Please try to convince me NOT to buy DVC. No, really.

Certainly. While you could work out exactly the number you might need, a reallocation could get you (or help you). These are some of the reasons I said a 3 year cycle is tricky and why I've said in the past I think every 2 years is a better plan. It is more forgiving in these situations allowing some flexibility if the members plans change or the points costs change for any reason. While I don't mind having extra points, I'd rather be under and have to pay cash for a day here and there or rent a few points for transfer, than lose points routinely.

I think point reallocation is the low risk. The bigger risk is that you switch seasons ever so slightly because the kids' vacations switch. Or you planned to fly in for Saturday to Sunday ever three years, but suddenly life has you flying in Sunday instead of Saturday and leaving Friday so you don't miss the kid's soccer games.

If your kids are say five when you buy in, you'll take four vacations on an every three year plan before they go to college. And then chances are good you'll need a different number of points when your kids are adults - more for their partners - or fewer because of less kids.

Life changes too fast for DVC ownership with an every three year schedule - at least mine does - and you can't build in as much flexibility with banking an borrowing as you can if you plan on every year or every other year Disney vacations.
You can't take advantage of the "special of the month" like free Dining or buy 4 nights get 3 free.:mad:

You have to book your vacations 7-11 months in advance to be able to stay at your home resort. After 7 months if you own at a popular resort you may not be able to stay there (even though you pay higher mf to own at that particular resort (such as VB, BW or BC)

Your locked into a contract for a very long time. Do you love Disney that much to go there year after year after year? Although-- with VB, HH & the new resort in Hawaii you won't have to go to Disney EVERY year. :thumbsup2

The cost of the park ticket will increase over the life of the contact, as well as transportation to and from and food at Disney is already an arm & a leg-- what will it be 10 years from now? You need to think of this. :sick:

MF also go up!!! :eek:

You don't get housekeeping (which is a nice thing) or a large supply of towels (but you can pay extra for them). :confused3

Point valued and seasons may change -- They just did and a lot of people were not happy!! :sad1:

Add-onitiss!!!! :scared1: Yes its real!!! They always have a deal, but you can't forget you have to pay MF on all those add on contracts!!!!

But despite above, DVC can pay off for you if you buy what you need !! If you only want to go to Disney every other year, than buy half the points you need. If you only want to go to Disney every other year, but would love to go to Hawaii or Vero Beach or HH then buy what you need to be able to do that.

Its like homeownership-- its not for everyone, but the payoff can be big if you use it to your benefit.

Good luck--- btw, I was on the fence for 2 years!!!! And I'm so glad I jump over. Its been 4 years since I bought- I just booked my 6th trip to Disney and I'm at my break even point!!!!! So now it will only cost me the MF at the BW, but of course addonitis kicked in and now I have to pay off my BLT:rolleyes1
HGVC for DVC thru RCI

I own HGVC (Hilton Grand Vacations Club) Paid about 1/2 resale what Disney cost resale.


About a month ago I requested a 1 BR at Disney World during Spring Break March 2010. I was notified yesterday by HGVC that a 1 BR was available at DVC Boardwalk and I gladly accepted that reservation. Using 3400 HGVC pts for a 1 BR at DVC Boardwalk in my opinion is a great value.

I figure my MFs are about $0.13/pt. for my ownership. That includes all taxes, membership fees, etc. so for a 3400 pt. exchange, that would run $442 + the $164(??) RCI exchange fee. Total of $606 for a week at DVC. Not a bad deal at all!

Much cheaper than buying into DVC + I am way outside the 7th month window for non-specific resort owner booking window. I know this might not work every year so we would just go elsewhere with HGVC.

Since my wife and I are both Military we usually stay at Shades of Green so this points swap should be an accommodation improvement.

The system is working.

Another important piece in the DVC purchase picture : buy via the resale market UNLESS you have to have BLT/GCV as your home resort. Any other resort can be had much cheaper via resale than by purchasing direct thru DVC. ..
Good luck,


Wow... this has been good information for us too! Thanks, everyone! We found 250 points for SSR through resale at $63 a point and jumped at the opportunity, well "jumped" to call and ask about it! ;)

We do have debt, and this isn't the best time for us, but the opportunity seemed golden. That said, we hear a lot of complaints about SSR (location, theming, walking, etc.) even though the contract lasts until 2054 (one of the longest of the "older" resorts).

This is such a stressful decision, for anyone! I'm glad the boards are here w/ helpful tips. The park tickets, food, and airfare are a HUGE consideration for us...

Thanks guys, we'll keep thinking and planning w/ our excel spreadsheets...

I think point reallocation is the low risk. The bigger risk is that you switch seasons ever so slightly because the kids' vacations switch. Or you planned to fly in for Saturday to Sunday ever three years, but suddenly life has you flying in Sunday instead of Saturday and leaving Friday so you don't miss the kid's soccer games.

