Midnight Departures and Hoping for Sunshine - a January 2016 TR - Completed 2/1

Despite having several choices for Italian cuisine at the Portofino, we wanted to try Vivo Italian Kitchen due to it getting great reviews on the podcast and the price range being much lower than Mama Della's or Bice.

It was a lovely, comfortable evening and Vivo's outdoor patio was bustling. The hostess stand was set up just outside the patio and there were a few families ahead of us checking in. Hearing that the wait was 20-30 minutes, I remembered to use our status as hotel guests in order to request priority seating. The hostess asked if we were okay with outdoor seating (yes, obviously!) and set us up immediately with a table that was being cleaned. While we waiting for them to finish the bus service, we went to get a drink at the bar.


[Indoors at Vivo]

The bar was busy but we had no problem grabbing a couple of seats. There were two bartenders and we had a couple glasses of red wine in front of us in short order. We enjoyed the Carletto Ricco red blend at $7 per glass. We thought this was a decent wine and would order it again.




[lots of wine choices behind the bar]

Once we settled up with the bartender, we got a text letting us know the table was ready and to check in with the hostess. We did so and she asked where we'd gone since she'd been paging us... :confused3 okay, but she was the one who suggested we go to the bar while we waited and it's not like we were gone long :rolleyes1

Anyway, we were seated at the promised patio table immediately and we started checking out the options for dinner. Everything looked great! We each had to narrow our choices down to 3 or 4 options and then we bounced a few choices off one another to eventually select our food. We ordered the warm caprese salad ($9) and the meatballs ($10) for appetizers, and the lamb ragu ($16) and pasta puttanesca ($15) for entrees.


[warm caprese appetizer]

The warm caprese appetizer was actually fried green tomatoes layered with fresh mozzarella, drizzled with balsamic and a basil olive oil and served with a sauce that was tomato and maybe eggplant? It tasted like red sauce. This was pretty good, I would give it three stars out of five but would not order it again. We finished it, so it wasn't bad by any means.


[meatball appetizer]

The meatball appetizer was three very large meatballs (hard to tell from the photo but they were somewhere between golf balls and tennis balls) served with a small amount of thin red marinara. These were heavenly! Where I gave the caprese three stars, these were an absolute 5. We had been starving when we arrived (hence ordering two appetizers) and I had already been thinking I'd wanted meatballs when we discussed Italian for dinner. I was pleased as punch that these were an appetizer (I think I remember the podcast team waxing poetic about these as well in their review, but I don't remember exactly), as it left my entree selection open to try another scrumptious sounding menu offering. These were just divine :cloud9: light, flavorful, and satisfying without being heavy or chewy. :thumbsup2


[puttanesca, sorry, it looks like we may have tasted the left side before I took a photo :blush:]

R selected the puttanesca, described on the Vivo menu as olives, capers, tomato sauce, oregano, and paccheri tubes. I know Vivo makes some pastas in house, and these paccheri tubes tasted like they may have been some of the house-made fresh pasta offered. We both really enjoyed this dish - it was light and tasted very fresh. I would definitely order this again. The portion size was exactly right, but by American Italian restaurant standards, it would probably be considered a small portion. I think we finished this dish, which is saying a lot considering we finished both appetizers as well.


[lamb ragu]

I am a sucker for all things lamb, and since we were having the lighter puttanesca, this seemed like a good option that would be different enough so that we could enjoy a variety from the menu. It was described by Vivo as traditional slow cooked, marinara, and spaghetti. That's pretty much what we got, except with very thick spaghetti noodles. This was good, again I would give it 3 stars and probably not order this again, but we did enjoy it. It was your garden variety spaghetti with meat sauce, but in this case the meat was lamb. I would have liked this dish better if the lamb was braised or slow-roasted and served pulled rather than as browned ground lamb. Nevertheless, it was good. Maybe three and a half stars :upsidedow

We tried to order dessert to go, but the desserts are apparently pre-made in their containers so the options were very limited. :headache: We declined dessert (much to poor R's chagrin). The annual pass netted us a $5 discount, and we paid $62.84 with tax for two entrees, two appetizers, and two glasses of wine. I would definitely come back and am looking forward to bringing my sister here, who's our family's chicken parmigiana expert. (She samples that dish at every Italian restaurant we visit :laughing:)


[patio at Vivo, looking toward the Universal store]

