Oh It's A Jolly Holiday With Katie! - Beach Club / Grand Floridian

Day 4
(September 5th 2014)

Hoooraaay forrr HOLLYWOOD!
Part 3 - “It was really all started by a man.. A man with a dream, and a mouse.”

After we had watched some Frozen-style ice-skating we headed over to One Man'’s Dream.



Now, don'’t get me wrong, I love everything Disney.. But these toys are the things that horror movies are made of.






I will visit Disneyland.






I am obsessed with vintage Disney movie and attraction posters.

(Hint to a purchase I made later in the trip..!)





I love One Man'’s Dream..

Sadly we actually didn'’t watch the movie at all this trip.
It is so lovely!
We will definitely do it next time.

We left at around 2:45pm, and figured we’'d do one last journey into the Twilight Zone before going back to the Beach Club.




WARNING: I’m about to name and shame..

The guy sat in front of Jamie (wearing sunglasses, second row, far left,) was on his phone the ENTIRE ride.
Which illuminated the whole elevator.
It was super bright, particularly for us sat behind him, as we got the direct light from the screen..


Now, ordinarily, this is my biggest pet peeve at Disney World..

Flash photography kinda bugs me.

But having something that is CONSTANTLY emitting light??

Are you kidding me!!!

How can someone be so obnoxious and self-involved?

However, I could see over his shoulder (#SorryNotSorry) that he wasn'’t doing anything worthwhile. He was opening up apps and closing them again, scrolling through texts, looking at photographs..

Basically he was doing ANYTHING to avoid looking up at the creepy Twilight Zone happenings..

So Jamie and I actually ended up giggling (quietly) at him because we realised he was obviously TERRIFIED of what was going on in the ride..!!

He clearly WANTED to sit like this....



So it actually made the whole situation more funny than annoying.


We walked back out to Sunset Boulevard, and saw that the wait time was now at 5 minutes!

(Down from 10 minutes.. Oh September <3)

Obviously we couldn'’t walk away from that.




This was a much more successful stay at the Hollywood Tower Hotel.

A nice bunch of people with no disturbances.

We even got a good night’s sleep.


5 stars, would recommend to a friend.

Click for Day 4, Part 4!
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Day 4
(September 5th 2014)

Hoooraaay forrr HOLLYWOOD!
Part 4 - Weyyylaa, oh meeeylaa weyyylaa, weyy heyyy yeah yeah, oooh weeey yeahhhh!

(SUPER BONUS POINTS if you can figure out what the above title to this post refers to, before I mention it further down....??!!)

We headed back to the boat dock at around 3:15pm just as it started to rain.

We got back to the Beach Club, showered, and lounged around a bit, before it was time to go for our 6:45pm ADR at the Yachtsman Steakhouse!


The Yachtsman Steakhouse is at the Yacht Club (surprisingly), which is right next door to the Beach Club.


We had a quick look around the lobby. It was really pretty.
It feels much less.. "whimsical" than the Beach Club, and more classy.


We found the steakhouse and were shown to our table fairly quickly, but as we approached it, our waiter noticed a couple of crumbs on the table, so he walked us all the way back to the waiting area and said he'd be right with us.

It took kinda sorta AGES to clear those two crumbs.

But once we finally got sat down, everything was SO good.

While we were waiting for our food, Jamie recognised the couple sat behind me as the same couple who had been in Disaster, AND Despicable Me with us at Universal the day before!

The awkward part was that they were always in these places before us..

If you happen to be reading this, HELLO people we inadvertently stalked!

It was kind of crazy though. Of all the places we all could've been.
And fair enough, we both had reservations at the Yachtsman.
But to be seated at tables next to one another?!?


The food here was amazing!

I ordered the 12 oz Prime New York Strip Steak with cheddar baked potato and peppercorn-brandy sauce.



And Jamie had the 18oz Kansas City Strip Steak with truffle fries, black garlic aioli and chimichurri.



That steak looked bigger than his head.

We also had a great table in the window. It was still raining outside, and at one point the sky was legit purple.


Believe it or not, the pictures don't actually do justice to how purple it was!



