OT - let the chatting begin....... CHAT thread

helllloooo everyone, I know I don't often post on this thread but I've had an exciting couple of days - managed to get paralympics judo finals and medal ceremony tickets for our end of August London trip yesterday evening, and this morning I went to watch the olympic torch relay as it passed near to my house :cool1:.

We've never stayed in London before, in fact my DD has never even passed through London before, so it'll be a busy busy 2 days in the Capital!

Congrats on getting the tickets, I have tickets for the hockey & i'm lucky to be working up there for London ambulance service on a secondment, although not looking forward to the 4.30am starts for some shifts:eek:

How exciting getting Olympics tickets! I kinda wish we'd at least tried to get some! The Torch passed by our front door last week, it was amazing, the whole street were out in the rain, houses were decorated and Rosebug had her "Jubilee" dress on (which is now her Olympic dress! :lmao: ) The police were on their bikes etc. waving to the kids, and there was a parade of sponsorship trucks etc. It was a wonderful community experience!

Unlike our community experience last night with the flooding! :sad2: It hit our county quite bad, we very nearly had a flooded kitchen and 2 streets away our town centre was flooded, and even had ducks swimming around. A little way up the road from us cars were submerged! :-( We are very lucky that our house is on a bank, so everything just floats past us, but our backyard is a slight slope, so the water was flooding down towards the house, and the drain got blocked, luckily DH realised in time and had to lie down in 4 inches of water to unblock it just as it was starting to come into the kitchen! :scared: Feel so sorry for the hundreds of people who took hours to get home last night, who had to abandon their cars (was bizarre driving to work this morning with all the cars abandoned on the sides of the roads. I was waiting for the zombies!) and who had terrible flooding. And I am so glad I left work an hour earlier than usual, otherwise I wouldn't have got home because the Tyne Tunnel was flooded, and that was my route home! It was quite a spectacular storm, I love thunder and lightening, such a shame it was so devastating!!!

Glad your house escaped getting flooded:hug:
It is just going to be one of those years isn't it? Rosebug has chickenpox!!!!

She has been grumpy the past few days and full of cold. Today she has about 15 red spots, and more seem to be appearing! She is happy as larry though!:confused3 So Disney day tomorrow with her, I'm taking next 2 days off and hubby the two after that! Hope she doesn't get it too bad!
It is just going to be one of those years isn't it? Rosebug has chickenpox!!!!

She has been grumpy the past few days and full of cold. Today she has about 15 red spots, and more seem to be appearing! She is happy as larry though!:confused3 So Disney day tomorrow with her, I'm taking next 2 days off and hubby the two after that! Hope she doesn't get it too bad!

Poor Rosebug! :hug: I hope she doesn't get them too bad, there seems to be a lot of chicken pox going around at the moment.

I'm just hoping that Olivia doesn't get them, as I've never had them before and I'd quite like to keep it that way!

Hope you both enjoy your Disney day tomorrow :hug:
It is just going to be one of those years isn't it? Rosebug has chickenpox!!!!

No fun while it's happening, but good to get it over and done with. Hope Rosebug doesn't feel too poorly with it. :goodvibes
managed to get paralympics judo finals and medal ceremony tickets for our end of August London trip yesterday evening, and this morning I went to watch the olympic torch relay as it passed near to my house :cool1:
How exciting! :thumbsup2 I'm hoping to see the torch when it passes near our house too.

No fun while it's happening, but good to get it over and done with. Hope Rosebug doesn't feel too poorly with it. :goodvibes

I agree - my three had it one after each other when they were young and those six weeks seemed to drag on for ever but far better for Rosebug to get it when she's still young, hope she doesn't get it too bad. :hug:

I wish this rain would stop. I wanted to go up and see the seven P&O ships leave Southampton tonight but not so sure I'm so keen to stand there in the pouring rain. :sad2:
It is just going to be one of those years isn't it? Rosebug has chickenpox!!!!

She has been grumpy the past few days and full of cold. Today she has about 15 red spots, and more seem to be appearing! She is happy as larry though!:confused3 So Disney day tomorrow with her, I'm taking next 2 days off and hubby the two after that! Hope she doesn't get it too bad!

Oh no! Poor thing!

It isn't nice, both my boys had it at the same time, one was 2yrs and the other 4 1/2 months.....it was a long few weeks but i'm glad they got it over with early.

I hope she makes a speedy recovery! :)
It is just going to be one of those years isn't it? Rosebug has chickenpox!!!!

She has been grumpy the past few days and full of cold. Today she has about 15 red spots, and more seem to be appearing! She is happy as larry though!:confused3 So Disney day tomorrow with her, I'm taking next 2 days off and hubby the two after that! Hope she doesn't get it too bad!

Hope your DD feels better soon:hug:

How exciting! :thumbsup2 I'm hoping to see the torch when it passes near our house too.

