Planning Our Happily Ever After - A Disneymoon PTR! (NEW 7/13 - TR Link!)

It looks like Miguel had a wonderful birthday. I love the Mickey theme. My mom had a Minnie theme for my birthday this summer, and DBF was like what other 23 year old has a Minnie Mouse birthday? So I'm glad to see I'm not the only one! :laughing:

That's great about your new car. It will definitely be fun to give it a proper test drive down to Florida!

Wow! What an amazing graduation gift! :goodvibes How was club level at the Poly?! I might be considering that for the disneymoon. :rolleyes1

I loved it! We used the lounge for breakfast every day, and they had a really good set up. We always stopped there on our afternoon break and grabbed a drink and a quick snack. We didn't go as much at night because of our ADRs, and I'm sad to say we never made it for dessert. But the view alone in the lounge was amazing.

I also loved how a cast member met us as soon as we arrived and showed us around. We felt like VIPs :thumbsup2 But the best part is the location of the Hawaii building. It is by both pools, right on the beach, and a short walk to the TTC and to the main building.
Awww, happy birthday to Miguel! Looks like he definitely got some good things!
I'm getting my MBA, too! I wish there was a program like yours around here-- I've had to do mine verrrrry slowly because of work (only one class a semester)!
How cute that your daughter was scared of the characters until she saw Minnie! Is she still one of her favorites?

Yep, Minnie definitely has a special place in DD's heart! :lovestruc

I like how it was Miguel's birthday and YOU got a new car; way to go! :woohoo: :lmao: Is his birthday 10/1? DH's is!
Hi Courtney! I haven't been on the boards in months (so busy with work! moving! etc.) and really missed your PTR! I am all caught up. Your Italy trip looked amazing. I love your excel spreadsheet for your November trip! I am also debating a TIW card for my next trip, so if you do decide to go with it I'll be interested to see how well it works out for you.

Your November trip is coming up so fast! I am so jealous and can't wait to read more about it!
Happy Birthday Miguel!!! Looks like he was spoiled (I love practical gifts) And congrats on the new car :banana: Very pretty fixture btw :thumbsup2
I'm sorry I'm late, but :bday: to Miguel! It looks like he had a great day!

I love your new car! :lovestruc I got a new Honda CR-V last year and it is my baby. I had never had a new car before, so I was SO excited!
looks like Miguel had a lovely birthday! I love the disney gift bags & balloons! :goodvibes

and.. a new car! How exciting! :cool1:

Emma princess: x

He did have a great birthday! It was fun getting to play off of our upcoming Disney trip with the decor. :cloud9:

You must be so busy! I remember the days of working full time and working on my master's at night... very hectic! But it'll be worth it in the long run! :thumbsup2

Looks like Miguel had a great birthday! :goodvibes

Way too busy for my liking! It's been the same way this week, unfortunately. :sad2: I just keep reminding myself that it will be worth it!

Looks like Miguel had a great birthday, love the Disney theme! :rotfl:

Your new car is beautiful, congrats! :banana:

Thank you! I'm very excited about the car! :love: And Miguel did have a great birthday - I loved being able to incorporate some Disney touches! :goodvibes

It looks like Miguel had a wonderful birthday. I love the Mickey theme. My mom had a Minnie theme for my birthday this summer, and DBF was like what other 23 year old has a Minnie Mouse birthday? So I'm glad to see I'm not the only one! :laughing:

That's great about your new car. It will definitely be fun to give it a proper test drive down to Florida!

I loved it! We used the lounge for breakfast every day, and they had a really good set up. We always stopped there on our afternoon break and grabbed a drink and a quick snack. We didn't go as much at night because of our ADRs, and I'm sad to say we never made it for dessert. But the view alone in the lounge was amazing.

I also loved how a cast member met us as soon as we arrived and showed us around. We felt like VIPs :thumbsup2 But the best part is the location of the Hawaii building. It is by both pools, right on the beach, and a short walk to the TTC and to the main building.

Club level sounds so nice! It would definitely be nice to be treated so special on the Disneymoon. :cloud9: And having all of those snacks available sounds amazing. It's definitely something we'll have to think about! :rolleyes1
Awww, happy birthday to Miguel! Looks like he definitely got some good things!
I'm getting my MBA, too! I wish there was a program like yours around here-- I've had to do mine verrrrry slowly because of work (only one class a semester)!

