Please tell me about C-sections


DIS Veteran
Jul 21, 2000
My daughter has been diagnosed with placenta previa. At a follow-up ultrasound yesterday, the doctor said the placenta was moving - in the wrong direction. The doctor has not restricted her activity - including a trip to us for Christmas and a business trip to Boca Raton at her 36th week. She just said that Sarah should stay in "civilized" places. However, the doctor said that if the placenta does not move - in the right direction, they would schedule a C-section at 37 or 38 weeks.

Back in the days when I was having babies (when we used to roast the dinasours over the volcano), people who had C-sections were hospitalized for two weeks. It was considered a major operation.

Now it seems like it is very common and not much to it, although my dd says that her friends who have had C-sections stay in the hospital about 2 days longer than those who deliver normally.

If you don't mind, I would like to hear your experience with C-sections - how long were you hospitalized, recovery, etc.

Thanks very much.
well i had c sections with both of my kids. Shawn was born exactly 1 week earky. The doc never thought i would have a natural birth as my mom had 2 c's and my sister had 1. Big babies run in the family. I had alot of complications as I was on the line for diabetes you know that whole sugar test thing.

Anyway all my uktra sounds said Shawn was almost 10 pounds after my 6th month I was on bedrest. My water broke I went to the hospital it was 6pm they put me on pitocin to start contractions after 6 hours of that I had only dialated 1 centimeter they gave me an epideral and I had a csection.

During the procedure i could start to feel pins and needles in my feet a slight sensation they knocked me out. The scar was fine and still is never bothers me. I did have alot of shaking when I awoke for my 2st from all the medication I was on but thats it. I had a scheduled c section with Anthony my second and it was fine. I had an amazing aneth( drug guy). He kept me covered in warm towels and I have a great OBGYN she is amazing.

I never had any complications or issues and it was all smooth fo rme. My sister had an emergency c section and she had issues with her after care I think its important to have a good doc and be going to a good hpspital. I also had my tubes tides with my second. I was on bed rest with both kids and my body just cant take anymore.

I stayed in the hospital the full time 3 or 4 days i cant remember and i was upand walking that same day that I had my boys. I had private rooms and amazing care.

Good Luck
I had a C-section with DD 16 years ago. I was only in the hospital 3 days (and that was counting the delivery day). They don't keep you very long unless you have some type of complication. They had me up and walking the day after the surgery. I hope everything goes okay for your DD.
Mine was an emergency c-section. Kelsea's oxygen levels were too low, so they gave me drugs, knocked me out and took her out.
I have a very big ugly scar, but my baby is alive and well.

I wasn't in the hospital very long at all. I had read books, for just in case, and did everything they mentioned along with the doctors. Walk, rock in a rocking chair, stand up straight, etc, and I did fine.
I had DS delivered by c-section 12.5yrs ago. Went into hospital Thurs night about 9pm, was fully dilated by 6am. My blood pressure was up & down - DH thought he was going to loose me. I had a nurse assigned just to me to watch my blood pressure and help me get through my contractions. I couldnt get out of bed to walk around as we were taught in birthing classes.
Due to my birth canal not being wide enough Doc finally delivered DS by c-section at 7am Fri morn.
That day I stayed in the labor & delivery room so they could keep a closer eye on me as I was drugged that day.
DS had his first milk by bottle. I tried breast feeding but he never really took.

We stayed in the hosp till Tues morn.
I had 2 c-sections. Both born on Thursdays and we went home the following Tuesday. First one was a little easier than the second one. Just seemed a little more sore with the second, but no major problems with either.
The most recent was 6 years ago. I had my DD on Friday and went home Sunday. I had spinals with all of them, that is I was numb but not unconcious. The first one 12--almost 13 years ago was tough because I was in labor and the c-section had to be rushed. It's hard to get a needle in your spine while having contractions!I had her on Thursday and went home on Sunday.
The second was almost 10 years ago. That was better. I insisted on trying to have that one naturally. After three days I was like ok- a c-section sounds good right about now! He was 9lbs 13ozs, which may not sound to big but I'm 4'11'' and my first dd was 6lbs 9ozs! Had him on Friday and went home on Sunday.
The third was by far THE best one. So many medical advances. Gotta love the doramorph. It's awesome! I was sitting up and nursing in the recovery room! (For my first one I had to lie flat for 12 hours!!)
Recovery can be a little tough. For me it was frustrating because I like to do things for myself. My scar doesn't look bad at all. Even though it got infected with my last one.
It really isn't as scary as it may seem. If you have any specific questions I'd be happy to answer them! Either here on the board or PM me!
Give your daughter my best!!
I had a C-section with my first (8 years ago) and then the regular way with my second (5 years ago).

