Moms to be Part 4

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Wow that would be tough to wait till 12:30 to have the RCS. I'm scheduled to be in the OR at 7:30 am so I have to be there at 6am. I also have to go in the day before and do all the pre-op bloodwork and paperwork. Only 13 days left till mine.
I had my 18 week appointment this morning, and everything is looking good. The doctor found the heartbeat right away, and we could hear the baby moving around in there a lot. I have a prescription for an ultrasound, so I have to schedule that. I want to see the baby again, but my DH and I are not going to find out the sex. I want to be surprised at the birth, and this way, we get to think of more names.

Speaking of names, how did everyone decide on a name? My DH and I are each making a list of about 10 boy and 10 girl names and they just hoping there are some names we both like. He has already suggested Geoffery which I've vetoed, and he vetoed my suggestion of Claudia.

We also discovered that there is a huge cosignment sale for baby/kid stuff at our local fairgrounds at the end of September, so we are hoping to get some good deals on baby things like a Pack n Play, swing, and rocker/glider. I signed up for the "first time mom" event, so we'll get to shop a day before the sale opens to the public. I figure it can't hurt to look.
I finally got my RCS scheduled - 9/21 @ 12:30 PM! :woohoo: I'm so excited to finally have an official date, though I am a little worried about not having anything to eat or drink since midnight the day before. I live in AZ and it H-O-T HOT here. I wake up with a dry mouth and drink tons of water throughout the day, but they said I can't even have ice chips.

If anyone is still hanging out here that recently had their RCS, how did you make it through so long with nothing to eat or drink?

Talk to the anesthesiologist at your pre-op. Mine allowed me to get up at 3am to eat since my fDD3s CS was at 12:30 also. There is no reason to go 12 hours when they only need 6-8.

So glad you have a date scheduled. Wooooo!! :banana:
Talk to the anesthesiologist at your pre-op. Mine allowed me to get up at 3am to eat since my fDD3s CS was at 12:30 also. There is no reason to go 12 hours when they only need 6-8.

So glad you have a date scheduled. Wooooo!! :banana:

I didn't have a pre-op appointment. :confused3 Is that normal?
I've had 3 scheduled surgeries now and never had a pre-op appointment. All 3 at different hospitals.

I just met the anesthesia team for all 4 of my surgeries (the 4th being the emergency c-section with DS1) before going back to the OR.
Congrats Piecey!

Pollito - I never had a C-section, but that would be hard for me not to drink anything. Very exciting that you have a date!

Welcome to all the newbies!


Nothing new going on here. I'm 33 weeks today and just playing the waiting game. I'm still pretty comfortable so no complaints. I'm sure that will be changing soon enough. We still do not have a name for this baby. I have a long list and DH is no hurry to pick one out.

I hope to have the baby's room complete this weekend. All that is left is window treatments and to put together the crib. DH needs to do both of those things so I'll just supervise. Then our entire house needs a good cleaning.

Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!
Vettechick - good idea about talking to the anesthesiologist, I didn't think of that. My sister knows him too, so that should help.

Piecey - my OB's office said I will have the pre-op testing done at their office one week before the RCS, so I won't be going to the hospital before either. DS was an emergency, so I'm not sure how it's normally handled.

IHeartTink - I don't know what happened to the list....we had one a few months ago, maybe whoever had it last had their baby and didn't hand it off before they left?

lspst - we've had a girl name decided for most of our marriage. DH's mom passed away a year before we were married and he wants to honor her. For DS, we debated boy names for awhile before settling on one we both liked. DH was also so excited he was a boy he pretty much let me pick, but vetoed some choices. I think your method of making lists sounds like a good start. Have fun at the consignment sale. I've been to a couple and some are really good, but others don't have that great of deals and people try to sell their used stuff at almost full price. Make sure you read up on recent recalls before purchasing any big ticket items.

sunlover - I think with my first I never really got to that uncomfortable stage so many pregnant women complain about. This time, I hit it pretty bad around 33-34 weeks, but now I've gone back to being mostly ok again. I mostly only feel uncomfortable if I spend too much time on my feet or sitting without good back support. If you're lucky, you may manage to stay comfortable all the way through!

