Party of 28, your table is ready!!! ***Update 10/11/08-- chapter 6 beginning**

awesome day at AK! and the DT!!! I'm so jealous! We kept seeing them around the parks but weren't lucky.
What a great Dream Prize...I would love to have had AK to myself....and with a special viewing of The Lion King...WOW!

Sounds like you had a great time...can't wait for more!:goodvibes
Hi! I've read your TR yesterday and today! I love it! You are a great writer and I love the cliff hangers. Your family is beautiful! I would love to have my whole family come with us one day. I couldn't imagine driving 19 hours to get to Disney though! Wow! We live in Macon, GA so it's only about a 6 1/2 hour drive. But with a toddler it takes a bit longer! lol Thanks for sharing your vacation with us! It makes me feel like I'm at Disney again! :hug:
I am so looking forward to your TR! I have not been so entertained by a TR in my life! (well, i've only been here a month:confused3 ) seriously! you are such a fun writer, i feel like i'm there with you! the whole time i was reading when we spotted the DT (notice the "we") i was hanging on to the seat of my chair, i was like ready to pee too, omg, omg..did she get it, she better have gotten it!:rotfl: i didn't want to flip forward for fear of missing a moment, then...we won we won :banana: fabulous!! headlights? :lmao: was killing me!! I LOVE your family, everyone is so beautiful! I love your folks, especially dad's shoes. the redneck jokes crack me up as i continue to get a glimpse of the term "redneck" :rotfl2: i got choked up on the comment about disney magic at the lion king, i wanted to cry with excitement, joy, blah, blah! thank you for the beautiful pictures too! you have really made my trip even more exciting!! :cool1: i don't know who can top this TR! do you get awards for best TR on the boards? I'd vote for ya!! thanks again!! can't wait for more!!
I am loving your trip report!:lovestruc I am only planning for 10 and having a hard time. I like your idea of a newsletter, I will have to try that. Looking forward to your next post!
This is a great are an amazing writer...hope I can do the same when we go in a week or so. Looking forward to meeting you and your husband.
I'm all caught up - its a FANTASTIC trip report, one of the best I've read!!! I can't wait to read more!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julie xxx
Loving your report. What a great Dream! I couldn't come up with 28 people in my family without going way out there to cousins I've never met. It's so cool that you have such a close, big family.

I had to laugh at your comment on the "We Bare All" signs. I was driving back to GA last month after visiting my dad in South Florida (no Disney, but we did at least stop for a lunch break and reststop at DTD on the way home) and I finally got the question I had been dreading. "Mommy, what's an adult toy?" from dd10. I gave her the same answer I have given when she has asked about certain machines in some gas station restrooms. "Something that's just not appropriate for kids". I really wish they would outlaw those signs!

Can't wait for another update!popcorn::
Wow - what a very kewl dream!!!

It was! Thanks!!!!

This is the funniest TR ever! I just read the whole TR up to now and I'm laughing out loud! :rotfl2: You are a great writer.

28 people!!! That's incredible! It's totally a dream for me to go with my family, but it will never happen. I have nine brothers and sisters, and some of us are not yet married, but as of now, with SILs, BILs, nieces, nephews, my parents, etc it would be about 31. Thanks for writing this and giving me some insite on what it would entail to plan for our family! :rotfl:

And my guess is probably 1000 pictures?

Thank you so much!!!! Guess a little higher. More than 1000.

Oh- don't lose hope! I never would have thought our family would have went together!

Love your TR! Can't wait for the next chapter :thumbsup2

Thanks! I was going to wait until Monday to post the next chapter but I decided to stop wasting my time watching the Bengals game today and started typing!!!!

Loving your TR!!!! What a great dream you won! I have to say, though, when we did our Magical Gathering 2 years ago, the family argument occurred much sooner than 2 days in.:rotfl2:

:rotfl: Oh no!!! Hopefully it wasn't too bad!

Oh, and the funky cold medina just cracked me up! :rotfl: (Remember the days when you'd actually be out dancing to that song on a Friday night?)

Oh my YES!!!! Between the Funky Cold Media and Baby Got Back, I danced the night away!!!

Just caught up with your report! How awesome to have that many people down there finding out true Disney Magic! I'm trying to get my whole family down there because they have never been too! There is only 12 of us, I couldn't imagine 28!!!

Can't wait for your next installment.

Thank you !!!!:goodvibes

2:24 a.m. I'm here drinking a glass of wine and enjoying your trip, thanks God I don't work today, I need to go to bed but this is so funny. Waiting for your next report......Good night, ops good morning.:thanks:

A good glass a wine and the Dis....that is a great combination!!!

