Main St. Bypass Should Remain Open!


Earning My Ears
Sep 9, 2015
I apologize in advance for such a lengthy post, but I had to get this off my chest. I am a local with an annual pass, who visits the parks frequently. Over the past year I have noticed that crowd levels have surged at the Magic Kingdom. I have also noticed a decline in the behavior of guests, and a lack of respect for cast members. I am not a cast member, and have no connection to Disney beyond being a fan. During the evenings, Main Street and the Hub area have become especially congested. The cast members attempt to control the crowds, but the guests do not respect the authority of the cast. There is a feeling of chaos and danger in that area of the Magic Kingdom during the electrical parade and the lead up to wishes. Last night the situation escalated to a dangerous level. I was attempting to exit the park on the tomorrowland side. Usually the Main St. bypass is open during heavy crowds. The bypass was not open, even though the park’s crowd was off the charts. The crowd was at a standstill in front of the Plaza restaurant. After waiting several minutes I realized that there was no way to exit the park. I walked over to the security guard on duty at the bypass and told her about the situation. She said that they had not “planned” to open the bypass this evening. I then went back into the crowd. An elderly woman began to hyperventilate. She was swaying from side to side and I thought she might drop down to the ground. Several guests lifted their strollers over their heads and parted the way so that she could go into the dining room at the Plaza. At this point I returned to the bypass and told the security guard that something must be done, as we are effectively trapped on this side of the park. At this point the crowd had filled in behind us, and backed up to the tomorrowland terrace area. A manager emerged from backstage, and asked me what the problem was, and I told him that something must be done. He accompanied me around the corner, and all of the color drained from his face when he saw the crowd surge in that area. He got on his walkie-talkie and said, “We must open the bypass. I don’t care whose approval we need, just do it.” At this point I returned to the bypass entrance, and an angry crowd had formed. The security guard stood her ground and held her hands out in front of her and told the guests they cannot pass through the bypass at this time. I honestly believed that they would push her out of the way. Several cast members emerged from backstage. After a stalemate between the crowd and cast members the bypass was finally opened. I feel that part of the blame lies with Disney. As a local, I can see that holiday level crowds have become the new normal at the Magic Kingdom. If the Magic Kingdom regularly experiences record crowds, then they also need to have a record level of responsiveness for dealing with those crowds. The bypass should remain open EVERY evening. There is no such thing as a ‘slow’ or even ‘average’ day at the Magic Kingdom any more. At the same time, I think that guests also have a responsibility to follow the directions of the cast members. I think that Disney needs to review the crowd flow at the Magic Kingdom, because something just isn’t right about that particular area of the park. I would also encourage everyone to be on alert when in that area. I don’t want to create unnecessary drama; I just want everyone to be able to enjoy the Magic Kingdom safely.
I've had the blessing of never being in a park higher than a crowd level 6 of 10, but after hearing this (And stories my Mom told me about December-January tripearlier this year), I'm terrified. All the construction doesn't appear to be helping flow of people or anything. They should consider a second entrance/exit to MK (lets say, open at 11:00am)? As well as DHS and AK. Epcot's got one already, but as the biggest park acreage-wise, they probably needed one.
This was last night? Wow!! I have never experience such craziness but I do travel during off peak times which last night supposedly is. This is really insane. I hope to never experience anything like this.
I've had the blessing of never being in a park higher than a crowd level 6 of 10, but after hearing this (And stories my Mom told me about December-January tripearlier this year), I'm terrified. All the construction doesn't appear to be helping flow of people or anything. They should consider a second entrance/exit to MK (lets say, open at 11:00am)? As well as DHS and AK. Epcot's got one already, but as the biggest park acreage-wise, they probably needed one.

Just so you'll know. (Trivia is what makes these boards hum.)
DAK is much larger than Epcot
I'll just list in approx. round numbers.

MK = 100+ Acres.
DHS = 135+ Acres.
Epcot = 300+ Acres.
DAK = 500+ Acres.

The acreage is not necessarily directly related to guest-areas, of course.
I think that Epcot can actually hold more guests than DAK.
Just so you'll know. (Trivia is what makes these boards hum.)
DAK is much larger than Epcot
I'll just list in approx. round numbers.

MK = 100+ Acres.
DHS = 135+ Acres.
Epcot = 300+ Acres.
DAK = 500+ Acres.

The acreage is not necessarily directly related to guest-areas, of course.
Sorry, I should have specified I meant Public-Area acreage. Thanks for allowing me to clarify.
I think part of the problem last night was that they did not expect that crowd level. This is usually one of the slowest times, but nothing is typical about MK anymore.
Sorry, I should have specified I meant Public-Area acreage. Thanks for allowing me to clarify.

