Nutribullet alternative


DIS Veteran
Nov 8, 2001
This is definitely a Miscellaneous posting!
As I plan my family's upcoming trip to WDW at our DVC homes I am getting a little anxious about something. You see a few months ago, I joined a cult--the Nutribullet Cult. Yes I said cult.
Many of my friends were a part of this cult. The spoke of things like kale(what IS that? I thought), chia seeds (like ch-ch-chia pet?--no way) and flaxseed (sounds like flatulence), protein powder (that's for muscle heads). I often saw the recruiting films on TV. Those people looked like they were drinking the Kool-Ade for sure. NOt me!! Then I was in Bed, Bath and Beyond--with a coupon! All of the info-mercials and testimonies of friends got to me! So I joined the cult! I purchased my Nutribullet 900 or 9000. Every day I have that kale and spinach and chia and flaxseed and protein powder and fruit and almonds or walnuts sometimes coconut water (not found in pina colodas).
Now I am concerned that I will not have a Nutribullet when I go to my DVC home. My son said don't worry they have a blender. A BLENDER? A Blender? THAT IS NOT A NUTRIBULLET-I said.
So, Short of bringing my Nutribullet 9000 in my suitcase--I am not there yet--- has anyone had experiences with the blenders that they can say will be sufficient for the time? or should I not pack all my nuts and seeds?
Any suggestions?
I am about 10 days in to the smoothie phase and I can tell the difference it is making. I leave for WDW in 11 days and I fully intend on bringing my nutribullet and some of the harder to find ingredients (we are driving). I will buy the more perishable items at Walmart when we arrive. I think there are blenders in the rooms but the nutribullet is small and there is plenty of room in the minivan.
See--you are in the cult too!
I of course am joking about cult reference yet it si very habit forming, in a good way!
We are flying--trying to limit what I bring.
Can you leave your Nutribullet for me? Ha aha JK.
Bring it. Better yet, bring your existing Bullet with plans to leave it in your Owner's Locker ... then buy the newest/better Bullet for home.
We had been part of the Nutribullet cult for a couple of years - making shakes in it each morning. Then, a few months ago while at Costco, we brought home a Vitamix. OMG - it takes shakes to a new level :) We will never be without a Vitamix again.

OP, we visit Disney a few times per year. We don't make shakes while there. We take a break, and just enjoy being on vacation. When we get home, we start right back with the healthy shakes. It makes us like them better when we have a small break from them.
i get that. I dont necessarily want to be in the same routine as when I am home.
I love my Nutribullet too, but put me in the camp that takes a shake-break while on vacation. After a while, I can get sick of them, so vacation is the perfect break time. When we get home, I look forward to my shakes again. (Sitting here sipping my afternoon shake right now!)
I love my Nutribullet too, but put me in the camp that takes a shake-break while on vacation. After a while, I can get sick of them, so vacation is the perfect break time. When we get home, I look forward to my shakes again. (Sitting here sipping my afternoon shake right now!)
I am sure I can find other things to sip to replace my healthy smoothies!!
Do Dole Whips have actual pineapples in them? Close enough...
The blenders they provide would be adequate for simple smoothies, pina coladas etc. but they are no match for your Nutribullet! Weak motor capacity!
I have the Costco Ninja Blender, Bullet and Food Procesor all sold in the same box. I LOVE it. I make shakes for my ds and mango salsa, pesto, alcohol drinks for me. My dh does all the cooking but I now call myself a mixologist lol


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