Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@Dead2009 Welcome to early Sunday morning. It is a great time for a walk! :)

Pea I like the Aldi's picture. I will have to ask Kenny about the Aldi's he sometimes goes to. So glad to see your post.

Bobbiwoz Glad you got the early ferry so you could get Gus.

Lynn I hope Dave is over today to cut down more of the tree.

It is sunny today but temp is only 39. It will be going into the 50s. I have been to Wegman's, took a walk, made some scrambled eggs for breakfast, and now am thinking of going to the Lake to walk then to Kohls. I may also go to the Paper Store to see if I can find a crafty gift for Ellie's birthday in June. I have a 30% off coupon to use. Not seeing anyone today. I saw Jeff and kids yesterday. We played a couple of games. I got Charlotte a Tea Party game for her birthday where you stack teacups of different sizes based on the cards you draw. The object is to get all the teacups stacked on the wiggling platform before any fall off. We got it done once. Then I went to Kenny's to see his kids. He invited me to dinner. We had barbecued burgers and hot dogs. My favorite when the weather gets warmer.

Have a good Sunday.
I wasn't up early. I knew they weren't coming today, so my friend and I stayed on the phone until almost 3 my time (1 hers). I was awake but still in bed when my phone rang at 8:30. It was Dave saying it was my lucky day, they were coming to get the tree down. He thought Dave Jr had tickets to a mud bog or something but got a call last night saying he wasn't going so they could do the tree. He didn't think to call me or text me to tell me that last night? Men!
Dave got here at 8:45 and Dave Jr just pulled in

It's cloudy and only 42 degrees right now, going to be cloudy and 56 today. As long as there's no wind or rain, we're good.

Gotta get myself moving and feed the cats. All I managed to do was get dressed, take pills, and move the car across the street

Have a nice Sunday (have to do without a pic today, sorry)
I was going through a box of memories and came across the "thank you for visiting" mail that WDW used to send out, which made me think about Disney, and this lovely blog, and our upcoming trip for my DS high school graduation. I hope you are all doing well and had a quick catch-up by reading back through some pages!

Many of you must have received the thank you sketches from Don "Ducky" Williams over the years. I'm sure it's one of the many extra perks that have been cut now, but does anyone have an idea of how many years they did that? I have a signed Minnie and a Mickey from our 2015 and 2016 trips, framed on my wall!

I tried to do a bit of a search and found that they stopped in 2019, but I don't know how many years they ran that program. It was such a nice surprise to get a thick envelope in the mail with a thank you gift!

I seem to remember “Thank you cards” for DCL cruises. I came across some in a desk drawer awhile ago. I had an idea to frame them, but I never did.
So, I am looking at things that I can purge, and I found these. We have about 15 cards from cruises. The characters all have our name on them and the year. If anyone wants the ones with just the ship, just send me a message with your name/address, and I will sent some to you.


Lynn Glad the tree is down. That is one big tree.

Good morning. It is 34 here now with temps heading into the 50s. It is good walking weather. Yesterday I ended up walking alot and went to the gym too. It was one of those days where I did not want to stay in the condo. The lake walk was very peaceful and lots of birds calling and chirping. That is my meditation. I also got clothes for Chris' cousin and will be sending them along to her. I also got birthday gifts for Ellie. From May to July there are 4 grandkid birthdays. I need to get ready for those.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Thank you:hug:Grace of God, I got more sleep last night than the night before. Sleep is still easier for me right now during the day. Trying so hard to normalize my cycle again. I also know all sleep and rest is such a blessing. Dad extra prayers this week ahead for his healing and being able to make a needed appointment. I sure pray to move closer to my own full recovery God willing too. Have a happy Monday and Earth Day friends.
Good sunny morning. Cold start at 36 overnight, but going to mid 60's today. My to do list outside is long, and I don't even know where to start. First thing is going to be putting the new shepherds hooks up I use to hang the bird feeders on. When it warms up a bit, I need to mow the side lawn I can't do with the riding mower. I have to weed and mulch all the flower beds and planters, plant my herb box, waterproof the deck. Then the garden needs to be tilled again, have to buy tomato plants and then plant in a few weeks.

That on top of indoor stuff is keeping me exhausted. I just can't do it all at one time like I used to be able to do.
Better get moving on at least a couple of things on the list.

Have a good Monday

Good sunny morning. Cold start at 36 overnight, but going to mid 60's today. My to do list outside is long, and I don't even know where to start. First thing is going to be putting the new shepherds hooks up I use to hang the bird feeders on. When it warms up a bit, I need to mow the side lawn I can't do with the riding mower. I have to weed and mulch all the flower beds and planters, plant my herb box, waterproof the deck. Then the garden needs to be tilled again, have to buy tomato plants and then plant in a few weeks.

That on top of indoor stuff is keeping me exhausted. I just can't do it all at one time like I used to be able to do.
Better get moving on at least a couple of things on the list.

Have a good Monday

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At least you've got a list! Stuff keeps popping in my head but not long enough for me to get it done or jot it down and then I'm off thinking of something else.

Start of list: copy most of Lynn's list. Skip the waterproofing as I have Trex, but get out the pressure washer and go over it gently as it's not that dirty, but first blow off some leaves, twigs and seed pods that are falling. My deck needs a roof but when I talk to the county engineer he just keeps trying to steer me to a much more involved project. So then I erect a shade thing such as from Lowes or somewhere and end up tossing it after the wind twists it.

Next part of list is clean and paint everything.

That's enough to forget about for now.

