No wbta 2013

Oh, c'mon - i have you all out-aged!!!Honey, both of my feet have been in the water soooo long, they're all wrinkled!!!!! :rotfl2:

Oh all of you turn out to be 20 years younger than me! :scared1:

Old is 20 years older than me and that gives BOTH of you a lot of time.:eek::eek::dance3::dance3:

Evelyn your a young whipper snapper :thumbsup2:thumbsup2


Ya gotta WATCH that Evelyn every minute! She's a LIVEwire! And I happen to know LTM is not quite a year older than I am.:rolleyes1
But, ohhhh, that "quite a years" difference sure shows some days!!!
However, there is still a spark of adventure in me, and I love life!! So, I look forward to what lies ahead, with much anticipation.
Thank goodness - I was worried

Until David chimed in, it was 14 hours since the last post.:rotfl2:

On a meet thread that STILL doesn't have an itinerary! :banana:

Boy, this is gonna be a fun 21 months!

and IF the October 2013 WBTA DOESN'T materialize, we should just keep the thread going anyway:surfweb::rolleyes1

Sure... why not... we can always change the year!:rotfl2:

Are any of you planning to go to the 24 hours of Disney for Leap Year. I am planning to be there and meet with some DISers at rope drop which is 6:00 AM at MK. pixiedust:pixiedust:
YIKES, hope I can keep up, :coffee::coffee::coffee:

That sounds so much fun Evelyn I would love to be there but it would cost some major $$$'s for 24 hours!!! Now if my lottery numbers do come up between now & then I will be there. ;)

Have fun.

Thank goodness - I was worried

Until David chimed in, it was 14 hours since the last post.:rotfl2:

On a meet thread that STILL doesn't have an itinerary! :banana:

Boy, this is gonna be a fun 21 months!

and IF the October 2013 WBTA DOESN'T materialize, we should just keep the thread going anyway:surfweb::rolleyes1

I think we were all down in the dumps yesterday due to the announcement being postponed. :sad1:

Anyway back to positive thinking today. :goodvibes We will be cruising in October 2013 we just have to wait a bit longer to make it official. :thumbsup2
Now Annie, didn't you read my previous post? I am WAY to old the stay up that long. I will probably go back to my room and take a nap or two :laughing::laughing: But I do want to be there a lot :woohoo::woohoo:

It's how young you are in the mind that counts Evelyn!! Just have some power naps on a bench and you'll be fine :thumbsup2
11 more days until I turn 62! Social security - whoohoo! Lots more cruising for wifey and me. She's already collecting. (Cradle robber);)
Oh, c'mon - i have you all out-aged!!!Honey, both of my feet have been in the water soooo long, they're all wrinkled!!!!! :rotfl2:

Evelyn your a young whipper snapper :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Old is 20 years older than I am, which give you a lot of climbing room.:rotfl2:

:rotfl2: lol how old is old, should I be hiding now.... or shouldn't I ask that question.Anything to do with a computer is an enigma to me, and as for phones they are for having a conversation and maybe the occasional text.... if I really have too. My mobile phone is just wasted on me. But yes have to just jump in :rotfl2::rotfl2: although sometimes I would rather not !!


YOU CAN TEXT ON A PHONE NOW!!! When did this come about??? These modern contraptions are amazing!!!:rotfl2:

David, you are not the only one who is OLD :rotfl2::rotfl2:, but you just have to jump in with both feet.:laughing::laughing: Best of luck with your computer, we don't know how much we use them until we are without:surfweb:

I think I have all you youngn's beat!!! I remember watching Milton Berle's variety show on TV - Good ol' Uncle Milttie. Do you remember the Jack Benny Variety show on TV - how about the Phil Silvers show.
Heck my feet are not only wrinkled but they are blue as well!!! You guys ain't old - old is just a state of mind. My DW says I have a mind of a 2 year old. :confused3 Not sure what she means by that!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

The home computer is still waiting for his new part!!! Then I have to get all of the programs from the old hard drive over to the new one. This week-end I am going to be a busy little bee!!!
11 more days until I turn 62! Social security - whoohoo! Lots more cruising for wifey and me. She's already collecting. (Cradle robber);)

