Mickey's Hand is in my Pocket II! & DH's P.O.V: pg 19-7/20 On Our Way Home....

DMIL being a huge Donald fan just had to find Daisy and the nephews, so off we went…




And I also grabbed a bit of rest while everyone decided what we should do :goodvibes

The decision was made to head back to AK and maybe hit the pool. This was actually DIL’s last day as they were taking off a day before us. We did get a few more cute PP pics:


And we then took the “secret exit” way out as DIL’s had never gone that way. They really enjoyed it..





Once we were back in the room, I headed off to the pool by myself as the others were either packing or working on the laptops.

So I grabbed a chair in the sun and settled in with my book. I wasn’t there long when I overheard a something that then was bugging me. I won’t go off into a tangent as I don’t want my TR locked but….the large family in front of me was bragging how they were staying at the All Stars but this was a way better pool and they were spending the whole day here. Ummm…perhaps that is why they had the cooler with them. They also had a TON of toys right on the edge of the pool blocking part of the entrance on the stairs. Yes, I should have reported them and do regret not doing it, but how are they there with a cooler and not questioned at all? I do know at some point the husband went to see if it was possible to switch to AKL, but gave up and went back to the room before he came back. As I said before, I totally regret not getting a manager and saying something. Heck, even DVC members are not allowed to pool hop to AKL. Maybe Disney is looking the other way so the can try and get people to switch like these people wanted to do. :sad2:

I then went back up and DH even said I should say something; I just wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation. So I go sit out on the balcony, look around and see someone doing a banned thing on their balcony. (Don’t want the TR closed, so I’m only inferring what it was :laughing:) I swear, this was the day of people who just didn’t want to follow any rules or be polite.

After resting for a while, DH and I had dinner scheduled at Boma. We’d only eaten breakfast here and never dinner as I am super picky and don’t like anything :laughing:. But DH really wanted to try it, so we did. We checked in and were handed our pager, and took the time to take yet more pics of the AKL:



We had thought about getting a wine flight, but our server could not tell us what types of wine were in the red flight other than they were red….I swear we needed a total do over of today! :scared: Ok fine, then we’ll just have pop. I then asked for a glow cube in mine since my quest to collect was in danger of being the worst ever since I was not able to get all my glowing drinks during the week. The server looked shocked and asked if we were sure and then nicely (I mean that truly) informed us how much they cost. DH said he didn’t care and to please bring me one. The server then reiterated again that we wanted a glow cube in my soda…yes already. For some reason, if I was a server I think I’d want people ordering drinks or glow cubes…bigger bill, bigger tip right? Not this guy :rotfl2:

I finally got it and it did crack DH up….



We then made it to the food….thankfully our first trip up there wasn’t too long a line…
DH’s first and second plate:


My first plate:


He loved everything and I just thought it was ehhhhhh…but again that would be because I’m picky. We went back one more time and might have gone back a third, but the line for the main dishes was super long by then so we moved onto desserts.


Since we did not have anything alcoholic at dinner and I was feeling good we decided to stop in and get that glass of wine at VF…it is sooooo relaxing.




DFIL then called us and said he was going to settle his part of the bill. All week we had been putting everything on the room charge and then I figured out who owed what for meals. So I met him at the desk when he was paying…

And DH took the opportunity to take more pictures…you can never have enough right?







We then walked back to the room together (the wine had made me sleepy) and said goodnight and told them to wake us before they left. Tomorrow we’ll say goodbye to the Castle and try and squeeze in anything we still wanted to do before we left the day after. There was one thing that did hit me…normally DH gets sick at least one day every trip and that still hadn’t happened……..:rolleyes1
Wow you sure met some strange people that day what with the FP's and pool hopping!

BTW please can you tell me that secret exit at AK, it looks great :thumbsup2
Wow you sure met some strange people that day what with the FP's and pool hopping!

BTW please can you tell me that secret exit at AK, it looks great :thumbsup2

I think that whole day was just off.

