Lone Ranger - No Spoilers

We thought The Lone Ranger was a campy, lame attempt at humor, which seemed wildly out of place in the middle of a violent bloodbath.

We could hardly cheer on our passive, anti-gun, pansy hero (are you kidding me?? This is NOT the Lone Ranger we grew up with). Even Tonto never got my full adoration. The character seemed restrained and never allowed to fully develop...like they thought the makeup was enough to pull it off.

I had a false sense of safety due to the Disney production label. This is not a traditional Disney movie. This was a violent, disturbing kowtow to the modern desensitized culture who ingests gore and shock for entertainment.

Do not, and I can't stress this enough, do not take young children to this movie. In fact, do not take peaceful adults who may frazzle at the sight of cannibalism. My manly, cowboy husband said it should have been rated R for the violence. He lives and breathes guns, horses and man movies, so this should give some indication of the amount and intensity of the mayhem.

However, our ticket prices were redeemed in the last 20 minutes of this 140 or so minute movie, when William Tell's overture began and the big screen was filled with Silver's thundering hooves, a racing train and good guy -bad guy chase scenes. THIS was what I came to see.

Overall, we both felt they missed the mark. We didn't regret seeing it, but Disney missed what could have been a solid hit out of the park.
Looks like this movie is nearing the end of its run. In my local theater there will be jus a single showing per day now. DVD can't be far off.
So now I wonder will we see a sequal. Its obviously been left open at the end of the movie to start the ''real'' story. I know Disney want it to be their new Pirates. Has the movie done well enough to make more?
I saw this on the 20th and I enjoyed it. Was it the best western/comedy I have seen...no...but it was enjoyable.

Agree with a couple of the posting that when the William Tell Overture bit in the film started that was just exciting!

I am glad I saw it on the Big Screen and I will be buying the DVD when it is released


I'm obviously a little late to the game here, but I finally got to see the Lone Ranger last night. DH and I thought it was great! After the reviews, we were very pleasantly surprised. Based on how unsuccessful it was financially, I'm feeling doubtful of a sequel, but then again, not every movie needs a sequel.
I enjoyed it as a Johnny Depp fan and as someone who doesn't like Armie Hammer. I didn't notice it being too long, but then again, I didn't drink a large pop while watching it :rotfl:

I used to watch the reruns when I was a kid and it reminded me a lot of the spirit of the show. Fun and action packed. And I must say, when the "William Tell Overture" started playing, I kept breaking out in a huge grin!


Loved the theme music at just the right time. What was the series quote the announcer made every week about the "thrilling tales of yester year?" Hi ho Silver and all that.

THis is exactly how I feel. I would LOVE to see it. I think I would really enjoy it and my two oldest children were begging to see it. But with the PG-13 rating and the fact the I have heard over and over that it is a TRUE PG-13 we will be skipping it. It's too bad they went that route. I was really hoping for a PG rating during those weeks it was unrated so we could go as a family. :(

I wonder how long it will be before they show it on network t.v. or the Disney Channel, and whether or not they'll remove the un-friendly-for-family scenes. They could easily edit those out.

Meanwhile, Hollywood needs to understand that the whole Western part of the U.S. does not look like Monument Valley. Promontory Summit (which is in northern Utah) should have had a lot of sagebrush, with a backdrop of the Rocky Mountains instead red cliffs. And why was the Lone Ranger from Texas so very far out of his jurisdiction?
We could hardly cheer on our passive, anti-gun, pansy hero.

My manly, cowboy husband said it should have been rated R for the violence. He lives and breathes guns, horses and man movies.

I'm passive, anti-gun and a "pansy" and have nothing to do with guns, horses and "man movies" but, I'm every bit as a much of a man as someone with those interests.

This kind of stereotyping is a bit offensive.
I'm passive, anti-gun and a "pansy" and have nothing to do with guns, horses and "man movies" but, I'm every bit as a much of a man as someone with those interests.

This kind of stereotyping is a bit offensive.
Hi Ho Kevin............awaaaay..................................i saw it twice and i think the critics just beat it to death. cowboys and indians are a hard sell anyway. wheres John Wayne when ya need him?
I'm passive, anti-gun and a "pansy" and have nothing to do with guns, horses and "man movies" but, I'm every bit as a much of a man as someone with those interests.

This kind of stereotyping is a bit offensive.

Please forgive me Kevin. I would never want to offend. Please allow me to rephrase what I meant to say. Having grown up watching the Lone Ranger and admiring his sharp-shooting ability and master gunmanship, we felt the screen writers had taken great liberty with what was one of the Lone Ranger's greatest admirable-worthy traits. He was a gun master and never hesitated to use a gun to settle the issue. While he never shot anyone in the body, he could shoot a gun out of a man's hand a mile away. The movie's character kept repeating how the law could handle everything and he never used guns. That was not the traditional Lone Ranger's stance at all.

My husband is manly as you are too. He watches guy movies and all that guy stuff and was really put off by the tone of violence in the movie. For him to be shocked at the violence actually shocked me.

That's all I was trying to say and again, please forgive. Anyone who has a name like yours is an awesome guy! :thumbsup2


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