Sam, I tease a lot, but retirement is FANTASTIC :dance3::dance3: Some days I feel 95 :scared1: then some days I feel 45 :cheer2: Which is the new 30 :banana::banana::banana: SOOOOO all that said, I get to travel more, meet more DISers :disrocks: and enjoy life:car:. So go out there and enjoy :woohoo::woohoo:
I think I have all you youngn's beat!!! I remember watching Milton Berle's variety show on TV - Good ol' Uncle Milttie. Do you remember the Jack Benny Variety show on TV - how about the Phil Silvers show.
Heck my feet are not only wrinkled but they are blue as well!!! You guys ain't old - old is just a state of mind. My DW says I have a mind of a 2 year old. :confused3 Not sure what she means by that!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Heck - I remember all those! Really remarkable since I was just a baby :rotfl2:

Seriously, I do remember these things which I guess puts me officially in the old geezer category. And if things work out, I'll be taking my Mom on this cruise so what comes after old geezer??? :rotfl:
YOU CAN TEXT ON A PHONE NOW!!! When did this come about??? These modern contraptions are amazing!!!:rotfl2:

I think I have all you youngn's beat!!! I remember watching Milton Berle's variety show on TV - Good ol' Uncle Milttie. Do you remember the Jack Benny Variety show on TV - how about the Phil Silvers show.
Heck my feet are not only wrinkled but they are blue as well!!! You guys ain't old - old is just a state of mind. My DW says I have a mind of a 2 year old. :confused3 Not sure what she means by that!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

The home computer is still waiting for his new part!!! Then I have to get all of the programs from the old hard drive over to the new one. This week-end I am going to be a busy little bee!!!

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I remember ALL of these, tell your DW, it helps to think like a 2 year old, we get more out of life. :laughing::laughing:
11 more days until I turn 62! Social security - whoohoo! Lots more cruising for wifey and me. She's already collecting. (Cradle robber);)

:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 Well sam, that's cool... Many Happy Returns for 11 days time in case I'm otherwise engaged. So do you get the keys to the Magic then:thumbsup2

YOU CAN TEXT ON A PHONE NOW!!! When did this come about??? These modern contraptions are amazing!!!:rotfl2:

I think I have all you youngn's beat!!! I remember watching Milton Berle's variety show on TV - Good ol' Uncle Milttie. Do you remember the Jack Benny Variety show on TV - how about the Phil Silvers show.
Heck my feet are not only wrinkled but they are blue as well!!! You guys ain't old - old is just a state of mind. My DW says I have a mind of a 2 year old. :confused3 Not sure what she means by that!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

:rotfl2::rotfl2: Yes you can text now... lol but when I send a text, because of pre-mptive text nobody can understand a word I send !!!

I have to say I don't remember any of those shows, so now I don't feel so old :rotfl2::rotfl2: but maybe that's because I come from the UK, and I should be thinking in terms of the Billy Cotton show
Lol I don't feel that old, and DH is my toy boy:lmao: and when I do remember things it makes me very happy.... sometimes it's useful to beable to remember what you did yesterday:upsidedow

You know I worked really hard to be available this week to look at the new itineraries. Wishful thinking even managed to arrange a whole week of snow days and everything.

Just hope they make the announcement before we lose power from all the snow and ice knocking down trees or that they wait until next week when power is restored.

With 16 inches of snow on the ground though- I have to say Hawaii is sounding pretty good (and warm) at this moment in time.

Thankfully I have a really good memory of being on the beach on the French Riviera to make me keep thinking Med.
I think I have all you youngn's beat!!! I remember watching Milton Berle's variety show on TV - Good ol' Uncle Milttie. Do you remember the Jack Benny Variety show on TV - how about the Phil Silvers show.
Heck my feet are not only wrinkled but they are blue as well!!! You guys ain't old - old is just a state of mind. My DW says I have a mind of a 2 year old. :confused3 Not sure what she means by that!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

I have a confession here guys...................(I just saw all of these shows on PBS - Public Broadcasting Station - just last week!!! Not when they were run for the first time!) Gotcha!!!! No I reallly did watch all of these shows when they first aired - way back when. And I know there are many more..............I just can't rememberr...............I think there were more..................I just can't remember.:confused3

Retirement is GREAT!!! I love it!! I do keep working part time for my old employer. He is a great guy, and he jumped at the idea of me working part-time. This way he doesn't have to give me any benefits and he doesn't need to hire someone full time to pick up the slack. And I get some extra cash to pay for these GREAT Disney Cruises we love to take. So it was a win win situation for both of us.
Magic has to go to drydock in 2013. That seems to be part of the reason for the Med cruise, drydock in Venice.
What are the other options for where she can go to accomplish drydock?