And I'm not sure how "secret" it is anymore...I just never knew about it till someone told me. :laughing: There's a wide bridge that you cross from the Tree of Life to exit and it normally looks like you turn have to turn either left or right to exit. But you can actually walk straight thru the rocks that are in front of you. It's kind of a "cave" and it leads out to another bridge. You can then go left or right from there. They have some great birds in this area.
And I'm not sure how "secret" it is anymore...I just never knew about it till someone told me. :laughing: There's a wide bridge that you cross from the Tree of Life to exit and it normally looks like you turn have to turn either left or right to exit. But you can actually walk straight thru the rocks that are in front of you. It's kind of a "cave" and it leads out to another bridge. You can then go left or right from there. They have some great birds in this area.
Oh I have read about that before on a certain paid website but could never figure out exactly where it was, I'll be sure to find it next time :rotfl2:
Hi all,

I hope you and the mods will indulge me with this post since it is a bit off topic from my trippie...this may also explain my absence the past couple of weeks...

Most you you know my DMIL from reading our trip reports and how much fun she is. Well we recently received some scary news....I was wondering if anyone knows anything about or anyone who has had spindle cell sarcoma? My DMIL was just diagnosed with this rare form of cancer (the doctors are the ones who called it rare.) The tumor is in her heart/lung/sternum area...they are not yet sure what it has attached itself to...we are still waiting to find that out. But the biopsy came back last week with the malignant cancer diagnosis. Our family knows nothing about this, but we are hoping for the best.

We are checking out the different hospitals in Chicago, but she's willing to go where ever to find a doc who knows about this. I've also posted in the Coping and Compassion section, but I know that is a place I usually do not visit (and have already gotten a few good responses.) So I figured I'd post here as well on the off chance someone knows someone who knows someone.

She did say yesterday while we were at the hospital that she was in no uncertain terms going to be rid of this so she could go with us in September...the power of Disney!

Thanks all!

:grouphug: to you and your family and lots of :wizard:.

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with this type of cancer. You've probably seen the commercials too but there is a Cancer Treatment Center of America in Zion, IL. I would also recommend a 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th opinion.
Oh Ty I'm so sorry, I don't have any knowledge of that type of cancer but my family has been affected by other types. I hope your MIL keeps her positive attitude as it really helps :hug:

I LOVE this picture! :rotfl2:
And AKL...:cloud9:

Sounds like you had a pretty good day and night despite the weird people you ran across not wanting FPs (and being rude about it!), then the waiter...:confused3

I'm so sorry to hear about your DMIL too...:hug: I don't know anything about that form of cancer, but I will be praying for and thinking of her, and your family during this difficult time. The default hospital us Minnesotans go to is Mayo when we have something 'rare' or unexplained going on. Mayo isn't too far from you, so it's always a definite possiblity. The town its in (Rochester) actually has an airport too so getting there is even easier.
:grouphug: to you and your family and lots of :wizard:.

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with this type of cancer. You've probably seen the commercials too but there is a Cancer Treatment Center of America in Zion, IL. I would also recommend a 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th opinion.

Thanks irish dancer for the good wishes. It's kind of funny - at least it made DMIL laugh! - but when you look online for this type you find way more info on it for dogs! At one point we suggested going to see our little doggie's vet...she got a kick out of that :) We have seen the commercials and that has been suggested...she's basically on her second opinon now.

Oh Ty I'm so sorry, I don't have any knowledge of that type of cancer but my family has been affected by other types. I hope your MIL keeps her positive attitude as it really helps :hug:

Thanks Jo - we just left the new hospital and she really is as positive as ever. We'll know more next week, but there's a chance she won't be joining us now in September. But, her exact words when I asked about the long treatment were "I'm just going to have to give them (the docs) a deadline!" :laughing:

I LOVE this picture! :rotfl2:
And AKL...:cloud9:

I do too - it cracks me up every time, and AKL just makes me go ahhhhhhhhhh.

I'm so sorry to hear about your DMIL too...:hug: I don't know anything about that form of cancer, but I will be praying for and thinking of her, and your family during this difficult time. The default hospital us Minnesotans go to is Mayo when we have something 'rare' or unexplained going on. Mayo isn't too far from you, so it's always a definite possiblity. The town its in (Rochester) actually has an airport too so getting there is even easier.

Thanks Brook - the Mayo had actually been tossed around since it really is not that far in the scheme of things. I think whenever someone gets something "rare" we also think Mayo...when I was having some mysterious lung thing three years ago we almost went. But then we took a trip to WDW and when we got back it had completely cleared up! I now call the castle my healing castle :cutie:

I really do appreciate all the well wishes, they mean a lot to the entire family, so thank you all again!!!!
Well we finally have a path forward. First, after sending the slides to the Mayo Clinic they changed the type to Synovial Sarcoma. While still rare, there seems to be a lot more information out there on it. They will operate on Friday, as they want to get the tumor out, but they also know it has pentrated the heart. The unknown it just how far and deep in a couple of places, so it will be open heart and possibly rebuilding of part of it. The wildcard is how much/deep it is in the right ventricle (I think that's correct) as they cannot rebuild/fix that. That's what has me worried.

