OT- how much tv is too much?


Jun 3, 2008
My 19 month old DD loves movies/tv. When she's watching tv shows in the morning, she plays and every once in a while looks up and watches. If I put in a DVD though, she will usually sit and watch for a long time. So my question is how much is too much tv? I get in the floor and play with her so its not like she's neglected. She sometimes would just like to watch tv. I'm in constant fear that I dont do enough for her and I'm not a good mom. :confused3
I think the American Academy of Pediatrics has guidlines established for how much TV is recommended for children to watch. You can google their website to see what they say...I'm pretty sure they say no tv at all before age 2, though. Hard to do I know! I do have to say that in my opinion a whole DVD (30 minutes or more?) is too much for a child only 19 months old.

You have to do what you feel is right, though. I am sure you're a great mom! :)
I'm in constant fear that I dont do enough for her and I'm not a good mom. :confused3

Please relax and enjoy her. Really, she will be fine. My middle DS was a TV addict. He loved TV and is going to college in the fall to major in tele-communications, so something must have rubbed off!

The whole making moms guilty trend really bothers me. The fact that it bothers you show that you do care and you are a good mom.
It all depends on what the child is watching and if the show is involved. My kids probably have watched more TV than most parents would allow. The shows are interactive, educational, and I am involved. DS and DD are visual and auditory learners...which came first--how they learn, or they learn because what they were expsoed to??? DS5 is in grade one and reads at a US 3rd gr level with comprehension, but he does have issues with handwriting...again, is that something natural or because we didn't spend enough time doing cut & past activities--he has never liked to color so I am guess it is more nature than nuture. DS (and DD) like to run around and play with friends, but DS also likes to sit infront of the computer doing games that work his mind...in fact that is his reward for getting stickers in school. I am actually thrilled that he has found the computer! He has lost interest in most academic greared shows cause that are either to babyish or has seen them a ton of times, so between playing board games and the computer it gives him ways to challenge his mind when he can't be outside. Go with what you feel comfortable with. So called experts do not know you or your child or your situation! If you need to make dinner and she can't help or you need a shower, the tv isn't going to hurt as long as the show is age appropriate.
Personally, I think that video games and computer games are far worse than TV. We got the Wii and would let our son play and eventually he got obsessed - he would scream and cry when we wouldn't let him play. He is the same way with the computer. We had to make a video game/computer time chart so that he would know when he could play. Now he only gets to play in the morning for a 1/2 hour and in the evening for a 1/2 hour and that's it - no exceptions!

We have a TV in our playroom and it's on almost all day, but the kids rarely just sit and watch it. They are usually playing and just have it on in the background. DD loves Dora, so she will usually stop what she's doing to watch, but honestly I don't think there is ANYTHING wrong with TV especially the educational shows like on Nick Jr. and Sprout. My kids have learned SO MUCH! My 4 year old can count to ten in Spanish, say Hello in Chinese, has known is alphabet since 20 months, counts, spells, etc, etc, etc....

Okay, so I've written a novel, but basically what I want to say is I see nothing wrong with watching TV as long as you are making sure that she is doing other activities during the day as well!!!!!
Thank you for making me feel better. I'm done feel guilty. My little girl may watch a lot of tv but she is also very smart, reads tons of books and already speaks in complete sentences. Thanks again.
Use your instincts. If you feel like she might be watching too much tv, cut back.

No need to feel guilty. Your concern alone is a good indicator that you are a wonderful parent.
I agree, I think you should use your instincts when it comes to how much your DD watches. I will tell you this - I have a 23 month old and we do let her watch some TV, especially since we've been stuck inside so much in the winter. So only watches 2 or 3 different shows that we picked out for her and she loves. I try to pick things that are interactive and teach her things. Just like your DD, sometimes she watches and sometime she goes and plays and only looks up sometimes. Say what you will, but she has known all of her letters and numbers for many months now, and will even respond to to the TV when her show asks what letter makes a particular sound - that's pretty good for 'just' watching TV.
Personally, I think it is too much when it gets in the way of other things they should be doing at their age. Outside of that, I don't worry about it. DD7 has started DD7mo on watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. For that half-hour, they sit down together on the floor and the 7yo tells the baby all about Mickey and "Mickey's House" (WDW). It is so cute! I can't imagine that kind of thing presenting any sort of long-term problem. We do know some kids around DS11's age who would rather watch TV or play video games than play outside. That's the kind of thing I'd find problematic.
Well if it wasn't for my DS1 watching tv I would have never found the DIS!!! Seriously! I had NO intentions of taking him to WDW anytime soon but when he discovered Mickey and loved him I knew we had to go.

I let him watch Playhouse Disney in the mornings. Sometimes he sits and watches and sometimes he plays. When I feel like its been on long enough or he is doing more watching then playing I turn it off and we listen to CDs. I think that because my DH and I watch with him a lot of times and talk about the shows its really not so bad. I try to do a lot of other things with him too, like music class, playgroups, gymboree, etc so he is "well rounded"
Please relax and enjoy her. Really, she will be fine. My middle DS was a TV addict. He loved TV and is going to college in the fall to major in tele-communications, so something must have rubbed off!

The whole making moms guilty trend really bothers me. The fact that it bothers you show that you do care and you are a good mom.

