November 2015 Scrapbook Challenge ~ Thankful for the memories! Winner concertkatie

updated to here!

I included my 57 pages so far... I have a stack of 10 pages ready to go if family members would let me be to put them together!! Ugh! :)
Finally! Completed 10 pages yesterday. Hope to do more today!
9 for me so far. My 3 day crop for this past weekend was rescheduled as a 2 day crop next weekend. We are finally (YAY!!!!) getting our new floors put in on Saturday so I'm not sure if i'll be able to go or not. Doesn't look like i'll make my goal this month. But I'm gonna try!
Updated to here...

This will include my 34 I have completed over the past few days.

I have another stack on my desk that must be done by Thursday!

I'm so excited to have my mojo back... I hope I can get this project done by December 23rd..
Hoping I get my mojo back this weekend. Wanted to have a trip done by Halloween but have done no pages towards it yet. Hoping this weekend is my weekend.
I have just finished 36 pages this month!! I am coming up to my last two until I upload more photos to Costco for printing.
its been a bummer of a month! no scrapping done yet hope to have some done before the end. I lost my job right before i had my surgery which was the 9th. I had a hernia repair with mesh- Just starting to get comfy and moving better. Trying to stay positive and let my creativity defuse the stress once I can bend and move better! I just wanted to check in- happy scrapping friends!
I will update tomorrow morning.. the boys just called me for dinner..

I have an additional 37 over the past few days and going strong!!!
5 more today and a few more pages roughly laid out, just need to pick paper and put them together. With any luck I'll have this trip done by Thanksgiving.
Updated to here.

Canadian Harmony --- welcome to our cozy little corner! Great job on getting some pages done!

mgrace79 --- so very sorry to hear about your job. Something better will be knocking at your door soon.... Glad you are feeling better after your surgery..
my 3 day crop weekend was screwed all up!! It was rescheduled to a 2 day weekend. Then my son wouldn't let his daddy take him to a school function so I had to. That put my an hour and a half late to the crop. Then they ended it a half hour early. Saturday, they came to put in my new floors. After 5 hours, they hadn't put anything down and they told me the wood was bad and wouldn't fit together properly. So I had to leave the crop after only 4.5 hours. Then we had to return the bad flooring, and try to find some in stock around town. Lowes didn't have any in stock. Home Depot had 24 of 40 in our town and we had to go 1.5 hours away to get the rest of it. Now they will start again on Tuesday and hopefully be finished on Wednesday evening. so, maybe I can get a little done since I will be stuck in that part of the house on Wednesday. UGH!!!! Forgot how many pages I did get completed.
10 more tonight so the trip I wanted to have done by Halloween is instead done by Thanksgiving. Excited to get started working on my next trip on Friday - I am going to be trying some spray inks and stenciling which I have never done before. Hopefully it will come out like I am seeing it in my head!
I did a few pages then went to the World, so I am just starting my scrapping back up for November. I'm going for 20 pages.
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Was able to do 3 pages today with my inks and stenciling. Very happy with how it came out!


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