I agree - my three had it one after each other when they were young and those six weeks seemed to drag on for ever but far better for Rosebug to get it when she's still young, hope she doesn't get it too bad. :hug:

I wish this rain would stop. I wanted to go up and see the seven P&O ships leave Southampton tonight but not so sure I'm so keen to stand there in the pouring rain. :sad2:

I could have got overtime to cover the port for the ships arrival, however I don't live close enough for it to be worth it. Its very unusual for there to be 7 ships from the same company in port at the same time. Not a permanent thing as its the only time our private sector of the ambulance service have asked to cover it.
Well, we braved the weather :eek: and luckily by the time we got there it had stopped raining. We went to Lepe which was the closest recommended vantage point to us and also the one which we thought would be the least busy. I'm really glad we went as it was a pretty impressive sight. It must have been a quite considerable feat to organise it so just such a shame about the weather as not only did the Red Arrows have to be cancelled but the ships would have looked so much better against blue skies. I didn't bother to take my camera as it was raining so heavily when we left home (and also my camera's only a little point and shoot) but there were lots of people there with HUGE cameras and even HUGER lens set up on their tripods so I expect they got good pictures.
Hello everyone :wave2: Took me a while to find this thread, was hiding on page 4 :rotfl:

Hope the weather is getting better for everyone. I nearly collapsed today when the sun came out, but it wasn't until about 7pm :beach:

Going back to work tomorrow after weeks of chronic neck ache. It's still a bit sore, but I think I need to bite the bullet and try to get back into the swing of things. I'll only be in until Friday and will then be off for my 2 weeks annual leave. It's our London holiday next Monday, so getting organised for that.

Let's all do a sun dance and hope for some nice sunshine for the summer hols :goodvibes
Sorry to hear your neck's still painful :hug: at least you've only got a few days before you're off on your holidays. Exciting!! :goodvibes

The sun finally came out here yesterday too although it was a bit too windy to sit out in it. I finish work for the summer on Friday so I'm putting in my order for good weather from Saturday onwards. ;)

And we got to see the Olympic torch last week - it had been really lousy weather all day and I was thinking if it didn't cease raining I wasn't going to bother as I had half an hour's walk to see it but luck was on my side and it stopped. So I'm glad I saw it - one sight I'm unlikely to see again in my lifetime!
hi all :wave:
hope you are feeling better Julie, neck ache is horrible :hug: and it effects everything.

hope rosebug is over her chicken pox too :hug: my two had them earlier this year and were in good form but very uncomfortable but didnt scar luckily.

we have a busy week, dh's lovely niece is getting married friday so we ladies are starting our defuzzing, dyeing of greys, layering of tan and general best side out wedding prep today. it will be a good thing to lift spirits after my brother in laws passing but so sad that hes not going to be getting up to mischief and having us all in stitchs. her something blue is the cuff off the sleeve of the tshirt he wore the day he passed away which she has fashioned into an anklet. hope the weather doesnt go back to being typically irish in the meantime!

whats everyones plans for the weekend?
Hi Just wanted to share.

We got a long awaited call last night from the hospital, my DH was called in for a kidney transplant. Everything was going smoothly but just as DH was about to put a gown on the doctor came and said that sadly the kidney was not suitable to be used for the transplant:sad:

It is strange you have a mixture of feelings happyness that DH will get a transplant, sadness that someone has died to donate their organ. That is the most unbelievable gift anyone can give. Sorrow for the family. Then disappointment when the transplant is cancelled. I most probably sound very self centred. Sorry. DH has been waiting over 5 years but it can happen at any time. This is the second time so maybe 3rd time lucky.

Well looking forward to the weekend. Hope everyone has a great weekend. We are just counting the days to our trip now.
I'm sorry, I can't begin to imagine how you all must be feeling. I really don't know what to say so I'll give you a couple of :hug: :hug: instead.
I most probably sound very self centred.
Not at all.

And I think the anonymity of the boards can help, sometimes it's easier to share on here rather than with a real life family member or friend.
Transplants are always a precarious situation. Hope your DH gets a successful donation soon. It's hard to wish for a donor when you know that someone nearly always has to pass away for a donation to happen, but at least their family has the comfort that part of them live on in a beautiful way.
Hang in there.:grouphug::
I'm sorry, I can't begin to imagine how you all must be feeling. I really don't know what to say so I'll give you a couple of :hug: :hug: instead.

Thanks Ware Bears it has been a very long day. Thanks for the hug. I know that I am just more than blessed with my family. My thoughts go out to the donor family. Thank goodness there are people out there that donate their organs.

Going to look forward to our trip to DLP now.
And we got to see the Olympic torch last week - it had been really lousy weather all day and I was thinking if it didn't cease raining I wasn't going to bother as I had half an hour's walk to see it but luck was on my side and it stopped. So I'm glad I saw it - one sight I'm unlikely to see again in my lifetime!

