Pre order

You can only preorder at BOG right now.
You can order from 30 days until 5 minutes before your meal.
You log into MDE and under you reservations there will be a link to do the preorder.
You can only preorder at BOG right now.

1) True.
2) But, they are planning to roll it out a other eateries.
3) BoG is a "Test Bed" for several new things to speed up meals and "Table Turns"
. . . TABLE TURNS: pre-order, so less time taken at the table with waitress
. . . TABLE TURNS: with faster food delivery, people get in-and-out quicker and more people can eat during the meal period
. . . TABLE TURNS: by delivering food Just-In-Time, it can cut down people at the table by 20-30 minutes, allowing more revenue per table
. . . LABOR REDUCTION: Less time to get orders means less SERVER labor required
. . . LABOR REDUCTION: fewer options or ability to substitute for "sides", saves kitchen staffing *
. . . COST SAVING: fewer substitutions means less food stocks in the kitchen, saving inventory costs and food waste *

* When one talks to chefs and Line Cooks, this has become an MAJOR pain. By allowing "picky eaters" to alter the meal, it increases cook's time and foodstuffs in the kitchen. According to lots of kitchen people (we all talk during breaks in the cafeteria), by trying to accommodate, things have gotten out of hand. BoG is a good test to cut down on such . . . allergies will still be accommodated, but substituting "sides" options have been cut back severely.


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