The food here was excellent! And the service was really friendly. We both thoroughly enjoyed it.

Jamie loves a good steakhouse.
We're making a habit of booking one for every trip.
We ate at Le Cellier in 2012, and the food was really good but we felt like we were in really close proximity to the tables around us..
That's something that kind of bothers me a little bit.

So for that reason only, we enjoyed the Yachtsman Steakhouse more.
(Like I said before, I'm no food critic, but both meals were great.)

We plan on booking a steakhouse again next time, maybe Shula's at the Swan and Dolphin since we haven't tried that one yet.
If anyone can recommend it, or tell me that the Yachtsman is better, please share in the comments!

We went back to the room at around 8pm and collapsed into a major food-coma.

But I somehow found the strength to get up, throw on my poncho and take a stroll by myself to Epcot for Extra Magic Hours until 11pm!

I'm so in love with the Epcot resort area.
This is literally your back yard.


I saw the most ingenious makeshift poncho whilst out on my solo travels.
A young girl, probably around 3 years old, was running around wearing an upside down DISNEY CARRIER BAG like a dress, with a head-hole and arm-holes torn into it.

And she looked fabulous.

I wandered into the Art of Disney store, which has some amazing things.

Including this. I need this:


At this point, IllumiNations was about to start, so Spaceship Earth was a walk-on!
There wasn't a single person there!


I was greeted by a cheerful woman, I don't remember exactly what was said, but we bonded briefly over the phrase "party of one".

Which is a phrase I love.

I am by myself in Walt Disney World and there is no other party I would rather be at!

As you can imagine, I was VERY close to falling asleep in the planetarium. Dame Judi's voice is so soothing.


After Spaceship Earth I went over to Mouse Gear and bought myself a purple lanyard for my pins, then went to check out the wait time at Test Track.

The line was only 20 minutes, but I figured I'd have a look around World Showcase instead.

As I walked towards Mexico, I noticed that the Tapestry of Nations soundtrack was playing through the speakers around World Showcase.

I'm sure I say this about pretty much everything at Walt Disney World, but


I'm particularly referring to the music from 5:15 onwards in the video below.

Hopefully this makes the title of this post a little clearer!! I have no idea what the words are, I'm fairly certain they aren't even real words. Unless it's another language.

Regardless, I sang,

"Weyyylaa, oh meeeylaa weyyylaa, weyy heyyy yeah yeah, oooh weeey yeahhhh!"

..for the entire trip. This is the Florida 2014 soundtrack in my mind.

When I heard it here in Epcot, I stopped walking, leaned back against the wall and looked over World Showcase lagoon taking in the atmosphere.

I felt completely content!

After a while I headed around to Mexico and browsed the stalls.


I continued around and had a quick look in Norway and China, but I was SO tired by this point.

I was about ready to curl up at the side of the path for a nap, but I knew Germany was the next stop SO I POWERED THROUGH.

I love the Germany pavilion.
I can never decide what my favourite pavilion is, but it tends to be between Germany and Morocco.

The whole façade is so pretty and I love relaxing outside, but THIS is what REALLY makes Germany a contender for my favourite...



Isn't it glorious!



In fact, all of the decorations in Die Weihnachts Ecke (The Christmas Corner) are adorable.
I DEFINITELY went back to buy a pickle!


I walked through to the next connecting shop, where a Cast Member gave me a Mickey sticker.
She maybe just nudged Germany into the top spot.

I also found this really cute World Showcase t-shirt.


I really liked this, but purple isn't a good colour on me.
There was a grey men's version but it looked like it wouldn't fit me right..
If they had the women's in any other colour I definitely would have bought it!


I left Germany and was completely exhausted, so I powered past the rest of World Showcase towards International Gateway.

It was only 10:30pm, but these Disney days were seriously wearing me out!

I took a few photos of the emptiness as I headed back to the room.







Jamie was in the room watching WALL-E, so we watched that for a bit before I officially crashed out.

A successful day I think!

Tomorrow we have some more countries to visit..

Like Africa and Asia.....!