I just learned about the Dis boards this year so I missed the meet! :( Wish I would have know about it, I definitely would have gone!

If they have another one, we'll have to go!!!

Love the trip report!!

Thank you!!!!:goodvibes

OMG...what a great DT Surpise!!

I'm so loving your report!

And thank you too!!!!:goodvibes

awesome day at AK! and the DT!!! I'm so jealous! We kept seeing them around the parks but weren't lucky.

I went in Aug '07 and never seen them once! I was shocked when we won!

What a great Dream Prize...I would love to have had AK to myself....and with a special viewing of The Lion King...WOW!

Sounds like you had a great time...can't wait for more!:goodvibes


Hi! I've read your TR yesterday and today! I love it! You are a great writer and I love the cliff hangers. Your family is beautiful! I would love to have my whole family come with us one day. I couldn't imagine driving 19 hours to get to Disney though! Wow! We live in Macon, GA so it's only about a 6 1/2 hour drive. But with a toddler it takes a bit longer! lol Thanks for sharing your vacation with us! It makes me feel like I'm at Disney again! :hug:

Aww..thank you so much. That means alot!!!

what an awesome Dream!!! I am jealous ;)


I am so looking forward to your TR! I have not been so entertained by a TR in my life! (well, i've only been here a month:confused3 ) seriously! you are such a fun writer, i feel like i'm there with you! the whole time i was reading when we spotted the DT (notice the "we") i was hanging on to the seat of my chair, i was like ready to pee too, omg, omg..did she get it, she better have gotten it!:rotfl: i didn't want to flip forward for fear of missing a moment, then...we won we won :banana: fabulous!! headlights? :lmao: was killing me!! I LOVE your family, everyone is so beautiful! I love your folks, especially dad's shoes. the redneck jokes crack me up as i continue to get a glimpse of the term "redneck" :rotfl2: i got choked up on the comment about disney magic at the lion king, i wanted to cry with excitement, joy, blah, blah! thank you for the beautiful pictures too! you have really made my trip even more exciting!! :cool1: i don't know who can top this TR! do you get awards for best TR on the boards? I'd vote for ya!! thanks again!! can't wait for more!!

Thanks again!!! I appreciate the time it took for you to write such kind words!

I am loving your trip report!:lovestruc I am only planning for 10 and having a hard time. I like your idea of a newsletter, I will have to try that. Looking forward to your next post!

Next post will arrive shortly....

This is a great are an amazing writer...hope I can do the same when we go in a week or so. Looking forward to meeting you and your husband.

14 more days for us!!!!! :banana:

I'm all caught up - its a FANTASTIC trip report, one of the best I've read!!! I can't wait to read more!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julie xxx

Thank you for being here!!!

I love reading about these big family trips. What great memories!

Thank you!!!!:goodvibes

I am seriously loving your TR! How awesome to get AK for an hour after closing!!!

Very awesome!!! Thanks for posting!!

Great trip report.
I am so glad you and your family got a Dream Wish.

Aww, thank you!!!

Loving your report. What a great Dream! I couldn't come up with 28 people in my family without going way out there to cousins I've never met. It's so cool that you have such a close, big family.

I had to laugh at your comment on the "We Bare All" signs. I was driving back to GA last month after visiting my dad in South Florida (no Disney, but we did at least stop for a lunch break and reststop at DTD on the way home) and I finally got the question I had been dreading. "Mommy, what's an adult toy?" from dd10. I gave her the same answer I have given when she has asked about certain machines in some gas station restrooms. "Something that's just not appropriate for kids". I really wish they would outlaw those signs!

Can't wait for another update!popcorn::

Ouch!!! I hate those kind of questions! You handled it very well. I'm not sure what I would say.

Thanks for posting!
Chapter 4 *** Monday, June 23, 2008 ***

6:05am The phone rings. I ignored the first 2 rings. I was thinking to myself, “please don’t have it be It’s A Small World again”.

I went to answer the phone….. hoping and wishing it would be anything but It’s A Small World ….anything!!!!

When I picked up the phone, guess what I heard?

Just some generic music!!!!!!!

It was not even Disney music.

I know my Disney music.

And this wasn’t even close.

So be careful what you wish for because at that point, I would have taken anything….even It’s A Small World ….than generic non-Disney music.

I even requested my wake up call at an odd time….hoping it will be Mickey waking us up.

No go today.
Maybe tomorrow.

After the wake up call disappointment, the morning ritual began. I was first to shower and then everyone followed. Only difference from today than yesterday—Brett got a shower today.

