Need some input about my DH's new home based business!

i went through school with a girl who after graduating from college (bsns. degree) started her own bsns. it was back before home based copiers were popular and color copiers were the rage. she had a shop that did tshirts, hats (basicly anything fabric) and eventualy cups and the like. she did alot of group sales (sports teams and such) and made good money, but she did encounter a re-occuring problem-parents who had never given permission for an item with their child's likeness to be marketed.

while a person may participate in a group photo that will be sold, that act does not nesc. allow for that photo to be reproduced (i.e. the person's "likeness") for other marketing purposes. there are some parents who are adamant that they do not want their child's "likeness" marketed or otherwise made available for public access. this can get even more complicated with kid's sports teams that are sponsored by bsns. that have copyrighted logos that appear on the uniforms-while the local "pizza" parlor might not press the issue, corporate may have a major issue with someone else profiting from something that displays their copywritten logo or character.

it did'nt come up often, but enuf that she ended up doing only non photo shirts for teams, and if a person came in with a group team photo she would only do individual orders and not bulk (if it was a copywritten photo she referred them to the photographer to see if he had any type of release that allowed for her to do it).

it only takes one lawsuit to ruin a company.


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