Pillowcase autograph question...

Suzy Mouse

<font color=green>DIS Veteran<br><font color=99009
Apr 1, 2000
I'm actually having a matte signed. Should I bring my own markers or do they have them?
We brought our own. I got a pack of multi-colored ones. Our matte turned out beautiful.
We brought our own also because I wanted multi colors on the photomat. Here is a pic of ours

They turned down our offer of a fresh pack of multi colored sharpies at guest services when we dropped off our pillowcases on the Magic 9/02. When we got them back they were signed all in black. I don't know if this was done because we already had a colorful graphic with the kids names on each pillowcase and they thought it looked better this way, or if they were only using black markers that cruise. I was pretty disappointed initially, though now I think it may look better this way given the colors we already had on there.
we had everything in a zip lock bag (we did the mat too). multi-color pens, and...wait for it...a huge bag of hershey's kisses. Highly recommended to bribe them and you are more likely to get what you want. The mat is fabulous, I'll post a picture in my trip report eventually!
Suzy Mouse said:
I'm actually having a matte signed. Should I bring my own markers or do they have them?

Hey Suzy Mouse, I am bring a matte too. I'm going to bring my own markers, I had friend cruise in Aug. and she had a matte and took her own markers and they signed in black only. I am going to try and put a little note on it, saying please sign in different colors PLEASE!!!! See you in a few days!!!
Guest Services gave us back our multi-colored Sharpies on our 9/30 cruise saying they had plenty to use. We got our pillow cases back and 2 were all signed in green (to match the Goofy material) and the other (Tinkerbell) had only princesses in various "girl" colors. If you have something in mind, please give them instructions or you might get a surprise you weren't expecting!!
Just a word for the wise. We were on the 10 day wonder and asked if I could get Jiminy to sign a mat. They told me that if he wasn't scheduled to appear on the ship that sailing then he couldn't sign. Boy was I bummed!
This is a little off topic from what you all are thinking of doing, but I saw a great idea this past week: Someone had purchased a "bucket" hat with the Oceaneers Club (or Lab) logo on it,and they had the characters sign it....

It looked fabulous, and I could tell the little girl was soo tickled with her personalized hat!

Just thought I'd share the idea, in case someone was looking for something different.

karen :)
We just got back from our cruise and had the pillowcases signed. They refused our markers and the pillowcases came back beautiful and colorful.
Only - has anyone washed the cases that were done with disney markers.
Just want to know before I go and wash them. Don't want all those pretty names erased.
This is my first post since learning about disboards. I am interesting in finding out how the signing of the pillowcases or mattes works. This sounds like a great idea. Thanks for any responses.


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