He really wanted to take the redneck shower with a bar of soap and a water ride again, BUT there was only one problem…

We were headed to Epcot and there really isn’t a good water ride there. Yeah, there’s that Norway ride. But not the kind that you get so wet that when you get up from the ride, your shorts stick you, your shoes squish and you’re glad you’re not wearing a white shirt.

Yes, I know that from experience.

So after getting ready, I got my bag, extra change of clothes and camera ready to go. I still can’t find my pins. I’m convinced housekeeping took them.

But I still leave a housekeeping envelope with $3 in it.

Hey--- 3 dollars is 3 dollars…..if they would start leaving me more towel animals, I’ll start digging deeper in my wallet.

Check that.

DH’s wallet.

We said our good mornings to everyone and headed to the bus stop. Today, we had a photopass session booked at the Grand Floridian at 8:30am.

We were running a little behind today. At least I felt a little rushed today. I didn’t write down what time we got at the bus stop, but I know we took the bus to MK.

Some of our group wanted to drive to GF because it would have been faster than taking the bus. But I knew I read somewhere on the Dis that the self parking lot at GF was far away and required a lot of walking. Everyone believed me…

….you know I could have been lying….but I wasn’t…..not that I do that….


Once we arrived at MK from taking the bus….which took about 25 minutes….we head to the monorail.

It was about 8:15 am and no one was leaving the MK so we get in line—all by ourselves. We waited for a few minutes and when the monorail pulled up I noticed no one was in the very front. This is where I felt a little bad about my Disney knowledge and all the planning I did.

My family and my brother and nephew were waiting with me in the very first section (right behind the front cab). When I seen the empty cab, I quietly asked the CM if the boys could sit in the front. He said “Sure!” so I sent my 3 boys and 1 nephew to the front. Another nephew tried to go in too but he was sent back to us rejected.

The max number people is 4.

Sorry kid.

I felt bad……

I should have technically let another kid from another family go but I felt a little selfish that morning.

Is that wrong?

No one else would have even known about this little magical experience anyways.

And besides—what kid of mine would I choose not to go?

I was all ready giving up myself.

I really wanted to ride with my boys to take pictures.

Instead I get this one of them getting out….


The CM gave them each a Co-Pilot license when the got out.

I asked them about their “riding in the front” experience and they loved it!!!!

Nolan said “It felt like I was in a roller coaster!”

Which apparently, is different than riding on a roller coaster.

Everyone said the driver was really nice and was talking to them the whole time.

Man….now I REALLY wish I could have been in there with them. Can you imagine how cool it was for those 4 boys—with no adults around? ****fast forward to today—they still talk about it****

So instead of riding in front with them, I was back with everyone else. At least I was able to take some cute pics of the family riding the monorail for the first time.




When we got off the monorail, it was 8:28am. (we were stopped at the Contempory forever!!!) I high-tailed it to the photopass booth to check in. After SIL paid the $25 fee, the photopass guy immediately took us outside to get the session started.

My sister Mindy…coming from ASsp…still wasn’t there so my dad stayed in the lobby waiting for her.

We were under a time limit, and the photopass guy let us know that right away, so we went ahead and took some individual family pictures.

First up was my brother and family


Then my family


And then my other brother and family


Believe it or not, I lightened this picture as much as I could.

And they call themselves professionals……

We were still waiting on my sister and the clock was ticking so we asked the photographer if we could move to the beach and take more individual pics.

After seeing how dark the other pics turned out, thank goodness we did this.

Here are the beach shots:





And then finally my sister shows up from ASsp. So they are up along with mom and dad.



Notice my mom and dad’s anniversary shirts I made for them.

While I did the photographers job and got the family together for the group picture, he at least used his time wisely and got the best shots of the whole photopass session:




FINALLY I got everyone situated as best as I could and he snaps away……


He said we have 4 minutes left if we wanted any other shots.

Yes, 4 minutes.

Not 5.

Not a few.


4 minutes left.

I couldn’t believe he had it nailed down to 4 minutes. Geez….

So we hurry and take a pic of mom and dad with 5 of their 6 kids


Then once I uploaded the pics I added 2008


Then my SIL had an idea for a pic and with 2 minutes left, she got her picture:


My SIL had to set that pose up as well. He was just going to have them stand there again.

And they call themselves professionals……

After snapping that picture, he says to us, “I’ve got 30 more seconds. Anything else?”

Ugh…..not sure what you can do in 30 seconds so…..I think we’re done.

He quickly gives us the photopass card with the newly taken pictures and he is on his way…..quickly.


A) he had somewhere to be at 9am in the morning
B) he had to take a number 2
C) or maybe even a number 1
D) or maybe he didn’t like our family.

