Question about Verizon cellular service


Feb 8, 2012
Cruising in 2 weeks and due to my Grandmother's worsening health I would like to leave my phone on while on the trip. She has 24 hr home care but I have her health care proxy & may need to contacted. Mainly concerned if the aides would be able to reach me during our days at sea.
You can use your phone while on the cruise, but you may incur international roaming charges which can be pretty pricey. I'd contact Verizon Wireless about it.
You'd be using cellular at sea which is pricey. Alternatively, there is an emergency number DCL gives you. You could use that in case they need to contact you at sea, and pay for international coverage for the ports you'll be in and turn your phone on then (or just pay the upcharge if you do have to use it in port). If you do leave your phone on on the boat, make sure you just have your cellular on and not your data so you don't get hit with charges for background data type stuff.
Check out They have cruise ship packages that you can sign up for. Just be careful because you may have to call to cancel upon your return. I remember seeing it when I was looking up international plans for my husbands trip to Paris. I know I will have to cancel the international plan upon his return so I'm assuming the same for the cruise ship plan. I know it's not the ideal way to find out information, but last year when my son got sick and hospitalized, our first trip without kids, while my husband and I were cruising the Mediterranean, I communicated by text message with my family. The texting rates aren't bad and texts seemed more reliable than phone service. My husband had international phone service on his company phone, but we had a lot of trouble finding a spot on the ship where we could get reception, but text messages always came through and were sent without problems.
On the Msgic in Greek islands my verizon phone worked almost everywhere even at sea. But consider skype on wifi as another way to stay in touch. Much cheaper than using the phone. Also texting works great.
Not really concerned about prices. This would be only for emergencies or a trip to the hospital. Mostly concerned with being able to receive a call because my sister & I are my grandmother's health care proxies and would need to speak to doctors if she ended up going to the hospital.
Not really concerned about prices. This would be only for emergencies or a trip to the hospital. Mostly concerned with being able to receive a call because my sister & I are my grandmother's health care proxies and would need to speak to doctors if she ended up going to the hospital.

While at sea, 'cellular-at-sea' will provide service. The global plan do not include phone charges while cruising. It's only good while on a port.

Basically, the phone will work. You do want to turn off data-roaming assuming you have a smart phone.


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