We took the boat back to our resort, pleased to see that we had just over an hour left on the pool hours when we arrived at the Portofino. We quickly slipped on our swimsuits and beelined for the hot tub near the Villa Pool. There were four older teens plus a dad in the hot tub when we arrived. They weren't together, but chatting about video games or something when we added ourselves to the steamy water. Both groups eventually cleared out and we enjoyed the last 20 or 30 minutes of the open hours in the peace and quiet of a beautiful Florida evening. About 10 minutes before 11:00, the security guard came to (somewhat curtly) inform us that the pool area was closing at 11. Since we knew this and already planned to clear out in advance of official closing time, it sort of felt like we were being kicked out. It was my one and only complaint about any interaction we had with the staff at Portofino in the 4 nights/5 days we were there, so that should give you an idea of the service we experienced on the whole.

We donned the Portofino bathrobes provided for us and headed back to the room, quick to slip off to sleep after a great afternoon of activity.


[citywalk at night]
Awesome trip report so far! It's making the 2 weeks I still have to wait to go down feel that much slower.

Glad to have you following along! It is always hard to wait but those last few weeks are the worst aren't they? That's so exciting to be spending a milestone birthday visiting Orlando! I am sure you will bring in the big 4-0 in style! I will wish a speedy couple of weeks ahead for your wait and wonderful weather for your trip :wave2:
Mmmmmm....you had me at the meatballs :love: . They looked super delish. I adore Italian food though!!

Great updates and pics! Isn't spending the evening in the hot tub just the perfect way to end a day?

Looking forward to your next installment!
I am loving your trip report! It looks like you and R had a fab time; lovely pics of the two of you!
I do love the Hedwig backpack you bought...I never saw that is the shops!

All the food looks great, especially as I'm dieting for our next trip, but I about licked the screen when I saw that picture of the meatballs! YUM! We've not been to Vivo yet, that will definitely be on my list this summer! Can't wait to see what you post next!
Mmmmmm....you had me at the meatballs :love: . They looked super delish. I adore Italian food though!!

Great updates and pics! Isn't spending the evening in the hot tub just the perfect way to end a day?

Looking forward to your next installment!

Thanks, Gina! I've got another dinner review for you coming up that I think you will get a kick out of :laughing:

I totally agree about the hot tub! We are night owls and found that most evenings the pool area and hot tub closed before we were able to get to it! What time are the Vistana amenities open until? I'm scheming for an April trip...

I am loving your trip report! It looks like you and R had a fab time; lovely pics of the two of you!
I do love the Hedwig backpack you bought...I never saw that is the shops!

All the food looks great, especially as I'm dieting for our next trip, but I about licked the screen when I saw that picture of the meatballs! YUM! We've not been to Vivo yet, that will definitely be on my list this summer! Can't wait to see what you post next!

Thanks so much for the kind words and for checking in! I love hearing what everyone else is planning for their next trips as well. Vivo was wonderful and I think you will enjoy it as much as we did! Sometimes it's hard to stick to the diet just posting the trip report pics... Makes me want something that yummy for dinner tonight too!

Hedwig was a great purchase. I just finished cleaning her out and hung her up until she is ready for our next trip! I can't believe how much stuff I was able to fit in that backpack - I might even carry her around the WDW parks... Don't tell my trusty Deuter day pack I'd be cheating!

Another update soon once I get the picture accompaniments sorted out! :hyper:
Not a fan of Italian food, except pizza of course :D........nor a fan of hot tubs.......lol.....but still enjoyed the updates.......nice pics too!!
Thanks, Gina! I've got another dinner review for you coming up that I think you will get a kick out of :laughing:

I totally agree about the hot tub! We are night owls and found that most evenings the pool area and hot tub closed before we were able to get to it! What time are the Vistana amenities open until? I'm scheming for an April trip...

Ooohhh....you have my interest piqued on the dining review!!

3 of the Vistana pools/hot tubs are open until 1 am (Fountains, Cascades and those at the Super Pool). The rest are open until 10 pm.

Pick the last week of April and we can have a Dismeet!
After such an action-packed afternoon and a late night enjoying a hot tub soak, we "slept in" on Saturday. Rather than getting up for early entry, we got up around 9:00 and were on the water taxi at 10:15 or so. The sun was shining and the day was shaping up to be another gorgeous Florida mild winter day.


[gorgeous blue-sky morning in Florida!]


