Plantar Fascitis & heel spurs- UPDATE

I hope you get some relief soon-
I know I have been cranky with my teens (don't really need the foot for that)

I have been pretty cranky lately too, and whiny. I keep trying to stay off my foot, but I still have stuff to do : dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc. The world doesn't stop because I have an owie.

I told DH and DS both, that if I am supposed to stay off my foot, with doctors orders, that THEY will be picking up a lot of my typical cleaning.

I hate the wait!
I have PF too. I love this ball. I like that it has less give than a tennis ball.

ETA- the image didn't want to load, but it's the Foot Rubz ball
Did the doctor take an x-ray? The pain from the back of the heel up the ankle sounds like tendonitis. I took a look at the Dansko website. I am not sure what those shoes are doing for you. I don't see that they have any particular benefit related to foot problems. Take a look at the Xelero website, and you'll see the difference when you look at the side of the shoe adn the diagram of shoe construction.

Anyway, hopefully you will be seeing a good podiatrist. They are a rarity.

My 20 y/o dd had debilitating foot pain last winter. Took her to her regular doctor who had no idea what the issue was. Suggested a podiatrist. So, took her to one I had gone to in the past..highly thought of in the community. He took xrays..saw heel spurs but said they shouldn't be causing an issue but there was PF there in a big way. He gave her a strong anti-inflamatory, and gave her some stretches to do. She wore shoes with little to no support even though she has ridiculously high arches. He said nothing about inserts but did say to stop wearing the shoes she was wearing.
We went out and bought her some decent sneakers..which felt good on her feet. Also got her some okay inserts for her regular shoes. Then, I got the bright idea to take her to the running store in town...really great people there. Well..he had her go back outside and walk for him. He was horrified to see what her ankles were doing. The right ankle was really pronating horribly!! It was amazing to see once I knew what I was looking at!!! He put her in a pair of sneakers with some heavy duty orthotic inserts and had her walk again..that ankle straightened right up!! And she said it was much more comfortable. Then, he changed the shoes to a stability shoe, with the inserts...that ankle was almost straight. So, he put the inserts in the shoes she wore in...immediate difference. Now, they weren't cheap and I bought two pair of them so she could put them in several pairs of shoes.

Her foot is much better now. And the only person that knew what to look for was the owner of the running store. That podiatrist never said anything about the way she walked or over pronation!! Now we know why my dd has always had such a strange gait. Those inserts, thanks to the running store guy, have made a world of difference!

well- besides having plantar fascitis and bony overgrowth up the back of my foot-
I rolled my ankle back in October and it wasn't treated properly. I had an avulsion fracture (lateral)

so I will be having surgery next month to re-attach that ligament back to my foot and repair anything else.
this is going to suck- hard cast for 6 to 8 weeks- most non weight bearing (crutches) then the brace again for same length of time.

the only "good" thing about this- wont have to go to work when wearing a cast :cool1:


well- besides having plantar fascitis and bony overgrowth up the back of my foot-
I rolled my ankle back in October and it wasn't treated properly. I had an avulsion fracture (lateral)

so I will be having surgery next month to re-attach that ligament back to my foot and repair anything else.
this is going to suck- hard cast for 6 to 8 weeks- most non weight bearing (crutches) then the brace again for same length of time.

the only "good" thing about this- wont have to go to work when wearing a cast :cool1:

Oh, man~that sucks. I'm glad they finally figured out whats wrong and they have a plan to fix, but it is no fun being in a cast. I have been put on no-weight-bearing orders several times and what a pain in the butt. And the wrists! Carrying yourself around on crutches can be very hard on your wrists. See if you can get yourself a knee rollator. My house is a split level and I was able to use a computer chair to roll myself around downstairs, but going up and down the stairs without weight bearing was really hard. I wish you the best.
OMG just found this thread. I have the beginnings of this self diagnosed but am going to the doctor on Friday...after waiting for three months for the appointment.. The reason I think I got it is because I was wearing shoes without support that were too loose. I wear my walking shoes with an insert and they usually do not hurt. I am going to WDW in 8 weeks and hope that I can make it better by then. I am glad I found this thread though. I am going to do the tennis ball thing as well as make sure I do the stretches.


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