PTR: And now for something completely different - a WDW Family does DLR *(new October 9th)*

I did not get reserved spots for woc but everyone who was staying at the hotel got the opportunity to get there fast pass 1 hour before other guests including pepole staying at Disney hotel and Paradise Pier. I think you will be fine with woc. Even in the section I was in there was things that were hard to see and many parents were putting their children on their shoulders.

Woc is a beautiful show and you all will enjoy it.
I'm glad it didn't take too much to convince Judi ;) And congrats on having your hotel picked out! It looks really nice too, can't beat having 2 rooms and for that price.

Yeah, wasn't too hard to convince her ... though, with the weather we are having I don't think it would have been hard to convince her to go anywhere warm ;)

Pretty happy about the two rooms - will be nice after long days to have some of our own space to decompress in

Wow! Disney can't touch that rate for HoJo. Now you can "spend" all your savings on WoC dinner packages and those stiff drinks! (One of my favorite breakfast restaurants is next door - Mimi's Café.)

So very nice of Alicia to drive you to drink, errr help you out.

BTW: For WoC, I don't think your entire party needs to stand in line the entire time. People seem to congregate and then fill in when they drop the rope so to speak.

Thanks Brenda - definitely looking at those WoC dinner packages now. One place I want to try is Carthay Circle so might be opportunity to combine two things - though might want to do that independently and then do the package at Wine Country Trattoria. Figure if we do Ariels Grotto it would be for a character/princess meal.

I have heard very good things about Mimi's Cafe so I am sure we will stop there at least once.

While Alicia may have driven me there I am always a willing passenger :rotfl2:

Thanks for the WOC line info - I think that is our biggest worry is keeping Peter and Emma in check for that long

So exciting! Resort looks great! I can imagine new territory being stressful to figure out and plan for!

Thank you - excited to have the room booked and at a place that people seem to think highly of. The newness is stressful and overwhelming but also exciting - so trying to focus on that angle :lmao:

Cool! Stephanie and I stayed at the HOJO in 2010. We were very happy with that choice. We had one of the rooms facing the park, so it was cool to look out and see the Matterhorn and watch fireworks from the balcony. For our upcoming trip this June, we narrowed it down to HOJO and Candy Cane Inn, but ultimately went with the Candy Cane. I'd have been just as happy at the HOJO though!

Thank you Matt - glad to see the HoJo got a thumbs up from you. The location was definitely appealing - even if not the shortest walk, I did want to experience being like "right there" and seeing the monorail go by and the materhorn, etc.

I'm filing this away if we ever make it out there. We were talking next summer (2016) but I don't know if that will actually happen. It is downright expensive to get there from the East coast.

That's how I felt when I was trying to figure out DL and started pricing it out.

Glad this is already proving to be of some help to you and potentially others. You are right that travel out to the west coast is rather expensive - definitely a lot more than for us to fly to Florida. I am hoping to have enough miles via work travel to cover at least a few of the plane tickets to reduce the cost a bit. Done some initial exploring and found a "not bad" rate for one option that has one stop though. I have a couple of work trips coming up so waiting to get those miles and then will get more into that.
We are also going this Oct to celebrate DLR's 60th :flower: We went for the first time in 2012 (after many trips to WDW) and had a blast! We stayed at HoJo but in a regular room and it was a nice hotel, clean and with a friendly staff just a block or so away from the DLR entrance - a very doable and safe walk. The weather is a bit unpredictable and I have heard that it can be super hot in Oct, but when we went it was pretty cool to chilly. DD tried the pool once but it was too cold even for her (and she will do anything to get in a pool). We are in CO so the cold was not bad at all since it was still warmer than at home!

There are some great places to eat in the area. We loved Mimi's which is right across the street from HoJo on the way to the DLR entrance. We rented a car so were able to go to Target and the supermarket for some snacks, water and soda. We also went to SD for one day on that trip - loved it so much our trip in 2013 was all in SD (I have a mini trip report in my signature).

The first thing you notice is how weird it is to see the monorail while you are off property. Also, Aurora's castle is a lot smaller than Cinderella's - but you can go inside! Really hoping POTC is not down this time, it was down for rehab when we went and I was so bummed! But I was ok once I went on a couple of wild rides with Mr Toad :banana: I had heard that the parks were close, I did not realize how close they really are! No buses, no monorail (although we did take a ride around the park from DtD, we rode infront with the driver which was awesome), just walk across a small plaza.

We did the Halloween party which we had never done at WDW and it was a lot of fun. Tons of candy, tons of characters out and about, no lines to get on the rides, and it was nice to go to the park at night and all decked out for Halloween. Oh and Haunted Mansion decorated with Nightmare Before Christmas stuff is amazing. Another amazing thing - the beignets right next to the HM.