[view from the water taxi this morning]


[Port of Entry - a little busier this morning]

We started the day at IOA and R had previously spotted Croissant Moon and thought we'd start our day with a quick bite there. We took our time sizing up the choices and settled on a turkey croissant sandwich and a pistachio muffin to share. Croissant Moon offers a combo that comes with a muffin of your choice and a drink so this turned out to be ideal as R was interested in another cup of coffee. I was fueled by the Keurig in our room, so I just got a cup of water.


[Turkey sandwich on croissant]

The turkey sandwich was pretty good and the muffin was out of this world :cloud9: While it was marketed as pistachio (and certainly dyed to reflect that fact :eek:) it had a lovely almond flavor. I am a huge fan of almond pastries and this one was moist and scrumptious. We both agreed this would likely not be the only pistachio muffin we'd enjoy this trip...


[Pistachio muffin]

We finished up breakfast and made our way over to Dr. Doom. Despite knowing how much folks love this ride, I had major apprehension waiting on the initial launch. Incidentally, I never heard the countdown that @schumigirl has mentioned in her trip reports? Maybe they quit doing it, or perhaps I don't know what I'm listening for. I loved this ride! The view of the Hulk progress was really cool and it was neat trying to pick out landmarks in the distance. What a fun ride! We did a quick repeat (just a short wait on the next load of ride vehicles using express) and then made our way through Superhero Island to Spiderman. I was a little worried about this ride as well since I knew the ride system was the same as the Transformers attraction that had done such a number on me. No need to have feared, I enjoyed this experience much more. I don't know what it is about Transformers that gets me so green around the gills, but Spiderman didn't do it to me.


[thought the Skonk Works was hilarious]


[a small dino spotting...]

Despite the warming day, we sped through toon lagoon and jurassic park with no stops for water attractions - still too cold for that, though we took time to seriously consider riding JP, gauging the drop a few times before deciding no - not worth the risk of squishing around in wet shoes or clothes. We made it over to Hogsmeade around noon. Remember the other day when I mentioned forthcoming hysteria? :scared1: Well this was it. It was mass pandemonium in the Wizarding World... these crowds are the reasons I do not do theme parks at the holidays, a very convincing reason to get up for early entry, and a trigger for my mild claustrophobia :scared: It was gorgeous...


[Hogsmeade against a lovely blue sky]

but PACKED...


[Hogsmeade full of people]

We put ourselves into top gear toward Hogwarts Express and got out of Hogsmeade, pronto. :faint: Thank goodness. The studios was looking much more serene (I didn't check in on the frenzy at Diagon Alley, though I can only imagine)


[now THIS was why I came to Florida!]


We took a turn or two shooting aliens in Men in Black before moseying on to Springfield.


[Bumblebee man against those perfect fluffy clouds... heaven!]

After only a couple of hours, we'd managed to summon up a fair appetite and we joined the hearty queue at Bumblebee Man's taco truck. According to the time stamps on my photos, we were in this line and/or waiting on our food for over thirty minutes! Apparently things were crazy inside fast food boulevard as well, so I don't regret our choice, but I spent most of the time worrying about whether my wintery white skin was burning in the gorgeous Florida sunshine. :scared: Sunburn was definitely NOT on my must-do list!


[Duff beer]

We stopped at the outdoor Duff Brewery bar and scored a couple of Duffs before grabbing some waterside seats to enjoy our much-awaited taco truck bounty. I'd spotted a "special" offering via sign sitting on the order window - massive nachos topped with just about everything you can imagine - Korean beef, jalapenos, plastic cheese, sour cream, something passing as guacamole, green onions, a fairly decent salsa, you name it. R went for the more classic fish tacos - steamed cod topped with lettuce, guacamole, and salsa.




[Fish tacos]

Some of the photos I'd seen online seemed to depict fresh made chips, but what we had were obviously fresh out of a bag somewhere and the tacos were "meh" at best. We'd been informed while waiting that the pick-up window delay (there were 5-7 people waiting for quite some time, including us) was based on needing a fresh batch of fish. Sounded good to us - we'd rather wait a few minutes for fresh food than have something premade available immediately. Well the fish was... fishy. Cod is usually almost flavorless, light and flaky "tastes like chicken" fish, and this had a distinctly fishy flavor, meaning it likely wasn't too fresh. Oh well, win some, lose some. I'm not a huge seafood fan unless it is executed absolutely perfectly, so I knew these weren't for me. The nachos were theme park nachos "plus", and I'm an admitted theme park nacho fan, so these were right up my alley. The sweet korean beef was a strange flavor profile for these, but I guess carne asada was out of the budget for these? We demolished the nachos. They were really good for fast food and I would absolutely get them again.


