Make a Wish (and other organizations) - Wish Trippers UNITE! Volume THREE! :)

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Need countdown ticker help. I got the countdown ticker created, however, I do not know how to get it on my signature. Abby and I worked on it together, since, she can look daily on here to see how long until her wonderful trip. Can someone please explain to me how to get it on my signature?

I see you already know how to get info in your signature... so you know go to UserCP, & edit signature. When you made your ticker you will see the code for the ticker. You need to copy and paste it into your sig... it will look something like this:


The { } will look like [ ] though.

I hope this helps.

I see you already know how to get info in your signature... so you know go to UserCP, & edit signature. When you made your ticker you will see the code for the ticker. You need to copy and paste it into your sig... it will look something like this:


The { } will look like [ ] though.

I hope this helps.


I can't believe your daughter's MAW trip is almost here!
We are home!! Another long 6 days admission. I can't wait until they open the new hospital in July 2011. All rooms will be private. It'll make stays easier. I have a lot to catch up on. We came home with more meds, so hopefully we can controls this constipation(puesido(sp) Obstruction). Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers.
Is a little frustrated tonight. Now that we have our dates feb 24-march 2, I am now in panic mode over planning.:scared1: I haven't been to WDW since I was 5 and hubby has never been. His thinking is lets just get there and we will decide from then. :mad: Well I am thinking that he thinks it's like going to Busch Gardens. Ummm NOT. :eek: Just venting a little.:headache:

My husband is like this too. Im the planner and he's like...we have all this time to figure things out.
Well we finally got our new dates! We decided to go with the busy Easter season, and will fly to Florida on April 18th ( my DD's 5th birthday) and fly home April 24th, (Easter and my DH's birthday!) We are loaded with April oldest son's is April 16 so we'll be doing a lot of celebrating in Florida.
I haven't been on too much because about two weks after the transplant, I overdid myself and got sick from anemia. But now I'm on the up and hopefully I can keep up with my wish kid Kaleb... he's done so well with this transplant, it's hard to believe he had a major surgery last month.... Children are resilient even in the face of tons of meds, blood draws and tubes, I am thankful to God for His care. I look forward to posting more and following your PTR's and TR's.....
Oh and I did gt a CRT adr, so that'll be fun.
I was trying to decide whtether or not to create a new PTR but I think I'll keep the old...I posted this entry on it too. Hopeflly I can get more creative with it....

Thank you Friends!

Congrats on getting new dates!!!!
Hey guys! I know I haven't been on much lately, but could you all keep a family friend in your prayers? They just found out their son has cancer today. Hopefully it is only in his knee- they go for a scan tomorrow morning. He had been having problems with his knee for 2 years and they just now figured out why. He is 11 years old and I don't think they have told him yet, as they don't know the extent of it yet. Please pray for him and his family. I knew this was the place to go, as you all understand how it is to have a sick kiddo. Thanks.

Keeping the family in my thoughts and prayers.
A couple of weeks ago I made my first fleece blanket for a birthday gift. I also made Kylee one to take to the hospital(which we did at this last admission). Kylee loved it. All these big give inspired me to do something crafty. I'm going to make the other kids ones for christmas gifts.

Thank you everyone for the ticker help. I am going to try to work on that tomorrow. Right now I have a sick little one. :sick: Abby came home from school today, not feeling good. She has been asleep since 6pm, we are hoping it is just a cold, however, a cold with her asthma and respitory problems usually turns into more. Hoping that our Thanksgiving isn't spent in the ER.:sad1:
A couple of weeks ago I made my first fleece blanket for a birthday gift. I also made Kylee one to take to the hospital(which we did at this last admission). Kylee loved it. All these big give inspired me to do something crafty. I'm going to make the other kids ones for christmas gifts.

Glad you are home and love the blanket! I made one tonight too, went nuts at Hancocks and bought fleece for 6 blankets. They are quick and easy though!
As I look back on our 2007 Trip to GKTW Village, I can see what a positive impact it had on our daughter and our family. It was so encouraging to her, so uplifting, so reassuring that people really do care. It was so refreshing and renewing to us, helping us to muster the energy and hope to keep going.

Now, 3 years later, she is in remission and doing wonderfully. At Thanksgiving, I give thanks for all the GKTW, Make a Wish and Disney did to make her dream come true.

Haylee's daddy made it home safely from Kuait yesterday just in time for Turkey Day!! As if that is not enough to be thankful for!!! We will have hime here for 2 weeks then he goes back.
But I am so thankful for having found this board and for our very special trip!!I have made new friends and feel like I am stil on an adventure every time I jump onto the board!!!
Haylee's having a bad seizure day today but I am thankful right now that the valuume has pulled her out of it and she is resting on the couch with her big sister!!!
Love to all of you today!!:lovestruc
Haylee's daddy made it home safely from Kuait yesterday just in time for Turkey Day!! As if that is not enough to be thankful for!!! We will have hime here for 2 weeks then he goes back.
But I am so thankful for having found this board and for our very special trip!!I have made new friends and feel like I am stil on an adventure every time I jump onto the board!!!
Haylee's having a bad seizure day today but I am thankful right now that the valuume has pulled her out of it and she is resting on the couch with her big sister!!!
Love to all of you today!!:lovestruc

:)So happy that daddy made it home for this wonderful holiday and is able to spend 2 weeks with his family. Sorry that Haylee is having a rough day today, hoping that things start getting better for all of you.:hug:
Today I am thankful for my family, my kids and for my new friends on the disboards! Thank you all for being so helpful! My whole family is loving reading about your trips and looking forward to ours.
Poor Abby is still not feeling good. Vomiting and diarreah, which all that strain from vomiting is now putting her in severe back pain from all her fractures in her vertebra:sad1: I can't give her ibuprophen or even her loritab or roxicet because of her upset tummy. She is in my bed sleeping laying on the heating pad and hopefully that will help some. Hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for my wonderful family and my wonderful life that God has freely given me. I am thankful for the love I recieve daily and the support I recieve continuously. I am also thankful for the disboards and my friends on here. I wouldn't change my life even if I could. Thank you God.:)
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!!:goodvibes:goodvibes

I can't believe your daughter's MAW trip is almost here!
Thank you.. we can't believe we are leaving in 5 days!!!!!! :eek::banana:

We are home!! Another long 6 days admission. I can't wait until they open the new hospital in July 2011. All rooms will be private. It'll make stays easier. I have a lot to catch up on. We came home with more meds, so hopefully we can controls this constipation(puesido(sp) Obstruction). Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers.
Glad you guys got out of there before Thanksgiving. I hope you won't be back for a looooong while.:sad2:

Thank you everyone for the ticker help. I am going to try to work on that tomorrow. Right now I have a sick little one. :sick: Abby came home from school today, not feeling good. She has been asleep since 6pm, we are hoping it is just a cold, however, a cold with her asthma and respitory problems usually turns into more. Hoping that our Thanksgiving isn't spent in the ER.:sad1:
Looks like you got it working!!! WTG!

I hope Abby is doing OK and you guys had a nice quiet relaxing Thanksgiving at HOME. ::yes::
Well Abby is still not feeling well.:sick: Not vomiting anymore, but now has a horrible cough, we are doing breathing treatments, however, if she still sounds like this in the am, I am taking her to the dr. I am thinking bronchitis or penuomnia. Ugggg, too much coughing can = broken vertebrea or ribs.:sad2:
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