Party of 28, your table is ready!!! ***Update 10/11/08-- chapter 6 beginning**

Thank you! My brother Rick, did give me 2 tickets to the Bengals/Colts pre-season game at the new Lucas Oil stadium as a thank you to me.

I think they all appreciated it....:confused3

Hey I was there also! Great stadium, lousy game. :) You know, you can't go to Disney without SOME sort of drama. Looking forward to the next chaper. :) You always leave us on a cliff hanging on your every word.
Great TR--for some reason I cannot see any of the pictures--just lots of little boxes with a red X. Can anyone tell me what setting I might need to adjust to view the photos? I can see the photos in the signature line of other posters.

How did you do this? I don't see it on the pre-order screen. Do you do it at the park? I would love to add this! It would save me hundreds!

Sadly you can only add Test Track to the photopass pics :( All the others you still have to pay for!
After reading the most recent installments it's like you have 20+ children all looking to you to keep them entertained. You're a better woman than I am...I would have lost it big time.

Yeah but it seems the children/teens were better behaved than the adults! And I second that - she is definately a better woman than I! Her DH too for not losing it w/ the inlaws!
popcorn:: I am definitely subscribing. Can't wait to hear more! Our families are soooo alike. We are the loud, smoking, drinking kind of family. :laughing: I don't know how you did it but WOW, you did a great job planning all that! I am the "planner" in my family also and I thought I was going to pass out planning our trip for 13 a couple years back. I must say you all are getting along much better than we did on that trip. Keep it coming!

P.S. Tone-Loc...:rotfl2: :lmao:
Wow! 28 people!! You are amazing! I thought about planning a trip for my family, only 11 people, but decided that just traveling with my fam and my parents for a total of 6 was plenty! You sons are so handsome and you look like such a fun family!! I am enjoying all of your adventures!! Can't wait to find out if you catch the dream team again!!!
Love your trip report. You are so funny! I also planned a trip for 28. Ours was 2 years ago with all of my DHs family. I can relate to alot of the issues.

oh it's so good to hear we're not the only family!!! :goodvibes

What a great TR!!!

Can't wait to read more!

I'm LOVING your report! Impatiently waiting for more!

Coming soon!!!

you trip report spawned my top secret mission :rotfl2: . Read the pre trippie in my link to find out what it is.

Anywho, your trip sounds fun/awful/annoying all in one :cool1:

Glad I could be a part of your top secret mission. Keep posting on your thread. You'll get readers. Did you see my pre-TR? It didn't get much attention either.

K, I LOVE that you don't make us wait forever, so a HUGE thank you for that! I think Brittany is a doll! she really is photogenic and seems like such a fun sport to be around, must be cuz she's used to being around all her brothers (i have 4 myself). I'm excited that you got another DT, i think day 3 will get you into the castle and if not...i'll be praying that you get it with the anniversary trip, you both SO deserve it. Too bad you didn't ask for a copy of the video, i'm sure she would have been happy to do it, maybe she'll find her way to the board and get it touch with you. that was just as good as a DT, good for Narlin Nolan! Looking forward to the next chapter, I'm gonna be sad when we get to the end!

Well, I'm making you wait on forever for the next chapter. See below for a pathetic explanation.

Another side note.................what kind of camera are you using? Maybe its been asked already too. Sorry. You take wonderful pictures. I'm in the market for a new camera and I'm thinking your doing a wonderful job with yours. As I said before, this is the best trip report! Thanks for sharing all of the highs and lows with us!


My camera is a Nikon D40. Entry level D-SLR. And thanks for the nice comments.

ok...I'm trying to sneakily (is that even a word?) read this at work and you are not helping me be quiet - I can't stop laughing!!! This is the FUNNIEST trip report ever and even funnier is - it could be my family! I planned a trip for 12 family members in 1997 and I got so sick & tired of everyone's complaints and uncooperation I said never again! On our last day there, I tried to get just me and my 3 kids to have the day together ourselves since I hardly saw them the 9 days before & my SIL says we HAVE to have dinner together that night. I whined, complained, showed up at Fulton's for dinner grumpier than ever and they all surprised me with gifts & cake as a big thank you - boy did I feel like scum, worse than than the fungus that eats the scum, worse than that (you get the picture - stole this from My Best Friend's Wedding which I've seen a zillion times).

It seems all the kids & teenagers have the right attitude and I would just hang out with them the rest of the trip :dance3:

I'm not trying to be funny-- really, I'm not. I think it becomes funny when relate to the family "dynamics"!!!! That's a good word right? :goodvibes

And you know what-- I have never seen that movie!

Can we swap families please lol!