What I am thinking is- we know the Wonder had drydock in Victoria, BC in September 2011 so we know they can also do the Magic.
Was it cheaper to do it that way?
Did it help fill a dead time in the schedule?

I am wondering if they are thinking of swapping the Magic and Wonder ships. Seems to generate a bit more excitement when people can add a new ship to their belt.

Will they respond to all the disboard comments to leave a ship on the west Coast- have the Magic do Alaska in 2013 with a drydock in Victoria pre or post Alaska.

Instead of MR maybe doing more trips to Hawaii, follow it with Pacific Coast cruise and maybe that 5 day out of LA that they proposed.
Could that 5 day be replacing the MR in Dec 2012?

Still they could send the Wonder to Europe anyway instead of the Magic. That way they could have a final cruise followed by the WBTA and generate more B2B for those that want them. They kind of blew that last year with the people on the final cruise before WBTA being bumped off for that private hiring of the whole ship. I would hope they do not do that again.

Could they delay Europe by a year?
Could they be rethinking Miami based on comments? Seems like some valid ideas for going out of Tampa were suggested.

Could they be rethinking some things after the Costa Concordia? While it appears captain error is the cause/could they be worried about public perception will avoid a cruise out of Citavechia(Rome) plus the Amanda Knox case and the highlight on law and civil rights in Italy(vs US) be an issue?

Someone mentioned that a crew member asked onboard said no to Greece in 2013, but hinted maybe the next year.

Dream MV was in Feb 2011. Won't she have to go to drydock in 2014?
If my dates are wrong correct me.
But when she goes to drydock--WHERE will she go?
How long exactly is she required to have PC as her home port?

I am hoping the Magic goes to Europe in 2013, but also wondering if the Dream will be going in 2014? For that matter Wonder will be due for drydock again in 2014.

Just things to do while waiting for the snow to melt. Way too much time on my hands with school cancelled. We already built our snow mouse, went sledding etc. The winds are making it too cold to want to play outside right now.

That pretty much sums up all the speculation threads leading me to ask . . .

Could this thread need to be renamed the "Possible WBTA October 2014??? Preliminary roll call here . . . " thread instead?

Skye- who really needs to get out of the house now before she goes totally crazy.
Magic has to go to drydock in 2013. That seems to be part of the reason for the Med cruise, drydock in Venice.
What are the other options for where she can go to accomplish drydock?
Boy you do have to much time on your hands :rotfl2::rotfl2: I did a EBTA on a Celebrity ship last year, we sailed to Hamburg, Germany where she went into drydock, so I think there are many places in Europe who are equipped to handle this undertaking. I think where ever Disney can contract to get the job done to fit their time frame will be the place. It does not matter which city she sails from, I will find a way to get there.:thumbsup2

Magic has to go to drydock in 2013.

I am wondering if they are thinking of swapping the Magic and Wonder ships.

Still they could send the Wonder to Europe anyway instead of the Magic.

A couple of months ago, an DCL officer told me that the Magic was designated as the ship for 'exotic' routes, i.e., outside the US. He said that they were looking at LOTS of options for the future.

He also said that after the major dry dock in 2013 (no hint as to where it would be), DCL hoped to get about five more years from the Magic before retiring her.
:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 Well sam, that's cool... Many Happy Returns for 11 days time in case I'm otherwise engaged. So do you get the keys to the Magic then:thumbsup2


Actually...he will get the key. I'm taking him to The World for several days at AKV. Even have Yachtsman booked for his birthday. Friends from Tampa area will join us for one night and we'll go to Jiko with them.:banana:

We're always looking for another reason to celebrate with The Mouse.:dance3:


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