please pray for us


Mar 23, 2007
To make a long story short about two weeks ago dd 2 had went to the er because she has a fever of 103 and was unable to keep anything down. They diganosed here with a uti and told us follow up with our pcp. So two days later we see the pcp and he gives a a script for a vcug. She had it done yesterday and the radiologist said that she infact has it and we started her on antibiotics and found out from a scale of 1 to 5 one being low she ranked at four which means she's going to need surgery. I am so afraid.:sad1:
May God be with you and your daughter, May he give you both peace and strength. You are in my prayers.
I know it is hard when our littles one do not feel well, but if surgery will make this better for her then I think it is the way to go. We are all frightened before surgery for ourselves, our husbands, our children, just try to have some faith and be there and watching and asking questions..

I will keep her in my prayers and you too for strength... it is hard when one of your children are facing that. I have seen it when they are adults and I worried and I have seen it when they were my babies and I what you are feeling is normal... Hang in there, you will get through this...prayers coming your way.
To make a long story short about two weeks ago dd 2 had went to the er because she has a fever of 103 and was unable to keep anything down. They diganosed here with a uti and told us follow up with our pcp. So two days later we see the pcp and he gives a a script for a vcug. She had it done yesterday and the radiologist said that she infact has it and we started her on antibiotics and found out from a scale of 1 to 5 one being low she ranked at four which means she's going to need surgery. I am so afraid.:sad1:
You are in my prayers.
DD12 was finally diagnosed( i say finally becuase she had been having high fevers with no explanation for years) with reflux on both kidneys when she was 5 due to a trip to the er when she had a fever of 104.5 , vomiting and stomach pain, it took them almost 8 hours to say pylonephritis , she was admitted to the hospital for a week and we did up and down fevers getting as high as 106!!!! After no more bacteria was found in her urine they did the VCUG she had grade 2-3 in one kidney and grade 4 in the other, that is when they found out she had reflux on both kidneys. Dr. said surgery also (ureter reimplantation) we had it done in November before her thankgsgiving break that way she wouldn't miss too much school. Surgery went great , she was only in the hospital for 2-3 days ( sorry my mind is going) she did end up having a bleed in her bladder so she had to be readmitted and have the bleed cauterized but other than that she has been good. I think with the surgery and complictions she went back to school after 2 weeks for half days for a week and then full days after that. They kept her on an antibiotic for 6 weeks ( she was on it the whole time before the surgery) they did a repeat VCUG and it was so awesome to see her Kidneys work like they were supposed to. So far she has only had 3 other UTI's in 7 years , she used to go for a VCUG every 6 months for 2 years after the surgery and then it went to Ultrasounds every 6 months and now we are at them every year. She is doing pretty good 1 kidney is on the small side and the other is 25% smaller than that one but they are both working great. We see a Nephrologist at our local Military Hospital but she works out of a Children's hospital. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. Lots of Prayers and Pixie Dust for you and your daughter :grouphug: :wizard: :grouphug:
You are in my prayers as well. My DD was diagnosed at 3 months with this condition. Because she was so young we kept her on low dose antibiotics for around a year and then had another VCUG. Luckily, she had "out grown" the reflux but she still gets a UTI about 1-2 times/year.

I also have a friend who had 3 of her 4 kids had it. They all had to have surgery and all are doing well now.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
First :grouphug: My older dd who is 23 now, had vesiur. reflux in both kidneys
when she was little she had ureter reimplantation at 18months old. She did really well and she has not had any problems since. Her sister who is just 7yrs
has the condition also and has not had surgery since her's is not as severe
but she does take medicine everyday for it. Good luck and many prayers for your family
Your child is in my prayers and I wish you Strength and the very best of luck!

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
My oldest (7) just had bilat implantaion done at children's in Boston in June. Surgery went well, recovery was rough. Hang in :grouphug: Any ?'s feel free to ask!:goodvibes
thoughts & prayers are with you, I feel your pain, my dsil is 12 & facing colon removal surgery in 2 days if her health doesn't improve.

We went to the uriologist yesterday and he said dd has grade 4 on one side and 5 on the other :sad2: She is going to have the surgery on the 21st of this month. Dr said it could wait a few months and we could just keep her on the antibiotics but there was a 30% chance of recovery. He said with the opertaion her chances are 95%. I know were doing the right thing but I am so afarid right now.
You and your child will be in my prayers.
We played the waiting game and my dgt was on antibiotics daily for three years. I know its a hard choice but in retrospect we should have done it sooner and before she was old enough to remember. Hang in:grouphug: , She will be fine any ?s please ask, I know what you are going throug. Also reflux is genetic so if you have any other kids they will need to be tested. Thank god my yougest is ok.
I'll keep your family in my prayers. As I stated before I have been through it over 20yrs ago and it is tough to go through but over the long term it is well worth it. Keep us posted
Everyone ty so much fro your prayers. Ashley went in Mon and was let out yesterday :goodvibes ! Everything went super well she didn't even need any of the pain meds after!! The first thing she said when waking up was i'm ready lets go home!! And today she was running around as if there was nothing wrong:cool1: Thanks again to everyone!!:grouphug: :grouphug:
Everyone ty so much fro your prayers. Ashley went in Mon and was let out yesterday :goodvibes ! Everything went super well she didn't even need any of the pain meds after!! The first thing she said when waking up was i'm ready lets go home!! And today she was running around as if there was nothing wrong:cool1: Thanks again to everyone!!:grouphug: :grouphug:

Fantastic news:woohoo: :grouphug:

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