Sure! Are we going to Disney soon?;)

Awwww... you embarrassed your nieces? LOL! :rotfl2: I would have done the same thing - but probably given him their phone number!

You know, I think phone numbers were that you mention it. :confused3 Never heard anything though so no phone calls must have been made.

OK, I have to ask - what on earth is your "oh too cool to smile" teenage nephew wearing on his head? LOL
I was wondering the same looks like a black diaper!

I have NOOOOO idea. I think it was his shirt he had on. He likes to be different. I think he succeeded!!!

You know, I'm positive I'll be feeling your "group-related" pain next month, but I'll bet the reason behind it will be the opposite of yours. Whereas your group looked to you for what to do next, I anticipate that our group will ALL have an opinion on what to do next (hence the pain lol).

You are seriously amazing for even doing the group trip - no wonder your ticker says you're taking a trip with only your dh! You sooooooo deserve some YOU time! :goodvibes

DH told me last night that he doesn't want to spend alot of times in the parks next week when we go because he'll be looking around at other kids and will be missing them. :headache: think he would have told me sooner!!!!

I on the other hand, can't wait, to do what I want, when I want. And I can't wait to be drinking my Diet Coke with no one elses back wash in it!!!!

Wonderful TR! You are one brave woman to take a group that big with you. I would love to do the planning and I have for smaller events, but the constant questions when they think you know absolutely everything gets to be a bit too much!

I wanted to tell you also that you took some awesome pics! I took over 1700 pictures in just 3.5 short days when my daughter went for her first trip, so I can only imagine how many you took!

Thank you!!!:goodvibes

I am so impressed with your trip. Wtih reading you have done an amazing job holding it all together.

:thumbsup2 Thanks!

Awesome update!!!! I know the feeling when they start to get on your nerves!!! BTW, did I tell you I am going with my in-laws in November....

Good luck!!!! It's not too bad!:)

After reading the most recent installments it's like you have 20+ children all looking to you to keep them entertained. You're a better woman than I am...I would have lost it big time.

You know, I think you're right!!!! Except I beat my kids when they nag like that!


I absolutely LOVE your TR. Kinda making me a bit leary however, on 11/30-12/6, I am traveling with Husband, 2 girls, and my PARENTS!!

This should be lovely....;)

Oh good luck!!! Would love to know how your trip goes!

BTW - Britt looks just like you, I'm sure you already know that.


No, I didn't know that. You really think so? I don't think anyone has ever said that before.

Hey I was there also! Great stadium, lousy game. :)

Well, I am a Bengals fan :goodvibes But the stadium was awesome....except for those darn escalators.

Great TR--for some reason I cannot see any of the pictures--just lots of little boxes with a red X. Can anyone tell me what setting I might need to adjust to view the photos? I can see the photos in the signature line of other posters.


I'm not sure. I get that sometimes if my comuter is running slow and not loading the pictures fast enough.

Can anyone else help?

How did you do this? I don't see it on the pre-order screen. Do you do it at the park? I would love to add this! It would save me hundreds!
Sadly you can only add Test Track to the photopass pics :( All the others you still have to pay for!
Yep, only Test Track. At the end of the ride it will display your picture and you add it to your card right then and there.

Yeah but it seems the children/teens were better behaved than the adults! And I second that - she is definately a better woman than I! Her DH too for not losing it w/ the inlaws!


popcorn:: I am definitely subscribing. Can't wait to hear more! Our families are soooo alike. We are the loud, smoking, drinking kind of family. :laughing: I don't know how you did it but WOW, you did a great job planning all that! I am the "planner" in my family also and I thought I was going to pass out planning our trip for 13 a couple years back. I must say you all are getting along much better than we did on that trip. Keep it coming!

P.S. Tone-Loc...:rotfl2: :lmao:

Thanks for your nice comments! :)

Wow! 28 people!! You are amazing! I thought about planning a trip for my family, only 11 people, but decided that just traveling with my fam and my parents for a total of 6 was plenty! You sons are so handsome and you look like such a fun family!! I am enjoying all of your adventures!! Can't wait to find out if you catch the dream team again!!!


I'm waiting, and waiting, and waiting.................:magnify:

I was thinking the same thing. I need my fix! :goodvibes

I'm sorry all. You know I would be posting if I could. I'm having picture problems. I can't upload to photobucket. When I do, it uploads a few and then shuts down all my windows. I have some uploading now and so far so good. I'll be posting either later today or tonight!!!! Stay tuned!
Chapter 5

"My Mama always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get."

Today was going to be one of those days. I have no idea what today is going to be like—especially after yesterday.

But I had high hopes.

Hey—if Cheech and Chong can re-unite, anything can happen!!!

