Presenting - Pumpkin Planning Project.........A PTR Production!!!

I loved reading your last trip report! Nothing better than Disney at Christmas time. We were in WDW this past December - it was great! We'll be in Disneyland mid-October. One day we plan to do a city bus tour. Question - is there another tour you wished you would have done that would have given you more time at each stop? Can you tell me which one you did? Right now I'm looking at the Gray Lines tour. Any help would be appreciated!:goodvibes
I just loooove reading your posts. One of these days I'll start my own PTR, but I keep changing my mind about our accommodation. Just heard about a great deal on GCH but need to work out whether it's worth more than double my original budget:scared1:

In the meantime, I'll enjoy reading all about your planning. Hope you're feeling ok,

Liz :hug:
Hi Sue ... enjoyed your last TR so much that I have subbed to this one! :cool1: Look forward to living vicariously through you ... no trips on the horizon at the moment as my eldest will be going to high school next year and we enter the wonderful world of school fees!:eek: Anyway, look forward to hearing about all the plans and I know you will do it in style! :wizard:
Hi Sue! :wave2: Thanks for posting the PTR link - I was wondering if you had a date nailed down!

Hi Tammie!

So glad you found me! I really can't wait for this trip.I didn't think I would be so excited, but it's all I talk about! Lucky I have the Disboards though otherwise I would drive my poor hubby crazy!!!

It's going to be fun to count down with everyone:woohoo:
I loved reading your last trip report! Nothing better than Disney at Christmas time. We were in WDW this past December - it was great! We'll be in Disneyland mid-October. One day we plan to do a city bus tour. Question - is there another tour you wished you would have done that would have given you more time at each stop? Can you tell me which one you did? Right now I'm looking at the Gray Lines tour. Any help would be appreciated!:goodvibes

Hi there:wave2:

So glad you enjoyed reading the last report! It makes it all the more special when you can share your experiences with like minded folk ( especially those with an obsession for all things Disney!!! )

I am looking forward to getting to WDW one day and I am sure to see it at Christmas would be just spectacular. I bet you had a ball:banana:

In regards to the city bus tour, the one you are looking at sounds like it could be the one we did as it was a Gray Lines tour. We started out at a historical building in LA, then it was onto Hollywood. We only had an hour there and it just was not long enough. By the time we found the stars on the sidewalk that we wanted to see, we had time only to pop into the Disney Soda Fountain store and throw back a sundae:headache:
Then it was off to farmers market and The Grove for lunch. Again,only enough time to find something to eat and then it was back on the bus. We drove into Beverly Hills and down Rodeo Drive. I would have liked to have walked around, but alas, we were headed to Santa Monica so no time to stop.

Then it was off to Santa Monica pier. From memory, we had about 1 and a half hours here and it was the longest stop. Then it was into Venice beach. It was getting dark by then so we just popped out for a quick look and got back on the bus.

So, no, I would not do this tour again. If I had of known from the start that it was very go, go ,go, I never would have booked it.

Next time we will get a bus into LA and take our time to look around. DD and I desperately wanted to go to Madame Tussauds but there was no time. I also wanted to check out the theatres and there is a viewing area for the Hollywood sign that we didn't get to either.

At least we know for next time!

We are tossing up whether or not to venture into LA on the upcomimg trip. Just something we may throw in!!!

Feel free to ask any questions and I will do my best to help out:thumbsup2
I just loooove reading your posts. One of these days I'll start my own PTR, but I keep changing my mind about our accommodation. Just heard about a great deal on GCH but need to work out whether it's worth more than double my original budget:scared1:

In the meantime, I'll enjoy reading all about your planning. Hope you're feeling ok,

Liz :hug:


So glad you are here!!!

Oooooh, a deal at GCH, now that sounds grand ( ha ha ha!!!)

I was a bit the same re the accomodation. I desperatley want to stay on property at least once in my life, but when I can get a room at the Ho Jo for that $59.00 rate, I just can't justify the extra.

I am looking at changing the way I have our accomodation set up at the moment. I think I would rather stay at the Carousel Inn at the start of our trip rather than the last 4 nights. I have read mixed reports and I know the Ho Jo like the back of my hand, so am thinking I would rather finish the trip there as I know the laundry set up and the little will keep me happy!!!