Great you got to see the torch, it seems to be upon us really soon :thumbsup2

hi all :wave:
hope you are feeling better Julie, neck ache is horrible :hug: and it effects everything.

hope rosebug is over her chicken pox too :hug: my two had them earlier this year and were in good form but very uncomfortable but didnt scar luckily.

we have a busy week, dh's lovely niece is getting married friday so we ladies are starting our defuzzing, dyeing of greys, layering of tan and general best side out wedding prep today. it will be a good thing to lift spirits after my brother in laws passing but so sad that hes not going to be getting up to mischief and having us all in stitchs. her something blue is the cuff off the sleeve of the tshirt he wore the day he passed away which she has fashioned into an anklet. hope the weather doesnt go back to being typically irish in the meantime!

whats everyones plans for the weekend?

Have a nice day at the wedding. I'm sure it will be very emotional, but lovely too. :hug:

Thanks Ware Bears it has been a very long day. Thanks for the hug. I know that I am just more than blessed with my family. My thoughts go out to the donor family. Thank goodness there are people out there that donate their organs.

Going to look forward to our trip to DLP now.

I'm with Ware Bears, and give you a hug too :hug: Yes, thank goodness for donor's. Nice that you have a lovely DLP trip to focus on :)

I was so happy to see sunshine this morning and now it's turned to rain. I seem to becoming obsessed with the weather, but only because I can't get my washing dry :lmao:

We're packing this weekend and will no doubt watch every Harry Potter movie in preparation of our trip to London on Monday :cool1::cool1: Getting excited now.

What's everyone else up to?
Hi Just wanted to share.

We got a long awaited call last night from the hospital, my DH was called in for a kidney transplant. Everything was going smoothly but just as DH was about to put a gown on the doctor came and said that sadly the kidney was not suitable to be used for the transplant:sad:

It is strange you have a mixture of feelings happyness that DH will get a transplant, sadness that someone has died to donate their organ. That is the most unbelievable gift anyone can give. Sorrow for the family. Then disappointment when the transplant is cancelled. I most probably sound very self centred. Sorry. DH has been waiting over 5 years but it can happen at any time. This is the second time so maybe 3rd time lucky.

Well looking forward to the weekend. Hope everyone has a great weekend. We are just counting the days to our trip now.

Hang in there, hope your DH gets a suitable donor soon:hug:

What's everyone else up to?

Have a great trip to London:goodvibes

Had a great catch up over a meal yesterday with some friends & now just chilling. I have loads of ironing to do tomorrow in preparation of me going to work at the Olympics from Wednesday. It will also give me time to think about where I want to be next year.

I'm looking forward to going after a stressful month at work in which I managed to rack up 16.5 hours in overtime as late finishes, some dispatchers are beyond useless but it made my pay next month even better:thumbsup2 Also I cancelled one day of annual leave & they have cancelled the whole week & are telling me there are no more hours left, not my problem i'm not working my birthday weekend which I have booked off ages ago.

I'm gutted I missed the Olympic torch as it came round my area, I was working & missed it. Another crew got a great view as they had to go round the runner on an emergency call:thumbsup2
Have a great trip to London:goodvibes

Had a great catch up over a meal yesterday with some friends & now just chilling. I have loads of ironing to do tomorrow in preparation of me going to work at the Olympics from Wednesday. It will also give me time to think about where I want to be next year.

I'm looking forward to going after a stressful month at work in which I managed to rack up 16.5 hours in overtime as late finishes, some dispatchers are beyond useless but it made my pay next month even better:thumbsup2 Also I cancelled one day of annual leave & they have cancelled the whole week & are telling me there are no more hours left, not my problem i'm not working my birthday weekend which I have booked off ages ago.

I'm gutted I missed the Olympic torch as it came round my area, I was working & missed it. Another crew got a great view as they had to go round the runner on an emergency call:thumbsup2

Thanks Nikki :thumbsup2

Hope you have a great time at the Olympics - I know you're working, but hopefully you'll have a good experience to remember in years to come :)
Thanks Nikki :thumbsup2

Hope you have a great time at the Olympics - I know you're working, but hopefully you'll have a good experience to remember in years to come :)

Thanks, I hope to not be too busy but I will be taking in the atmosphere etc:)

I have just tried to pack all my kit I need for the 2 and half weeks. Got everything in the case except my uniform so will have to have another go. I'm just glad i'm getting a lift up there as no way could anyone manage to take all there stuff on the train which is what they want us to do as there is no parking at the university. I'm lucky as I live sort of locally, I don't know how they managed it from the north of England.
Hope you have a great time in London, Julie, and that you have a great experience at the Olympics, Nikki. :goodvibes Hope your next try at packing is more successful.


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