Marathon Weekend 2016

I'm peaking at 26 miles 4 weeks out but that is just a choice of mine for the mental aspect. I had to run 13-14 before I tried to race a half too. The longest training run I'll do with any speed is 14 miles with only the last 6-7 at goal pace. Most of my long runs are very pedestrian when compared to my race pace.

I started by following a plan on an app but I didn't really like it so I had an experienced runner friend/XC coach amend the plan beginning Sept. 1. He's got close to 70k miles under his belt and knows me well enough that I felt comfortable going with his suggestions.
I'm using the Nike+ Running apps beginners marathon program and it has me topping out at 22 miles wich I think will be perfect for me I really want to get over 20 pre race just for the mental aspect of it and if I can nail that 22 then I know that race day adrenaline should be enough to get me through the rest especially if I pay attention and pace myself early on, but as has been discussed already here a lot just depends on you personally, Running is mostly mental and whatever you feel you need to do ahead of race day to be mentally prepared that's what you should follow
Awesome job on the PR, @JClimacus ! It may not have been exactly what you wanted, but you came pretty darn close (and if you think about it, unless you ran the tangents perfectly, you probably did run 13.1 miles in under 1:40)!
I hope your calf is back to 100% soon.

Thanks everyone! In a situation like this, you can drive yourself crazy thinking about all of the places you could have shaved off 2 secs. I was pretty annoyed yesterday but today I'm being more philosophical: I dropped my PR significantly which is enough joy for one race, and I still have ahead of me the joy of seeing that sub 1:40 time for the first time. Hope everyone's training goes well into the runup to Marathon Weekend!
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The key is that you don't want to exceed more than 3 hours of running (during training) - in general. I realize for some slower paces you might have to.

Is this even for run/walkers? Even at my best predicted time I'm at a 5.5 hour marathon.... So not clear how this ( max 3 hour training) translates to preparing me or others like me for the marathon itself.

Speaking as a run/walker at the slow end of the spectrum, no way am I tapping out at 3 hours: that's only a little more than a half-marathon for me! I know from past experience that my body (read: YMMV) needs to come relatively close to the race distance in training. I've gotten up to 17 miles so far, and will do 19 this weekend... and I can say with certainty that my 15 and 17 mile training runs were a lot different than 13.1! I can also say that I felt much stronger at 17 than 15. My plan is to do 19 this weekend, 21 in 2 weeks, and 23 3 weeks out from the race... but I'm leaving it all a little fluid, too: I'll cut them back if I feel like I'm doing more harm than good, and if it's hot and I'm going really slow I'll go by time based on what I expect to run in January. For me, none of it is mental: I have no mental doubts about being able to do it. But I know from experience that my body performs better with more easy training miles.
Another Wine and Diner just back here. I was planning on that being a long run weekend, but obviously that was a bust. ;) So I felt I had to redeem myself, and get going with training for this full, so yesterday I did my longest run to date, 16 miles! I'm sort of blown away that I actually did that, but also blown away that I have to do another 10 on top of that. :faint:

For those of you who have trained for a full before, what was your longest run before the actual marathon?

2 ea 20 milers was my max.

Joining in here! I'm a 22 year old college senior running my first half! Just ran 10.81 yesterday with a pace of 8.55 min/mile for a total of 1:36. My goal is to keep my half under 2 hours! Cannot wait :)

Good job! I would feel comfortable saying sub 2 hours is well within your reach. Keep up the hard work!

WaHoo! This is the exciting time as corrals come out, merchandise is released, and the course is finalized!

I am looking forward to getting some e-mails with this information soon! I have a feeling we wont find out until late December though.

I just finished my last race before Goofy - a half marathon in Newburyport, MA. Strained my calf at mile 8 - I don't think it is too bad but it caused me to run with a hitch - and missed my sub 1:40 goal by 2 secs: 1:40:01. Ouch! But I did PR by 4+ minutes. Hopefully I'll only have to be off it for a couple of days. Next stop Goofy!

