Pool Chairs...staking claim


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 2007
I know there is limited chair space on the pool decks from pictures and videos I have seen. Do people go out early, put stuff down, and claim a seat for the entire day whether they are there or not?

Just curious because the same happens at our community pool. There are limited tables with umbrellas. People go out at 8AM, put towels on them, and come back at noon.
I see this all the time and I don't think it's fair. Nevertheless, as a frequent cruiser I know this is going to happen so I just accept it and move on. Too bad there isn't more enforcement on this issue.
I'm going to get chewed up and spit out for saying this but if I see a chair that has been empty for a while and only has a towel or book on it I just move it. There are a few of the round wicker chairs that get taken in this way. I once moved into one of those and two hours later the people came back and collected their things from the side table. I smiled nicely at them and they scowled nicely back.
I'm always prepared to give the seat back if they come within a reasonable time, say 30 minutes, but more than that and you lose. I should also add I normally go to the top deck and there is never a problem for seating so me removing objects doesn't happen all that often. I just would not be afraid to do it. If you are just ask a cast member to and they will.
Yeah, you see this across all cruise lines. We usually don't care all that much, but if I'm watching my granddaughter swim, I will sometimes plant myself on a vacant chair and just move if someone returns.

I don't get the need to stake a chair claim early and all day regardless of how much time one will actually spend in the chair, but then, we aren't sun worshippers.

I gotta say, if I'd abandoned my chair for an hour or more and came back to find someone else sitting in it, I'd be way too embarrassed to even think about insisting it was "my" chair.
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I just move towels after they have been sitting on a chair after an hour, I have seen others do the same thing. It would seem unless you have personal belongings with your towel and your towel has been sitting there for more than 60 minutes, then that's a message that the person went back to the stateroom and no longer needs their chair. I don't even care if that gets me flamed, more people should move towels when they don't see anyone there, it would curb the b.s.
The only time I blocked a chair when my bottom wasn't in it was the couple of times I did laps in the adult pool. I kind of worried that people would be upset that my backpack was sitting there but I wouldn't have been too mad to come back and find it on the side table instead as I'm not someone who has to be in the sun. I was in the pool a max of 45 minutes and the only time the adult deck got full was a sea day.

Saving chairs does not happen at our local pool at all but does happen at the big water park nearby. I find it odd behavior but I'd love to hear someone try to justify it.
Saving chairs does not happen at our local pool at all but does happen at the big water park nearby. I find it odd behavior but I'd love to hear someone try to justify it.

There is no real justification other than selfish behaviour of someone "reserving" lounger(s) because they feel they can or believe they are justified in doing or or entitled to - they must be more important than the rest of us.

With the number of people I see just walking away leaving their used towels on the loungers, 30 minutes to me is even too long to wait given there are no personal effects on the lounger. Having once sat in a lounger (if not just dumping clean towels) does not entitle one the use of the lounger for the day. There with others and in the pool, watching kids in the splash area, off to the washroom or getting some pool deck food (mmm Flo's), there are numerous reasons one may not be using all the time. But dropping towels and maybe back later, off to lunch or other ship activity; the lounger should now free for the taking by another.
I admit that I move towels if it's obvious that one has just been put out to save a seat, rather than one that is being used - I ask anyone sat next to it whether someone is sitting there and if not, I see it as fair game!

I wouldn't touch a chair with personal belongings on, but if it's a generic cruise line towel, then I'm sorry but I don't see anything wrong with it at all - likewise if I put out a towel and go away to get lunch/swim/whatever, if the seat is taken when I get back, oh well!
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I see one of the problems is the lack of anywhere else to put a towel while you are in the pool. If you show up and just want to swim in the pool or sit in a hot tub, where else could you put a towel? Maybe they should add some cubbies by these areas.
While there is a fair amount of seat saving -- which I am with others, if you aren't using the lounger or just running for things that would keep you away for a short period of time (using the restroom, going for food, etc.) then you shouldn't be saving it.

