OMG-- I am SO tired of meal planning!

Freezer cooking can give you variety without wondering what to do. My friend just started a business this year helping people make healthy freezer meals. Here's the website for her business:

Now they only have stores in MN right now, but it's very possible you have a business like this in your area because the whole concept of freezer cooking is taking off across the country.

You can also check out the 30 day gourmet website

The concept is you take a couple hours and power prepare up to a month's worth of meals. Most of the time you can place them in freezer bags. You can pick a meal to take out the night before, put it in the fridge to thaw and by the time you get home you have a meal that's thawed and ready for baking, stirfrying, grilling, etc.
I hate this chore - every Sunday is grocery day, and I'll ask DH and the boys what they want to eat for dinner during the week. Nobody cares. But one DS hates chicken and the other hates beef. One will eat Raviolo's, but refuses to eat my spaghetti (go figure that one!). So every Wednesday is mac&cheese (DS12's favorite) and every Friday is pizza (DS14's favorite). One night will be chicken and one night beef, so somebody is always saying "I'm not eating." One night (usually Monday) is "Mom doesn't care what garbage you eat, she's not cooking" night. The other 2 nights I usually plan on the fly.

[QUOTEWe just moved our grill yesterday closer to get ready for cooler weather grilling. [/QUOTE]

Just don't put the grill TOO close to the house - the heat might melt your vinyl siding! :(
Wing it! :teeth: I used to be a planner. For quite a few years now, I wing EVERYTHING!! MUCH less stress. ;)
Originally posted by Serena
How about a wheel of meals? ........

:rotfl: :rotfl: I was watching Regis & Kelly do their trivia thing as I was reading this....strange mental image. ;)

But I love the idea! I always hated meal planning. No one ever has any ideas of what they want - at least after nearly 30 yrs DH no longer says "Oh, we're having xxxx?" in a disappointed way after saying he didn't care what I made.

In the past couple years, though, I started looking for & trying new recipes. I found that part of my problem was in the way I prepared the meats - mostly plain, like my mother did. I've never cared for pork & still think of pork chops fried in a pan when DH says "let's have pork." I've found several recipes that are really, really good & if someone asks me to make Honey Sesame Pork I actually look forward to it!

Another big difference in my attitude came when I started cooking my chicken & hamburger when I first bring it home. I package it up in meal-sized packages, which cuts down on prep time. Now, instead of thinking 'chicken or beef' I see the bags in the freezer & think "stir fry, chimichangas, BBQ, chili, tater tot casserole or tortilla soup?" (actually the list is much longer ;) )
Originally posted by poohkinandpiglet
Also, there's a book called Saving Dinner (Flylady's site mentions it). You can get on an email list and they will send you recipes for a whole week of meals.

I just joined this!! For 3 months of meals, I got it for, I think, $10.00. Totally worth it. You get 6 meal ideas with grocery shopping lists. The meals I don't care for, I just do do. They are healthy and lower cost. PM me if you'd like more info.

This is a great thread! Thanks to all that shared websites. :) I'll be checking them out. I need to plan more in advance.

I occasionally go to I go there for recipes for things I have on hand.
Originally posted by JetMom
I did this, but I have a 4 week chart -- every Wednesday is takeout night because of Scouts - so I have 24 blocks. It works great for us. I even planned all of the Fridays without meat, so the schedule doesn't change during Lent. Sundays are all quick and easy meals that don't interfere with my NFL viewing. We have breakfast for dinner twice a month.

It only took me about an hour to make the schedule and I love it. I also made a master shopping list of everything I ever buy. It goes in order of the supermarket aisles (yes, I felt like a dork walking around the grocery store with a pad taking notes of what is in each aisle!) Before I go shopping, I print out the list and circle what I need to buy. It really cut my shopping time.

JetMom, if you ever decide that you're done with this kids thing and you want to live the sex in the city lifestyle in New York with a bunch of girls, we have a bedroom for you if you promise to organize and cook. I am SOOO impressed. :)
Originally posted by GlennandAnn
One of my friends came up with a great idea to beat the meal planning blues. She has decided to have a little party with her other friends with the same problem. Each person will bring one of the dishes she prepares for dinner along with the recipe. Every guest will get to taste all of the different dishes and take the recipes home. I can't wait until she has this party- I am sick of every dish I know how to make, and grilling season is coming to an end here- that makes life much easier. Another thing I have done is I subscribe to They send me an email every day with a different recipe. I have tried lots and lots of these, and for the most part they are great. That website also offers help with meal planning.


that is a great idea!!! i wish i had friends who cooked on a regular basis. :rolleyes: :p

i frequently fall into the trap of the same stuff over and over. dh doesn't complain, but when i cook something new, he always comments on it being new. :o :p
On Sundays DD and I pour through our cookbooks and cooking magazines to find a new recipe to try. Something new once a week really adds some spice to your meal planning and, who knows, sometimes they become a staple.

I'm like piratesmom...I sous chef/prep the stuff as I put it in the fridge or freezer. Sometimes I freeze the meats with the marinade in a plastic bag...cuts down on time and helps me because I am a big forgetful in the morning as I rush out to work. I like to prep some veggies as's much more fun and quick to do a stir fry when half the veggies are already chopped/sliced.
This thread is so inspirational and exactly what I needed. I'm going to take inventory of all the food in the house and begin to plan some meals.
I have bought Rachael Ray's 30 minute meal cookbooks and LOVE them! My family is thrilled to be trying new foods and the recipes are very easy.
Originally posted by danacara
JetMom, if you ever decide that you're done with this kids thing and you want to live the sex in the city lifestyle in New York with a bunch of girls, we have a bedroom for you if you promise to organize and cook. I am SOOO impressed. :)

I may just take you up on that!
Everyone is talking about cooking for families. What about is you are a single????? (I got divorced 2 years ago after 33 years of marriage) I find that I am eating out way too much--not cheap and not very healthly.

Any suggestions for how to do cooking at home for one!! When I want beef stew or chili I just want it for one night not SIX!!! I do really like to cook but it is so hard to prepare recipes and have so much left over. I could eat for a week-- the same thing. UGH!!!



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