[demolished nachos]

We enjoyed the view, lingered over our Duffs :lmao: and sought out this guy...


[Lard lad!]

Big Pink acquired, R wasted no time sampling a slice as we waited to visit the Green Planet with E.T. again.


[Big Pink donut]


[R digging in, notice that he's at least waited until we got to the E.T. preshow]

This time there was a bit more of a wait, so we got to see the animatronic Botanicus portion of the queue that I had not seen previously. There was also a lady causing a scene about how long she waited at the front of the line just before being assigned bikes... I don't know what was going on with that but she was surely showing her rear end! As a note, apparently E.T. adventure has been updated to include more names when E.T. greets you at the end. This may be the case, but most of the names when we experienced this attraction were impossible to understand. I think I did catch a garbled Melinda once. It was still cute even if you didn't know what he was saying!


[ET playing dress up]


Of course, after this we had to hit the mummy a couple of times. The first time we were put in the back row, and during one of the drops I bashed my knee pretty hard on the lap restraint. I know that might not make sense as the restraints appear to be designed to keep your legs from moving around too much, but I am pretty short and the back row seems to have a bit more room. While I like the back row as I get more "air time" on the drops, I learned a lesson and now hold my legs pressed against the restraints. I was afraid I'd really hurt my knee! But not afraid enough to preclude an encore ride :rolleyes:

We also hit Rip Ride Rockit on our way out and got the second row. That was fun (and I was getting braver). We both picked MC Hammer (U Can't Touch This) and decided we must spend too much time together if we're picking the same music on roller coasters...

This was the nicest weather we had while in Orlando, and both of us were longing for a dip in the pool. With our room so near the well-themed beach pool, we thought we'd change into our suits and go for a swim. :beach: Well, once we saw the crowd soaking up the last of the rays around the beach pool, we knew we weren't interested in fighting for a lounger or enduring the noise. :faint: (Yes, I'm in my late 20s but I'm going on 90 years old).

[obviously this is not my photo - it came from the very good photo tour on the WDW Info page about portofino. I am not sure why I didn't take any pictures of the Villa Pool, other than I'm fairly certain I left my phone in the room when we came out to swim]

We went over to an absolutely serene and deserted villa pool, likely due to the fact that there was not a sunbeam to be found - this area was entirely shaded. No matter, R laid on the plush chair and made progress on a novel he was reading while I summoned my courage and took the plunge into a shady pool. I was pleased to find it was nicely heated to a comfortable temperature! There was no one else in the pool, probably since the area was so shaded, but I enjoyed having my own private retreat. I just floated on my back for a while and tried to let my mind go blank. It was a very relaxing afternoon, and it actually looked a lot like the photo above from WDW Info. Just around the time we were contemplating going in to change for dinner, a family with children arrived and the kids were yelling and conducting an underwater handstand contest. It was time for us to move on... :rolleyes1

Up next: maybe my most highly anticipated dinner of the weekend! :car:
Not a fan of Italian food, except pizza of course :D........nor a fan of hot tubs.......lol.....but still enjoyed the updates.......nice pics too!!

LOL! It's a good thing you don't like Italian, Carole, with your garlic and onion allergy! It's funny how one person's vacation highlight can be the least appealing idea to another. All in all, I was very impressed with Universal providing something for every taste and desire.

Ooohhh....you have my interest piqued on the dining review!!

3 of the Vistana pools/hot tubs are open until 1 am (Fountains, Cascades and those at the Super Pool). The rest are open until 10 pm.

Pick the last week of April and we can have a Dismeet!
1:00 AM, you say? :idea: (muahaha evil laughter)

I would love to come to Orlando the last week of April as I think the weather would be absolutely divine! R is beholden to the academic calendar, unfortunately, and if we are able to travel in April with his schedule it will have to be the week of the 4th. Poop.

