Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning. Out of nowhere last night around 10, it started dumping down rain. Everything is soaked this morning. They say it's going to be nice, but right now the dark clouds are still covering the blue sky and sun. Going to be 77 again. Cooling down for the weekend, but no rain.
I'm taking a break from chores today. Summer may come over and we will start going through yard sale items and pricing them. She keeps telling me she gets first pick of the stuff, but I told her she has to buy them, just like everyone else. I've given her more than enough stuff in the last few months. Just yesterday it was a box of brand new garden fencing. I had bought it on Home Depot, but when it came it wasn't anything close to what it looked like on their website. They told me to keep it and refunded me, so I wasn't out anything. She's going to put it behind her fish pond to hold the mulch in.

I'm being lazy and am not even dressed yet, so I'm going to jump in the shower and get myself moving.

Have a good day

I end up giving away or donating most yard sale stuff also. I do have a few unopened items that I should put out for sale. Maybe.

Was going to head for the Eastern Shore this weekend but canceled my reservation. Just not ready for another trip, even a short one. Saturday I spent with my son and granddaughter and loved it but was exhausted when I got home. We walked in and younger DD was with me. DGD started crying because we were strangers to her, having not seen her for a couple of months.

She settled down quickly but retreated to 'her' corner with her little chair and book basket. DD took the opposite corner chair and I sat closest. Soon I slowly slid myself onto the floor and edged close enough to grab a toy and start playing with it. She warmed up to me quickly and eventually we were reading books together. Then she came onto my lap and got comfortable, with minor interruptions to change out her book.

Eventually I had to get up. And eventually DD was back in favor. We read to her til we were both hoarse and she loved it. She knows all the animals and characters. Her favorite appears to be Bambi so I'm checking out Target later as DD bought other DGD a Bambi dress there before our trip. Maybe I'll get lucky.

This morning I booked a few days at DHHIR before my Dec Disney trip.

I booked 3 nights in a studio as my 2024 points were low. Now I'll book somewhere in between there and Disney for Saturday night. That's a points stretcher. So far the whole stretch is 10-11 nights counting traveling nights. I got the last Thanksgiving 3 days with TG in the middle. It's possible older DD or friend will join for those nights. Too early to tell yet, but we'll see.

Then I added BCV onto the end of my BWV stay, well, because the room was available, and I had some BCV points. All studios. That first week in December is sold out in the Disney resorts I own and soon it will be 7 months and open to all. Only 12 days until then.

After end of Nov/ 1st week December I'll be back home until the end of February when I have the 2 bedroom BW view with my brother.
I end up giving away or donating most yard sale stuff also. I do have a few unopened items that I should put out for sale. Maybe.

Was going to head for the Eastern Shore this weekend but canceled my reservation. Just not ready for another trip, even a short one. Saturday I spent with my son and granddaughter and loved it but was exhausted when I got home. We walked in and younger DD was with me. DGD started crying because we were strangers to her, having not seen her for a couple of months.

She settled down quickly but retreated to 'her' corner with her little chair and book basket. DD took the opposite corner chair and I sat closest. Soon I slowly slid myself onto the floor and edged close enough to grab a toy and start playing with it. She warmed up to me quickly and eventually we were reading books together. Then she came onto my lap and got comfortable, with minor interruptions to change out her book.

Eventually I had to get up. And eventually DD was back in favor. We read to her til we were both hoarse and she loved it. She knows all the animals and characters. Her favorite appears to be Bambi so I'm checking out Target later as DD bought other DGD a Bambi dress there before our trip. Maybe I'll get lucky.

This morning I booked a few days at DHHIR before my Dec Disney trip.

I booked 3 nights in a studio as my 2024 points were low. Now I'll book somewhere in between there and Disney for Saturday night. That's a points stretcher. So far the whole stretch is 10-11 nights counting traveling nights. I got the last Thanksgiving 3 days with TG in the middle. It's possible older DD or friend will join for those nights. Too early to tell yet, but we'll see.