If your kids are say five when you buy in, you'll take four vacations on an every three year plan before they go to college. And then chances are good you'll need a different number of points when your kids are adults - more for their partners - or fewer because of less kids.

Life changes too fast for DVC ownership with an every three year schedule - at least mine does - and you can't build in as much flexibility with banking an borrowing as you can if you plan on every year or every other year Disney vacations.
Our thinking is definitely on the same page, 3 years is a little to very risky as a routine.

HGVC for DVC thru RCI

I own HGVC (Hilton Grand Vacations Club) Paid about 1/2 resale what Disney cost resale.


About a month ago I requested a 1 BR at Disney World during Spring Break March 2010. I was notified yesterday by HGVC that a 1 BR was available at DVC Boardwalk and I gladly accepted that reservation. Using 3400 HGVC pts for a 1 BR at DVC Boardwalk in my opinion is a great value.

I figure my MFs are about $0.13/pt. for my ownership. That includes all taxes, membership fees, etc. so for a 3400 pt. exchange, that would run $442 + the $164(??) RCI exchange fee. Total of $606 for a week at DVC. Not a bad deal at all!

Much cheaper than buying into DVC + I am way outside the 7th month window for non-specific resort owner booking window. I know this might not work every year so we would just go elsewhere with HGVC.

Since my wife and I are both Military we usually stay at Shades of Green so this points swap should be an accommodation improvement.

The system is working.

Hopefully your points are not based in Orlando. If they are, you may find your week canceled later. Also, don't forget about the extra $95 fee, still a good deal but it's good to compare apples to apples as much as possible.
Just sticking with the thread (Try and convince me not to buy DVC)

to inform her other options may suit her needs.

My points are in Hawaii and Vegas, not Orlando.
The resale prices have actually gone down over the last 2 years. If your not in for the long haul, or if you find you have to sell suddenly, you'll lose more money now than you would have a few years ago.
It works for us mostly because I work for Disney so tickets are free and I get a number of discounts. DVC costs were discounted and we also use it at the Disneyland Resort, where I work. We got just enough points to cover a nice long WDW trip with a good long weekend here at DLR or a local RCI location.

I know not everyone has that option, but just sit down and find out when you went to vacation, how long and where. If you can afford what that amount of points take, then you know you are on the right track.
The only thing I would suggest is don't look at it as a savings or investment but an expense, if you can afford it and really want to spend a great deal of your vacation time at WDW then do it. I have made over 30 trips to WDW since joining in 95-would I have gone to WDW that much had I not been a member, no way. I don't even go to the parks most times down there now. So how much money did I save, nothing, it is one big expense but the rooms are large for WDW, and it is a nice place to get out of the cold. I am from up north however not South. I have no long term complaints but don't let anyone tell you it is a savings.:goodvibes

Agree,not a savings.:confused3 BUT, as a deluxe accomodation it will be after several uses and years after the points are paid for. I crunched the numbers for myself and figured after 7-8 yrs. breaking even is possible. Then after that it's all maintainance fees for 40+years. (deluxe room rate 1 trip a year)
One thing to keep in mind is the specials Disney always advertises. LIke the current one for a weeks stay in a value resort with park tickets included and the dining plan. I just paid almost the same rate ,
just for my park tickets:scared1: so the only way to use that promotion would be to take a second trip. Granted not a deluxe accomodation:mad:
So most of the promotions do not apply to DVC owners.
I won't go into the pro's since this is not what you asked regrets I love my DVC!:yay:
There's a chance the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. If it does, you're going to have wasted a lot of money on vacations you'll never get to take.

Do you have the right month there?
Honestly, I really do want to own DVC.

I asked for some info from a guide today. He's mailing it to me and it just can't get here fast enough.

I haven't gotten any info other than the DVD that highlights the benefits and what I can glean from these discussion boards.

Heck, I haven't even discussed this with my husband! LOL

But at this moment I'm really needing to hear about the downside to ownership. Even if you are DVC's biggest fan, you must have some bad experience to share. No matter how good something is, there is always a downside.

In our family, I am Positive Patty and hubby is Negative Nick. Once I show hubby all the info I'm being sent and we start discussing it, I want to be ready for all the negative things he's gonna ask me about.

So please, any bad stories, experiences, etc. you were part of that you could share with me?

Our situation may be a little different than the norm. We have been members since the inception of the DVC. And while it was a great deal for the first 10 years, it has gotten to be a real problem for us. DW is in law enforcement, and has really odd hours. We used to be able to make last minute reservations any time of the year well within a week or 10 days of our arrival. Because of DWs schedule, it is almost impossible to make a reservation 5 , 7, or even 9 months out. There are so many members, now, not enough resorts, and the way Disney is doing things in general at the parks, {free dining, for instance} everything has become very difficult regarding vacations at WDW.
Do you have the right month there?