I hope everyone has a good labor day weekend! Any fun plans?
Piecey - honestly, I don't know what it is either. Since DS was an emergency, I never had it and this dr didn't explain and I didn't question. Does anyone else know what it includes?
Pre-op testing includes blood typing (In case they need to transfuse you), and a CBC. Honestly they have never before had me come in the day before surgery to do it, so I was a bit surprised that I needed to this time. Both tests are quick and easy and results are available in a short period of time.
lspst: For our DS, we printed out a list of the top 100 baby names from the year before. We each went through and scratched off the ones we didn't like and circled the ones we did, then we compared. It worked out well.

This time, I downloaded a baby name app for the iphone and we've been going through that.
Hi everyone. I hope all of you are doing well!

Colton Liam was born Wednesday, August 25th, 2010 at 5:18 AM weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and measuring 20.5 inches long.

My labor was induced starting at 9:00PM on the 24th of August so that I would deliver on the 25th at exactly 39 weeks. My Dr gave me the option to induce for a few resons including the distance DH and I live from the hospital and the fact that I was very uncomfortable. DH and I decided that this would be the best option for us, so we went for it.

They started Picotin at around 9:00 (I almost passed out when they put the IV in my hand!) and warned me that, especially since this was my first baby, I could be in for a long wait, possibly even 36 hours or so. They told me I could have only clear liquids from that point on. I was fully effaced and 1 cm dialated (had been the same for 2.5 weeks at that point) when they started.

At around 10:30PM my Dr asked that the attending Dr break my water. DS was so low (he had dropped at 30 weeks) that they could not do it without causing me extreme pain. They decided to wait for me to become more dialted and tried again an hour later, again without success. I was still 1 cm at this point.

My Dr spoke to me over the phone and asked if I would be willing for them to start the epidural so they could break my water, since after the epidural started I would be confined to the bed. I basically was anyway, so I agreed and they started it around midnight. It took some time for it to take full effect (for a while I could feel my right leg but not my left). At around 1:00 - 1:30 they were finally able to break my water. I was at 4 cm by this time.

My labor progressed pretty quickly after that. It wasn't long before I was at 8 cm, and soon after that I was fully dilated. DS was born pretty quickly thereafter. I had only about ten contractions I had to push 3 times each on and he entered the world. Thanks to the epidural, I never felt a single contraction with and strength, so it was about as easy as it could have been.

We stayed overnight on Wednesday and left Thursday. We had the option to stay Thursday night as well, but DH and I were both uncomfortable sleeping in the hospital room and DS was having no problems, so my DR released me and the pediatrician released DS and we headed home.

Aside from a rough night the first night DS has been sleeping very well and has been a very agreeable baby in general. We absolutley adore him, and are so glad he is finally here!

Pre-op testing includes blood typing (In case they need to transfuse you), and a CBC. Honestly they have never before had me come in the day before surgery to do it, so I was a bit surprised that I needed to this time. Both tests are quick and easy and results are available in a short period of time.

My hospital wouldn't have allowed that to have been done early, so it's strange to me that it could be done a week in advance. I've had to be typed IN the hospital, wearing a blood products bracelet, every time I go. I just went once for Rhogam (had some spotting around 18 weeks) and had to get a blood product bracelet, and typed, before they'd administer it.

The L&D nurse just took a few vials of blood when she stuck me for my IV. Then she hooked up all that IV stuff and we were smooth sailing.

I can't remember anything with DS1. :confused3

Congrats, Irisbud he is adorable!!
Congrats Irisbud! Colton is adorable! Sounds like you had a pretty quick labor, especially considering you were induced.
Congrats Irisbud! He is so tiny and cute!!!!!

OK I have a silly question! Do they let you wear your own pajamas in the hospital? (after delivery and all that obviously) It's been over 4 years and I can't remember if I should bother packing them or not.
Also for anyone who has been induced, did the gel actually make you go into labor and did they send you home after it?
My midwife is saying that I'll go to labor and delivery and they will insert the gel, and then I go home and if I haven't gone into labor in 24 hours they will start potossin. The thing that freaks me out is that they are inducing me because of rapid labor, so if the gel is going to make me go into labor why are they sending me home??? She also told me that the gel would give me cramps but that I didn't need to come in unless I felt contractions. With my son I woke up feeling crampy, went to the hospital (which was only 10 minutes away) and was a 7 by the time I got there. He was born 45 minutes later and would have been sooner but they had me try and hold off on pushing until the Dr. got there. I told her I was just going to sleep in the hospital parking lot. :laughing:
Is it crazy hormonal of me to think they should have me stay at the hospital? I feel like they think I'm exaggerating my last experience, but I was literally apologizing to my husband on the way to the hospital because I woke him up so early and I probably wasn't even in labor.
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