And, yes, feeling much better than I was a few weeks ago. I wish the damn thing would go back into remisson and give me some peace! I usually have a flare up this time of year, so nothing new!!! I will be fighting fit by October though:cheer2:

I actually said to DD yesterday at 2:40 ( that's our flight departure time ) " do you know where we will be in exactly 6 months..........on the plane" Not that I am excited or anything:dance3:

It's going to be a fun count down to our trips!


So glad you are here!!!

Oooooh, a deal at GCH, now that sounds grand ( ha ha ha!!!)

I was a bit the same re the accomodation. I desperatley want to stay on property at least once in my life, but when I can get a room at the Ho Jo for that $59.00 rate, I just can't justify the extra.

I am looking at changing the way I have our accomodation set up at the moment. I think I would rather stay at the Carousel Inn at the start of our trip rather than the last 4 nights. I have read mixed reports and I know the Ho Jo like the back of my hand, so am thinking I would rather finish the trip there as I know the laundry set up and the little will keep me happy!!!

And, yes, feeling much better than I was a few weeks ago. I wish the damn thing would go back into remisson and give me some peace! I usually have a flare up this time of year, so nothing new!!! I will be fighting fit by October though:cheer2:

I actually said to DD yesterday at 2:40 ( that's our flight departure time ) " do you know where we will be in exactly 6 months..........on the plane" Not that I am excited or anything:dance3:

It's going to be a fun count down to our trips!


I know what you mean about hotels. I absolutely love the Hojo ( and their $59 rate!), so we've decided to split our stay. We will stay the first 6 nights onsite and the last 5 in two interconnecting rooms at the good old Hojo.

I tossed and turned all night thinking about staying at the GCH, and how much $$$ it was going to cost, and DH said " if we don't book a room there will you kick yourself once you clap eyes on the place in September?" Well, the decison was made for me wasn't it? Oh well, it's only money :scared1:

My girls are super-excited - it's going to be a long countdown!
Hi Sue ... enjoyed your last TR so much that I have subbed to this one! :cool1: Look forward to living vicariously through you ... no trips on the horizon at the moment as my eldest will be going to high school next year and we enter the wonderful world of school fees!:eek: Anyway, look forward to hearing about all the plans and I know you will do it in style! :wizard:

Well a very big howdy hey and welcome:wave2:

I must say I am glad to be counting down and sharing our plans! It makes it so much more enjoyable and I love hearing of others stories and tips too!

Ah school fees, they can be a killer can't they!?:crazy2:

And as for doing things in there any other way???:rotfl:
Hmmmm - a good deal at the GCH.........maybe you might have to let me know about that. Like you say, it's only money;)

And have you thought about making a countdown calendar for the girls? They are lots of fun and you can include little treats, disney trivia questions, stickers etc?

We also watch an animated Disney movie once a week and take it in turns to pick!:happytv:

I always make DD an airport bag too. I have started to get things already. I have found a really cool Halloween trick or treat bag and I am going to fill it with bits and pieces. I am always on the look out for Disney related items and have been known to buy pens, pins, stationary, Pez, gum............things like that! She also always gets a new pair of Minnie pj's to go too!!!

I am even fond of the odd colouring book myself for the plane trip!!!

Keeps me occupied and I find I don't spend too much asI buy things spread over time.
Just popped in to say... OMG super jealous!!! 16 nights at DLR over Halloween - I can't wait to hear all about this trip! :thumbsup2

And I think you should do the Carousel at the beginning of the trip too. It's always nice to finish off with the things you know you're going to enjoy.
Just popped in to say... OMG super jealous!!! 16 nights at DLR over Halloween - I can't wait to hear all about this trip! :thumbsup2

And I think you should do the Carousel at the beginning of the trip too. It's always nice to finish off with the things you know you're going to enjoy.

Well thank you so much for popping in and a big hi right back at ya!!!:thumbsup2

Yes, I still have to pinch myself that we get so long at our happy place to do whatever we want, when we want..........hmmmmm, who said we can't have funnel cakes for breakfast every day!!!:rotfl:

I am full swing into planning and enjoying every minute of it!

I contacted the travel agent re swapping dates, so hopefully we can do the Carousel Inn at the beginning as we do love our Ho Jo!!!