My school's program is definitely a good setup. Once I finish, it will have taken me a year and a half, so that's not too bad. I'm just ready for that year and a half to be over with though! :laughing:

Yep, Minnie definitely has a special place in DD's heart! :lovestruc

I like how it was Miguel's birthday and YOU got a new car; way to go! :woohoo: :lmao: Is his birthday 10/1? DH's is!

:laughing: It was fun getting a present for myself too! Miguel's birthday is 9/29 - very close to your DH! :goodvibes

Hi Courtney! I haven't been on the boards in months (so busy with work! moving! etc.) and really missed your PTR! I am all caught up. Your Italy trip looked amazing. I love your excel spreadsheet for your November trip! I am also debating a TIW card for my next trip, so if you do decide to go with it I'll be interested to see how well it works out for you.

Your November trip is coming up so fast! I am so jealous and can't wait to read more about it!

I completely understand! I'm lucky if I can make it on about once a week now - this is definitely a busy time for me as well! But I'm so glad to see you back, I've been wondering how you were doing. :goodvibes

I'm still debating that TiW card! It's so hard to figure out if it's going to be worth it!

Happy Birthday Miguel!!! Looks like he was spoiled (I love practical gifts) And congrats on the new car :banana: Very pretty fixture btw :thumbsup2

Practical was definitely the theme this year! I enjoyed being able to get him stuff that he can use on both of our upcoming trips. :thumbsup2
Happy Birthday to Miguel!

And yay for a new car!

Thanks! My commute is definitely a little more enjoyable now with the new car. :goodvibes

I'm sorry I'm late, but :bday: to Miguel! It looks like he had a great day!

I love your new car! :lovestruc I got a new Honda CR-V last year and it is my baby. I had never had a new car before, so I was SO excited!

This is my first new car too! It's definitely an exciting purchase! :goodvibes

Happy Belated birthday to Miguel!

Thanks! I think he had a great birthday! :goodvibes

Lately I've been thinking about viewing spots for Illuminations, Wishes and the parades. We normally don't plan out where we're going to sit/stand for any of these things, so we don't always end up with the best spots. In January, we happened on a great spot for Spectro right on Main Street at the curb, but that was luck (and January crowds) more than anything. ;) Neither our Wishes or Illuminations spots were too great that trip, and since in November we'll only have one chance for both shows, I think I would like more of a plan of where to watch them.

So, I would love to know where your favorite Wishes and Illuminations spots are! Do you normally "stake" out your spot and if so, how far in advance do you do so?

And tell me about your parade spots too! We'll sometimes stop for a minute or two for the afternoon parades, but what I'm really interested in is your Spectro/MSEP spots! Thanks everyone! :goodvibes
I don't think there is a bad spot to view Illuminations! But I like to be near Canada or the UK, I don't know why, that's just always where we end up! And for Wishes, of course, trying to be in the middle near the hub is great, so you have the castle right in the middle, but that can be a pain, fighting the crowds! I like to be on the bridge to Adventureland, we discovered that spot last November and it was great! :cool1:

For the MVMCP parade last year, we watched it from Fronteirland, we got a great spot right on the curb maybe a half an hour before the parade started. I'd like to watch it on Main Street this year but I don't want to have to wait an hour before it starts, so I'll probably stick with Fronteirland!
Happy Belated Birthday to Miguel. It sounds like he had a wonderful birthday.
Love the Mickey theme and gifts and the NEW CAR!!! :thumbsup2
How exciting. Having a nice car to drive around, especially on long trips, is great. It makes a world of difference!!
Have you considered the Wishes dessert party? We are trying it for the first time in December. It costs a little bit, but I think it will be worth it because you get super yummy desserts and you get a great spot to watch Wishes. I always have a hard time getting a spot even in the less crowded months, so I know it will be nearly impossible for us in December. As for Illuminations...I always try to score a nice spot on the fence somewhere in the WS. Some of those areas have benches and are semi-private. That's always worked out for me in the past!
We don't usually do Illuminations, so I don't have any advice there. But for the MK fireworks, my favorite spot is between Casey's and the Plaza. I read about it on here, and it really is a great spot :thumbsup2
I don't think there is a bad spot to view Illuminations! But I like to be near Canada or the UK, I don't know why, that's just always where we end up! And for Wishes, of course, trying to be in the middle near the hub is great, so you have the castle right in the middle, but that can be a pain, fighting the crowds! I like to be on the bridge to Adventureland, we discovered that spot last November and it was great! :cool1:

For the MVMCP parade last year, we watched it from Fronteirland, we got a great spot right on the curb maybe a half an hour before the parade started. I'd like to watch it on Main Street this year but I don't want to have to wait an hour before it starts, so I'll probably stick with Fronteirland!

