OT: peeling feet!


disney fan
Oct 17, 2005
I have feet that are always peeling and I have been to 2 different foot Dr's and both said it is not a fungus. My PCP also said the same thing. I have tried every cream out there and foot scrubs and still have peeling feet. The only thing I have not tried is a pedicure. Never had one and not sure if I want one. I was looking online and came across a product called Baby Foot just wondering if anyone has tried this product or if you have the same foot problem I have?

i used to have really dry feet in the winter when i was a bit younger. the only thing that worked was vaseline (a thick coat) at night before i went to bed. i hated having socks on when i slept but it helped a lot. and when i say dry, so dry the skin was cracking and bleeding on my heels and toes. i never tried that product but my mother has tried several creams and nothing is a miracle.

i would say nay on the pedicure. some places use a razor and will just plain cut off layers of skin. this can make the problem much worse.:goodvibes
DS has this issue and we like Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Creme. We put it on at bedtime and it really helps.
The doctor kept telling my DD that her peeling foot was not a fungus. She was told she had sweaty feet and to apply a spray on antiperspirant every night before bed and before wearing athletic shoes. This went on for well over a year until the fungus spread to her toe nails. Once she was treated with oral meds and a topical cream for the fungus, it finally cleared up. If it's truly not a fungus, maybe the antiperprent will help? Good luck!

My feet were peeling and gross for over a year while I tried different scrubs and even that ped-egg thing. Anything that removed skin just seemed to make the problem worse.

The only thing that has helped for me is the old-school method of wearing Vaseline and socks to bed. Giving the soles of my feet the moisture they apparently needed finally did the trick! I can actually wear sandals again! But I have to keep it up, if I go a week or so without doing it, I can see/feel them starting to dry out again.
FWIW, a strep infection can make the soles of your feet peel; mine did it when I got strep a couple of months ago.

If you think it might be fungal, you can get some anti-fungal athlete's foot cream OTC and try that to see it if helps.
I dont know... but this happens to my 7 year old during soccer season! For 3 years now it has been like this, and goes away as soon as they stop playing/practicing. We use lots of lotion! I just get a good one like Eucerin or something.

I am not kidding - my dr recommended solid crisco. And it worked. he said he could prescribe something but it was expensive and this would work well on our DD. and it did.
As others have said, vaseline with socks works really well. Another really good product is Vermont's Original Bag Balm. It worked even better than vaseline.
My husband had the same thing plus the cracking in between the toes. He went out and bought a gallon of apple cider vinegar (I thought he was nuts) and soaked them for less than a week and it worked. I am pretty sure he added water to it. It worked like a charm:thumbsup2 No more peeling or cracking!

He got the info online of course!

Good luck to you.
I did use my bag balm with socks last night. The only thing is I need to get a pair of cotton sock. I would like to wear my flip flops in the parks for my upcoming trip so I really would like my feet to look pretty for Mickey!
Op if you have a health food store ask if they have Magnesium oil or gel. This stuff is really great. Hubby uses it on his feet and it has cleared up his dryness and peeling. I even use it. Also use it on my face too. Love it!
I had this problem as a child, except that my feet itched like crazy as well, I was miserable and my mom tried everything she could find. She finally took me to a podiatrist who said that my feet were wet too often, I was staying in water too long and not drying them because a wet washcloth would soothe the itching so I was just making them worse. Plus other things like playing in the rain and snow (then walking in wet shoes) and wet flip flops after swimming.

I started taking shorter baths, drying my feet thoroughly afterward then applying vaseline while they still had a little moisture on them from the bath and covering with socks and they finally healed.


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