~~October 2016~~Sew, it was the greatest Stitch Experience ever!~~Final Update 3/19/2017!

Crap...not even page 1! I am a slacker...
Page 2 already!? Once again teaching has gotten in the way of my DISing. Can't wait to hear about the trip!!

Darn, Mo beat me! I'm here!

I'm here!!!! :-)

I'm hereee!! Can't wait to read all about your and V's trip!

I'm here!! :wave: So excited to be here at the beginning of one of your TRs!

Joining in! I can't believe you're back already!

Joining in. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures with V!

I'm her!
Can't wait to hear all about your trip.

I'm here too!
Can't wait to read all about the trip.

I'm here. It's hard to believe your trip in over. It seems like you were just planning it.

Joining in. Can't wait to read all about your adventure!

I'm here! I'm here! I'm here! Wouldn't want to be anywhere else!!!!!!! This is going to be so much fun.

Looking forward to another great trip report!

Joining in!

Looking forward to hear all about your trip

Yeah I'm here...can't wait to read more!

Looking forward to your latest trip report!

Top of page 2 :)

Crap...not even page 1! I am a slacker...

Can't wait to hear how this trip went.

Page 2 already!? Once again teaching has gotten in the way of my DISing. Can't wait to hear about the trip!!

I'm here!

Wooohoooo!!I'm in!!!Can't wait to hear about your trip!!popcorn::

Following along!

Welcome everyone!!! I am super excited to have each and every one of you here and following along! I cannot wait to share this trip with you all! :woohoo: I am not even sure how many TRs I've completed on The Dis - several... I truly enjoy writing them and sharing our trips here.

During my last 2 TRs, I was also planning other trips - so I wrote my daily updates in my PTR as to not clutter my TRs... However, for this TR, at this time, I do not have a trip on the horizon... :( Sad, I know. Which means, I will do my daily updates here - I will try to keep them to a minimum though. :lovestruc

Anyways! I am hoping to write my first update to this TR this morning - as long as Photobucket cooperates - it's been having issues again. Sigh. Which is why my intro to this TR looks a LOT like my intro in the PTR - I pretty much copied and pasted it, then I had to come back later and edit in all of V's pics from my phone - as I could only access Photobucket from there. It was kind of a pain - but it works. ::yes::


I had a really nice day yesterday...

I started off with my heavy lifting. I was a bit sore from Tuesday's ab work out, and I pushed through it. I was a little concerned when I came to the ab portion of my lifting - as I do 45 crunches with a 30# weight on my chest - I was thankful I was able to complete that without an issue. :woohoo: It always feels good to be back to my routines! As I've said, after previous trips - sometimes I work so hard leading up to them, that the trip is my end goal... It is imperative for me to immediately go right back to my normal routine the day after I get home. Although, after almost 5 years of this, it really is a habit and I am not sure I could go through life any other way? ::yes::

Considering I have this week off of custom orders (so nice) - I've decided to really focus on my eating and taking care of myself. While this has been a focus in my life lately - as it always is - some where along the way, I've lost sight of what's important about it. While looking at many of our Photopass pictures, I am not happy at all with the progress I've lost this year... I just really want to refocus here and remember WHY I did this in the first place. :lovestruc I did this for my health - and no matter how I look right now - I am healthy, and that is super important... I just need my brain to see that. :scratchin

When I finished my heavy lifting yesterday - I went to town for groceries... Stocking up on lots of healthy essentials (produce)... I also went to the meat market and stocked up on some good protein. I've set myself up for a good eating week - which is super important and necessary after a Disney trip. ::yes::

Then... Well... I haven't been to a Target store in 12 days... I think it's a new record for me! ::yes:: I might be strange - but I love Target clothes... I used to think they were cheap and quality was terrible - however - over the last few years, I've come to love Target apparel - and almost every top I wear is from there. Bottoms are a different story though - I rarely purchase those at Target. Anyways... I spent an hour probably, going through the apparel section to see what was all new while I was gone - nearly the entire department was new. So, that was fun. Also - it seems that Target received a few more shipments of boots... You know me - I can't resist a good deal... All boots are 20% off this week, + 5% off on Cartwheel, + 10% for my team member discount, + 5% for my Target debit card (which is now in my wallet - LOL)... These boots are nearly free! :woohoo: OK - maybe not... Though I did justify 2 pairs. :eek: I love fall and boot weather - however - I did come home to almost winter coat weather. Sad.