It was a completely different "feel" from WDW - which was good in a way that it did not feel like we were just doing WDW on a different coast ;)

Thanks for all the feedback and thoughts! Let me know if our trips overlap at all. We are the same way in comping from a cooler climate and tend to be willing to swim when the locals think it is way too cold (had that experience one October in Florida)

I'll definitely check out your SD mini-trip!

I have heard that the Castle is much smaller than in the MK at WDW - and in fact it is really the matterhorn that is the "wienie" of DLR to draw your eye. Go to know about being able to sit up front in the monorail (not able to do that anymore at WDW) as I bet my son would love that!

Very excited for the seasonal overlays of both the HM and Space Mountain!

Very sound Disney logic right there. :thumbsup2
The two-room suite looks really, really nice! Lots of space. And the water park looks really nice too!

Having a PhD in Disney Logic is often helpful ;)

Having more space is definitely something that attracted me to an offsite hotel vs the onsite ones - and to be in one that has more room, is located just as close to the edge of the actual park and be cheaper seemed like a good deal :thumbsup2
The rooms at the Howard Johnson look SO FUN! I bet your kids will LOVE them! (And love that pool, too!) :banana:

I feel like a lot of Disney planning leads to getting a stiff drink! :rotfl2:

I think the kids will like the rooms and even if not "Disney themed" having them themed somewhat I think will be a good compromise to staying on site. Very excited for the pool especially as we are planning to be there for 5 days/4 nights, but only going to the parks for the middle / full 3 days - so should get in some quality pool time.

Unrelated to this trip but I need some encouragement. I will be on maternity through the Christmas break (teacher). It is our ONE opportunity to travel WDW Christmastime before the crowds- would go right after Thanksgiving weekend. But- we'd be pulling first grader out of school, traveling with three kids, and we would be traveling with three month old. Tell me that is ok!!! Thank God for your last trip report or I never would even have considered it, but since your trip there have been the DLand measles outbreaks and such....

Ok, hoping I can provide the proper encouragement :goodvibes

In a vacuum I would definitely support brining the 3 month old. I mean, they are free and in some ways are a blessing in disguise as babies force you to slow down a bit and perhaps see things that you might normally miss. You do need to be a bit more flexible but we have enjoyed taking babies and toddlers in the past.

The fly in the ointment is the recent measles issue/outbreak - and I know I would be very scared about that. Though who knows what will be going on 6+ months from now given how much focus is on the vaccine debate. I'd hate to tell you to go and then something happen. (We have a member of our extended family who is anti-vaccine so it is kind of a "hot button issue" with us)


I did not get reserved spots for woc but everyone who was staying at the hotel got the opportunity to get there fast pass 1 hour before other guests including pepole staying at Disney hotel and Paradise Pier. I think you will be fine with woc. Even in the section I was in there was things that were hard to see and many parents were putting their children on their shoulders.

Woc is a beautiful show and you all will enjoy it.

Thanks for the additional information. From reading the main thread it seems that the one of the next best options is on the steps towards the back of the main reserved area and there I might feel better about having Peter on my shoulders to see.

Definitely looking forward to it :thumbsup2
Part 4 - Tickets! and some initial thoughts on Food

hello again everyone! Before I get back into the Pre-Trip Report, for those of you that live in a state that has a similar policy as mine (New York) last week was winter break for the kids (as if they haven't already had enough days off due to winter) and, to get away from the weather we decided to head north


Well, yeah - we decided to take a ride up about 5 hours north west of where we live to the Finger Lake region of New York where they have over 100 wineries and, as of recently, about 40 breweries. While there we also celebrated Olivia's 6th birthday and my, well, something more than 6th birthday. Here is a then and now picture of Olivia:

Olivia's birthday.jpg

For my birthday we went out to a cellar tasting where they paired food with some wine taken right out of the barrels ... it was pretty fun to experience. i was sitting next to the vineyard manager and across the table from the assistant wine maker's husband and found the whole thing very educational and fun (plus it is like fitting a mini-dining report into this update)
Phil's birthday.jpg

Ok, back to the actual pre-trip report ....


So, one thing my research told me is that we would, in fact, need to have tickets to be allowed into Disneyland. What I hadn't known before I left for vacation was the exact date of the price increases. Fotunately social media exists and Matt (MarbleBob) - Thank you so much Matt! - I was able to message me that they were going to go up on February 22nd - so at about 10pm on February 21st I secured 3-day park hopping passes for the (now) four of us that need them (dang Peter and no longer being 2). I was debating if we really needed park hopping but figured that with how close the parks are to each other I really want to have that option and also just experience that and be able to comment on how it is to (almost literally) hop from park-to-park.

This means we now have pretty much the most expensive things set (hotel and ticket). As per a comment above I've started exploring plane tickets and going coast-to-coast these will be a little pricey as well but hoping to use miles to cover at least some of them.

Beyond that I've started to explore food options - largely as I am considering a dining package for World of Color. All of this is new to me so please offer any advice you have.

