No more fat pictures!!!!!! (comments welcome)

Congrats on the 30 pounds. I totally know what you mean about being limited to Lane Bryant. I always told my husband that if I had any talent, I would design clothing for plus sized women. Just because I am fat does not mean that I only deserve to wear unflattering patterns and horrible materials. I am also working very hard on losing weight, and have lost almost 15 pounds since I started. I have a way to go, but I will get there, little by little. Just knowing that I can shop in any store I want gives me the kick in the butt I need to exercise every day. Good luck.
darn those Oreo's!! My son had a bag of those mini Oreo's and yesterday I only had 3..then 3 more... then 3 more.. etc etc. I've started writing my food down in a journal. I keep it laid out in the kitchen all day so it's easy. I added up all those trips past the bag and WOW it adds up quick. So not worth all the calories. Oh well.

I have lost sight of the 160's. I don;t understand. I hit 169 last Thurs. I've eaten very well except a slice of pizza and few oreos over the week and been doing ton of cardio and I'm back at 171 all week. When times like this hit I just feel like 'Why bother??'..kwim. I've kept my calories about 1400. My goal is 1200 so I guess I need to work harder w/ the food. I just can't seem to have a perfect day. Maybe tomorrow huh??

Leslie: thanks for saying HI. Congrats on the 15lbs :thumbsup2 That's awesome..keep up the great work and you'll be cruising the malls in no time! I tell you it really has kept me in check..not so good on the pocket book. I bought a cuet short skirt that I loved in a size 12. It was a little snug but I LOVED it. Another few weeks I tried it back on and it was loose!! I was thrilled. Coming from a tight 18/20 I'm so happy.

That may be part of my problem. I no longer have to shop in plus sizes and I'm happy where I am. Yes I would totally LOVE to lose more weight and I feel I need to. My BMI is still not where it should be. I'm 12lbs awayf rom getting out of the 'overweight' category but I have been stuck here for months :confused3 If I had to stay this weight forever I would be mostly happy. I guess that's the problem maybe..I don't feel 'fat' anymore. I'm tall w/ broad shoulders so a 12 looks pretty good on me if I do say so myself.

Grrr..not a perfect day today. It started of well. Kpet my calories on track and thankkfully (or maybe not) skipped my snacks I was so busy w/ the kids stuff. That was probably the culprit. I was exhausted and hungry from not eating and after Tae Kwon Do DS4 begged for pizza since the one we had last week was no good. He was right!! It was no good..with DH's stinky fish smelling up our good half of pepperoni :eek: .

Little Ceasars PLEASE!!!!!! We're watching the money a little so het it's only $5.41 for dinner for the family..what a bargain right.

I ate 4 pieces :sad2: !!!!! I said to myself I would eat 1..ok who's kidding who..I'll eat 2..that will be just fine because who really can eat 1 slice of pizza. I ate my 2 slices and had this strong urge to feel FULL. I have eaten such small meals and have worked on just feeling 'satisfied'. Well I wanted more than satisfied. I ate the 3rd piece. I'm calling it 4 because I ate all 3 of DS4 crust the crust and hated to see it go to waste. I checked their website and all that was 920 cal and 32 fat grams! So my total for the day was 1600 cal and 53g fat.

Maybe if I had had the snacks I would not have felt that way but who knows. The good thing is that I've done 5 out of 5 days of cardio :dance3: !! 1hr at 4.0 on the treadmill. Love the Bodyglide!! That stuff has saved my feet. I used to get into a good workout routine then be side lined after 2weeks w/ a blister but no more.

Well I work tomorrow so it should be good day. My hardest days are at home w/the kids. Dealing w/ all thier snacks and lunches.

I weigh in Saturday so we'll see what happens w / the pizza issue. I have so much going on this month I'm dreading it. I have multiple parties every weekend for the 4 weeks! I need to focus on the good week knowing that I will have a piece of cake waiting for me at the end of each week!!

Good night all.
Had a great day yesterday. I worked and got a full workout myself w/ my crazy job. They had cookies there (they looked good) but I had no urge to have one :cool1:

I weighed in today at 169.2 for the 2nd day ina row. I think I broke the plateau!!! I've been hovering near 171-173 for about a month. I've done great w/ the workout and fairly good at the food. I just dread all these partyies i have coming up. several b-day events..including my own..and baby and wedding showers galore!!!!

Tomorrow I have a b-day party for my nephew but I feel ok about it. Everyone there is weight concious and healthy so that sort of puts me in a good mind frame. My party from my girlfriends is another story. iT's an all day scrapbook thing and they are not weight conscious! So I will have all the tempations all day :eek: Hopefully I can plan and bring some of my own snacks!

Well off to clean the backyard!! There's some good sweat.
Well the b-day party went well. No tempting snacks, just a very small piece of cake so not too bad.

Had a good day today too. I'm going out w/ my girlfriends tomorrow night to celebrate my b-day. We're going rollerskating so I'm excited about doing something active. We are going to dinner so I just need to pick a sensible place. There's not too many places near where we're going but there is a Chili's. I know they have the guiltless chicken that I've had.