I may bring my laptop while we wait on Friday to try and write more trippie since that is a happy thing and we want to be thinking happy thoughts on what will probably be a long and tense day.

I had also posted on the Coping and Compassion board, so may be updating over on that thread if any of you are interested in following this, althought I'll still let you all know what happened briefly, but I need to get this back to my "happy" thread ;) http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2175881
I just got back from a long weekend away-was the surgery this past Friday (the 22nd), or this coming Friday?

I'll head over to the Caring & Compassion board too. I hope all is well Ty! :hug:
It’s our last park day :sad1: and we seem to have established a tradition for the last full day during out last couple of trips. We’ll hit Epcot and the MK and then have yummy room service for dinner. I start out my last breakfast at AKV (won’t be eating before the flight tomorrow :eek:!) the way I have many other days….my Mickey waffle while taking in the view




DH had some hummus and pita chips from Mara to start his day:



It was then off to the TTC – we parked at the MK so we could just hop the monorail to Epcot and then back to the MK.


We got a few good shots as the monorail headed into Epcot….




And then as we walked in

We got lucky walking into Epcot and got a great PP photog who was up for some fun. First, we were so happy to be at Epcot




Then we mentioned it was our last day, so he took the following shots



I love a PP photog who has fun with their job!

Continued in next post....
We wandered around a bit


and I decided that I wanted to try and find the Beast Library from Beauty and the Beast. I’d read about it, but had never seen it for myself. It’s stashed in the back of the France pavilion behind the perfume shop and really was worth searching out…







We walked through the perfume shop

and headed outside. We had a great shot of the hedge maze and Sleeping Beauty was nearby.


A line was already forming so we skipped the character greeting and decided to head over to the MK.

I think at this point DH was starting to feel a little yucky…yep it was finally his day. See, every single trip DH is usually sick for a day….who knows what causes it, but he recovers by the afternoon. This time it seemed to be the reverse and he was ok in the morning but was now starting to feel icky. Of course, I had no sympathy!! I wanted to go to the MK and we were going (I know – nice huh!) So instead of arguing he said fine…plus we had to go as I still had to get Mickey ears for a friend of mine.

We also had to stop and say goodbye to our brick ;)


We then headed in got as far as the beginning of Main Street and DH was really starting to feel horrible. I told him to sit somewhere cause I wanted to find the personalized ears. But he started looking on one side and me on the other…who knew we were right around the corner from them! I spotted them, called him over and there wasn’t much of a line. So he just hung outside while I got them for my friend back home. It was then time to head out – the original plan had us going over to the Contemporary, but I figured DH would be too sick. NOPE – somehow he couldn’t stay in the MK any longer, but was fine walking round the CR – it’s that type of thing that makes you go hmmmmmmm :rotfl:

We got a shot of the newly renovated store, and I found this shirt for him in another one :lmao:


Although I’m sure he would say I’m much more suited to that shirt when we are WDW and he’s not following my schedule :rotfl2::laughing:

Continued in next post...
We then grabbed a couple more shots of BLT


And all too soon it was time to head out.

After our last monorail ride of the trip,

DH snapped me holding on for dear life :sad1:

We just kicked back at AKL for a while and then ordered the traditional “last meal” HA! We always order the prime rib from Boma and something else to split. This time was no exception. DH even got one of the giant Zebra Domes from room service.





It was yummy as usual, and now it was time to finish packing :guilty: But we had to get a couple of last minute photos in…..

Here’s AKL lit up at night from our room:

Then we even noticed what looked like a refurb going on in one of the rooms. Also made me think that if we were getting this good of a shot, no wonder they tell you to close your drapes :eek:

We ended the night with packing and found these…with everything that happened on the trip, we completely forgot we had “free” things from Disney!!

Tomorrow it’s back to reality….but first I have to get on that evil plane. And since I’ve been on such heavy antibiotics I didn’t start taking my happy plane pills in advance like I did on the way down…..
Oh no it's nearly over, lovely last day though well except for DH feeling ill and fantastic PP photos :rotfl:

Hope MIL is doing fine :hug:


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