For World of Color dining the options are Ariel's Grotto, Carthay Circle Restaurant, and Wine Country Trattoria. If we do Ariel's Grotto I think it would be for breakfast or lunch for meeting the princesses (not character meeting for dinner) - which leaves us with Carthay Circle or Wine Country. I do want to eat at Carthay Circle so might wind up there to combine 2 things but if it is better to do that separately, then I guess Wine Country Trattoria is the place.

Places I am thinking about:

- Blue Bayou: This might be the one I am most looking forward to - largely for the location which is at the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean and you can see the boats float by. The food looks pretty good too between the gumbo, monte cristo, and steak

- Catal Restaurant ... or more specifically the UVA Bar and Cafe - the setting looks really nice and outside to enjoy the nice weather and menu looks good too (love Tapas!). Featured items are Tuna Tartare Tacos, Street Fries, and Mojitos!

- Goofy's Kitchen - I am sure we will do a couple of character meals and seems like the food is the best here. Not sure if we want to do dinner or breakfast - likely would be dinner arrival night or breakfast day we leave as we won't have park tickets those days

- Napa Rose - really hoping to get one nice meal, perhaps if we can arrange a date night that would be great, and likely would have to decide between here or Steak 55. This just sounds so nice and really good food. Recall a review from LeshaFace's trip report and seemed really good.

- Storyteller's Cafe - if we don't get to do Napa Rose I would like to make it over to check out the Grand Californian to check it out and this restaurant sounds pretty good too. They also do a Chip and Dale breakfast there so that could be an option.

- Pacific Warf Restaurants - The area sounds really neeat from the Cafe with soup in breadbowls and salads and sandwiches to also Lucky Fortune Cookery and Cocina Cocomongo Mexican Grill - just seems like a neat area with lots of options.


- Steakhouse 55 - Probably can't do two really nice meals and was figuring it would be Napa Rose, but been reading really good things about this too. Also hear good things about breakfast here so that could be an options

- Trader Sam's - not sure to include this as not sure if we will eat here giving how hard it can be to get a table. But a drink (or 7) will be had here. One of the places I am most excited to check out

- Carthay Circle - as mentioned, may do this as part of WoC dining, but if not definitely want to check this out ... just seems like our kind of scene

So that is some initial thoughts - feels weird to not be able to start booking 180 days out, but gives us some more time to educate ourselves.

As mentioned - any feedback is definitely welcome.

So foreign! Never heard of any of those places! Odd that lots of attractions are the same yet all the dining is unique from WDW.
Happy 6th Birthday Olivia, and Happy Whatever Birthday, Phil. :rotfl:

I read about your wine event on FB...looks very nice.

I'm glad you were able to get the tickets before the price increase (I did that for Mark...I got his hoppers in January for our October trip because I knew they'd be going up).

I can't offer advice on the WOC restaurant, but I just read a review of Wine Country Trattoria on another TR and she indicated the reserved spot for that was closer and she said the food was outstanding.
Sorry for the WoC thread! :faint:

So very nice of Alicia to drive you to drink, errr help you out.

Which reminds me :rotfl:There is a Karl Strauss beer cart located in the Pacific Wharf area. Thought i'd leave that bit of info here :thumbsup2

Love that picture of Olivia nailing the 'First Position' pose. Happy belated Birthday to the both of you!:goodvibes

Wine right out of the barrel is a treat. We are wine club members for a winery located in Paso Robles and it was only us in the tasting room so the owner took us to the back and let us have a taste of a brand new wine they would be bottling in the future, straight from the barrel. Delicious!

I'm so glad that you had seen the price increase! Ugh, the increasing never stops.

How in the world did I forget to mention Napa Rose to you!?! :faint: Yes! If you're able to, do it! We've always had such a wonderful experience there and the food it just amazing.

Haven't tried Steakhouse 55 yet, but Alison (franandaj) loves this place and has been many, many times.

Looking forward to seeing what you end up choosing!
Happy belated birthday to Olivia and you.
I am glad you were able to get the tickets before the price increase. You will be happy that you got the park hopping option. It's so easy to go from one park to another.
I love steakhouse 55. The meal that my family had was one of best steakhouse meals ever.
Happy Birthday to you and Olivia!

To be honest, I spend most of my Disney planning planning. Really, isn't it the best part?

I'm an avid reader of the DFB and Blue Bayou is on my must-do list if we ever make it to DLR. Food and atmosphere look amazing!

And I'm excited to hear your review of Trader Sam's. Really, this is just common sense. Grabbing a drink there is really just common sense so you'll be able to make a fully informed decision when you visit the Poly on your next WDW trip!

And I'm just going to say I watched a video of WoC a few weeks ago and cried. Can't wait to hear your review of that!
While there we also celebrated Olivia's 6th birthday and my, well, something more than 6th birthday.
Hope you both had great birthdays! I wonder if you and I are the same number of years more than 6, besides just sharing the date? :confused3 (which reminds me, I guess I should update my signature age. :sad2: Man, I was so young when I first put that up!:rotfl:) Funny, we always had that week off of school too when I was growing up (Mid-Winter Break). I loved always getting my birthday week off of school! :thumbsup2 Glad you had an enjoyable trip!