But I also wanted to point out that I see a fair amount of confusion when people come up to the pool. A few years ago, Disney added pool attendants at each of the pools. I've seen them in the morning go and put a clean towel on each of the lounger chairs. Sometimes due to wind or whatnot, the towels don't stay nicely folded on the headrests where the attendant has placed them. So it may look like someone just threw down a clean towel and walked away. In the cases where it is just a towel on the chair, I assume that the attendant put the towel there (if the towel is clean) or the guests that were there forgot to take their towel with them (if the towels have been used). If someone returns and says that they had been using the chair, if it is a reasonable amount of time, I'd apologize and even offer to get them another towel. But if it had been a long time, too bad for them.
on busy days at our local waterpark, if u dont get there when it opens and claim a chair, you will not get one all day.

i agree that cubbies on the pool deck to store slippers, sunscreen, etc would help free up chairs.
the same thing happens on Castaway Cay, people claim a chair for the day but there are plenty of chairs on the island, just not all in the best location.
The only time I blocked a chair when my bottom wasn't in it was the couple of times I did laps in the adult pool. I kind of worried that people would be upset that my backpack was sitting there but I wouldn't have been too mad to come back and find it on the side table instead as I'm not someone who has to be in the sun. I was in the pool a max of 45 minutes and the only time the adult deck got full was a sea day.

Saving chairs does not happen at our local pool at all but does happen at the big water park nearby. I find it odd behavior but I'd love to hear someone try to justify it.

To me this is ok, if you are in sight of the chair with your belongings on it, no problem at all. It is those that set up shop for the day early and leave to do stuff around the ship before coming back hours later reclaiming their spot. Heck if you are in the pool you can wave to the person eyeing up your spot from the pool and I don't think anyone of us on here would give you any grief, as you are in the area and will be back to your chair post swim.
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I know there is limited chair space on the pool decks from pictures and videos I have seen. Do people go out early, put stuff down, and claim a seat for the entire day whether they are there or not?

Just curious because the same happens at our community pool. There are limited tables with umbrellas. People go out at 8AM, put towels on them, and come back at noon.
Yes. I suggest you get there early to stake your claim. pirate:
unfortunately it happens ALOT. Chairs on the main pool deck, hammocks and chairs at CC, people are selfish. I know the question was asked above but if you can definitely go to the adult only deck up on twelve at the front of the ship and you will find plenty of chairs. Sometimes its empty. its a really great space and i am not sure why its not used more often. The adult pool area is a mob scene so maybe people dont know 12 exists.
It's the same in the theatre. Despite multiple announcements that reserving seats is not allowed, I found I had to try several empty seats before finding one that hadn't been "reserved"
Ok I have to add this one, never happened before or after but we met the self proclaimed chair police lady, well I should say .......crazy lady.

So we were in Nassau, stayed on board. I am allergic to the sun (not bad allergy by any means, but if too long in the sun I get rashes) so I go for the shade, and that is harder to get more than anything. So when I stumbled upon 2 chairs in the shade at Mickey Pool, I pounced on them. I put my Kyss bag attached and locked to one, my son took the other one. I went to get drinks for us at the drink station DS stayed put and DH went to get something to eat. Well some nasty woman comes by complaining quite loudly and speaking to I assume my son, mind you, DS was 5 at the time, "Why is this bag tied? It isn't allowed, you can't save seats, that is the rule. I can't watch my children in the pool!" I heard it at the drink station & back to the chairs.
I looked but didn't see any kids she was looking after, there were a couple of kids near by and in pool but, with other adults. I get back and she continues with me "you can't do that! that is saving a seat!". I politely said yes I was saving my seat for me, while getting drinks for me and my son whom you have been screaming at the whole time. I was over there, and Yes I heard the whole thing from way over there. DH comes back and asked what the problem was, at that she huffed something like "people are so rude" and left
The kicker is, no kids were following her.
So Yeah watch out for that one

But honestly since I'm not much for lounging around the pool in the sun this was the only incident I had with saving seats albeit completely backwards and totally weird.

We do save a seat for one or two that are at Preludes or something, but no crazy chair police lady there. Most of the times we are just getting there when show is about to start.


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