*End of Day 4*

Click for Day 5, Part 1!
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I adore One Man's Dream :lovestruc I hope you get out to Disneyland one day! I prefer Disney World but you have to see the original at least once.

Okay, of all rides to be on your phone, why Tower of Terror?! The light is so annoying in that dark setting, and what if it flew out of his hand and hit somebody?! I guess his fear makes it a little funnier, but I'm glad you were able to go again and not have to deal with that.

You guys look lovely for your dinner! I love your dress!

The Yachtsman is one of my dream Disney restaurants, and your pictures are amazing!
I started browsing this TR for pics of BC, but it's so thorough and adorable I'll have to keep following!

My DD7 just came in to the room, to ask if it was time to read Harry Potter yet. She saw the BC pics and said it looks very "frenchy" and she wants to stay there. Not sure I agree about the "frenchy" part, but little does she know we're reading HP in preparation for a surprise trip to WDW & UOR next Fall and we'll be staying at the BC! :cool1:

Thanks for letting me live vicariously until then
I'm late but I'm subbing in! :)

Thanks for the tip about the Manchester airport Fastpass, I'll be signing us up for that when I find out what terminal we fly from!

Yay, :welcome: Ahh, I'm glad that info was useful to somebody! It's great knowing that you're not going to hit a 45 minute security line :thumbsup2

JUST finished catching up with your TR -- LOVE this! You and your boyfriend are super adorable and seem like so much fun! Can't wait to read about the rest of your adventures. :rotfl:

Hey insta-friend! :wave2: Thanks so much!! That's so nice. And :welcome: ! :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes
I love Germany's pickle tree too! We always had a pickle in our Christmas tree growing up so there's a special place in my heart for that particular tradition. :) Bummer about the ToT ruiner guy -- I'd have been a little salty about that! It amazes me how people can be SO RUDE and not even realize it! I always wonder if (or hope that?) those people have a special kind of karma coming to them down the road! ;)
Oh Oh Oh One Man's Dream!!!!! :love: I love seeing it get some love. One of the most underrated things in all of Disney, despite the horrific plush dolls. :lmao:

It's funny because for the longest time I resisted visiting Disneyland thinking it was more or less the same thing, just longer travel. But Katie, if you can, do it. It is absolutely unique and I think every Disney fan needs to see it at least once.

Ugh. No. Dude on ToT is just annoying. If you're scared, don't ride. OR just close your eyes. It irritates me to no end when people are that self involved to actually spoil it for others. However, it did produce a Michael Scott gif, so that did help.

Aww look at y'all all dressed up. Super spiffy. :goodvibes

:rotfl2: Well, Universal and Disney are pretty small places, so I imagine running into the same people over and over happens all the time.

This is one thing I've found by taking so many solo trips. Being so very content to just pause and take in the surroundings and just "be". This is especially true at night. I wouldn't trade those moments for the world.
It would be so much fun! I think we should go to Epcot for a couple of drinks, and get Disney rice krispy treats and stuff, then watch Step Brothers :thumbsup2 ONE DAY!

You're officially my first DIS facebook friend! Woo! :woohoo:

Jamie has been getting some sun in Barbados over his birthday!! While I'm stuck here in England :sad2: But it's safe to say, he had a great day!

Bomb diggity!!!! I'm SO using that saying :rotfl:
I looove Tower of Terror and Rock n Roller Coaster, I could ride them both all day! And as for Gaston, that photo of him flexing is VERY impressive! But I swooned harder on how spontaneously obnoxious MK Gaston was.... but I'm not sure why.. :love:

Woohoo! First DIS FB friend! That is the bomb diggity ;):rotfl:

That guy on ToT would have annoyed me SO much. That's actually happened to me before & it irritated me so much I couldn't even enjoy it. I'm glad you guys were able to find the humor in it :thumbsup2

I have never been to Shula's but YS is sooooo delicious! And don't you two look super spiffy! I love that dress you wore :goodvibes

The pickle tree! I love the pickle tree in Germany! I always have to stop by and see the pickle tree when we are there. Let's add "stop by for a look at the pickle tree" to the list of our "BEST DAY EVER" that will happen ONE FINE DAY :woohoo:

I love your pic of the inside of the Mexico pavillion - it looks so pretty! That's not how Mexico actually looks but oh well. Maybe the touristy areas but most of Mexico is terrifying and broke down :sad2: I much prefer the Disney-fied version of Mexico :rotfl:

Pretty, pretty photos of Beach Club at night! That's my parents home resort for DVC and I will always have a special place in my heart for it! The location just can't be beat. You can go get drunk in World Showcase and then stumble your way back to the room :lmao:

And yes, you gotta go to Disneyland one day! It's worth a visit. I definitely prefer WDW because there is just so much more to do. Disneyland you can finish in 2 days, 3 days max. But it's amazing to see because that was WALT'S vision, ya know? It was his baby and it's so awesome to walk where he walked and see what he saw. Plus I think their versions of POTC and Space Mountain are superior to the WDW version. And southern California is a dream! Beautiful beaches and weather! I have a friend that lives outside of LA and work in LA at Paramount Studios and I keep looking for an excuse to go out there!
Way late to the party, but enjoying your report greatly. Just finished day two, and the parks look so empty. Thanks for posting.
I LOVE One Man's Dream! :cloud9: We make it a point to wander through and see the movie at least once each trip!

I love your detailed pictures from the Tower of Terror! That poor guy and his phone! I would've wanted to kill the guy at first, too, but I'm proud of your restraint! I hope he enjoyed his ride? :confused3

Hooray for Yachtman Steakhouse! I love our meal here in 2012 so I'm glad you enjoyed it! Although the steaks look good, it's Jamie's truffle fries that have me drooling a bit. :laughing: I also LOVE your picture of the YS ceiling and light fixture - it's awesome!

How nice that you were able to wander back into Epcot! A night is always made better by a journey through Spaceship Earth, and I also love visiting the German Christmas store. I may have to cave this year and buy one of those pickle ornaments! ;)
I love the WDW Tower of Terror so much more than DCA's TOT. Its cooler going from the the back to the front of the building before the drop. I love the part about the guy being scared of the drop and storyline. Classic!
I'm so looking forward to One Man's Dream!

Loved the review of the Yachtsman - looking forward to eating there one day.

What a fun, relaxing night in World Showcase, maybe when our kids are older we can do the same (or I can ditch DH and the boys and do it on my own sooner!)
I'm glad you're doing a TR, your family seems so sweet. I've just noticed that Aidan is wearing Oswald ears in that photo!! What cool kids you have :thumbsup2 it's great that they're into the history of the Walt Disney Company rather than just the characters who are hot right now :goodvibes There's nothing wrong with only liking what's hot right now of course, I'm just impressed that they're into Oswald at a young age :goodvibes

Hey Katie!! I can't believe I missed your last couple updates but I'm all caught up. Thank you for the kind words about my family. I like them. :rotfl2:

We loved One Man's Dream, it was one of our favorite things from the last trip so I was happy to see your pictures. I can't wait to go back.

I can't stand the entitlement that some people seem to have like the guy on ToT. Like people who park illegaly in handicapped spots. I love how you and Jamie were able to make it funny instead of getting really angry. That's something I wish I could do more often.

Your dinner at the Yachtsman looks amazing. It was hard to choose between that and Flying Fish for our signature meal. We're not big steak eaters so that's why we went for FF but it was close.

I was also happy to see the pictures of world showcase. We definitely plan to spend a lot more time exploring the countries and will have to stop and get a pickle for our tree at Germany.

Looking forward to hearing about AK (I think that's where you're off to next). :wave2:
LOL at the guy playing in his phone during TOT. I have a similar pic from The Great Movie Ride. I can see playing with your phone during the wait, but during the actual ride!? Put away your phone and enjoy life, people! I'm loving this TR, and reading the whole thing with a British accent! Cheerio!
I adore One Man's Dream :lovestruc I hope you get out to Disneyland one day! I prefer Disney World but you have to see the original at least once.

Okay, of all rides to be on your phone, why Tower of Terror?! The light is so annoying in that dark setting, and what if it flew out of his hand and hit somebody?! I guess his fear makes it a little funnier, but I'm glad you were able to go again and not have to deal with that.