What I hadn't known before I left for vacation was the exact date of the price increases
Yes, thank goodness for the tips - I got Dug's ticket for May last week too! Whew!

dang Peter and no longer being 2
I know! If we end up doing Disneyland, I'll have to get a ticket for Izzy too! :sad1:

Blue Bayou: This might be the one I am most looking forward to - largely for the location which is at the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean and you can see the boats float by. The food looks pretty good too between the gumbo, monte cristo, and steak
This would be a must-do for us. I have always heard great things about it. And the monte cristo. And the atmosphere. But I've heard to ask for a table by the water for the best experience.

The other dining sounds good. I'm no expert on things yet, but doesn't seem like you can go too wrong with any of them.

I can't offer advice on the WOC restaurant, but I just read a review of Wine Country Trattoria on another TR and she indicated the reserved spot for that was closer and she said the food was outstanding.
I think you and I are reading the same TR (Roni's). I was going to mention that too.

If you want any other Disneyland TR recommendations, Phil, I've read a few recently from WDW vets (and DIS-dads) - I can't remember if you're following them or not. Let me know and I can paste some links.
Glad you enjoyed a get away to celebrate! I didn't know you shared a birthday with my youngest son until I saw that on FB Saturday. It's a great day to be born of course! :p

Gotta love getting the intel for the heads up regarding ticket price increases. Way to go! Another opportunity to spend your savings! ha ha ha!

As for your dining options.... I've dined at all of them except Goofy's Kitchen. (Some favorites not listed, Jazz Kitchen (DTD), Tortilla Jo's (DTD), Carnation Cafe (DL), Rancho del Zocalo (DL), and Plaza Inn (DL))

My favorite.....I adore Napa Rose for dinner. My personal preference for a WoC dinner package is Carthay Circle over the Wine Country Trattoria. I love the elegance and menu of Carthay Circle over the Trattoria. I like Steakhouse 55 but it's not my favorite. Our first dinner there wasn't great and unless I hadn't had a business dinner there later I may not have returned. Again, personal opinion there. (We had a party of 3 for our first dinner there and everyone agreed that it wasn't as good as other Disney steakhouses.) With that said, I LOVE the decor at Steakhouse 55 almost as much as Carthay Circle. Lots of vintage Walt Disney photos.

You have to try Blue Bayou - even if for lunch. It's a great experience. (I'm still bitter from their menu change 10 years ago but whose keeping track!) If you are interested in trying the awesome Monte Cristo sandwich and garlic/parmesan pomme frites you must consider Cafe Orleans at DL.

Storytellers (at Grand Californian) is good for breakfast with the characters. I like their dinner buffet too. (Especially the kid selections which I wasn't too shy to pile on my plate.) Between the two meals I prefer dinner but with kids the characters may be more appealing.

The sandwiches and soup at Pacific wharf are definitely on my "love it" list. Not so much the other quick service options at the wharf (Mexican and Chinese options.)

Trader Sam's - it's so hard to get a table inside but they have patio seating. Fun atmosphere there.

And with all that said.... I don't think you'll be disappointed with any of the options you are considering.
Following, I really enjoyed your previous TR. Taking notes for our first family DL trip (DH & I have been to DL just never with kids, sort-of DD1 was in my belly the last time we were at DL).
I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip to Disney Land! I have never been there before but I hope to go one day.
I read you are having a DISmeet in Hershey? I live about 45 minutes from there! That sounds like fun!
Happy Birthday to you and Olivia!

Nice getting those tickets before the prices went up!

You have some nice options on the table! From what I've read, Blue Bayou seems like a must-try!
Hi!! New to your TR's but wanted to give my 2 cents as a Disneyland foodie...and most importantly PARENT! :love: I put my opinions in red

- Blue Bayou: This might be the one I am most looking forward to - largely for the location which is at the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean and you can see the boats float by. The food looks pretty good too between the gumbo, monte cristo, and steak. Ask for a wateside table. You'll have to ask when you check in for your ADR and it may be a longer wait, but it's worth it. Try the Fantasmic! Dining Package if you're planning on eating there anyway and you'll get the best F! Seating. The Surf and Turf is my favorite and my vegetarian 4-yr old gets the Off-The-Menu macaroni and cheese and loves it.

- Catal Restaurant ... or more specifically the UVA Bar and Cafe - the setting looks really nice and outside to enjoy the nice weather and menu looks good too (love Tapas!). Featured items are Tuna Tartare Tacos, Street Fries, and Mojitos! Sign up for the Patina Group emails and you'll get a $25 gift card for the month of your Birthday so if any of you are Oct birthdays you can use it while you're there. They also will send random % off coupons. Good for Catal/UVA and Naples Pizza adn Tortilla Joe's.