Yep, many ancient sources say that the world will end on 12/21/2012.

Luckily for us...the bible says that only God knows the day and the hour.

However, as Mom used to say...You could get hit by a truck tomorrow, so don't worry about that.
...but make sure you have clean underwear, because Lord only knows what the emergency room people will think.
Yep, many ancient sources say that the world will end on 12/21/2012.

Luckily for us...the bible says that only God knows the day and the hour.

However, as Mom used to say...You could get hit by a truck tomorrow, so don't worry about that.

Yes, Amen to that.
We are new to DVC and couldn't be happier! We bought resale and I will admit it was an emotional roller coaster. Finally made it through on the third contract, and we are proud to own at SSR. That said...

Downsides = no more POR, GF, Poly, etc. NO free dining, 40% off bounceback offers, NO 4/3 deals, and no $200 Disney visa's giftcards.

THE GOOD NEWS: the point values can NEVER go up, it's in your contract. So if it's 270 points for a 2BR at OKW, it won't be 420 points ten years from now. Each resort is allowed a certain amount of points they can charge, and while they can be re-allocated (i.e - Christmas goes up 2 points, Sept. goes down 2 points) they cannot EVER go up beyond their limit. YAY! that is a guarantee against inflation, but your maintenance fees can, and will, go up every year (anywhere from 2-3% a year).

The PRICE per point for newbies buying in DOES go up. If you are going to buy DVC, it's better to buy it sooner than later. It's up to $114 per point for BLT if you buy direct, and years ago people may have only paid $50 for OKW points!

We paid $68 per point on a resale for SSR .

TRADING: I got a 2BR Beach Club Villas with only a few months notice, and a 2BR Savannah View at AKV within a 6 month window. Most people we have asked do NOT have a problem trading to differnt resorts, although they are right that peak times are difficult. I've heard it's hard to get Wilderness Lodge for Christmas time (for obvious reasons! ;)). You may notice I am not using my DVC for NYE -- the points were too high and it was full everywhere. So we are paying out of pocket for the Poly... that is a downside.

I agree with the pp, you can vacation at Disney CHEAPER by staying at Values and Moderates and getting good deals. Even a good deal w/ a Deluxe could cost less long term.

It's a matter of commitment (long-term relationship!), desire (do you want to OWN part of the Mouse?), and accomodations (do you need a private bedroom, private laundry, and a kitchen?).

Good-luck in your decision, and conratulations on trying to take a realistic standpoint. It does really STINK for us DVCers when free dining rolls around... be forewarned! :)

Let us know how it goes!!:yay:
DVC is wonderful, yes its expensive but you get what you pay for... I have been an owner for a year and have already used it at least 10 times. Me and my wife have booked vacations from Jan - Oct 2010 and just cant wait to go back. Of course we live only 2 hours from Disney so it makes it easier to enjoy. But honestly its a great program. The advice on this subject has been very sound and everyone really makes a lot of good points but maybe I am biased or just to new to this program but so far it has just been awesome. I dont think a day doesnt go by that me and my wife dont talk about this program or go to the website or read throught our DVC book...If you can afford this program and love Disney this is for you!
We are new to DVC and couldn't be happier! We bought resale and I will admit it was an emotional roller coaster. Finally made it through on the third contract, and we are proud to own at SSR. That said...

Downsides = no more POR, GF, Poly, etc. NO free dining, 40% off bounceback offers, NO 4/3 deals, and no $200 Disney visa's giftcards.

THE GOOD NEWS: the point values can NEVER go up, it's in your contract. So if it's 270 points for a 2BR at OKW, it won't be 420 points ten years from now. Each resort is allowed a certain amount of points they can charge, and while they can be re-allocated (i.e - Christmas goes up 2 points, Sept. goes down 2 points) they cannot EVER go up beyond their limit. YAY! that is a guarantee against inflation, but your maintenance fees can, and will, go up every year (anywhere from 2-3% a year).

The PRICE per point for newbies buying in DOES go up. If you are going to buy DVC, it's better to buy it sooner than later. It's up to $114 per point for BLT if you buy direct, and years ago people may have only paid $50 for OKW points!

We paid $68 per point on a resale for SSR .

TRADING: I got a 2BR Beach Club Villas with only a few months notice, and a 2BR Savannah View at AKV within a 6 month window. Most people we have asked do NOT have a problem trading to differnt resorts, although they are right that peak times are difficult. I've heard it's hard to get Wilderness Lodge for Christmas time (for obvious reasons! ;)). You may notice I am not using my DVC for NYE -- the points were too high and it was full everywhere. So we are paying out of pocket for the Poly... that is a downside.