She'll get an epidural so she won't feel anything. She may get the shakes which is normal. She will feel pressure when they pull the baby out. Weird feeling!

She'll stay in the hospital 2 days longer than a regular delivery. She will feel pain for sure afterwards and they'll prescribe something for that pain. Warn her that what they prescribe for the pain causes constipation so use it only when absolutely necessary!!! Oh boy, is all I have to say about that!:eek:

The scare will be across right under her stomach and IMHO it's barely noticable.

The recovery is longer than a regular birth. It hurts to laugh, cough, sneeze, bend over, walk etc... cause they are cutting into your stomach muscles.

She'll probably need help for at least the first week. She'll probably feel much better after two weeks.

I hope this helps you and her!!:D
How far along is your daughter?
Most physicians restrict activity with Placenta previa.
If I had placenta previa I would not be far from my doctor and hospital. Especially toward the 3rd trimester.
Has she had any bleeding so far?

The c-section procedure is still major surgery. They are done so often now most people don't even thing twice about having one. It is still major surgery though. Risks include bleeding, laceration of the bladder, bowel etc. Infection.

A c-section is the only way to deliver if you have placenta previa.

My best wishes for all of you.
I have had 2 C-sections, and I also had placenta previa with my 1st pregnancy. In my case the placenta did move to the proper place in time for delivery but I ended up having a C-section for other reasons. I only stayed in the hospital 2 nights and left on the 3rd day after both of my C-sections (my choice - I hate hospitals:eek: ). All in all I had no problems recovering.
I was knocked out for my c-section (and I was happy that it was done that way!) but other than the first time getting out of bed after it, it really wasn't that bad. I stayed in 4 days and came home on a Thursday night. Friday morning I was out in the mall shopping for baby clothes (she was only 5 pounds, I had nothing that would fit her, the 0-3's were to big!) and formula. I had no trouble going up or down steps, driving etc.....In the halls of the hospital some of the ******l birth moms were walking worse than the c-sections moms! I think a lot of it has to do with your pain threshold!
Two weeks is a long time to stay in the hospital! Matt has a 10 hour brain surgery and a was home 3 days later! Times have sure changed!
with my first section I was being induced for PIH and after a long day of getting my labor started my dr. decided the best course for my son was a section. He had been non-responsive all day, just not moving around, and by 10 at night she was worried enough and my labor was slow enough (he didn't tolerate pitocin so that had stopped early). That section was my hardest because I wasn't mentally prepared for it. I had a spinal since I had no epidural in place (had planned to go natural). The difference is the spinal blocks pain more, but is only for a certain amount of time, a couple of hours, whereas an epidural may have hot spots or be less efficient blocking pain, but more meds can be added if the surgery goes long.

My son was out quickly, thankfully he was fine, and went right into recovery with me. The longest part of the surgery by far was the stitching up long! I was able to nurse my son within an hour or 2 of his birth, but it was a bit tough because my legs were still numb...hard to get in a good position. The hardest part for me was waiting for my legs and feet to be back to normal.

The only other problem I had from the section was some itching from the morphine...makes your nose/face itch, or at least it did me. Some benedryl will help that, as I later learned.

My recovery was easy, I never needed anything stronger than extra strength motrin, although stronger drugs were offered. Its important to get moving as soon as you are allowed and to take it easy, but to move. Even then I still got some bad gas in my back, omg that hurt worse than anything. They gave my simethicon to break it up...what a wonderdrug!!! Everything else was milk came in right away, I got around well. Its a slow recovery at first, but does get better and better.

With the twins I knew ahead of time that I would have a section because they were both breach. That helped me prepare emotionally for it. Much easier! Hardest part for me was the not eating beforehand...since we knew ahead of time I would have surgery, I was banned from food and drink by 6am (surgery was at 3pm). Ugh. That was awful. But again my recovery was easy, never needed strong drugs.

For me a section was not as bad as people make it out to be. No you can't drive for a while, its a bit uncomfortable for a while, but time heals everything.

Good luck to your daughter, and keep us posted!!!
Originally posted by mtemm

For me a section was not as bad as people make it out to be. No you can't drive for a while, its a bit uncomfortable for a while, but time heals everything.

I drove the day after I got out of the hospital....the Dr told me that when I felt up to it that driving was ok and I was fine when I got home so I drove myself to the mall.
I had a normal delivery with oldest DS, 31. But, because he was a big baby, (for tiny me), I had to have repair surgery. The doctor told me if I had any more children they would have to be C-section. Well, it took 18 years, but I did have another baby!:D That was 1991. I loved my C-section!:D I was awake the whole time and didn't have any pain afterwards or with the healing process. I think I was in the hospital 4 days but that was right before the insurance companies started cracking down on how long you could stay in the hospital.