Also in DD try the House of Blues Sunday Gospel Brunch and be blown away!!

- Goofy's Kitchen - I am sure we will do a couple of character meals and seems like the food is the best here. Not sure if we want to do dinner or breakfast - likely would be dinner arrival night or breakfast day we leave as we won't have park tickets those days We really really really dislike the food here. It's a buffet but greasy and salty and they no longer have a great rotation of characters. They only have Goofy Pluto, Minnie, and Chip & Dale- We usually choose Minnie and Friends instead or even Storyteller Cafe at GCH. Storyteller doesn't have great characters but the food is 100% better .

- Napa Rose - really hoping to get one nice meal, perhaps if we can arrange a date night that would be great, and likely would have to decide between here or Steak 55. This just sounds so nice and really good food. Recall a review from LeshaFace's trip report and seemed really good.
We used Care.Com and got a babysitter since my DD was too young for Pinocchio's Workshop at GCH (I think you have to be 6yrs old) and were pleased with the babysitter. If you do NR do the Chef's Tasting Counter!! It's amazing and worth it, and do the early seating at 5:30. Make your ADR through the restaurant directly.

- Storyteller's Cafe - if we don't get to do Napa Rose I would like to make it over to check out the Grand Californian to check it out and this restaurant sounds pretty good too. They also do a Chip and Dale breakfast there so that could be an option.
We like the food here, the characters are Chip & Dale and some other 2 that my DD doesn't recognize but it's a warm and cozy setting. We have breakfast here often and never have been dissapointed.

- Pacific Warf Restaurants - The area sounds really neeat from the Cafe with soup in breadbowls and salads and sandwiches to also Lucky Fortune Cookery and Cocina Cocomongo Mexican Grill - just seems like a neat area with lots of options. My favorite is to get the Breakbowl Shrimp Louie Salad and ask for the bread on the side so you get a full salad and a full bread and you can ask for butter and eat the bread later in the day! I get this every time. They have horseradish and mayo and I rip off slices of bread and put it on the bread with some salad and that's my lunch. Yummy!

- Steakhouse 55 - Probably can't do two really nice meals and was figuring it would be Napa Rose, but been reading really good things about this too. Also hear good things about breakfast here so that could be an options. Try it for breakfast. Best breakfast besides HOB Gospel Brunch.

- Trader Sam's - not sure to include this as not sure if we will eat here giving how hard it can be to get a table. But a drink (or 7) will be had here. One of the places I am most excited to check out There is a patio area down the stairs in front of the fireplace where we usually sit and relax and just walk back and forth to get our drinks at TS. Try the ahi tuna and green beans for appetizers!!

- Carthay Circle - as mentioned, may do this as part of WoC dining, but if not definitely want to check this out ... just seems like our kind of scene
We do this for the WOC package EVERY TIME. Get the cheese biscuits in addition to your WOC meal - so worth it. And when you check in ask if you can have one of the private dining rooms. It never hurts to ask. They make my DD warm veggies adn grilled cheese you can ask for off the menu again.

Enjoy :daisy:
So foreign! Never heard of any of those places! Odd that lots of attractions are the same yet all the dining is unique from WDW.

The food is very different to me as well! That's actually a very interesting point - I was surprised how different the food options are/seem to be compared to WDW

Happy 6th Birthday Olivia, and Happy Whatever Birthday, Phil. :rotfl:

I read about your wine event on FB...looks very nice.

I'm glad you were able to get the tickets before the price increase (I did that for Mark...I got his hoppers in January for our October trip because I knew they'd be going up).

I can't offer advice on the WOC restaurant, but I just read a review of Wine Country Trattoria on another TR and she indicated the reserved spot for that was closer and she said the food was outstanding.

Thank you Kathy! And it was very nice to get the tickets before the price increase

I did read about the WoC reserved areas for dining and that the area set aside for Carthay Circle is further away - but my understanding is you do not have to use that spot and can go to the other reserved areas if you want .... but more research is definitely needed!

Sorry for the WoC thread! :faint:

Which reminds me :rotfl:There is a Karl Strauss beer cart located in the Pacific Wharf area. Thought i'd leave that bit of info here :thumbsup2 [/quote]

No worries! I am super glad you pointed it out ... just was intimidating at first but once I digest it I will be really glad to have all the info.

And thanks for the info on the Karl Strauss beer cart. I've seen a few pictures of quality beer in some Disneyland TRs so glad to see that and glad to know a location to hit up! :thumbsup2

Love that picture of Olivia nailing the 'First Position' pose. Happy belated Birthday to the both of you!:goodvibes

Wine right out of the barrel is a treat. We are wine club members for a winery located in Paso Robles and it was only us in the tasting room so the owner took us to the back and let us have a taste of a brand new wine they would be bottling in the future, straight from the barrel. Delicious!