And don't worry, the muffin was not the food review I thought you'd be interested in. That one's still coming!
The muffin looked yummy (funny how green they made it & still looked good.) We love Croissant Moon...especially the cronuts! YUM!
I have a feeling the Hedwig backpack will end up coming home with myself or DD on our trip.
Super cute!
Thank you for writing such a great report!
Day 3, Part 2:

I'm a big Disney fan and have brought a poor unsuspecting R into the insanity of Disney annual passes. I had the best of intentions to visit Orlando and not step foot onto Disney property, but we're both accustomed to late hours on vacation and we enjoy "burning the candle at both ends" with afternoon breaks to ensure we stay rested. The Universal park hours were against us this trip, with the latest closing time at 9:00 pm. We like to eat dinner later in the evening, usually between 7:30-9:00, so we usually return to the park after dinner to enjoy a last few attractions before bed. Well that wasn't going to happen with 9:00 closing times! So by Saturday afternoon we were both thinking of visiting Disney one night when the magic kingdom (R's favorite park) would be closing at midnight. Around midafternoon, we'd made some fast passes on the fly and confirmed our plan to leave Universal for an offsite dinner before heading down to the land of the mouse... ::MinnieMo

Back to Universal... After making the short jaunt from the pool area back to that gorgeous Portofino room (did I mention how much I loved this room and its location?), we freshened up before heading to the parking garage to drive to dinner. On the way out, we got to experience the Musica Della Notte (an opera singer performing from the main building balcony). This was a very cool experience and it's incredible to me that the resort offers this entertainment each night. We didn't really stop long, but you could hear the music throughout the courtyard and in the main building in the lobby area.


[look past the scooter to the top left where the spotlight is - live opera singer!]


We went down to the parking garage and were quickly on our way...:drive:

I had read a ton of trip reports in preparation for Universal. One of the local favorites throughout the trip reports was Teak, a burger joint not far from Universal. I'm a huge burger fan so I wanted to try to get to Teak in December on our way to visit family before Christmas, but we just didn't have time. Needless to say, I was very much looking forward to visiting Teak this trip.



When we arrived, the parking lot was PACKED! This place draws a huge crowd of locals on football game nights. We were able to snag a table on the outdoor patio, surrounded by a large gathering of New England Patriots fans. It was busy and fairly loud, but not unpleasantly so. Our poor server was running her feet off, but brought us the "secret" burger menu as requested (thankfully without the secret password as I was unable to procure it) along with a couple of local beers. I had the Funky Buddha Floridian - $6 (an unfiltered Hefeweizen - :thumbsup2) and R chose the Funky Buddha Hop Gun - $7 (IPA). The funny thing was that the menu didn't list the type of beer (quick googling told me that the Floridian was a wheat beer) so R asked the server about the Hop Gun and she didn't know what kind of beer it was. Now, I'll give you the fact that the beer list is loooong but this was one of just a few local craft brews on draft and this place was doing big business as a bar. Nevertheless the beers went down just fine. :drinking1




[inside the top secret burger menu]

We started with their fried mozzarella cheese. I had to stretch it for @Gina-Gina-Bo-Bina!!! Pretty good contender in the stretching category, I should think. Maybe you'll bring Jake to see how it stacks up? :rotfl:





In all seriousness, those fried cheese rounds were GOOD. For entrees, we settled on burgers - I selected the Californication (blue cheese, guacamole, smoked bacon, garlic mayo, bibb lettuce and tomato on a pretzel bun - $12) with onion rings. I'm having a hard time remembering what R picked but I think it was the Italian (provolone, turkey, spinach, red peppers, fresh mozzarella, sundried tomato mayo on a brioche bun - $12) with sweet potato tots. R was unimpressed - he said he couldn't taste the actual burger under all the toppings and the tots were soggy (both were true, I'm not sure the first is a fair complaint given he ordered it that way).


[Californication with onion rings - 4.5/5 stars on this one!]


[R's Italian burger]

He sent the tots back for kettle chips, which were good. Better than the soggy tots for sure. My onion rings were also good and I really liked my burger. Unfortunately neither of us could finish more than half of our burgers. We took them to go but the leftovers never got eaten :(


[Inside of my burger - I asked for it medium so this is perfect for me]


[kettle chips]

All in all, I was a little disappointed. I think Teak was overhyped, at least in my own mind. It's just a bar with good burgers and a big selection. We might come back in the future, but probably not on a Saturday night, and only after trying a couple more things at cowfish! I can understand why people love it. Next time I will get something with less toppings. Total for 4 local beers, fried mozzarella, and two burgers came to $62.85 with tax, before tip.


[disney sign, great photography right?]

We were back in the car and on I-4 in short order, ready to get our Disney fix. We rode Buzz Lightyear, saw the fireworks from the peoplemover (be still, my heart), visited the 999 happy haunts in their mansion, took a spin on big thunder mountain railroad, sailed over London and Neverland in an enchanted golden ship, and took a ride on the happiest cruise that ever sailed.