We always end up near Canada, too! I think it's because it's the closest to FW - which is where we spend most of our time in Epcot. ;) We definitely need to move around some!

I always think of being right on Main Street for Wishes, but it does get so crowded! The bridge to Adventureland sounds like a great spot - we might just check that out! :thumbsup2

Happy Belated Birthday to Miguel. It sounds like he had a wonderful birthday.
Love the Mickey theme and gifts and the NEW CAR!!! :thumbsup2
How exciting. Having a nice car to drive around, especially on long trips, is great. It makes a world of difference!!

He did have a great birthday! :goodvibes And I'm definitely loving the new car!

Have you considered the Wishes dessert party? We are trying it for the first time in December. It costs a little bit, but I think it will be worth it because you get super yummy desserts and you get a great spot to watch Wishes. I always have a hard time getting a spot even in the less crowded months, so I know it will be nearly impossible for us in December. As for Illuminations...I always try to score a nice spot on the fence somewhere in the WS. Some of those areas have benches and are semi-private. That's always worked out for me in the past!

I hadn't even though about the dessert party! I might need to check into that. :thumbsup2

I would love to find an Illuminations spot on a bench somewhere. It would be so nice to be able to sit and watch the show! :laughing:

It seems as if Miguel had a great birthday! :thumbsup2

YAY for a new car! Love it!

He did! Thanks, Michelle! :goodvibes

We don't usually do Illuminations, so I don't have any advice there. But for the MK fireworks, my favorite spot is between Casey's and the Plaza. I read about it on here, and it really is a great spot :thumbsup2

That sounds like a great Wishes spot! I love being in the hub or on Main Street for the parades and fireworks. :cloud9:

When I last left off, my family and I had just finished up our stay in Florence and it was finally time to make it to Rome! This was the city and leg of our trip that I was most looking forward to. We would be spending more time in Rome than we did in Venice and Florence, and we had a lot planned!

Our first stop was of course at the train station to say goodbye to Florence!

We arrived in Rome and made the usual run to the hotel to check out the newest room. Here's some pictures.


The view from our balcony.

After doing some light unpacking, we decided to venture out on the streets of Rome. One of the things we passed was this beautiful house.

Finally, we ended up at...

The Fountain of Trevvi!


This was one of my favorite "tourist" spots of the whole trip. It was unbareably hot and miserably crowded, but I loved it! You literally had to fight your way to the bottom, but we managed to find the perfect spot to toss a coin in!

The fountain was so beautiful, and much larger than I had expected. Between the heat and the crowds we were pretty tired so we headed back to the hotel for dinner and to rest up for the following day.

The next day, we were headed to ancient Rome! We met up with our tour guide, Maria (who was fabulous) at our hotel that morning. She would be taking us to ancient Rome that day, and Vatican City the next, so it was neat to really get to know her. She was so passionate about her city and made the tour so enjoyable!

Anyway, off we went to ancient Rome!


My dad and I.


It was all very impressive! It was also huge, and I'm sure we didn't even see half of it!

Next up, we moved on to the Coloseum!

This place was packed! People were standing in line for hours to get in! :eek: Luckily though, since we had a tour guide we got to bypass all of that and walk right it.

It was so hot that day that my camera lens was fogging up (as you can probably tell in the picture)!

Finally, it was time to move on to our final stop of the day - the Pantheon.


After ancient Rome, the Coloseum, and the Pantheon, we were exhausted! We had Maria drop us by a cute piazza where we sat down for some lunch to cool down and recoup.

We still had two busy days ahead: Vatican City and Pompeii!
Great update!!! Your trip brings back so many great memories and I can't wait to return! :goodvibes Can't wait to hear about Pompeii, it was incredible, wasn't it?!


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