Olivia loves her ballet! (and now hip-hop jazz so we have to buy two costumes for her recital this year)

It's just fun to get to see and hear about the process and what the wine makers are thinking during the process. We love that sort of stuff.

I'm so glad that you had seen the price increase! Ugh, the increasing never stops.

How in the world did I forget to mention Napa Rose to you!?! :faint: Yes! If you're able to, do it! We've always had such a wonderful experience there and the food it just amazing.

Haven't tried Steakhouse 55 yet, but Alison (franandaj) loves this place and has been many, many times.

Looking forward to seeing what you end up choosing!

No worries - I figured that you figured Napa Rose went without saying. I do remember it from your trip report though and hope we can figure out a way to do it. Here mixed things about Steakhouse 55 (the setting seems cool but food not as special) - might not make the cut

Happy belated birthday to Olivia and you.
I am glad you were able to get the tickets before the price increase. You will be happy that you got the park hopping option. It's so easy to go from one park to another.
I love steakhouse 55. The meal that my family had was one of best steakhouse meals ever.

Thank you!

As far as the park hopping - I kinda wanted it just to have the option and try it out and experience it with the park so close. As it is all brand new to us I am sure we could find stuff to do in just one park for one day - but this also gives us more flexibility for dining packages, etc.

ok - maybe Steakhouse 55 is back in :rotfl2:

Happy Birthday to you and Olivia!

To be honest, I spend most of my Disney planning planning. Really, isn't it the best part?

I'm an avid reader of the DFB and Blue Bayou is on my must-do list if we ever make it to DLR. Food and atmosphere look amazing!

And I'm excited to hear your review of Trader Sam's. Really, this is just common sense. Grabbing a drink there is really just common sense so you'll be able to make a fully informed decision when you visit the Poly on your next WDW trip!

And I'm just going to say I watched a video of WoC a few weeks ago and cried. Can't wait to hear your review of that!

Thank you!

Food planning was always a huge part of our WDW planning - just now it is all new so very important - and very fun - just a bit overwhelming at this moment

I hear there will be a lot of different stuff at the new Poly Trader Sam but some things they are brining over. I just really want to experience it ... I am super excited that they are brining one to the Poly and thing it will basically "make" the remodel.

Super pumbed for World of Color - I think that is why I am putting so much pressure on the planning for that
Hope you both had great birthdays! I wonder if you and I are the same number of years more than 6, besides just sharing the date? :confused3 (which reminds me, I guess I should update my signature age. :sad2: Man, I was so young when I first put that up!:rotfl:) Funny, we always had that week off of school too when I was growing up (Mid-Winter Break). I loved always getting my birthday week off of school! :thumbsup2 Glad you had an enjoyable trip!

I think we are close to the same number of years beyond 6. What is important is that one of these years we celebrate together at Disney :goodvibes

I literally never had school on my birthday growing up as it always fell during this week and never realized that many states didn't have that break.

Yes, thank goodness for the tips - I got Dug's ticket for May last week too! Whew!

I know! If we end up doing Disneyland, I'll have to get a ticket for Izzy too! :sad1:

Glad you got Dug's as well - every little bit of savings help! Guess we have to start paying for them at some point, but was nice when they were free. At least Emma will still be free.

This would be a must-do for us. I have always heard great things about it. And the monte cristo. And the atmosphere. But I've heard to ask for a table by the water for the best experience.

The other dining sounds good. I'm no expert on things yet, but doesn't seem like you can go too wrong with any of them.

I've heard the same thing about requesting a table by the water and we will definitely do that as the setting, as much as the food, is a reason I want to eat at Blue Bayou

I think you and I are reading the same TR (Roni's). I was going to mention that too.

If you want any other Disneyland TR recommendations, Phil, I've read a few recently from WDW vets (and DIS-dads) - I can't remember if you're following them or not. Let me know and I can paste some links.

So far I am not following that many Disneyland TRs but if you have the links for a few you would recommend that would be great! :thumbsup2

Glad you enjoyed a get away to celebrate! I didn't know you shared a birthday with my youngest son until I saw that on FB Saturday. It's a great day to be born of course! :p

Thank you! Definitely a good day! and happy belated birthday to your son!

Gotta love getting the intel for the heads up regarding ticket price increases. Way to go! Another opportunity to spend your savings! ha ha ha!

As for your dining options.... I've dined at all of them except Goofy's Kitchen. (Some favorites not listed, Jazz Kitchen (DTD), Tortilla Jo's (DTD), Carnation Cafe (DL), Rancho del Zocalo (DL), and Plaza Inn (DL))

every little bit of savings helps - not that I won't spend the savings, but still :rotfl:

Thanks for mentioning those other places especially the DTD places - a number of them looked good but wasn't sure which were the most worth a stop

My favorite.....I adore Napa Rose for dinner. My personal preference for a WoC dinner package is Carthay Circle over the Wine Country Trattoria. I love the elegance and menu of Carthay Circle over the Trattoria. I like Steakhouse 55 but it's not my favorite. Our first dinner there wasn't great and unless I hadn't had a business dinner there later I may not have returned. Again, personal opinion there. (We had a party of 3 for our first dinner there and everyone agreed that it wasn't as good as other Disney steakhouses.) With that said, I LOVE the decor at Steakhouse 55 almost as much as Carthay Circle. Lots of vintage Walt Disney photos.

it really is the decor at Steakhouse 55 that is drawing me in so much, but more and more Carthay Circle is moving up the list - definitely will fit it in and doing it as part of the WoC package might be the easiest.