Then I added BCV onto the end of my BWV stay, well, because the room was available, and I had some BCV points. All studios. That first week in December is sold out in the Disney resorts I own and soon it will be 7 months and open to all. Only 12 days until then.

After end of Nov/ 1st week December I'll be back home until the end of February when I have the 2 bedroom BW view with my brother.
I enjoyed reading about your DGD warming up to you both. Aww.

You have a lot of nice trips coming up. I have had no luck getting BCV for ourselves. I’ve had waitlists come though for DS and others, but blank out for DH and myself. When we were at BCV this year, it was just too cold!

Good day to everyone, just a quiet day here. Enjoying the rest!
@Judique Such a cute story about your DGD. You really know how to use those DVC points.

Bobbiwoz I hope you are having a fun trip. Safe travels home. Your next trip sounds like fun too.

Footballmouse. Glad you talked with your manager and had a witness. Glad your kitty was found.

Lynn I hope you have a restful day today.

The ride to work was not too bad but the ride back was filled with tractor trailers and crazy drivers. At least I got back to the condo in one piece. I am having dinner at Kenny's tonight, no grandkids just Kenny and GF. He has the kids this weekend but it sounds like they are busy all weekend. I did ask for a little bit of time to see the grandkids as it has been a while. I so need the Disney trip in 3 and a half weeks. I was talking with my friend yesterday. I told her I am starting to get ready with checking my toiletries and meds to see what I need to buy. I tried on my shorts to make sure they still fit me, they do. I have the shirts I want to pack set aside. I am also trying to get a bit of a more positive outlook but that will take time and I need to take it one day at a time. I feel like I can't keep crying every day and yet I just tell myself, who cares if I do. I miss Chris especially in the evening when we would be together after working all day. I am hoping the Disney trip will give me a much needed break from reality.

Have a good rest of the day.
I enjoyed reading about your DGD warming up to you both. Aww.

You have a lot of nice trips coming up. I have had no luck getting BCV for ourselves. I’ve had waitlists come though for DS and others, but blank out for DH and myself. When we were at BCV this year, it was just too cold!

Good day to everyone, just a quiet day here. Enjoying the rest!
I own exactly 30 points at BCV. I've stretched this into vacations quite often by banking and borrowing and then adding nights at 7 months with other points.

My preference is to stay at BWV so I've never been inclined to add more points. I sort of like BCV but I don't love it. If I can't get BWV at 11 months and I still have the points, I usually manage to get a couple of nights at BCV while I chase nights at BWV. It doesn't book as fast as the standard view rooms at BWV.
So nice out today, sunny and no winds. Guy next door asked to borrow the tiller again, so while it was out I did mine too. He asked if I wanted him to do it but I said no thank you. As long as I can still do it myself, I'm going to. I also got the burn pile burned, finally. I've been looking at it and adding to it since Nov and it was time for it to go. I'll wait till the weekend and go pick out any screws, nails, hinges, handles etc. The only thing I pulled away from the fire pile was the dining room table top. I'll have Dave take that in his truck. It's still burning but it's down to the ground now. I hosed all around it and sat outside with the hose, just in case. I had my phone in case I needed our fire dept, but all is good.
Good evening all!

This is a day where I really wanted to crawl back into bed and start over. My middle child has always been a laid back, nothing gets to me kind of person. She would have made a great flower child in the 60's. It was cute when she was a toddler but not so much now. Her 15-year-old daughter is more together than she is at times. We need to get Mikey a passport for the Alaskan cruise, especially because one excursion crosses into Canada and we have a stop in Victoria BC. The cruise is 4 months from today. I made the appointment for this morning, reminded my daughter to have the paperwork together and told her I would be there around 8:15. The earliest appointment I could get was in NJ.

I got to her house and she brings out a blank application but at least had the picture. She was going to fill it out in the car while I drove.

"Jen where is his birth certificate?" 15 minutes later she is looking in her CAR!!! "Can I use the hospital one?"

"Um no it needs to be state issued. Where is his ID?" Mikey comes out with an insurance card. "Mikey that is not an ID."

