Nicknames - anyone got one???

My son has just turned 9months and he already has several. He was squiddy before he was born since I thought that is what he looked like in the ultrasound. When he was an newborn he would look at you out of one eye with a little snear kind of like a pirate so that was his nickname then.
Now we call him by his name, by a family nickname on my DH's side of Griz or in his case lil' griz, and cubby. We are not sure which one will end up sticking.

My nickname growing up used to be breezy. I miss it since only my family and not my DH call me that.

My DH is big Griz, Griz or sparky depending on who is talking to/about him.
I have lots!
Appearently Katia was too hard for people so Kat was born! Its funny when ur in Disney and my mom yells Kat! and like people have this funny look on their face :rotfl:
When i moved to Orlando the guys thought it would be fun to call me Tobey so i got use to it :teeth:
NG or New Girl
Appearently my teacher looooves new kids for teasing and i got the nickname NG which is quite funny since i now answer to it

My name is Lindsay (obviously). My friends usually call me Lins, or Cool-Whip (long story). My husband calls me Kitten or Kitty.

My husband's name is Scott. He is Pooh to me :)
When I was little I was Marcella-the-nut from Marcella Lynnette.:crazy:

When I worked for Green Peace I was Marcie Mouse 'cause I was rather quiet compared to most of my extroverted hippie coworkers.:smokin:

Dh calls me My Precious as in LOTR.

Ds is Puck, devil or stinky. Puck and devil relating to his names. Stinky is unfortunately rather obvious:sad2: .

OMG some of these are so funny! Thanks for sharing them. I know baby won't end up with one until he gets here and we see his personality.

I never even shared ours!

Me: I was called Brewha in high school & college - last name was Brewer. Now I don't really have any, but my dad still callse me Cutie Pie, which he has done since I was a baby. One of my college friends called me Twit a lot :) DD calls me Mommagedaga once in a while (see the dog's name!)

DH: He really doesn't have one but his name is William and everyone that has known him for a long time calls him Billy, which drives him nuts. I usually call him Daddy Doo.

DD: She is Olivia, but we call her Liv or Livy Lou. DH calls her Peanut. I call her Dirty Bird, I know that's not all that nice but when she was a baby she looked like a bird drinking from the bottle and when I pick her up from daycare she's always dirty!

The dog: His name is Talladega (DD says Tallagedaga) but we call him Tally, Tman, Tallyman and sometimes Moose!
Apparently the residents at work call me Lois Lane, presumably because I am always chasing after Superman (the attending physician--I'm his case manager). :goodvibes
DH = Sparky or thighbone
DS8 = Scooter
DD6 = EmmaG (when she was little she did this funny rap stance with her hat sideways :rotfl2: )
DS10 months = Jak Jak

me... well DH calls me Princess Poonaanie :rolleyes: or Pookie...

A nickname? What EXACTLY is a nickname,really? lol. I guess if I were to have any kind of nicknames they would be..."Shut up!", "Stop Singing", "You're weird!", "You're crazy!", and the ever popular, "What?" When I am not CONSTANTLY being called those "names", people call me Cait. lol. :rotfl:
Believe it or not my name is DIS. When my niece was little she could not say Denise so she called me DIS and now everyone in the family calls me DIS including my husband.

Feels kind of right to be here so often with the same name!


Most times Mark calls me Dissey....
Samples-this was one of my names at work (no one calls me it any more) i was called that cuz I would always get excited when we were giving out free samples.

Tweedle Dee-one of my coworkers called me this and she was Tweedle Dum.

Sir-my friends started callin me this in high school, i think it had to do with Peppermint Patty from the Peanuts cartoons, some of my coworkers call me sir and even my brother calls me it (this is the nickname that people call me the most and still call me)

JenJen-one of my friends came up with this last year, its just my name 2 times.
When I was little it was Boo Boo, then shortened to just Boo...and now at 32 years of age I can't shake the *wonderful* nickname of ****Y.
The nicknames for the rest of The Crew;

Sarah-Mamsir (no clue how this came about)
Tyler-we call him by his last name
Val-doesnt have one
Jessica-Sarah Nancy (she did this play in drama class and her characters name was sarah nancy and the girl she did the play with said it like 30 times in the play)
Mercy-Pervert (no clue)
Laura-Bacon (soemthing from school im not sure though)
Jesse-Eggs (cuz hes married to laura so they are bacon and eggs)
My friends call me Sharoo and Dh calls me Sharinsky. Dad calls me Shar Shar and my brother and I call each other Dude (we were big fans of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure).

DH's nickname is Sparky.

Our cat Foxy's nickname is F-er. We also call her Cat.
My youngest DD has the most knicknames of anyone. When she was born we called her "Moto" we still do and so does most of our family even though she doesn't look as buddha like as she did. My mom thought she was regal so she called her "Queen" which became "Quee" when she (the baby) started talking because she would never put the n on the end of Queen when she would repeat after her Grandma and we thought it sounded hilarious. Baby also named Grandma "Quee" I guess because she thought grandma was saying her own name to baby so to baby grandma is "Quee" . Grandma is "Miss Missy" to my twin DD's because when she'd sit with them she'd sing this repetitive song that went hey Miss Missy, Hey Missy Prissy and on and on. I guess the twins though she was singing her own name because they always referred to her as "Miss Missy" and still do. :goodvibes Our youngest DD also nursed like there was more than one of her so I nick named her "Super MIlk" which was eventually shortened to "Milk" which when she weaned (thank goodness) became "Miss Milk". We ocassionally called her "Thigh Meat" for obvious reasons or "Thigh Thigh" or "Sugar Meat" or "Sugar Plump" . Amazingly enough she also comes when we call her actual name. She must be a genious. :rotfl2: On any given day we may call her 5 different things. :goodvibes

My oldest twin was plump so we called her "Chunk", "Beef", she was the original "Thigh Meat" and "Thigh Thigh" we also call her S-ington (her name begins with an S) when she's feeling extra important. My youngest twin we call "Miss B" and "Auntie B" (her 1st name begins with a B) because she can act like an old lady.

I call my husband "Husbeast" because he can be loud, cranky and impatient. When he's behaving I call him "Sweet Meat" because he's my meaty sweety. :rotfl2: :love:
Oh my gosh, my nickname has followed me to the DIS! THANKS Tag Fairy! ;)
My dad used to call me "Lil' Bit" and "Baby Girl" (I'm the youngest). Now he calls my DD (the youngest grandchild) those same names.

Starting when I was 15, my family called me "Crash" for about a year. Long story involving a moped, shorts and a crop top, and lots of my skin left on the street. :sad2:
I don't know how I got them but my nicknames from preteen to late teen yrs were Megzilla and Meganstein.

Apparently I had some sort monster personality issue :confused3 :yoda: ( I had to use him...he's green and ugly like my nicknames)
Groovy Chick - my former boss called me that ALL the time. He would leave messages for me on voice mail "Hey Groovy Chick..." . In turn I called him Groovy Dude!

I miss him. Sigh...


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