Oh - when I went to pick up V from school... I was showing my Disney side yesterday - so I was wearing my new Polka-Dot Vans - which I absolutely LOVE... I looked down and noticed that the rubber was coming off of the canvas at several spots on both shoes... I was soooo disappointed! I've only had these shoes for a few weeks, and while in Disney - I wore them a few times - however - not nearly enough to warrant that type of wear. Shout out to Vans customer service... I sent an email while waiting in the pick up line for V, and before I got home, they were already sending me a replacement pair. This is awesome! I am hoping these last much longer.

And that's all for yesterday... I made home made meatloaf for dinner last night - I have leftovers to last me a few meals... I also made baked sweet potatoes - I found a new recipe on how to cook these, so the skins come right off - this was AMAZING! I was shocked when it worked. Part of the reason I hate making them, is that the skins annoy me - these are perfect and I'll be making them this way forever. I made ~um~ 5 or 6 of them, so they are mashed and in my fridge to warm up this week. :woohoo:

I was in bed early and don't remember a thing. I've been sleeping really well since we've been home. ::yes::

Today - no big plans... I will work out this morning and have a good breakfast.

Then I have about 4 hours to waste until I have to go to town to get V and bring her to work... I will hopefully do my first update here (as of now, Photobucket is NOT working - so I may not be able to), then I may use this time to work ahead upstairs - as I have nothing better to do, and I am a person who doesn't do well with being idle. ::yes::

And that's all... To those of you that are new to reading my TRs - WELCOME!!!!! To my old friends - it's great to see all of you here! I cannot wait to get started on this TR! :lovestruc Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :hug:

Welcome back!!! I'm sure you'll have another trip planned soon.

I bought my favorite pair of jeans from Target years ago. I'd love to find another pair just like them, but have had no luck finding the same fit at my local Target. I think they're Mossimo, or something like that. I'm an odd shape so it's rare I can find the right fit.
Welcome everyone!!! I am super excited to have each and every one of you here and following along! I cannot wait to share this trip with you all! :woohoo: I am not even sure how many TRs I've completed on The Dis - several... I truly enjoy writing them and sharing our trips here.

During my last 2 TRs, I was also planning other trips - so I wrote my daily updates in my PTR as to not clutter my TRs... However, for this TR, at this time, I do not have a trip on the horizon... :( Sad, I know. Which means, I will do my daily updates here - I will try to keep them to a minimum though. :lovestruc

Anyways! I am hoping to write my first update to this TR this morning - as long as Photobucket cooperates - it's been having issues again. Sigh. Which is why my intro to this TR looks a LOT like my intro in the PTR - I pretty much copied and pasted it, then I had to come back later and edit in all of V's pics from my phone - as I could only access Photobucket from there. It was kind of a pain - but it works. ::yes::


I had a really nice day yesterday...

I started off with my heavy lifting. I was a bit sore from Tuesday's ab work out, and I pushed through it. I was a little concerned when I came to the ab portion of my lifting - as I do 45 crunches with a 30# weight on my chest - I was thankful I was able to complete that without an issue. :woohoo: It always feels good to be back to my routines! As I've said, after previous trips - sometimes I work so hard leading up to them, that the trip is my end goal... It is imperative for me to immediately go right back to my normal routine the day after I get home. Although, after almost 5 years of this, it really is a habit and I am not sure I could go through life any other way? ::yes::

Considering I have this week off of custom orders (so nice) - I've decided to really focus on my eating and taking care of myself. While this has been a focus in my life lately - as it always is - some where along the way, I've lost sight of what's important about it. While looking at many of our Photopass pictures, I am not happy at all with the progress I've lost this year... I just really want to refocus here and remember WHY I did this in the first place. :lovestruc I did this for my health - and no matter how I look right now - I am healthy, and that is super important... I just need my brain to see that. :scratchin

When I finished my heavy lifting yesterday - I went to town for groceries... Stocking up on lots of healthy essentials (produce)... I also went to the meat market and stocked up on some good protein. I've set myself up for a good eating week - which is super important and necessary after a Disney trip. ::yes::

Then... Well... I haven't been to a Target store in 12 days... I think it's a new record for me! ::yes:: I might be strange - but I love Target clothes... I used to think they were cheap and quality was terrible - however - over the last few years, I've come to love Target apparel - and almost every top I wear is from there. Bottoms are a different story though - I rarely purchase those at Target. Anyways... I spent an hour probably, going through the apparel section to see what was all new while I was gone - nearly the entire department was new. So, that was fun. Also - it seems that Target received a few more shipments of boots... You know me - I can't resist a good deal... All boots are 20% off this week, + 5% off on Cartwheel, + 10% for my team member discount, + 5% for my Target debit card (which is now in my wallet - LOL)... These boots are nearly free! :woohoo: OK - maybe not... Though I did justify 2 pairs. :eek: I love fall and boot weather - however - I did come home to almost winter coat weather. Sad.