I don’t know….but he definitely watched closely and followed the 30 minute session. And no, there were no sessions booked after ours- I asked. I mean, I know it was a 30 minute session but I read here on the Dis so many other experiences where the photographers really took their time, got creative shots and even went over the 30 minutes.

I guess I didn’t expect EXACTLY 30 minutes.

I should have hired that professional after all.

And who ever came up with the terms “Number 1 and Number 2” anyways?????

That’s just weird.

Anyway, I get my camera out and take a few pictures:




One of my favorites of the trip…


After the trip, I read something about the water and kids shouldn’t play in it….oops….I should have read that sooner.

****fast forward to today….well…..a couple of weeks ago. When I first looked at the pictures, I was disappointed that 1. the lawn pictures turned out so dark. 2. the group picture- if you go back up and look, he let the kids play in the sand and some people looked too close together. Even though I got everyone in their positions, I wasn’t the one looking through the lense. It’s a picture I will cherish for years—but it could have been a lot better.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, I went to order the picture in 8x10. When I enlarged it to that size, it cuts the people off. One is my DH and the other is my niece.

Sometimes I wouldn’t mind cutting DH out of some of the pictures…

But that’s a story for another day…..

This picture……I was so upset!!! The ONLY reason we did this session is to get a 8x10 print of the whole family. At least we have the Hoop Dee Doo picture—it is even better! After e-mailing the photopass department back and forth, they offered me a free photopass session for my next visit in September (in 2 weeks).


No, not the good kind.

Whoop dee doo kind.

The bad kind.

So in 2 weeks I will get another photopass session experience. I’ll let you know how that goes****
Back to the regularly scheduled trip report….

After the picture session, we wipe the sand from our feet and go inside to change because we are headed to Epcot!!!

And I’m not wearing a skirt into the parks.

It might have landed me on the “What was she thinking?” or “Can you believe she wore this?” posts. And if you have ever read posts like that, you know that they’re not nice.

Matter of fact, they get ugly.

Not Ugly Betty ugly.


So I quietly slipped into the GF restroom to put on a pair of shorts.

On the way out, I secretly had dreams about staying here one day…..



Then we went to the platform to catch the monorail.

Immediately, the kids got smart.

Unlike the last time we were waiting, they knew what the front ride of the monorail meant. This time they started talking about who was going to get to ride the front.

This time I wasn’t selfish.

I told my kids “No, you don’t get to ride. Let someone else take a turn.”

Nolan, in true spoiled brat fashion….ran off pouting.


His mom must be proud.


That’s me.

I’m not proud of that. Who took that picture?


That’s me.

Well, call it what you want….I proudly took this picture. And I love it. I think it’s the ears. Yeah, that’s why I like it—it’s cute. Not that he’s acting like a spoiled brat….

My niece Brittany tries to cheer him up.


It didn’t work. He only moved positions.


I’m sure if I think hard enough, I could come up with a really good caption for this picture….just can’t think of one right now.

As we wait for the monorail train, my brother and sister are talking to the CM about the transportation collector cards. My brother was really interested so the CM slipped him a few extra ones.


Take notice of my mom. When it comes to free stuff, she is all over it. She was on it like Donkey Kong.

Whatever that means.

She collected her monorail cards and a get out of jail card and we continued to wait.

We waited about as long as you’ve been waiting for this next chapter of the TR.

We waited…

And continued to wait….




Finally!!!! A monorail pulls up!!!!

Up next: Epcot, here we come baby!!! Will we ever have that family disagreement? How about that DT- do they find us again???
Oooh, those pictures turned out really good!
I love the color of the water in the pictures you took. Maybe you will get a better photographer in the nex photo shoot. It's not easy taking pictures of large groups... And I know, I have to do that next Saturday for my sisters wedding! She's too cheap :-)lmao: ) to pay for a real photographer! At another sister's wedding, and my brothers (they had the same photog) we were placed in a straight line... Okay, when you put my family, including all my siblings-in-law and neices and nephews in a straight line, you end up so far back you can barely tell who anyone is! The photographer did an amazing job on all the rest of the pictures, just the family was terrible.

I'm still laughing out loud reading this... I like one of the previous posters ideas, we could have a vote to see who writes the funniest TRs!
I am just signing the whole thing tonight...but I gotta get to bed soon for work tomorrow. I have to say I am sooooo in awe of you :worship: successfully pulling off this trip with your wonderful family! Really amazing once-in-a-lifetime-trip. I was crying when you got "dreamed"....I was sooo excited!:banana: Love :love: your photography and all of your comments and humor! I can't wait to hear more! :goodvibes :thumbsup2


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