Congrats on the PR!

Put in 23 miles yesterday - on the treadmill no less. It was a crazy busy weekend, so only time to run was 4 am. I had no intent to run in the dark at that hour. Yeah, it's a girl thing.

Our local weather guy has been working on a 12 week long range forecast theory. It's still not peer reviewed and passed all scientific tests, but it's gaining traction due to its accuracy. Currently calling for mild temps the week of Jan 3 with chance of midweek rain and cooler temps to close the week. Highs in low 70s and lows in low 50s.

That's a interesting site. Accuweather has a long range forecast but its still ~10 days from marathon day forecast. For some reason it seems like they shortened their long range forecast, maybe I am just making things up though... According to that link, it looks like a front may move though around midweek and cooler temps for the weekend. I would be ok with that!
I don't have a lot of experience with run/walk, but as @Pleglech suggests the 3-hour mark may not apply in these cases.

My question to those who do use run/walk is how do you determine your intervals? Let's say you're planning on running the marathon at 16:00 min/mile. It looks like Galloway suggests for a 16:00 min/mile you are to do 10 seconds running / 30 seconds walking. This would mean during a 16:00 min/mile there would be 24 interval sets. You would need to run a distance of 0.04 miles per interval set to complete a mile. Assuming an average walking pace 20:00 min/mile, after 30 seconds of walking you have covered 0.025 miles. This leaves 0.015 miles in 10 seconds or a pace of 11:11 min/mile. Does this sound correct?

So, since you're training for a 16:00 min/mile marathon pace, presumably 80% of your training should be at or slower than long run pace. Long run pace for someone training for a continuous 16:00 min/mile would be around 18:00 min/mile. So, do you adjust your training paces as well to an 18:00 min/mile run/walk interval? To me, it seems like you are already accomplishing the 80% since 75% of your long run is at 20:00 min/mile (below the 18:00 min/mile).

@PrincessV What do you do during the rest of the week beyond the long run?
I can only speak for myself. But for my long runs I use the intervals of 2min/2min or 2min/1min depending on how I feel. This gives me a pace of 12:30-13:30 on my long runs because I take it slower. During the week I do pace runs using the same intervals and my pace is 10:30-11:30. I will be doing at least one long run of 23 miles, I am still debating if I will go all the way to 26 like my plan has me doing.
That figures...I'll be running around on a ship in the Caribbean during that week and won't have Internet!!! maybe I can find some wifi on one of the islands - definitely not paying for it in the boat.

First World Problems!!!!!
Are you cruising on DCL? If so, just an FYI - you get 50 free MB of wireless internet per stateroom. Make sure to sign up by midnight on the first day, info should be in your Navigator. :)
Never too early for a weather forecaster to predict!

Just this morning I looked at our five day forecast and noticed this for Monday. It'll be "Warm" and partly cloudy but they threw in a snowflake just in case...

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Those darn weather forecasters.... Oops! Only missed it by 20 degrees. I guess it was a good move to include the snowflake.

Thanks for all the replies! I guess the answer is 1 size does not fit all. I'm loving seeing everyone's answers though. Definitely food for thought.
And I have never realized how much of a mental sport running is until the W&D. After waiting in the bus line and seeing the storm on radar, I was convinced we would be soaked. Then the delay, then the race being cut short I was at the point of not even wanting to bother to run. All those things really did mess with my mind and I didn't try as hard as I would have had things gone smoothly. Now I get that "mental" sport thing. ;)
In other news, wine and dine weekend is pretty much cursed.

Yup. Next year they are due for either a snowstorm or an earthquake.

Just finished my La Porte Bridge Series Half Marathon (Texas) in 1:49:55 (PR)...finally under 1:50! And this was a tough run with the 2nd highest (i think) bridge in was uphill for like 1.5 miles - both ways, in the snow, with a headwind, alligators on both sides and ill tempered pelicans!