Oh - when I went to pick up V from school... I was showing my Disney side yesterday - so I was wearing my new Polka-Dot Vans - which I absolutely LOVE... I looked down and noticed that the rubber was coming off of the canvas at several spots on both shoes... I was soooo disappointed! I've only had these shoes for a few weeks, and while in Disney - I wore them a few times - however - not nearly enough to warrant that type of wear. Shout out to Vans customer service... I sent an email while waiting in the pick up line for V, and before I got home, they were already sending me a replacement pair. This is awesome! I am hoping these last much longer.

And that's all for yesterday... I made home made meatloaf for dinner last night - I have leftovers to last me a few meals... I also made baked sweet potatoes - I found a new recipe on how to cook these, so the skins come right off - this was AMAZING! I was shocked when it worked. Part of the reason I hate making them, is that the skins annoy me - these are perfect and I'll be making them this way forever. I made ~um~ 5 or 6 of them, so they are mashed and in my fridge to warm up this week. :woohoo:

I was in bed early and don't remember a thing. I've been sleeping really well since we've been home. ::yes::

Today - no big plans... I will work out this morning and have a good breakfast.

Then I have about 4 hours to waste until I have to go to town to get V and bring her to work... I will hopefully do my first update here (as of now, Photobucket is NOT working - so I may not be able to), then I may use this time to work ahead upstairs - as I have nothing better to do, and I am a person who doesn't do well with being idle. ::yes::

And that's all... To those of you that are new to reading my TRs - WELCOME!!!!! To my old friends - it's great to see all of you here! I cannot wait to get started on this TR! :lovestruc Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :hug:

Welcome everyone!!! I am super excited to have each and every one of you here and following along! I cannot wait to share this trip with you all! :woohoo: I am not even sure how many TRs I've completed on The Dis - several... I truly enjoy writing them and sharing our trips here.

During my last 2 TRs, I was also planning other trips - so I wrote my daily updates in my PTR as to not clutter my TRs... However, for this TR, at this time, I do not have a trip on the horizon... :( Sad, I know. Which means, I will do my daily updates here - I will try to keep them to a minimum though. :lovestruc

Anyways! I am hoping to write my first update to this TR this morning - as long as Photobucket cooperates - it's been having issues again. Sigh. Which is why my intro to this TR looks a LOT like my intro in the PTR - I pretty much copied and pasted it, then I had to come back later and edit in all of V's pics from my phone - as I could only access Photobucket from there. It was kind of a pain - but it works. ::yes::


I had a really nice day yesterday...

I started off with my heavy lifting. I was a bit sore from Tuesday's ab work out, and I pushed through it. I was a little concerned when I came to the ab portion of my lifting - as I do 45 crunches with a 30# weight on my chest - I was thankful I was able to complete that without an issue. :woohoo: It always feels good to be back to my routines! As I've said, after previous trips - sometimes I work so hard leading up to them, that the trip is my end goal... It is imperative for me to immediately go right back to my normal routine the day after I get home. Although, after almost 5 years of this, it really is a habit and I am not sure I could go through life any other way? ::yes::

Considering I have this week off of custom orders (so nice) - I've decided to really focus on my eating and taking care of myself. While this has been a focus in my life lately - as it always is - some where along the way, I've lost sight of what's important about it. While looking at many of our Photopass pictures, I am not happy at all with the progress I've lost this year... I just really want to refocus here and remember WHY I did this in the first place. :lovestruc I did this for my health - and no matter how I look right now - I am healthy, and that is super important... I just need my brain to see that. :scratchin

When I finished my heavy lifting yesterday - I went to town for groceries... Stocking up on lots of healthy essentials (produce)... I also went to the meat market and stocked up on some good protein. I've set myself up for a good eating week - which is super important and necessary after a Disney trip. ::yes::

Then... Well... I haven't been to a Target store in 12 days... I think it's a new record for me! ::yes:: I might be strange - but I love Target clothes... I used to think they were cheap and quality was terrible - however - over the last few years, I've come to love Target apparel - and almost every top I wear is from there. Bottoms are a different story though - I rarely purchase those at Target. Anyways... I spent an hour probably, going through the apparel section to see what was all new while I was gone - nearly the entire department was new. So, that was fun. Also - it seems that Target received a few more shipments of boots... You know me - I can't resist a good deal... All boots are 20% off this week, + 5% off on Cartwheel, + 10% for my team member discount, + 5% for my Target debit card (which is now in my wallet - LOL)... These boots are nearly free! :woohoo: OK - maybe not... Though I did justify 2 pairs. :eek: I love fall and boot weather - however - I did come home to almost winter coat weather. Sad.