I have to agree with this. Do whatever you feel is right and don't feel guilty about the tv.
My kids have the tv on ALL DAY! Do they sit and watch tv all day...ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's mostly just background noise. They have a huge playroom in our basement where there is a tv. They are constantly running, laughing, pretend playing and so forth while the tv is running. They've had the same disney movie in for the last 2 weeks and NEVER have I seen them lay down and just watch the movie. We do take a resting time in the afternoons and each child goes in their rooms and watches tv, takes a nap, colors, reads books...whatever they feel like doing. It's a wind down time for us all. Both kids have their tvs on but neither of them sit and watch it for the entire time. While they both love to watch playhouse disney, disney movies, dora, and etc they rarely will sit for an entire episode/movie even when we do family movie night! My dd was watching the einstein videos when she was 3 mos and was captivated by the movement, music, and colors. I think if children are just couch potatoes and do nothing else then it may be time to limit how much they are watching but if its on and they enjoy it while doing other things I see nothing wrong with it. I know some may frown upon it but my dd just tested at the top of her preschool class in kindergarten readiness and my ds is right behind her in the things he knows and he's not even in pre-k yet. So unless they were struggling in school or it was affecting their weight/physical activity level I wouldn't worry. Relax and let them enjoy :)
Please relax and enjoy her. Really, she will be fine. My middle DS was a TV addict. He loved TV and is going to college in the fall to major in tele-communications, so something must have rubbed off!

The whole making moms guilty trend really bothers me. The fact that it bothers you show that you do care and you are a good mom.

Ditto. I don't limit TV. I think making things like that off limits gives them more power than they deserve. My kids know that they can watch TV whenever they want to, so it's not a big deal to them. Some days they watch hours of TV and some days they don't watch any.

With my kids, TV time depends a lot on the weather. During the winter they watch a lot because it's snowy and cold and icky outside. During the spring and summer they go days without even glancing at the TV.

As long as you're engaging her in play and taking her outside and reading to her at other times, I don't think you have anything to worry about.
My 26mo old LOVES Blue's Clues. I mean LOVES them. He could watch it ALL DAY long! He talks to the TV, he sings, he dances, he pretends to eat the snacks they are eating, pretends to talk on the phone when they do, etc. There are days when he might have Blues Clues on for 2 hours straight, but he's not watching it the whole time. He'll wander off and play, talk to me, color, etc. In fact, he has to carry around his notebook and pencil all the time, thanks to Blue's Clues. I have to keep buying the little notepads with the spirals at the top because they are like Steve's. (or Joe's who I really don't like LOL)
AAP recommendation:

"Pediatricians should urge parents to avoid television viewing for children under the age of 2 years. Although certain television programs may be promoted to this age group, research on early brain development shows that babies and toddlers have a critical need for direct interactions with parents and other significant caregivers (eg, child care providers) for healthy brain growth and the development of appropriate social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Therefore, exposing such young children to television programs should be discouraged."
Ditto. I don't limit TV. I think making things like that off limits gives them more power than they deserve. My kids know that they can watch TV whenever they want to, so it's not a big deal to them. Some days they watch hours of TV and some days they don't watch any.

With my kids, TV time depends a lot on the weather. During the winter they watch a lot because it's snowy and cold and icky outside. During the spring and summer they go days without even glancing at the TV.

That's how my big kids are too, and the amount of TV they watched as babies doesn't seem to have had any effect (DS watched none since I was a young first time mom parenting "by the book"; DD watched a fair bit because DS was a 4yo who wanted his sister to watch Blues Clues with him when she was a baby).

The TV and video games basically gather dust during the warm months, because from March to November the kids would rather be outside, playing in the woods, riding bikes, etc.. But through the cold months, they get a lot more TV/game time simply because Michigan winter weather eliminates so many of their preferred activities. They still do crafts and play board games and build with their Legos, but they also watch TV more when they're trapped indoors.
AAP recommendation:

"Pediatricians should urge parents to avoid television viewing for children under the age of 2 years. Although certain television programs may be promoted to this age group, research on early brain development shows that babies and toddlers have a critical need for direct interactions with parents and other significant caregivers (eg, child care providers) for healthy brain growth and the development of appropriate social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Therefore, exposing such young children to television programs should be discouraged."

Umm, I'm a SAHM, so my DD GETS "direct interaction" from me all the time.
My 19 month old DD loves movies/tv. When she's watching tv shows in the morning, she plays and every once in a while looks up and watches. If I put in a DVD though, she will usually sit and watch for a long time. So my question is how much is too much tv? I get in the floor and play with her so its not like she's neglected. She sometimes would just like to watch tv. I'm in constant fear that I dont do enough for her and I'm not a good mom. :confused3

If she is happy just playing by herself, why is the tv on in the first place? Just turn it off and then you don't have to worry about how much your child watches.
I think that the AAP recommendations on this particular issue go WAYYYYY to far. NO Tv at all under 2? How practical is that with other children in the house? I feel like as long as we cazn turn off the tv at any tme and go do something else, it is not being used as ababysitter, and she is watching something educational myy DD can watch when she wants and go play with toys when she wants. She is a very social, imaginative, and smart 5 year old who does great in school and loves to play with toys and friends. TV is an afterthought that she enjoys sometimes, but doesn't control her life.
I think AAP recommendations often go too far, recommending absolute prohibitions where common sense restraint would do.

They may well go too far but more than one parent has posted on this thread that the TV is on virtually all of the time with no restrictions which would also seem to me to be going way too far. If they're not watching then turn it off so that you can interact with them without distraction.

When my DS24 was a toddler, he watched Sesame Street and that was it- one hour per day. DD12, as a toddler, watched Barney so 30 minutes to an hour per day.


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