nothing. I finally started feeling better on the 29th.

I ended this month down 6 pounds from the beginning! Most of that was lost in the last week of the month once I started my new regime. I’m trying to focus between now and May 6th/7th when I’m a bridesmaid in a wedding. I’m like twice the size of the other two bridesmaids so I already feel a bit self conscious about it all. My dress does compliment my features at least as she had us pick a dress from the same fabric of the designer instead of us being identical.

On February 29th, instead of going to the gym, my husband and I went to our local Fit2Run store to get new shoes. My backup running pair (what I've used for the 10Ks this year) are now over a year old and probably at around 300 miles on them at this point. I've been running the Half Marathons and most of my training runs in Asics Noosa Tri with decent results although I do sometimes get a blister in my left pinky toe on the long runs. Talking with the associates about the IT Band issues with the Adrenaline 15s, I ended up with these:

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Pretty color and they felt stable and light weight at the same time when I jogged around the store. I hope to try them out on Wednesday or Thursday this week depending on how it works out.

Total February Mileage: 44.41 Miles
2016 Mileage Year To Date: 95.56 Miles​
I love reading your reports! I am sorry you got sick. I got hit with a cold this week. I just got over one too so it is super annoying. I was suppose to do hill work last Thursday. I started out and got through most of it, then just walked. Some days we just have to take it easy! Way to go on the 6 lbs weight loss! What is your new regime?

BTW, Your husband should have gotten more love than those other princess men! His costume was amazing! you know what, I bet he pulled it off so well that people thought he was another lady runner :). I give him so much credit for running in that, it is too much costume for me to even consider!!

Keep up the good work and let us know how your sneakers are.
I love reading your reports! I am sorry you got sick. I got hit with a cold this week. I just got over one too so it is super annoying. I was suppose to do hill work last Thursday. I started out and got through most of it, then just walked. Some days we just have to take it easy! Way to go on the 6 lbs weight loss! What is your new regime?

BTW, Your husband should have gotten more love than those other princess men! His costume was amazing! you know what, I bet he pulled it off so well that people thought he was another lady runner :). I give him so much credit for running in that, it is too much costume for me to even consider!!

Keep up the good work and let us know how your sneakers are.

That is great you got through most of your hill work at least! Its such a struggle to keep running up when you can barely breath or constantly have to blow your nose.

My new regime sounds a little crazy - but its something I discussed with my Tuesday yoga teacher as she liked the theory and actually told me about it. Basically, you try to keep your carbs separate from your proteins when you eat. You can still eat both - just only do one or the other. The theory is based on that your body gets confused when it tries to process both of those together as what is needed for chemical breakdown is different. It also works out decently for me with my husband's diet now as I do a protein-meat based lunch and when dinner is mainly carb based, we're good.

I know from the Princess group, one of the women admitted she wasn't sure when she saw him and was glad that mystery was solved for her! He definitely made a very pretty princess. I could never run in that much costume either! He was happy he wore his Princess Half Tech Shirt under it as it totally helped avoid chaffing. It hurt his pace a bit but he was still happy with his results! He'll be normal for Star Wars - Dark Side, most likely wearing one of the Star Wars - Light Side tech shirts or his Boba Fett tech shirt that has been worn for the races this year.
Dark Side - Outfits

Outfits have been fully decided for the Dark Side Challenge

10K - BB8

I ordered some super cute ears off of etsy for the 10K. They seem to be ok in a quick jog around the house. Hopefully I can put up with them for the full 6.2 miles! Yes, this is the same outfit as the Star Wars - Light Side 10K but its super cute (and the sparkleskirt cost like $90 so it needs more use!)

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Dark Side Half Marathon

I'm going with the Dark Side theme for the half! I'll be wearing my I <3 Bad Boys with my Highland Fling Vented Slim Sparkle Skirt! I already have a blue sweaty band that will also work!

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Fun outfit choices! :)

I was thinking about ordering ears too but I wonder if they will drive me crazy. Honestly I can only wear them for a few hours under normal park conditions.

I'm super undecided about my costumes right now. Narrowed it down to Rey, C3PO and my raw threads "The training is strong with this one" tank. I'm only running the 10k and half so one of them will have to go. BB8 was a strong 4th contender since I have an orange tutu but I've worn it on my last two halves so I feel like I need to sit it out.
Good luck to all of you racing! I wish I had the running bug sooner because I would love to be racing a 5K or 10K too! We are headed home to AKL/poly 4/17-4/24.
Love the ears!

Thank you! I love them too! I just hope they stay on the full 10K without me getting annoyed at them. They will be cute for the parks as well :)

Fun outfit choices! :)

I was thinking about ordering ears too but I wonder if they will drive me crazy. Honestly I can only wear them for a few hours under normal park conditions.

I'm super undecided about my costumes right now. Narrowed it down to Rey, C3PO and my raw threads "The training is strong with this one" tank. I'm only running the 10k and half so one of them will have to go. BB8 was a strong 4th contender since I have an orange tutu but I've worn it on my last two halves so I feel like I need to sit it out.

I try to have fun with the outfits! Still within the theme of the event but also still running gear.

I haven't worn ears in the parks in a long time so I kinda forgot how it affects me after a few hours. I'll find out the hard way - although I guess I could just look like a crazy person when I run my usual short outdoor run and try it out that way, but seeing as I already got one random comment that made me angry earlier this month, I'm a little nervous about what else random strangers would say about that.

