May With Toddler & Pregnant


Disney Vet
Jun 6, 2006
Since we are expecting our second baby, we are considering a last minute trip the 3rd week of May (this month) with our 2.5 year old before we add another baby this fall.

I haven't gone at this time of year and I'm wondering how hot it feels as well as how the crowds are. We would only be doing 3 days in the park, using some tickets we already have. The plan is to tour early in the morning, nap or swim at the condo in the afternoon, and go back in the evenings. The other 2.5 days of our trip will be spent at the beach and the condo resort.

I'm just debating about whether it will be too hot and/or crowded to be enjoyable since I will be 5 months pregnant and my toddler gets warm pretty quickly. Would love to hear from others who have gone at this time of year. If we don't go at the end of May, we will probably go as a family of 4 in April.
One thing I'm wondering is what time of day it gets oppressively hot and whether it cools down at all in evening, and at what time?
We haven't done May specifically, but we're just back from an end-of-April trip with our 1.5 year old toddler and I was 20 weeks pregnant while there. I found the weather very manageable for the whole family, and I think personally you will be fine especially if you plan on mid day breaks. We spend the morning through early evening in the parks, and my daughter was fine with afternoon stroller naps. One tip is we did bring a fan for her stroller which we used especially during her naps. I think with a relaxed touring plan, it should be very possible!
Glad to answer any questions about our trip :) Have fun!
Ok, so our 2014 trip involved DH, our girls (10 and 7 at the time) and a 20 week pregnant me. It was August. It was HOT. Parts of me swelled that I didn't even realize was possible.

After that trip, I swore to never go to Disney pregnant again, which I'm sticking to because I've since had my tubes tied, lol. Being pregnant at Disney just wasn't for me.

As for your toddler....our trip last week, our 15 month old was in tow, and it was very HOT (92+) and we found that he got very sweaty in his stroller. We made sure to take breaks and play in pop jets whenever we saw them. :)
I have gone to WDW while pg with all 3 of my kids. I wasn't as far along as you are now (2 1st tri trips and 1 early 2nd tri trips) and we went in mid April. It DID get warm but I found that it was pretty easy to manage since there are many shaded areas and indoor activities. On my last pg trip I ended up with a bladder infection and had to go to the urgent care off-site where they also told me I was dehydrated. So keeping your water intake up is a must. With my first trip pg I had a 2.5 yo and she did fine with the heat. We just made sure to keep her hydrated and found opportunities to get her out of the stroller and inside somewhere that was cool fairly often. I know it will prob be a few degrees warmer in May but I would say that as long as you're feeling well you should be fine - just don't forget your water!:D
We just got back from a weeklong trip with a 2 1/2 year old and I was 23 weeks pregnant at the time. It went great! It was hot, but we tried to do mornings and evenings with midday breaks. Also, we took a slower pace and I drank a lot of water (my son too!). It was a fantastic trip and I was glad to get in one more trip with my son as an only child.
We spent 10 days in beginning of May when I was 8 months pregnant with #4 and 8 days at the end of August last year when I was 7 months with #5. Since I couldn't ride some things I spent a lot of time sitting in the shade or a/c drinking water. We always do rope drop and leave the parks by lunch and head to the water parks til 4-5 and then head back to the parks after dinner til park closing. I was hot but it's definitely doable.
honestly, check the long term forecast for the remainder of the month. We were there the 4-10. The 4, 5 and 6th were 100% fine - 78 to 81 degrees and the sun was hot but not horribly so. However, Saturday the 7 - 10 the weather got much warmer. Honestly it was not the humidity that got us but the sun strength (from Chicago and all pale). Those last 4 days the sun was awful. 9 am and we were scolding - literally skin burning that early and it lasted all day into the early evening. I didn't even want to take DS (2) to the pool at 4pm because it was still so unbelievable strong. I promise I will never go June July or August and will seriously consider even going in September.


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