You have to try Blue Bayou - even if for lunch. It's a great experience. (I'm still bitter from their menu change 10 years ago but whose keeping track!) If you are interested in trying the awesome Monte Cristo sandwich and garlic/parmesan pomme frites you must consider Cafe Orleans at DL.

Storytellers (at Grand Californian) is good for breakfast with the characters. I like their dinner buffet too. (Especially the kid selections which I wasn't too shy to pile on my plate.) Between the two meals I prefer dinner but with kids the characters may be more appealing.

The sandwiches and soup at Pacific wharf are definitely on my "love it" list. Not so much the other quick service options at the wharf (Mexican and Chinese options.)

Trader Sam's - it's so hard to get a table inside but they have patio seating. Fun atmosphere there.

And with all that said.... I don't think you'll be disappointed with any of the options you are considering.

I am thinking maybe lunch for Blue Bayou - definitely want to try it out one way ... and will probably also stop at Cafe Orleans for the garlic/parmesan pomme frites - saw a picture of those and almost started drooling

I thought Storytellers looked nice so glad to hear you liked the food there. Good to know that the other options at the Waft aren't the best - but the soups look really good.

Glad to know I am at least on the right track - really appreciate all your input!

Following, I really enjoyed your previous TR. Taking notes for our first family DL trip (DH & I have been to DL just never with kids, sort-of DD1 was in my belly the last time we were at DL).

Welcome! Glad that you enjoyed the past TRs! Hope this is a help for your planning!

I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip to Disney Land! I have never been there before but I hope to go one day.
I read you are having a DISmeet in Hershey? I live about 45 minutes from there! That sounds like fun!

Thanks for joining! I'm looking forward to telling you about the trip!

There is an official GKTW DISmeet at Hershey the end of June. The DISunplugged podcast team will be there and hold a show from there and there will be other events, etc.

here is a link to the Facebook page and thread on the DIS if you are interested. it was a lot of fun last year!:!/DISHHPAGKTW

Happy Birthday to you and Olivia!

Nice getting those tickets before the prices went up!

You have some nice options on the table! From what I've read, Blue Bayou seems like a must-try!

Thank you Alexis!

While I have heard of a few not great meals there - for the setting alone I think Blue Bayou is a "must do" for us.
Hi!! New to your TR's but wanted to give my 2 cents as a Disneyland foodie...and most importantly PARENT! :love: I put my opinions in red

Thanks so much for joining and really appreciate all the input/feedback!

- Blue Bayou: This might be the one I am most looking forward to - largely for the location which is at the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean and you can see the boats float by. The food looks pretty good too between the gumbo, monte cristo, and steak. Ask for a wateside table. You'll have to ask when you check in for your ADR and it may be a longer wait, but it's worth it. Try the Fantasmic! Dining Package if you're planning on eating there anyway and you'll get the best F! Seating. The Surf and Turf is my favorite and my vegetarian 4-yr old gets the Off-The-Menu macaroni and cheese and loves it.

Thanks for the tip about the waterside table - definitely will be doing that. Good thought about doing the Fantasmic package - and good to know about the mac & cheese as my son loves that!

- Catal Restaurant ... or more specifically the UVA Bar and Cafe - the setting looks really nice and outside to enjoy the nice weather and menu looks good too (love Tapas!). Featured items are Tuna Tartare Tacos, Street Fries, and Mojitos! Sign up for the Patina Group emails and you'll get a $25 gift card for the month of your Birthday so if any of you are Oct birthdays you can use it while you're there. They also will send random % off coupons. Good for Catal/UVA and Naples Pizza adn Tortilla Joe's.
Also in DD try the House of Blues Sunday Gospel Brunch and be blown away!!

- Goofy's Kitchen - I am sure we will do a couple of character meals and seems like the food is the best here. Not sure if we want to do dinner or breakfast - likely would be dinner arrival night or breakfast day we leave as we won't have park tickets those days We really really really dislike the food here. It's a buffet but greasy and salty and they no longer have a great rotation of characters. They only have Goofy Pluto, Minnie, and Chip & Dale- We usually choose Minnie and Friends instead or even Storyteller Cafe at GCH. Storyteller doesn't have great characters but the food is 100% better .