You guys look lovely for your dinner! I love your dress!

The Yachtsman is one of my dream Disney restaurants, and your pictures are amazing!

I would LOVE to see Disneyland, I will definitely go one day. It's just difficult because it's a really long journey from here in England!! So I would probably want to stay longer than just the three (or so) days it takes to do DLR! But I'm sure there's plenty to do so I can fill, like, 10 days?! :goodvibes

I KNOW RIGHT?! How can someone be so oblivious to the fact that EVERYBODY was looking at them?! SOME PEOPLE! :mad::mad::rotfl2: I guess it's just something you have to learn to deal with at Disney? I don't think it would ever get any less annoying, but I think I can do my best to control my RAGE while I'm in the most magical place on earth :rotfl:

Aw thanks so much! The dress is from Forever 21 :thumbsup2 We only have like one or two of those stores in the whole of England, but I think it's quite popular in America right?! :goodvibes

I started browsing this TR for pics of BC, but it's so thorough and adorable I'll have to keep following!

My DD7 just came in to the room, to ask if it was time to read Harry Potter yet. She saw the BC pics and said it looks very "frenchy" and she wants to stay there. Not sure I agree about the "frenchy" part, but little does she know we're reading HP in preparation for a surprise trip to WDW & UOR next Fall and we'll be staying at the BC! :cool1:

Thanks for letting me live vicariously until then

Hey, thank you!! And :welcome: !

That is so amazing that you're surprsing your kids with a trip to Orlando!! I love to watch "the reveal" videos on youtube, when parents tell their kids they're going to the airport RIGHT NOW to go to Disney! :lovestruc Do you have a fun way to tell them?! My family once gave me 'Disney Dollars' in my Christmas card and wrote "you might need these soon..." and I turned to them and went :eek::eek::eek::banana:

And that's great that you decided to stay at the Beach Club! I think the rooms are being refurbished?! So hopefully you get a shiny new room :goodvibes

I love Germany's pickle tree too! We always had a pickle in our Christmas tree growing up so there's a special place in my heart for that particular tradition. :) Bummer about the ToT ruiner guy -- I'd have been a little salty about that! It amazes me how people can be SO RUDE and not even realize it! I always wonder if (or hope that?) those people have a special kind of karma coming to them down the road! ;)

That's awesome that you had a pickle on your tree growing up! I'd never heard of it before I saw it in World Showcase. I just love that the entire tree is decorated with pickles :rotfl: hopefully I'll have a tree like that one day :thumbsup2

Hahaha! YES let's wish bad karma on him :rotfl2::rotfl: I definitely hope that he experienced something equally / more obnoxious than himself. Although these people seem so oblivious and self-absorbed that I doubt they would even notice! Literally, the only 'moans' I have about my entire WDW trip are about other guests. But a very small minority of other guests I suppose, most people are lovely :goodvibes :grouphug:
I am friends with you on FB - I followed your TR's too! I am Veronica Villarreal on FB, I wasn't sure if you even knew who I was when I sent you a friend request :rotfl:

Your son is so cute!!

Of course I know you! :goodvibes

And thank you! I think he got his good looks from me :thumbsup2
What the heck, Mahi Mahi?! So not elegant at all.

Aw, how sweet that you were gifted a Minnie pin!

Oh no about your Steamboat Willie Pin! I only have a few pins that I keep at home, because I would be so sad if I lost them on a trip. That really stinks.:sad1:

I love BatB! But now whenever I see the show, all I think about are these two videos...:scared:

Wow, that Gaston has some mean muscles going on :lovestruc

Oh Jamie. That's embarrasing.

Did you ever see DS's 2nd birthday party pics?! I made Vintage Disney banners for his decorations

I love Yachtsman! We visited this past trip for the second time and it was grand! Me and you both ordered the same thing :)

I soooo enjoy listening to the Illuminations soundtrack. I especially like all the pre-show songs like


Oh my. Just played "Meyla Weyla" while reading your last update and now I'm showing symptoms of full on Disney withdrawal!!!! Awesome report so far I am loving it!!
Oh Oh Oh One Man's Dream!!!!! :love: I love seeing it get some love. One of the most underrated things in all of Disney, despite the horrific plush dolls. :lmao:

It's funny because for the longest time I resisted visiting Disneyland thinking it was more or less the same thing, just longer travel. But Katie, if you can, do it. It is absolutely unique and I think every Disney fan needs to see it at least once.