But, as we can determine from Disney World history, the Epcot IG was not built due to large guest volume in the park.
It was built (several years after Epcot opened) to accommodate the guests staying at the newly constructed Epcot area resorts.

(It is nice that it's there, just on general principles, as well.)
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I think part of the problem last night was that they did not expect that crowd level. This is usually one of the slowest times, but nothing is typical about MK anymore.

I'm finding it hard to believe it was that busy in the park. Easy had it listed as a 1. They might have been off, but I doubt they were off from a 1 to off the charts busy. Maybe what you encountered was the typical congestion that happens for the Castle show, parade, and Wishes. Everyone packs in to Main Street and it can feel like the whole world is there!
I've had the blessing of never being in a park higher than a crowd level 6 of 10, but after hearing this (And stories my Mom told me about December-January tripearlier this year), I'm terrified. All the construction doesn't appear to be helping flow of people or anything. They should consider a second entrance/exit to MK (lets say, open at 11:00am)? As well as DHS and AK. Epcot's got one already, but as the biggest park acreage-wise, they probably needed one.

They have a second exit, but what the OP is stating is that it wasn't open to guests last night. When it is open it does ease the congestion quite a bit.
They have a second exit, but what the OP is stating is that it wasn't open to guests last night. When it is open it does ease the congestion quite a bit.

It's not a "second exit" from the park, however.
(In the sense that Epcot's International Gateway IS a completely separate gate to and from the park, in addition to the Epcot main front gates.)

For those who do not know...
There is a "Main Street Bypass" that runs behind the Main St. shops.
It connects back to the regular guest areas near Tony's in Town Square on the south end, and near the Plaza Restaurant on the north end.
This route is not always open to guests.

The second image below is an older photo that does not show recent "improvements"
in the bypass. The changes have made the area more "guest friendly" in appearance.



There is also a less-frequently-used backstage bypass that runs behind the Main St. Shops on the west side of Main St.
It runs between near the Barbershop and the Crystal Palace.

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This is why we don't go to the MK in the evening. It was bad years ago but it sounds worse now as far a crowd levels go.
This was last night? Wow!! I have never experience such craziness but I do travel during off peak times which last night supposedly is. This is really insane. I hope to never experience anything like this.

I'm finding it hard to believe it was that busy in the park. Easy had it listed as a 1. They might have been off, but I doubt they were off from a 1 to off the charts busy. Maybe what you encountered was the typical congestion that happens for the Castle show, parade, and Wishes. Everyone packs in to Main Street and it can feel like the whole world is there!

I watched the Electrical Parade via someones Periscope last night. It didn't look busy along the parade route in Liberty Square, however there was rain yesterday evening which may have been enough to force people to leave the park when they otherwise wouldn't be crushing towards the exit.
Wow, sounds like a crazy situation.

In all honesty, that area of WDW (where main street meets the hub, and a little further up main street towards the entrance) is the only place I've ever worried a little for our safety in the event of a trampling/stampede situation.... or getting separated from our kids. I was shocked our first visit after Wishes was over. Holy packed Main Street, with tired ornery people in one shoulder to shoulder, front to back mass...

The bypass should remain open EVERY evening. There is no such thing as a ‘slow’ or even ‘average’ day at the Magic Kingdom any more...

And, I guess it needs to be said (after many years of reading thousands of posts) that there are many guests who actually complain if they are routed through the Main St. bypass.
They don't like that the illusion is destroyed or that the "magic" is broken by such a trip
behind the scenes.

You can't please everybody no matter what you do.
When we were there about two weeks ago, it was low crowds relatively speaking. I can't remember the exact night we were there but the bypass was open in the evening. I agree with you, it should be open every night. I'm glad that elderly lady was ok, that is scary.
Wasn't the new renovated hub supposed to help with crowds?

It was/is to help with crowds IN the hub trying to view the shows, and those
who were trying to pass through the hub at/near show times.

At the same time they were/are building the new hub upgrades,
they were/are also giving the east backstage Main St. bypass a facelift.
And, I guess it needs to be said (after many years of reading thousands of posts) that there are many guests who actually complain if they are routed through the Main St. bypass.
They don't like that the illusion is destroyed or that the "magic" is broken by such a trip
behind the scenes.

You can't please everybody no matter what you do.
I'll give up the walk down Main Street if they would never close walking through the castle
Wasn't the new renovated hub supposed to help with crowds?
I think it was meant to bring more people into the hub area so they had prime spot for fireworks viewing. However, Main Street remains the same width, so having more people in the hub would actually exacerbate the bottleneck problem.
I wish MK would do something like they have in Disneyland Paris - behind all the shops on Main Street there is a hallway that is themed with restrooms and a back entrance to a lot of shops. It helped filter the crowds out a different way like the Main Street bypass at MK does and was set up to be guest facing. It really helped ease congestion.


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