The original plan—“Do what you want day!” Yep, that’s right—everyone is on their own today.

During my planning, I contemplating make the “on your own day” on Thursday. After yesterday, I’m so glad I went with today (which is Tuesday if you’ve lost track).

So, today we are staying with the original plan.

Here’s what everyone decided to do:

My family—going to Blizzard Beach.
Mom- going to Blizzard Beach.
Dad- resting at the resort.
Randy and family- DHS
Rick and family- going to Blizzard Beach.
Mindy and family- DHS
Crystal and family- going to Blizzard Beach.

Everyone to eat at Chef Mickey’s tonight at 5pm.

So even though we were on our own, we are almost doing the same thing.
Half the group was going to DHS and the other half going to Blizzard Beach.

Last night, after that terrible, scorching bus ride back to POP, I decided not to set a wake up call. I didn’t want the disappointment of not hearing Mickey on the other line.

I guess you could say…..we were sleeping in!!!

We woke up around 7:30am.

Sure glad I got to sleep in.

When we would wake up, DH would open the door, flip over the dead bolt lock so our door always remained cracked.

As soon as he did this today, Randy came in to ask us DHS questions.

“What to ride first”
“How do I use the fastpass”
“Any tips”

And things like that. I was surprised that they were up and ready to go. Impressed!!! They listened to my “rope drop” advice and were at the bus stop by 7:45am.

What is the difference between a day starting off with a PhotoPass shoot and a day starting at a water park?


That’s right….I love water park days!!!!

You know what that means right ladies?

No make up.

No lipstick.

No fixing the hair.

No shower??? Up to you…

But you still have to brush your teeth.

That would be gross.

Besides, today I had enough courage to finally talk to the Dream Team.

And if I would get the chance, I needed fresh breathe!

So after a little bit of Cinnamon flavored Crest, I wake the kids and they get ready lightening fast.

Every morning, I get a little more PO’d about my missing pins. I really would like to start trading some pins. Ugh.

I quickly get over it and gather all the beach/pool/water stuff.

Sunscreen. Check.
Swimming masks. Check.
Towels. Check.
Water bottle with fan. Check
Sunglasses. Check.
Camera in a ziplock bag. Check
Arm floaties. Check
Tylenol. Check.
Kids. Check.

We are ready to go! After the bad bus experience last night, I opted to take the van.

Yes I.

DH had no say in that decision.

Luckily, he was okay with it. About 8:45, we were on our way to Blizzard Beach.

We were the first group to leave. I told Crystal we would save her a seat.

We arrive at the gate right at opening.

It wasn’t crowded so we pretty much had free choice of the seats we wanted.

I was thinking about Crystal and the 2 little kids, so I head this way…


We went by Tike’s Peak and found us a nice spot in the sand, with lots of chairs and an umbrella.




Brett, Jared and Bradley went to ride a “big” slide. So they head to Summit Plummet.

Nolan wanted something not so big….



After we comes back to me I say,

“Seriously Nolan. You’re 7 years old. Let’s go do something that’s just a tad bit bigger.”

So we head to the family ride.

He’s nervous.

He’s upset.

He begins to freak.

And if you know me by now, I show no mercy.

I mean…he’s not pregnant.

He doesn’t have heart problems.

No strokes.

No back issues.

He meets the height requirements.

In my book—he’s good to go.

So I pull him along with me and head to Teamboat Springs. Boy was it a LONG walk up there!!!! Especially with a kid who’s kicking and screaming.

On our way, we see the boys in line for Summit Plummet.

Well the boys minus Bradley.

He decides he doesn’t want to go down. Yes, the 14 year old backs out.

What is it with my kids?

I yelled at him….

“Wimpy. Wimpy. Wimpy”

He yells back at me…

“Hefty. Hefty. Hefty”


Finally, after burning off 3,000 calories, we arrive to our destination. Next time, I am taking the lift up. I’m no fool the second time.

Nolan and I have to ride with another family of 3. Nolan was still scared but as soon as we began down the hill he screams…..


Yep, that’s right…..he was lovin’ it!

And you thought I didn’t know what I was doing.

As if.

By this time, I thought Crystal might be here so I went to go check my phone. They were walking in. Perfect timing. I gave her quick directions and she finally found us.


Aww….glad to see sisters think alike.

No make up. No lipstick. Hair as it is. Not sure about the shower.

I take Kelsey to go find the boys because she’s a thrill seeker. Bigger the better!

Unlike those wimpy kids I know.

We all went down Teamboat Springs again. And then Jared was ready for a break.

(he hated Summit-- said it hurt)

A break means beer for Jared.

A break means food for me.