Ugh. No. Dude on ToT is just annoying. If you're scared, don't ride. OR just close your eyes. It irritates me to no end when people are that self involved to actually spoil it for others. However, it did produce a Michael Scott gif, so that did help.

Aww look at y'all all dressed up. Super spiffy. :goodvibes

:rotfl2: Well, Universal and Disney are pretty small places, so I imagine running into the same people over and over happens all the time.

This is one thing I've found by taking so many solo trips. Being so very content to just pause and take in the surroundings and just "be". This is especially true at night. I wouldn't trade those moments for the world.

It is such a great place!! I'm fairly sure they'd never get rid of it, but IF they ever did, I would be so upset!! It's one of the only things in the parks where you can appreciate Walt himself, it makes me so emotional! What a great man. :goodvibes

That's exactly my thinking, Disneyland is sooo far away from us here in the UK, and people tell me it only takes 3 or 4 days to do it all? So I couldn't really travel all that way for 4 days, I'd want to stay for around 10 days and do some other stuff in the area.. Universal Studios Hollywood maybe?! :rotfl: I'm a creature of habit ! But I definitely agree with you, I bet it's amazing and every Disney fan should do it. I will definitely get out there one day.

Ugh tell me about it. There's actually a WORSE story that I haven't mentioned yet.. it was towards the end of our trip, when a woman actually decided to VIDEO the whole of Tower of Terror.. YES. WITH THE FLASH ON. INFURIATING!!!! But I'll save that rant for another time...!!!

Aw thank you! I had to look up what it meant :rotfl:

I really had so much fun on my little "party of one" trip around Epcot! Like you said, just being able to stop and take it all in was so nice. And if Jamie wants to stay in for the evening that's totally fine, but I'M AT DISNEY. So I'll sleep when I get back to England :rotfl2:

Woohoo! First DIS FB friend! That is the bomb diggity ;):rotfl:

That guy on ToT would have annoyed me SO much. That's actually happened to me before & it irritated me so much I couldn't even enjoy it. I'm glad you guys were able to find the humor in it :thumbsup2

I have never been to Shula's but YS is sooooo delicious! And don't you two look super spiffy! I love that dress you wore :goodvibes

The pickle tree! I love the pickle tree in Germany! I always have to stop by and see the pickle tree when we are there. Let's add "stop by for a look at the pickle tree" to the list of our "BEST DAY EVER" that will happen ONE FINE DAY :woohoo:

I love your pic of the inside of the Mexico pavillion - it looks so pretty! That's not how Mexico actually looks but oh well. Maybe the touristy areas but most of Mexico is terrifying and broke down :sad2: I much prefer the Disney-fied version of Mexico :rotfl:

Pretty, pretty photos of Beach Club at night! That's my parents home resort for DVC and I will always have a special place in my heart for it! The location just can't be beat. You can go get drunk in World Showcase and then stumble your way back to the room :lmao:

And yes, you gotta go to Disneyland one day! It's worth a visit. I definitely prefer WDW because there is just so much more to do. Disneyland you can finish in 2 days, 3 days max. But it's amazing to see because that was WALT'S vision, ya know? It was his baby and it's so awesome to walk where he walked and see what he saw. Plus I think their versions of POTC and Space Mountain are superior to the WDW version. And southern California is a dream! Beautiful beaches and weather! I have a friend that lives outside of LA and work in LA at Paramount Studios and I keep looking for an excuse to go out there!

The ToT guy really annoyed me too, but I'm glad we found the humour in it! It's kind of OK because we'd done ToT loads of times before, and we got to ride again straight after, but I really hate the thought that that might have been someone's first time riding it, and it was kinda ruined for them! Their concept of ToT might not be very good now.. Kinda like the first time we took a new family member to the Magic Kingdom and the castle was dressed up as that HIDEOUS birthday cake for the 25th anniversary.. :rotfl: did you ever see that??! :crazy2:

Haha thanks girly!! Like I just said to Rob above, I had to look up the definition of "spiffy" :rotfl: but than you!