"Do I have one?"

At this point I could not get to the appointment on time as it was at least 30 minutes away and was in 10 minutes. It turns out she never got his ID, it was Ella that got one, and she has no idea where she put his birth certificate, AGAIN!!!. Now we are waiting on the birth certificate to come in. Thankfully she went through the state senators office and they can expedite it but it can still take up to 20 days. She said that's only a couple of weeks. "No Jen that is a month., they don't count weekends."

Thankfully if the worst-case scenario presents itself, I can go downtown and get an emergency appointment. She wanted to just get the passport card but now has no choice, we have to get a passport book as they don't expedite a card. She did this to me last year when we were going to DIsney, and Crystal needed an ID to fly. She loses their paper work in the house and then gets mad at me because I get angry at her carelessness.

The grocery store is remodeling and I could find nothing where it used to be and they were restocking shelves moving things around so shopping was a waste of time. I use gas buddy to find the cheapest gas and all of the prices they showed were wrong as I drove around looking. Starbucks didn't give me the BOGO offer so I had to straighten that out. They did credit me the free item back to my account at least.

It is just one of those days. Tomorrow has to be better than today was. Sometimes I think I should write a book but who would believe it was not fiction?

Hope you all have a good night.
Tazdev I am so sorry your day was so challenging. That would make me frustrated too. I like PollyannaMom's idea of a file box and folders for your DD. I hope today is better. :hug:

Thinking of all who have not posted in a while. Hope all is well.

Good morning, It is 41 now with temps heading into the 50s. More showers this afternoon. It makes it hard to find time to walk in between the raindrops. I may need to go to the gym today and use the treadmill. I am trying to take it a bit easier until the Disney trip. I hurt my hip last week probably doing one exercise the trainer showed me to do at home. That one is off my list. My hip is better so lesson learned. Dinner with Kenny last night was nice. We talked a bit about things and how I am trying to get a more positive outlook and no more negative talk. He was not happy that I do that but happy that I am trying to make some positive changes. I basically had a come to Jesus meeting with a different friend last week who I see only one a year. She was helpful and told me I really need try to get unstuck. She gave me some really good ideas. I know she is right but it is hard to change. The Louise Hay book I am reading is helpful. I will see where it takes me.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Snowysmom, you are wonderful and always I truly admire you, my friend.

Thinking more about Pea right now and praying she is ok. AuntieMe3, Frog, Kirby, and others who haven't posted in a while, too.

I watched a touching movie about a group of young boys finding and growing their faith called The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry, the boys' elderly neighbor. The story was set in 1970. Felt truly like a different time. I wasn't even born yet. I did love that God connected all the characters together in faith and care just as He did us. Praise extra be to God. Thank you all for being a Quacker.

Love and Happy Friday to all.
Good morning. Calling for rain starting anytime. I hope so, I don't even want to be tempted to go outside and do anything out there. Don't feel like doing anything inside either, lol.

I did pick out all the nails, screws, hinges etc from the burned out pile before it rains and then get pushed down into the ground, but that's it

@tazdev3225 Sounds like a very unproductive trip, and a very disorganized daughter :(

Have a good day all

Hi! Tom rode the bikes back so I didn’t have to walk back to our villa. Nice guy! :) We are on the way to Emporia VA, for the night. On the way out of the resort, I stopped to say hi to CM Haylee, she’s back from maternity leave. Her little boy, Archie, was here earlier this week. She and her DH both work at the resort. We have chatted with them both during different visits.

It’s cloudy, but we don’t expect rain. Our handyman will stop by our house to see if can do anything for the pond. Cleaning a filter and getting the waterfall restarted may help.

I hope the day is a good one for all of you!
We had a few sprinkles, but none of the steady rain they predicted. Dave came and we went to Lowes and got the fence for the garden, some patio blocks, mulch, gutter, and I bought 2 new rose bushes. They will be coming tomorrow morning to do the tree. He thinks they may be able to get it all down to the ground by then.

Have a nice evening.


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