Oh yeah, I want to change out my living room window for a bay style with the two sides swinging open. There goes the rest of my projects as I also would add a few more windows and a new front door.

Happy Earth Day everyone!
Good evening all.

Busy couple of days but glad for them. We had a covered dish at church yesterday. I always love when we can do that as it brings us closer as a congregational family. I made the macaroni and cheese I attempted on Easter before I sliced my thumb. This time I skipped the cheese grater and just cut the cheese up into a really small dice. I thought it tasted good but the fact that it was completely gone and I got a couple of complements made me think it was good. It will be my new go to dish for things. I learned something new from my grandson even though I always made a decent mac and cheese this one is a notch above.

I had my usual monday taking the boys to school. Mom and I went to Sam's CLub and we ordered my Dad's Birthday cake for his party. I had to get Mikey after school, not really, but he did call and ask since the bus was running late. I wanted to head that way anyway since the one gas station I frequent by his school was at least 25-30 cents a gallon cheaper than anywhere else. I needed to go to the bank and actually passed one on the way to Mikey that I had forgotten about. My credit union has a few branches near me, but I think I was led to this one. When I got out of my car there was an older woman in the car next to me. She called me over and asked if I could help her get out of her car. Odd request but I helped her. Then out of the blue she started crying and told me she had been sexually assaulted recently by a neighbor. I didn't quite know what to say other than I was sorry that had happened to her. She had to be in her 80's and was so frail. I helped her into the credit union and to the teller she came to see. They all seemed to know her so I was comfortable leaving her there. I was glad I could help her and didn't just ignore her as I was going to do. I must have been guided there for a reason as this is a branch I never go to and an area I rarely visit. I wish I could have done more to help her.

Heading to Lancaster tomorrow since the kids have the day off for our primary elections. Have a good evening everyone.
Good sunny morning. Cold start at 36 overnight, but going to mid 60's today. My to do list outside is long, and I don't even know where to start. First thing is going to be putting the new shepherds hooks up I use to hang the bird feeders on. When it warms up a bit, I need to mow the side lawn I can't do with the riding mower. I have to weed and mulch all the flower beds and planters, plant my herb box, waterproof the deck. Then the garden needs to be tilled again, have to buy tomato plants and then plant in a few weeks.

That on top of indoor stuff is keeping me exhausted. I just can't do it all at one time like I used to be able to do.
Better get moving on at least a couple of things on the list.

Have a good Monday

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Wow, that is a long to-do list. Maybe a couple of Red Bulls will help you get thru it all. :-)
Taz You were so kind to the elderly lady and helped her when she needed it. I believe you were led to that bank branch for that reason.

Lynn I hope you weren't too busy yesterday although your to do list was daunting.

flyingdumbo127 I hope you and your Dad are doing better.

Good morning. It is 32 here now with temps going into the lower 60s. We still have the cold nights with frost. Yesterday I tried to go to the park in Kenny's town to walk but no parking left. The road going into it is getting has so many ruts and bumps that I don't think I will go there for a bit and see if they fix it. I will go to the lake instead. I did take a few walks around the complex and decided to investigate one of the trails to how long it was. I walked up the hill from the sidewalk and onto the trail. A large garter snake slithered out of the wooded area and crossed the trail right in front of me. That was it. I turned around and went back to the sidewalk. It scared me and I do not like snakes. All done with that trail.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Huge hug dear Snowysmom. Extra thanks to God you are okay, my friend. No snakes at all for me either, no thanks! Warmer days prayers too. Thank you always for all your love and kind prayer. Grace of God I did sleep better last night. Dad will be doing laundry this morning and going to Sprouts this afternoon for applesauce. We are keeping in prayer being able to find someone to stay with me so he can more easily go to the dentist. Have a good Tuesday friends with love.
@tazdev3225, my DSis makes us Mac and Cheese, and it looks like you have a winner like that! …What a good person you were to help the woman who needed your assistance! I hope she gets the assistance that she will need.🙏

Yesterday I had evaluation at PT. I have improved balance in some area, but I have reached a point in Medicare reimbursement that makes me think I should stop for awhile. This way in October, when I am less active, I can ask for another script and resume. The PT has helped me get through the feelings of dizziness.

I also had a full body scan at dermatologist, and some things were taken care of. I was glad they were found before I had to have radiation.

Phillies won! I am still working on my snowy scene puzzle while I watch the game. This puzzle is hard, but I like to deal with it while watching the Phillies. Hopefully, I’ll be able to post a picture here when it’s finished. @flyingdumbo127, it has a pair or cardinals in it, so, I think of you a bit while I work on it.

Today I’ll plant my Easter flowers outside and look for them next spring!

Enjoy your days, my friends!
Good sunny morning. It got chilly last night, but thankfully we didn't get the frost they predicted, so I still have lilacs. I cut 4 more vases this morning. They're already starting to fade on the bushes in some places. But for the first time in 5 years, I got to have my favorite flowers and their scent blowing through the house.
I finished mowing yesterday, got 2 of the flower beds weeded and mulched. Going to try and get a couple more done today before my back starts aching again. I got the portable grill out of the cellar and put it on the deck and moved the big herb planter over to the patio blocks where the big gas grill used to sit.

Put up the new shepherds hook and 2 new bird feeders. Have to get a couple of hanging baskets of flowers for the 2 hooks out front. I ordered a patio umbrella, should be here today. It's not much, but it's my little oasis outside.
Going to make my grocery list, then take the trash down to the street and get going on the weeding.

Have a good day



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