Thanks for coming along, it's going to be fun!!!:cool1:
Hi there everyone:wave2:

I do think it's about time for an update!!!

We have had a big week indeed this past week as the DD has celebrated her 15th birthday! A wonderful time was had by all at the laser tag get together with her mad mates, and she did get just a tad spoiled from Mum and Dad and Grandma and Poppy ( being the only child AND only grandchild helps somewhat!!!::yes::)

I thought I would include a couple of pics as I am big on having pictures tell the story ( have you seen my trip report???:rotfl:)

Here is the birthday girl with the balloons I had as a surprise for her in her room when she got home from school. They were all floating on the ceiling and she has since told me it was her favourite part...........she loves the little things too, just like her Mum:lovestruc. I had 15 in all and got every Disney ballooon print they had in the shop to choose from which wasn't too many..........Pooh, Princesses, Mickey, Toy Story and of course we had I just had to find a piratey one too!!!



For anyone who has read my TR, you will know that "Girl" is DD's special Minnie she has had since she was she is holding the Mickey balloon!!!


And did someone say presents..............bit of a theme here don't you think!!!


Amongst other items not pictured were a couple of collectibles for the Lion King collection.............a Bradford Exchange collector plate and also the Swarowski Lion King title plaque ( it's the little orange thing on the plate box!!! )

Now, on with the PTR!!!

I have decided I will be buying an AP over the phone in the next week or 2 as I have been told by a clever Diser that if I purchase a pass over the phone it will be active immediately. This will then allow me to puchase our tickets to Mickey's halloween party when they go on sale to the AP holders who do get to buy them before the general public.
As we wont' be going back to DL next year:(, it doesn't matter that it will expire this time next year. I will purchase another just before we go and activate that one when we get to the park. I bought us all AP's for the last trip and we found the discounts were just great! 20% off merchandise, 15% off food sounds good to me!!! Plus, I want to do the Happiest Haunts guided tour and I can get a discount off that too!!!

On another note, we have decided that we are going to have a Mum day and a daughter day each week we are there. So, on my day DD has to go along with what I want to do and on her day...............well, you get the idea!!!!

So I am sure on DD's day it will be nothing but baked potatoes from the Troubador Tavern and continuous going around on Pirates!!!!
AND, we will doing it for both parks!!!!

I have started to get in some things for her airport bag. Every time we go away somewhere and we fly, I always give her a bag of goodies for the trip.

I am trying to get most things with a Halloween theme but all will definietly be Disney themed::yes::

I have tissues, pyjamas, pens and pins with a new lanyard so far!

Any suggestions for little treats are most welcome:thumbsup2

Less than 6 months now...............oh yeah!!!pixiedust:
Wow lucky DD! Sounds like a great birthday!

I like the idea of a mum day and a daughter day :)
Looking forward to the rest of your PTR and the actual trip report, I really enjoyed your last one!

We will be in DL for Halloween Time too, but almost a month before you (20th Sept to 3rd Oct).

I was going to suggest buying your AP over the phone so it's already activated - I found that out accidentally when I couldn't buy my husband's online. Now I can use his to buy our Halloween party tickets.
What a fun birthday surprise!:cool1: I think you about covered all the characters! :goodvibes

I love the planning stage - planning is almost the best part for me! For the travel bag - are there any movies she doesn't have yet? We always love to travel with a portable DVD player.
Oh the Mum DD day sounds wonderful! I think we will have to do that as well, DS day!! LOL but I can see it being more like this is your 2 hours you pick what we do. I can see DS1 picking California screaming over and over, then DS2 doing buzz over and over!LOL

We use to travel with the portable DVD player, but have graduated to the ipad, and I love it! We load it up with movies and tv shows, plus some games. Keeps the little ones busy and the older one plays his Ipod!

Happy Birthday to your DD!
Looking forward to the rest of your PTR and the actual trip report, I really enjoyed your last one!

We will be in DL for Halloween Time too, but almost a month before you (20th Sept to 3rd Oct).

I was going to suggest buying your AP over the phone so it's already activated - I found that out accidentally when I couldn't buy my husband's online. Now I can use his to buy our Halloween party tickets.

You'll have to let me know how the crowd levels are! I'm planning on going around those dates in 2013 :)
Happy Late Birthday Laura!! Those presents are really cool. My 17th is two weeks from today :scared1:


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