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Snow alligators are the worst.

Another Wine and Diner just back here. I was planning on that being a long run weekend, but obviously that was a bust. ;) So I felt I had to redeem myself, and get going with training for this full, so yesterday I did my longest run to date, 16 miles! I'm sort of blown away that I actually did that, but also blown away that I have to do another 10 on top of that. :faint:

For those of you who have trained for a full before, what was your longest run before the actual marathon?

Alll over the place. Fastest marathon I did a 16 mile long run but ran more often and did longer midweek runs. Typically I do a couple 20 -22 milers during marathon training and usually wind up doing marathons just shy of 4 hours.

Essentially, @CamColt this is what it comes down to. The debate as to whether it is better to teach the body/mind to be able to run for 4-7 hours, or whether training for a longest period of 3 hours is physiologically sufficient. My advice comes from the physiologic standpoint, as little seems to be gained physically from doing exercise longer than 3 hours and the risk of injury rises dramatically. However, I do understand the counter (mental boost and time on your feet).

I personally feel this mental edge could be accomplished by doing more Saturday/Sunday runs if you have the time for it. If you decide to max at 3 hours on Sunday, then you could do a max training run of 1.5 hours on Saturday to reduce the freshness you are coming into Sunday's run with. This means you'll hit the same level of tiredness as the fresh Sunday, just sooner, thereby reducing the amount of time necessary out on the road the 2nd day. However, there is a HUGE caveat with this information. A training plan should be viewed like a symphony. Rather than solely focusing on the brass or woodwinds, we need to remember how all the instruments come together to create the beautiful music we desire. Be careful using what I say and focus on the 1.5 hour Saturday run and 3 hour Sunday run, but forgetting the importance of the rest of the week.

For me, I've maxed at the following...

1st Marathon - 20 miles x1 (3:34) (max per week 26 miles) - Time 4:50
2nd Marathon - 20 miles x2 (3:03, 3:07) (max per week 48 miles, Dopey training) - Time 4:35
3rd Marathon - 20 miles x4 (2:50-3:24) (max per week 31 miles) - Time 4:20
4th Marathon - 17 miles x1 (2:46) (max per week 42 miles, Dopey training) - Time 4:27
5th Marathon - 20 miles x2 (3:14) (max per week 43 miles) - Time 4:58
6th Marathon - 16 miles x3 (2:28) (max per week 60 miles) - Time 3:38

My 6th marathon was BY FAR the best experience I have ever had running a race. Never felt overly tired and finished very easily.

i have a very similar experiences although my marathons 1-5 range from 3:55-4:30 and my Hanson time was 3:41

I just finished my last race before Goofy - a half marathon in Newburyport, MA. Strained my calf at mile 8 - I don't think it is too bad but it caused me to run with a hitch - and missed my sub 1:40 goal by 2 secs: 1:40:01. Ouch! But I did PR by 4+ minutes. Hopefully I'll only have to be off it for a couple of days. Next stop Goofy!

Congrats on the PR
Hi everyone. Avengers half was great for me as I beat my first half time by almost 15 minutes! I'm not sure that that means I did better or really shows how much I wasn't running at the DLH. But either way I'll take it. I made sure to get to my corral in time (by the way, corral C was awesome). I still feel like I'm slower that I should be, but the soreness I'm feeling today is telling me, maybe I think too much of myself. LOL

Avengers was weird to me. I feel like RunDisney was using some cost savings measures at this race and it's sad. If you didn't preorder the 10k pins, you were out of luck. Zero at the expo. No fireworks at the beginning of the race. Just a little disappointing. Only 4 characters in the parks, not to mention barely 2 miles in the parks.