I had DD (4 1/2) by scheduled c-section - she was completely in the wrong position. I went in very early Mon am, had a spinal - piece of cake - and she was born at 7:38am. In bed day one, up and walking the next as soon as they took the stinkin' catheter out. My HMO allows 4 days in the hospital so we stayed until Fri am. The Doc took my staples out Fri am and I went home with only Ibuprofen. My only problem is that I can not use morphine or really any strong pain killer so pain managment the first couple of days was tricky.

Her activity will be fairly restricted for two weeks and she won't be able to drive for at least 4 weeks. The only thing that caused me trouble was stairs, and of course we lived on the 2nd floor of a two-story condo :rolleyes:

Really, c-sections are no big deal, especially if they are planned. Believe me, never having had contractions is not something I miss! :p
I have had two c-sections. My son was breach so it was scheduled. I was home in just 4 days and felt great the entire time. With my daughter, I had the choice of VBAC or c-section. I wanted to try VBAC but I developed severe pre-eclampsia. I was in the hospital 5 days with her in total but primarily because of the complications. I still felt great. In fact, I was asking for a meal and hot tea in the recovery room on the second one.

It's truly what you make of it. You have to get up and get moving quickly. Get lots of fluids and get off the IV. Yes, I won't say I wasn't very sore but I'm a baby and don't like pain and I was fine "without" any pain medication. I found the worst to be getting up and out of bed. And laughing or coughing hurt on the incission. A big fluffly pillow helps there.

There is nothing to worry about. I just read today that the C-Section rate has taken a huge increase over the past year.

I had a planned c-section in 91. DD was breach. I woke up from anesthesia crying. I had a fever over 100 degrees for 2 days. I ended up being in the hospital for 5 days.

It wasn't painful per se. But I was uncomfortable. I didn't realize you used your stomach muscles for everything.
Originally posted by Feralpeg
I had a C-section with DD 16 years ago. I was only in the hospital 3 days (and that was counting the delivery day). They don't keep you very long unless you have some type of complication. They had me up and walking the day after the surgery. I hope everything goes okay for your DD.

Ferealpeg OMG did you make that Stitch basket. It is simply adorable.

I too had a C-section with my son which was too large for me. In my case it was an emergency procedure, they had to knock me out. Hey I'll sign anything when under pain and duress. I have a thing for needles and all. :earseek:

Next thing I remember is waking up in recovery and asking to see my son. I was out within a few days. But note they did not tell me about sneezing. It was the next day and I sneezed let me tell you I was doing a pretty good imitation of the cartoon cat on the ceiling. Ouch!!!!!

Even now 20 yrs later occassionaly it itches. LOL
Had c-sections with all mine (DS14,DS9,DD4) My sons were big babies 9.9 and 9.2. I was in labor w/ first for 14hours and only got to 4 cm. I was week late w/ 2nd so they did c-section again. With DD they said she would probably be big to so we just schedule the c-section. Wouldn't you know she was on 7.5 probably could have a v birth.

Didn't have any complication w/ any of my c-sections except gas after the first because I didn't get up and walk around soon enough. The nurses kept warning me but I thought it was just too painful to move. Boy did I regret that! For the next 2 I was up as soon as they would let me and seemed the pain was not as bad. Def takes longer to recover than reg birth.

Best advise I can give to your daughter is get up as soon as she can.

Good luck to your daughter and your family and be sure to let us know when she has the baby!!
I had an emergency c section because my son grew bigger than expected (12 lbs 7 oz) and I had health problems (high bp and gestational diabetes).

I was in the hospital for 3 days. It was difficult for me because I had ******l births for all 3 of my dd's and I didn't know what to expect. I did bring a doll bear that I held onto (sort of - I was under anesthesia) and that made me feel better as the hospital staff whisked him away for observation.

I forced myself to walk and I had to go to the bathroom a lot. I held a pillow over my abdomen to give me more stability. I sure would have liked to have more family around while recovering, though, because I had to get the nurses each time I needed them to take me to the bathroom :crazy: and I was lonely.

One side effect or whatever you call it is gas. It's awkward to even type LOL, but the nurses stressed how important it is to pass gas. Walking helped get my body back to normal and this helped. :o

I was also told not to climb stairs at home or strain myself so I stayed on the bottom floor for a while and basically camped out there with my son until I got stronger to go upstairs. I would only go upstairs with a cane when I had to take my daily bath.

Good luck to her and congrats!


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