I get wanting the orange tutu to sit out for the next race! I know I'm repeating myself somewhat as well so the next race I can't wear what I do for Star Wars. I think Rey should be easy to run in. C3PO depends on which type of C3PO you are going to be. I've seen them look so many different ways!

Good luck to all of you racing! I wish I had the running bug sooner because I would love to be racing a 5K or 10K too! We are headed home to AKL/poly 4/17-4/24.

There is always next year for running the 5K or 10K at Star Wars! The running bug for Disney can get super addictive, which is probably bad for my wallet, especially after last week's announcement.
Glad you enjoyed them! Just a month until I get to have some more :)
I'm enjoying your reviews! Do you like the slim vented sparkle skirt? I just bought my first for the Star Wars Darkside. And now I definitely need more . . .
I'm enjoying your reviews! Do you like the slim vented sparkle skirt? I just bought my first for the Star Wars Darkside. And now I definitely need more . . .

Thank you! I also post dining reviews on the dining reviews boards when I'm too lazy to do a full trip report :)

So, I read your comment about the slim vented sparkle skirt and how I liked it. I realized I never actually had worn it on a run. I had only worn it previous to Storyteller's Cafe at Disneyland, EPCOT after Princess 10K and to Legoland. So when I did my run this evening (85 degree heat in florida - yuck!), I made sure I wore it to see if it worked for me. I liked it just fine! The opening on the side didn't bother me at all. I don't think I could run in a slim though as I think that would be . I usually wear swings which work well for me.

They can get really addictive. I actually need to sell two of mine as the XL is too large for me now and with the changes for the 5K for Wine & Dine - I really don't have another reason to wear a pink cheetah print one. My husband also told me if I adjust the day we drop off the dogs for boarding - I can buy another skirt at the expo at Dark Side.

Which one did you buy?
Which one did you buy?

Thank you!

I bought Hubble in hiker to wear with my storm trooper shirt :) I have long legs and hips, I wanted something a bit longer. But I've been stalking pics and the other styles are really cute. I just always wonder how they are in the wild and if it was hard to run in.

I'll go stalk your dining reviews :)

ETA - I'm nervous about the heat. My long run a week ago was in 15 degree weather, this weekend is supposed to be warmer but not even close to Florida warm. I'm just planning to move slowly. Because I needed another race-related thing to worry about!
Thank you!

I bought Hubble in hiker to wear with my storm trooper shirt :) I have long legs and hips, I wanted something a bit longer. But I've been stalking pics and the other styles are really cute. I just always wonder how they are in the wild and if it was hard to run in.

I'll go stalk your dining reviews :)

ETA - I'm nervous about the heat. My long run a week ago was in 15 degree weather, this weekend is supposed to be warmer but not even close to Florida warm. I'm just planning to move slowly. Because I needed another race-related thing to worry about!

I'm short (5'4") so a hiker would be too long for me to run in. I like how Hubble looks but I don't have much that would match it so I avoid buying it. I try to keep to ones I know I can rewear for the most - Fiesta (although that's too big now and should be sold), Purple Plaid, Highland Springs, PlayfulPink, White Linen w/ BB8 Embellishment (aka race skirt b/c the embellishment requires handwashing the skirt), Kitty Purry (which will be sold soon since it isn't being worn) I may pick up Flirty at the Star Wars Dark Side as I like how that looks but I want to see it in person first. I also have the following group customs coming sometime in the next year - On Wednesday We Wear Pink (Pink Plaid), WaveRunner, Birds of a Feather, Purple Rain.

I read your Dopey report (so sorry you had to go through Food Poisoning for the Marathon!) and I see you are vegetarian! My husband has recently moved that way post Star Wars - although I would call it vegetarian-lite as he isn't purposely avoiding Worcestershire Sauce or Caesar Dressing but he is avoiding meat in general. It was good to see what you had during the trip as it's been interesting to see how he now picks what he's eating!

Knowing the heat and humidity will be bad, just make sure you hydrate enough! You will sweat way more than normal if you aren't used to it and it will kill your pace some. I actually have a 5K tonight at 6PM in downtown Naples - its supposed to be 80+ degrees and gross humidity so I know it will be a slow race. I'm making sure I'm only drinking water today at work! That beer post race will taste so good!
Wine & Dine Registration

Originally, Wine & Dine was off the table for me to run. The thought about running at 10:00PM at night makes my stomach churn as its past my bed time! I had originally planned on signing my husband up for the half marathon and myself up for the 5K.

Except, the day before AP/DVC race registration it was announced that registration was going to be delayed but no real info was given. Rumors were flying around the internet - would it be a 10K/Challenge Added? Still be at night? Changing completely?

Eventually, it was announced what the changes would be and the next registration dates - AP/DVC for March 22nd, General Registration on March 29th.




Now my excuse for not running it along with my husband was gone; however the cost from the registrations just went from almost $300 to $700.

As we went and discussed this race more, turns out my friend, her fiancé (will be husband then), her sister, and a few others we know are all now planning on doing this race (just the half - we're the only challenge crazy ones)

I am glad that my new work laptop has both Google Chrome & Internet Explorer so I was able to log my husband's active account on one and my account on the other. Right at noon, both went live and I was able to get us both in for the challenge! It felt great to be done by 12:03PM :)


Now, no more registration RunDisney stress until June for Star Wars - Light Side!​
Congrats! I am pumped because I got registered too! My first race, my first half, my first runDisney (of many to come as I hear they're addicting). I really would love to do the challenge but I was afraid it would be too much?! Very exciting!!


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