I agree with the pp, you can vacation at Disney CHEAPER by staying at Values and Moderates and getting good deals. Even a good deal w/ a Deluxe could cost less long term.

It's a matter of commitment (long-term relationship!), desire (do you want to OWN part of the Mouse?), and accomodations (do you need a private bedroom, private laundry, and a kitchen?).

Good-luck in your decision, and conratulations on trying to take a realistic standpoint.

It does really STINK for us DVCers when free dining rolls around... be forewarned! :)
Let us know how it goes!!:yay:

We are thinking of buying too...spoke to someone on Saturday...very enticing! He was pushing the Grand Californian...huge incentives (money off the purchase price), low maintenance fees. We wouldn't be doing Disney every year...we're interested in doing some weekend trips and perhaps another cruise ( the 4 day Wonder was great!)

Also keep in mind...nothing is free at Disney. If they give free dining, you are paying rack rate at the hotels more than likely.:love:
Sorry, no bad stories or experiences to share. I love my DVC, but I am also not starry-eyed about it. It's expensive! It's a big financial commitment and it only saves us money on the way we want to vacation at Disney, not the way we would vacation in reality without it. Meaning that we'll have bigger accommodations with a kitchen and travel 1-2 times per year for at least a week each time versus having smaller room, no kitchen and traveling 1 time per year or maybe 2 if we get a great deal somehow.

My example is that I had the benefit of having parents who owned OKW since the beginning. I was able to stay under their points a few times. This helped with 4 children. Now that they (the kids) either with Nancy and I, or my parents, have been to WDW 3-6 times. We decided that it was time we grew up and bought on our own, having done the DVC tour a couple of times. Now, with 4 kids, I'm not sure 240 pt at BLT is enough, in fact I know it won't be enough for a yearly visit by the family, so (and Timeshare Store pay attention) I'll be looking to get a hold of ~100-150pts at OKW ( $60-70 /pt at OKW on resale so much better than $115/pt at BLT) to add to the "kitty".

This will force me to take a vacation that I may actually enjoy, and that doesn't necessarily mean going to the parks. We also prefer to use kitchens because 6 cheeeburgers and cokes in Hollywood Studios costs >$60.

Yes it's expensive for the purchase, but I think it's going to be well worth it in the end. And I'll be 95 at the end of my lease at BLT.
We are new to DVC and couldn't be happier! We bought resale and I will admit it was an emotional roller coaster. Finally made it through on the third contract, and we are proud to own at SSR. That said...

Downsides = no more POR, GF, Poly, etc. NO free dining, 40% off bounceback offers, NO 4/3 deals, and no $200 Disney visa's giftcards.

THE GOOD NEWS: the point values can NEVER go up, it's in your contract. So if it's 270 points for a 2BR at OKW, it won't be 420 points ten years from now. Each resort is allowed a certain amount of points they can charge, and while they can be re-allocated (i.e - Christmas goes up 2 points, Sept. goes down 2 points) they cannot EVER go up beyond their limit. YAY! that is a guarantee against inflation, but your maintenance fees can, and will, go up every year (anywhere from 2-3% a year).

The PRICE per point for newbies buying in DOES go up. If you are going to buy DVC, it's better to buy it sooner than later. It's up to $114 per point for BLT if you buy direct, and years ago people may have only paid $50 for OKW points!

We paid $68 per point on a resale for SSR .

TRADING: I got a 2BR Beach Club Villas with only a few months notice, and a 2BR Savannah View at AKV within a 6 month window. Most people we have asked do NOT have a problem trading to differnt resorts, although they are right that peak times are difficult. I've heard it's hard to get Wilderness Lodge for Christmas time (for obvious reasons! ;)). You may notice I am not using my DVC for NYE -- the points were too high and it was full everywhere. So we are paying out of pocket for the Poly... that is a downside.

I agree with the pp, you can vacation at Disney CHEAPER by staying at Values and Moderates and getting good deals. Even a good deal w/ a Deluxe could cost less long term.

It's a matter of commitment (long-term relationship!), desire (do you want to OWN part of the Mouse?), and accomodations (do you need a private bedroom, private laundry, and a kitchen?).

Good-luck in your decision, and conratulations on trying to take a realistic standpoint. It does really STINK for us DVCers when free dining rolls around... be forewarned! :)

Let us know how it goes!!:yay:

WHOA! 114 a pt....I'm paying 115. Now I know it's just $1 off, but I look at it as $240 cheaper!
Your yearly maintenance costs will go up every year. In addition, DVC is a luxury and as shown with the recent economic down turn timeshares like DVC membership values drop like a rock. If I were you, I would build a solid financial case prior to your discussion. I would have hard numbers breaking down your average vacation cost etc....

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