Before long, midnight was creeping closer and the good weather wasn't holding out. We were exhausted and I was a little sad to be leaving Disney (I don't have another trip planned right now, which is unusual for me). We bid goodnight to the castle and a glowing main street, and joined the huge queue for the ferry. My knee was hurting from the bashing it took on the mummy, and the ferries seemed to take forever. Fortunately our chariot awaited us from a great parking spot and we were soon en route to the Portofino and our plush, very dreamy bed. :cloud9:



[Portofino indoor "courtyard"]
The muffin looked yummy (funny how green they made it & still looked good.) We love Croissant Moon...especially the cronuts! YUM!

Speaking of things that are bad for your diet and make you want to lick the screen... I joked to R that I was going to bring back a half dozen of those muffins and now I am so sad I didn't. I may be making almond muffins for a cheat day this weekend... I suppose we should try a Cronut next time as they did look really indulgent!!!

I have a feeling the Hedwig backpack will end up coming home with myself or DD on our trip.
Super cute!
Thank you for writing such a great report!

Thank you for the kind words! It's been a blast writing the report and reliving the trip... Except the part where I torture myself with those yummy food pictures :upsidedow Thanks for checking in and letting me know you're enjoying it!!
LOL.....we have turned you into a fellow fried cheese stretcher!! :thumbsup2 Jake was duly impressed :teeth: . It must have been a tad harder to get a really GOOD stretch when the pieces were round versus stick-shaped, though. Being the meatatarians that they are, and who typically love a good sloppy burger, I think Teak would be right up their alley. Sorry it didn't live up to the pre-visit hooplah for you.

How fun that you managed to squeeze a little Disney in on the fly! You packed a lot of fun into your trip ::yes:: .

Lovin' the updates and photos!
The nachos and pistachio muffin look so nice!!! Croissant Moon is sometimes overlooked by people, but it's a decent place.

Sorry you had a disappointing experience in Teak. I have to agree with your Saturday night observation......we went once in a very busy night, and although our food was still good, it was so loud! Getting too old for that.....lol.....but definitely try again as we honestly have always had perfect food in there......I even remember the days when the secret underground menu was secret!!! But we adore the place and hope your next visit is a good one......

Enjoying the updates and your pictures are lovely!
@schumigirl I think it was a combination of too loud, too crowded, and just being in a funk. The parking situation really threw us for a loop. We will go back, I'm sure.

@Gina-Gina-Bo-Bina I think your crew would love it there at Teak! I know my cheese stretch was weak but I couldn't resist the opportunity since you guys make it look so easy :lmao:And yes, we did pack in an awful lot of fun!

As an off topic life update, we've decided to visit Orlando April 2-10, 2016. :hyper: We're tentatively booked at Bonnet Creek for the first six days and Royal Pacific Resort for the last couple. Now I don't have to be sad about saying goodbye to Universal again as I document the last couple days of our trip... :thumbsup2
@schumigirl I think it was a combination of too loud, too crowded, and just being in a funk. The parking situation really threw us for a loop. We will go back, I'm sure.

@Gina-Gina-Bo-Bina I think your crew would love it there at Teak! I know my cheese stretch was weak but I couldn't resist the opportunity since you guys make it look so easy :lmao:And yes, we did pack in an awful lot of fun!

As an off topic life update, we've decided to visit Orlando April 2-10, 2016. :hyper: We're tentatively booked at Bonnet Creek for the first six days and Royal Pacific Resort for the last couple. Now I don't have to be sad about saying goodbye to Universal again as I document the last couple days of our trip... :thumbsup2

Yay!! Another trip to plan!! :banana:

That's the absolute best cure for the post-vacation blues :thumbsup2 .

As for the cheese stretching, the talent is all Jake's :rotfl:. I don't have nearly that much fun with my food!
@schumigirl I think it was a combination of too loud, too crowded, and just being in a funk. The parking situation really threw us for a loop. We will go back, I'm sure.

As an off topic life update, we've decided to visit Orlando April 2-10, 2016. :hyper: We're tentatively booked at Bonnet Creek for the first six days and Royal Pacific Resort for the last couple. Now I don't have to be sad about saying goodbye to Universal again as I document the last couple days of our trip... :thumbsup2

Yes Melinda, go back on a quieter night or even a later lunch would be good.........I hate to hear of folks having bad experiences there, or anywhere.........but so glad to hear you're planning a return visit......and you'll love RP I'm sure........we wouldn't stay anywhere else!


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