YES! Pickle tree viewing is definitely on our list of must-dos for our day together :rotfl:

I would love to go to Mexico one day, but you haven't sold it to me very well! maybe I'll stick to the tourist areas :thumbsup2

Amazing that your parents have DVC at the Beach Club! That's so cool. And definitely an advantage for 'drinking around the world' :goodvibes

Aww thats exactly why I want to go to Disneyland! Because Walt was there and created the entire thing, and to walk down Main Street where HE walked would be so amazing! That's so cool that you're friend lives there! It's sooo far away from me here though, so when I eventually make it out there I will definitely make the most of it and visit the beaches and the surrounding areas :goodvibes

Way late to the party, but enjoying your report greatly. Just finished day two, and the parks look so empty. Thanks for posting.

Hey, you're not late at all! :welcome: ! Thanks so much, and thanks for joining in :goodvibes
I LOVE One Man's Dream! :cloud9: We make it a point to wander through and see the movie at least once each trip!

I love your detailed pictures from the Tower of Terror! That poor guy and his phone! I would've wanted to kill the guy at first, too, but I'm proud of your restraint! I hope he enjoyed his ride? :confused3

Hooray for Yachtman Steakhouse! I love our meal here in 2012 so I'm glad you enjoyed it! Although the steaks look good, it's Jamie's truffle fries that have me drooling a bit. :laughing: I also LOVE your picture of the YS ceiling and light fixture - it's awesome!

How nice that you were able to wander back into Epcot! A night is always made better by a journey through Spaceship Earth, and I also love visiting the German Christmas store. I may have to cave this year and buy one of those pickle ornaments! ;)

One Man's Dream is great! And always so quiet?! I have no idea why more people don't love it in there!

Haha thank you! I'm pretty proud of our restraint too :rotfl: although I'm really not a confrontational person at all, I don't like to cause a scene so if someone's being a massive douche I would normally just shoot them a bit of a glare and hope that they quietly get the message.. The only time we've ever had to say something was in 2012 at Fantasmic, this little boy (/brat) was sat in front of us SPITTING on his siblings.. they were really upset and the parents were ignoring it all... Well the kid ended up spitting and it went on Jamie's leg..! And STILL the parents did nothing!! That warrants starting a confrontation right.......!?! :crazy2::scared:

OMG those truffle fries were SO nice!! Yeahh I'm really glad we were seated in that section of the Yachtsman, I really like the lights and the 'windows' up above :goodvibes

You should definitely get a pickle ornament !! I might make a habit of buying one every year :rotfl: I love them. I got a pretty basic one, I think I'll get a jewelled one this year :thumbsup2

I love the WDW Tower of Terror so much more than DCA's TOT. Its cooler going from the the back to the front of the building before the drop. I love the part about the guy being scared of the drop and storyline. Classic!

It is cool that the elevator goes forward and backwards as well as up and down! I haven't made it out to Disneyland yet, but I'll take your word that WDW's ToT is better :goodvibes Haha, he was obviously scared right?! If I'm watching a horror movie with my friends, I'll stare at my phone if I get too jumpy! I'm certain that was his mindset too :rotfl:

I'm so looking forward to One Man's Dream!

Loved the review of the Yachtsman - looking forward to eating there one day.

What a fun, relaxing night in World Showcase, maybe when our kids are older we can do the same (or I can ditch DH and the boys and do it on my own sooner!)

The Yachtsman was on my bucketlist, it was so lovely! You should definitely give it a try! Like I just said above, the truffle fries that Jamie had were SO nice! If we eat there again, I might see if you can substitute something for the truffle fries :thumbsup2

That sounds like a great idea :thumbsup2 I don't know about your kids, but I know when I was younger a didn't really care for World Showcase. If you're kids don't really like it, you should definitely try to sneak out for a solo visit..! I love to take my time and take in the details there :goodvibes


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