I soooo did not want to do the treadmill tonight but I dragged myself on it and did my hour :scared: . Not quit as fast as normal but I managed 3.8mph. I'm so glad I did and I feel :banana: !!!!

ok..stick to the plan tomorrow!!! Eat right and be good at dinner. Get in my exercise at the rink (oooh I'm excited)!!!!
The skating rink was fun!! :lmao:

ok I've been a little busy since last July! The weight loss stuff...I got down to 163 at my lowest in Sept. We had a trip to Maui so that REALLY helped w/ the motivation. When we returned ther was Halloween events then 'the holidays', then did better a lost the 5 pounds I put back on. Then had some minor surgeries which has really put the brakes on my workouts for over a month. not to mention Easter!! I cannot say no to a Reeses peanut butter egg :worship: I had to re-buy them several times for the Easter baskets!

Well another Dis trip is 36 days away and I want to get refocused again! I'm finally back on my treadmill :banana: and it feels great! I had just started jogging before my medical stuff but can't quite do that yet. I have done it the last 2 nights for 60 min at about 3.9 mph.

I need to get focused on the food again. I've been cooking a lot more and trying new recipes..nothing super healthy of course. Since I could not workout I sort of had this why bother attiture and just figured blow it all off and restart when I'm ready. Stupid!!! the numbers on the scale are going the wrong way :eek: . I'm up to 174 at the 1st of this week. I REALLY want to get down to 160 before the trip but we'll see. I think that might be ambitious since I've been stuck in the mid-upper 60's for months!

I just can't get the diet and exercise together :sad2: Oh well..I just wanted to get back on here and journal my days to help my accountability. 2 days in and I'm doing good!

Lets see what tomorrow holds!
Well if I do say so myself..I have done GREAT (pat's self on back) :goodvibes . I saw the 160's today :yay: . It was 169.8 I think but hey! So I lost about 4 lbs this week! I've done really well on the diet..ok not REALLY well but good enough. I HAVE done really well w/ my exercise. 5 days on treadmill at 4.0mph and incline of 3.0 for an hour each. I've started my jogging for about 5 minutes. It's getting a little easier but still soooo hard.

The diet has been good but I have eaten the 3/4 of my DS2 left over Sonic grilled cheese and 4 tater tots today and 1/2 his cheeseburger and most of his small fries the other day (in addition to my healthy lunch). We normally don;t eat fast food so much..not sure what was up this week.

I resisted my urge for a nightime snack after my workout tonight. It was 10pm and I was not going to 'go there'..the kitchen!

33 more days to go :dance3:

I can do this!
Yes, you can do this! The motivation to be thinner for WDW pictures is great, isn't it!? I can totally relate to your "journey". I'll try to be brief, but here is my story....

I have battled my weight my entire adult life, but hit an ALL-TIME non-pregnant high of a little over 200 lbs in 2002-2003. We took our first family trip to the World in 2002 and I CRINGE when I look at the pictures. I was determined to be smaller for our 2004 trip. I spent ALL of 2003 on Weight Watchers and slowly, but surely lost 40-ish pounds. I wasn't "THIN" when we returned to WDW in Jan. of 2004, but I was very happy with myself and I can actually look at the pictures and smile. (In fact, I insisted on having several pictures alone with the characters, without the kids!!)

I gained a bit of weight on the trip, and totally lost my weight loss momentum upon returning home. Despite that, I managed to maintain about 30 of the 43 pounds until late 2005. During 2005 and 2006 I managed to gain more until I was back to within 15 pounds of my all-time high weight. I was discouraged and disgusted. Well.... fast forward to Christmas 2007 and we give the kids another trip to the World for Christmas. I am determined not to go back fatter than I was last time! I have about 15 weeks to lose AT LEAST 30 pounds.

Things started well the first few weeks, but then slowed down. I discovered I wasn't eating ENOUGH (no flex points and not hitting my daily points target). I bumped up the points intake, bumped up the water intake, and increase the exercise to 5 days a week (from 2-3 x previously) and the weight loss picked up.

I am proud and happy to report that I am just 9 days away from my trip and I have lost 30 1/2 lbs (as of the scales last Saturday morning). I am almost 4 pounds less than I was the last time we went and I have 9 more days to make that 5 pounds! I have great energy and stamina, from all of the walking/running on the treadmill I have been doing and I am feeling VERY motivated to CONTINUE my weight loss journey after our trip.

I have set myself a few other "mini" goals for when we get back from WDW so that I feel encouraged to continue my weight loss. Joining a few weight loss challenges here on the WISH boards has really helped.

You can do it! Mickey is such a great motivator. Good luck on your continued journey...........................P
pjlla: thanks for the hello!!! Congrats on your weight loss too.
3 more days till WDW for you!!!:banana: :banana: I can't wait.

I'm 4 weeks away from my trip and 8.5 pounds to go. Can I do it is the question. I did really good on my exercise this week. 5 x on treadmill for an hour each at about 4.0 and some jogging at 5.0. It's getting a bit easier.

I'm 168.6 today down from 169.8 last week so 1.2 pounds down. A loss is a loss and I know I should be happy..and I am I guess I just want it now!!! I just can't get the diet thing going as well as I'd like when I workout so much. I bought some green apples and fat free caramel for my desserts and that really hit the spot most days. I did however buy a bag of sour cream and onion chips for my son and oh boy I had 1..then another..then another..and so on. Darn I forgot how good those things are :eek: Then it was like a shark tasting blood. I had to have more chips. next time at the store I bought a bag for ME. Maui Onion kettle chips...OMG.

My other food issue is stress and the kids. If I'm having a particularly :scared1: day I go for the pantry.

It's the start of a new week and I'm feeling pretty focused. Gotta run!!!


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