Oh - when I went to pick up V from school... I was showing my Disney side yesterday - so I was wearing my new Polka-Dot Vans - which I absolutely LOVE... I looked down and noticed that the rubber was coming off of the canvas at several spots on both shoes... I was soooo disappointed! I've only had these shoes for a few weeks, and while in Disney - I wore them a few times - however - not nearly enough to warrant that type of wear. Shout out to Vans customer service... I sent an email while waiting in the pick up line for V, and before I got home, they were already sending me a replacement pair. This is awesome! I am hoping these last much longer.

And that's all for yesterday... I made home made meatloaf for dinner last night - I have leftovers to last me a few meals... I also made baked sweet potatoes - I found a new recipe on how to cook these, so the skins come right off - this was AMAZING! I was shocked when it worked. Part of the reason I hate making them, is that the skins annoy me - these are perfect and I'll be making them this way forever. I made ~um~ 5 or 6 of them, so they are mashed and in my fridge to warm up this week. :woohoo:

I was in bed early and don't remember a thing. I've been sleeping really well since we've been home. ::yes::

Today - no big plans... I will work out this morning and have a good breakfast.

Then I have about 4 hours to waste until I have to go to town to get V and bring her to work... I will hopefully do my first update here (as of now, Photobucket is NOT working - so I may not be able to), then I may use this time to work ahead upstairs - as I have nothing better to do, and I am a person who doesn't do well with being idle. ::yes::

And that's all... To those of you that are new to reading my TRs - WELCOME!!!!! To my old friends - it's great to see all of you here! I cannot wait to get started on this TR! :lovestruc Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :hug:

I agree with you on the Target clothes. They really have some cute tops and sweaters. And now I'm thinking about looking at the boots.
I'm here too! Looking forward to hearing all about your latest trip!
Well, I'm finally here. In my defense yesterday was a long day at work! I got up and went to my boot camp class. Came home jumped in the shower and headed to work for a 10 hour day. Makes for a long day.

I'm looking forward to your TR. Hopefully you find a way to add another trip to your plans. I didn't have a trip plan, but now that the business convention is in Orlando next year, I may just be planning another trip!

Good luck on getting back into the swing of things. I know how hard it is. I'm trying (yet again) to get more fit and lose some weight. So far I'm doing well, but as you know it's the long-term that's so difficult. Seems like our bodies revolt against changing!
Can't wait to hear about your trip! I have followed all your other trip reports, you have a wonderful way of writing! And of course All of your bags are Amazing! :love:
Really enjoyed your last report and looking forward to this new one :)
So excited to see your TR, I saw some of your I spy pictures on Facebook. My daughter and I were there in October as well.
Can't wait to hear about the trip!

What is the method of cooking sweet potatoes?
How great that you were able to do your heavy lifting without an issue yesterday. :woohoo:

How great that you found some cheap boots at Target.

So sad to hear your Polka-Dot Vans rubber is coming off. How great that Vans customer service was easy to deal with and that they will send you a replacement pair :woohoo:

Home made meatloaf sounds yummy.

Starting on next weeks custom order sounds like a good idea if you get bored and needs something to do :)

Yesterday I got a letter from Norwegian Public Roads Administration saying my old car don't have insurance and that they would take my license plates if I don't get an insurance. So today I had to
go to my insurance company and ask what was going on. Because to my knowledge the car has an insurance that is payed and everything. I also told them that it says in the letter that the insurance company has to contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration and tell them the insurance is ok. The person I talked to at the insurance company said everything was ok with my insurance and that they sent a message to Norwegian Public Roads Administration while I was standing there. So everything should be ok now. I get so stressed when things are not as they should be. But I'm glad it's now fixed and that I can drive my old car without worrying that they will take the license plates.
I'm going to get rid of my old car soon, but until that happens I need my license plates.

I also made baked sweet potatoes - I found a new recipe on how to cook these, so the skins come right off - this was AMAZING!
My baked sweet potato recipe is as follows:
buy sweet potatoes
wash sweet potatoes
stick them with a fork several times
bake them in an oven for more than an hour at 375 degrees
take them out
cut them open
scoop out insides or eat like a baked potato

Now - what is your recipe? ;)


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