No birthday's in October but might sign up anyway in case we get a random coupon. Won't be there on a Sunday so will miss out on that brunch I guess

Thanks for your thoughts on Goofy's - my reading had seemed to indicate that had the best food of any of the character buffet's but perhaps that is / is no longer the case. Was thinking if we did Ariel's grotto for the princesses this could be a good one for Peter, but will have to re-evaluate
- Napa Rose - really hoping to get one nice meal, perhaps if we can arrange a date night that would be great, and likely would have to decide between here or Steak 55. This just sounds so nice and really good food. Recall a review from LeshaFace's trip report and seemed really good.
We used Care.Com and got a babysitter since my DD was too young for Pinocchio's Workshop at GCH (I think you have to be 6yrs old) and were pleased with the babysitter. If you do NR do the Chef's Tasting Counter!! It's amazing and worth it, and do the early seating at 5:30. Make your ADR through the restaurant directly.

Good to know about as an option. We shall see - starting to get hard to fit everything in! Thanks for the tip about the Chef's tasting and to do the early seating

- Storyteller's Cafe - if we don't get to do Napa Rose I would like to make it over to check out the Grand Californian to check it out and this restaurant sounds pretty good too. They also do a Chip and Dale breakfast there so that could be an option.
We like the food here, the characters are Chip & Dale and some other 2 that my DD doesn't recognize but it's a warm and cozy setting. We have breakfast here often and never have been dissapointed.
- Pacific Warf Restaurants - The area sounds really neeat from the Cafe with soup in breadbowls and salads and sandwiches to also Lucky Fortune Cookery and Cocina Cocomongo Mexican Grill - just seems like a neat area with lots of options. My favorite is to get the Breakbowl Shrimp Louie Salad and ask for the bread on the side so you get a full salad and a full bread and you can ask for butter and eat the bread later in the day! I get this every time. They have horseradish and mayo and I rip off slices of bread and put it on the bread with some salad and that's my lunch. Yummy!

- Steakhouse 55 - Probably can't do two really nice meals and was figuring it would be Napa Rose, but been reading really good things about this too. Also hear good things about breakfast here so that could be an options. Try it for breakfast. Best breakfast besides HOB Gospel Brunch.

Good to know about the breakfast at Storyteller's. That breakdbowl sounds good - and good too!

I've heard good things about the breakfast at Steakhouse 55

- Trader Sam's - not sure to include this as not sure if we will eat here giving how hard it can be to get a table. But a drink (or 7) will be had here. One of the places I am most excited to check out There is a patio area down the stairs in front of the fireplace where we usually sit and relax and just walk back and forth to get our drinks at TS. Try the ahi tuna and green beans for appetizers!!
- Carthay Circle - as mentioned, may do this as part of WoC dining, but if not definitely want to check this out ... just seems like our kind of scene
We do this for the WOC package EVERY TIME. Get the cheese biscuits in addition to your WOC meal - so worth it. And when you check in ask if you can have one of the private dining rooms. It never hurts to ask. They make my DD warm veggies adn grilled cheese you can ask for off the menu again.

Enjoy :daisy:

Thos appetizers at TS sound really good! I think I am now sold on doing Carthay Circle for WoC ... but there is still time for me to change my mind :rotfl:
Sounds like you are doing great with the hotel & tickets taken care of! Remind me when your trip is again?

The weekend trip of celebrations sound like a great time away.

I guess I will be living vicariously through everyone on here.. It will probably be 2017 before we make it back to WDW. Hope to start my TR soon! :)
I think we are close to the same number of years beyond 6. What is important is that one of these years we celebrate together at Disney :goodvibes

I literally never had school on my birthday growing up as it always fell during this week and never realized that many states didn't have that break.
I was going to say that we might just end up celebrating at Disney once Izzy is in school. But then I looked and saw that our district doesn't have the February week off, like when I was growing up. Looks like a more normal schedule of President's Day only, then a Spring Break around Easter. :sad1:

So far I am not following that many Disneyland TRs but if you have the links for a few you would recommend that would be great! :thumbsup2
Here's a few I'm reading now:
Disneyland or Bust: A Mother-Daughter Coastal Road Trip **UPDATE 2/19!!** (Road trip along CA coast (from north), then Disneyland)
The Dry Heat Expedition (Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Disneyland)--UPDATE 2/24 (Road trip from Vegas, then Disneyland)
Somebody's Gonna Pee in a Cup. - I Need To See Everybody's Wristband - 2/13 (Teasers for DL mixed in, but not full TR yet)

And here's a few from my old subscription list:
We had a GRAND trip to Disneyland! March 2014 TR NEW 7/29 p.12 (A Minnesotan! I found this recently and read through, I don't think it's quite finished)
One Happy Dog Family Lands it for Halloween -- 12/29 final post and MVMCP link!!! (Here's an old one, but it's in October and she writes good reports)
Just the 3 of us… almost. Nov '09 TR ~ Update 7/10 (Another old one, unfinished I think, but good for DL with a toddler stuff)

Happy planning! :goodvibes

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