On the interval talk, I kind of randomly chose 1:1 as that seemed the least annoying. I know that's not scientific, but it works for me. I don't run a 13 min/mile the way a 1:1 suggests I should be. I'm just slow I guess.
Hi everyone. Avengers half was great for me as I beat my first half time by almost 15 minutes! I'm not sure that that means I did better or really shows how much I wasn't running at the DLH. But either way I'll take it. I made sure to get to my corral in time (by the way, corral C was awesome). I still feel like I'm slower that I should be, but the soreness I'm feeling today is telling me, maybe I think too much of myself. LOL

Avengers was weird to me. I feel like RunDisney was using some cost savings measures at this race and it's sad. If you didn't preorder the 10k pins, you were out of luck. Zero at the expo. No fireworks at the beginning of the race. Just a little disappointing. Only 4 characters in the parks, not to mention barely 2 miles in the parks.

On the interval talk, I kind of randomly chose 1:1 as that seemed the least annoying. I know that's not scientific, but it works for me. I don't run a 13 min/mile the way a 1:1 suggests I should be. I'm just slow I guess.

That's awesome on the improvement...I told you that you rock!!!

As for runDisney...I'm also sad about how little, if any, pictures/videos/etc are posted by them about these events - I can't find squat unless it is from actual runners themselves. For example the facecrap site has only a few pics of the 5K but nothing since!!! ***, Disney!!! I love seeing pictures of these things and they have photographers everywhere but are they hiding all the pics for themselves?!?!? I don't get it.
Hi everyone. Avengers half was great for me as I beat my first half time by almost 15 minutes! I'm not sure that that means I did better or really shows how much I wasn't running at the DLH. But either way I'll take it. I made sure to get to my corral in time (by the way, corral C was awesome). I still feel like I'm slower that I should be, but the soreness I'm feeling today is telling me, maybe I think too much of myself. LOL

Avengers was weird to me. I feel like RunDisney was using some cost savings measures at this race and it's sad. If you didn't preorder the 10k pins, you were out of luck. Zero at the expo. No fireworks at the beginning of the race. Just a little disappointing. Only 4 characters in the parks, not to mention barely 2 miles in the parks.

On the interval talk, I kind of randomly chose 1:1 as that seemed the least annoying. I know that's not scientific, but it works for me. I don't run a 13 min/mile the way a 1:1 suggests I should be. I'm just slow I guess.

Way to go! Anytime you beat a PR by 15 minutes is a huge success! Keep up with that endurance zone (relative slow running) training and you'll see large gains in performance. Sad to hear about the cut-backs. Hopefully, this isn't the start of a new trend.
As for runDisney...I'm also sad about how little, if any, pictures/videos/etc are posted by them about these events - I can't find squat unless it is from actual runners themselves. For example the facecrap site has only a few pics of the 5K but nothing since!!! ***, Disney!!! I love seeing pictures of these things and they have photographers everywhere but are they hiding all the pics for themselves?!?!? I don't get it.

Go here to see some photos & video stuff

They really have slacked on social media postings of photos and videosthis year sadly.
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That's awesome on the improvement...I told you that you rock!!!

As for runDisney...I'm also sad about how little, if any, pictures/videos/etc are posted by them about these events - I can't find squat unless it is from actual runners themselves. For example the facecrap site has only a few pics of the 5K but nothing since!!! ***, Disney!!! I love seeing pictures of these things and they have photographers everywhere but are they hiding all the pics for themselves?!?!? I don't get it.

Thanks!! Yeah, I was surprised their Twitter feed went dark after Friday. That's unusual for them. They are usually better than that.

Way to go! Anytime you beat a PR by 15 minutes is a huge success! Keep up with that endurance zone (relative slow running) training and you'll see large gains in performance. Sad to hear about the cut-backs. Hopefully, this isn't the start of a new trend.

Thanks!!! I do feel good about it and my BF even had my medal engraved for the accomplishment. I'm going to keep going with training the way I had started the last 2 weeks (thanks to you and everyone on this thread!) and see what happens in January!!


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