There has been 3 things that I have never tried before this trip that was a must do on this trip.

1. Turkey leg.
2. Dole Whip.
3. Mickey bar

I was determined to mark them all off my list during this trip. When Jared spotted the beer logo on a food stand, we head that way. Low and behold guess what they are also selling!!!!


Finally!!! A turkey leg!!! :thumbsup2

Pass me pencil I’m scratching number 1 off my list!!!!

Dipped in some BBQ sauce… was really good! Just then, Nolan comes to help me finish it off.

Then he says to me

“Mommy, I want some ice cream.”

Well, if you want a Mickey Bar I’ll get you one. What kid would say no? So I get him the number 2 thing on my “Must Eat” list.







He didn’t like it. I’m never going to buy him one of them again. Wasted snack credit.

By this time, the dare devils come check in. Kelsey and Brett that is.


By this time….I wanna say around 11:30, people are pouring in the parks…..most of them trying to take our chairs. Yes, we really do need all 10 chairs thank you.

The kids get some lunch and I get my next treat.

Well, as you know the dole whip is not found anywhere in Blizzard Beach but who know what is????

THE GARBAGE PAIL!!!!!!!! Yeah baby!!!! That’s what I’m talking about!!!!


You know I only bought this for the pail and shovel.


My niece needed something to play with.


I didn’t like this at all.

Okay, I LOVED it. It was da bomb!!!!

So much for the 3,000 calories I burned off earlier.

Just in case you were wondering it cost $8.99 plus tax= $9.58 well spent!!!!

Brett and I eat way more than we should and then pass it off to Brittany.


Yes, Brett and I ate over half of it.

Mostly Brett.

Now the beer on the other hand, was drunk all by Jared. So he had no problem making a comment when the group of Brazilians (?) walked by in their thongs.


Or maybe there was a different reaction.

Sweet, little Nolan says, “Mommy, I don’t think their swimming suits fit them do they?” :confused3

“No sweetie, they don’t. Maybe they are poor and can’t afford anything more”

Even the teenagers didn’t find it appealing at all. I was surprised.

After lunch and ice cream, a few of us head to the lazy river thing.


Go ahead guess!!! :cool1:

Dream team!?!!?

Our first photopass photographer!!! :cool1:

And he’s in training. :confused3



(forgot to tell you Alysha didn’t want to go to DHS with her family so she went with us)



I then take Nolan to kiddie area and tell him to “get up there and give him a big hug so I can take a picture”


Right after this pic a lifeguard tells him to get down. Nolan says “my mom made me do it!”

I say “I did not! I don’t even know this kid” and I walk away.

After this I know we went to the humungo pool and did a lot of slides. Just no pictures to go with it. Here are a few others of my favorite pics I took this day




Still too cool to smile….


Finally, a little after 3pm, he head out to go back to the resort.


On our way out, we see this sign…..


Just a little reminder that we didn’t make it “3 in a row”. Oh well—we were pretty lucky with our other dreams.

Up next: Dinner at Chef Mickeys! Will everyone make it after being a part for the most of the day? What do we do after dinner?
There are so many funny quotes in your last update, that I decided not to use the "quote" funtion...really great update!!

Love the brazilian comment...
Also the Wimpy/heafty comment...
My mom made me do....


I am really enjoying following your family's adventures!

Great day at Blizzard!! :) I haven't been there in AGES!!!

I'll have to come back and check the photos though. I think the site you use is blocked here at work so everything is just blank. :( I know it works at home though! :)
I was so excited today when I checked your TR to see chapter 5 was up!!! I am loving your TR. You crack me up. I've never been to the water parks but it would be nice to leave off the makeup, hair primping etc. But knowing me I'd still do my makeup. I can't help it mom's the type to not go to the mailbox w/o at least putting on some mascara and eye shadow:rotfl: :confused3 I'm really enjoying your reports. Can't wait to find out about Chef Mickey's.
Sounds like a great day at Blizzard Beach for all of you! Can't wait to read what everyone else's day was like!
Fun day at the beach. We went to Blizzard beach and spent half the time on the lazy river. lol

I TOTALLY believe you that you bought the ice cream for the pail and shovel. Yep, I really do! :lmao:

Please don't make us wait too long to hear about Chef Mickey's. :scared: I will go into panic mode. ;)
I'm still enjoying your TR, but I am leaving at 3 am to head down to the world I will have to catch up when I get back next week!

Still enjoying your TR! We have never been to Blizzard Beach, but it looks like so much fun. We have to try the pail and shovel! Can't wait to read more!!:goodvibes
yup! loved the pictures! :) hahaha.... love the mickey ice cream bar :) total waste of a snack credit.. LOL


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