Life is too short for self-hatred and celery sticks: final update 12/29, p.98

Today's countdown photos are of all 3 resorts that we're staying at. I really feel so blessed to have such a fun vacation right upon us. Some photos are big and some are small. :confused3

:simba: 6 days until WDW!!! :simba:

Now onto the photos. I'll start with AoA specifically the Nemo section, then the THV, and finally Kidani at AKV.




















*None of the above photos are mine. They all came from Google images. :goodvibes


Today is my last non-working day before the trip. I have so much on my plate today and the next 6 days. :faint: Aside from taking Joshua to and from Hebrew school, which is an hour round trip, I've got to: go to the Apple store and get my iPhone fixed. My new iPhone no less. :sad1: Once I downloaded iOS6, I've been unable to move my wifi button to the on position. :headache: I've literally had the phone a week and this happened the first day I got it. The only store is in SLC. I made an appointment for 1:00 today. I think the kids are going to try to talk us into seeing Frankenweenie. I really want to see it but don't have time for a flick today. We also need to get Joshua's hair trimmed, grocery store, organize my crazy work week, and finally clean. My house needs a good scrubbing.

DH works the next 4 days; two 12's and then a 48* at the FD. And no, none of its over time. They're shift trades for his multiple trips to Africa. He's now paying back.

This week I've still got to cancel the milk delivery, stop the mail, send in some financial forms for our LLC, work, we've got soccer, dance, and tumbling every night. On Tuesday and Thursday all 3 kids have activities. :crazy2: Combine all that with the pretrip jitters and basically I'm a mess. :rotfl2: A happy, excited mess, but a mess non the less :p I've still got Ridemax itineraries to create and print (even though the end up at the bottom of bag after lunch, I like to have them) and organize our travel and hotel documents. :hyper: We get Chloe's friend on Friday about 4:00 and take the dogs to the kennel. The girls want to get their nails done (painted). We're supposed to go to services for our friends' DD's bat mitzvah on Friday night but they live an hour away. The service will be no less than 90 minutes. We're also helping them set up chairs for the local service on Friday morning. We'll miss her actual bat mitzvah service as its Saturday night.

I feel exhausted now. :hourglass :hourglass :hourglass

Why is it that the week before vacation is always packed with so many things??;). Glad to know I am not the only one that goes thru this! Ha!;)

Your fligt to Pensacola sounds interesting! Pensacola is the home of the Blue Angels -- keep an eye out! Growing up, my dad had his private pilot license so have spent a lot of time flying in small planes. It was a lot of fun (and much quicker than driving places) but can understand if you don't like flying, how a bigger plane would feel more secure!

On a side note, we are also planning a late June DLR trip! Although, I keep going back and forth if we should go at spring break. The weather has been unbelievable these last couple of months in Seattle but soon enough, the grey and drizzle will return. I have no sun breaks planned until Disney in June. Yikes!
I'm tired just reading all that!

That makes me not want to download the ios6 update. I haven't had any issues with 5 but Jeff is refusing to update as he will lose google maps when he does.

And hey....Jeff and I met on match. As did my brother and his wife lol!
eandesmom said:
I'm tired just reading all that!

That makes me not want to download the ios6 update. I haven't had any issues with 5 but Jeff is refusing to update as he will lose google maps when he does.

And hey....Jeff and I met on match. As did my brother and his wife lol!

I'm on my phone waiting for Joshua....I didn't mean Match was bad in general but bad for me if that's how I'm meeting people since I'm already married- lmao!!!!! :lmao:

I didn't forget you MissKitty, I just didn't want Cynthia thinking I was slagging those who meet on Match. :goodvibes
You made me tired just reading all that. I understood what you meant about! I would need three days of downtime just to make up for what you have to do before you leave!
rentayenta said:
I'm on my phone waiting for Joshua....I didn't mean Match was bad in general but bad for me if that's how I'm meeting people since I'm already married- lmao!!!!! :lmao:

I didn't forget you MissKitty, I just didn't want Cynthia thinking I was slagging those who meet on Match. :goodvibes

I knew what you meant lol. Just teasing you.
Why is it that the week before vacation is always packed with so many things??;). Glad to know I am not the only one that goes thru this! Ha!;)

Your fligt to Pensacola sounds interesting! Pensacola is the home of the Blue Angels -- keep an eye out! Growing up, my dad had his private pilot license so have spent a lot of time flying in small planes. It was a lot of fun (and much quicker than driving places) but can understand if you don't like flying, how a bigger plane would feel more secure!

On a side note, we are also planning a late June DLR trip! Although, I keep going back and forth if we should go at spring break. The weather has been unbelievable these last couple of months in Seattle but soon enough, the grey and drizzle will return. I have no sun breaks planned until Disney in June. Yikes!

Please tell me how to prepare myself for a small plane? I'm guessing its a little cooler as far as scenery but more bumpy? The bumpy scares me. :scared1: That's cool he was a pilot. Did you get to fly all over? Blue Angels? Neat! We have a local air show here and the Angels always open it up; they're unreal.

I don't know but it seems that the stuff hits the fan the week before a trip? :crazy: Went to the Apple Store and of course they forget to put my screen protector back on the new phone, the old one was not fixable, so now I'm without a protector. I swear I'm not a Negative Nelly but this is frustrating. The Apple Store said I can drive back down and get it or call Apple Support. I called Apple Support. They're sending me out a new protector. It won't be the same as the one I bought from AT&T but it'll be comparable. 26 minutes later. I'm going to need a vacation to recoup from preparing for my vacation. :rotfl:

Does it rain a lot in Seattle in June too? Are the winters harsh? Spring Break is a great time weather wise but it's so hit and miss with crowd levels. Have you stayed at the GCV?​

I'm tired just reading all that!

That makes me not want to download the ios6 update. I haven't had any issues with 5 but Jeff is refusing to update as he will lose google maps when he does.

And hey....Jeff and I met on match. As did my brother and his wife lol!

Don't do it. My phone was not fixable and I had to get a new one which lead to another headache (see above).​

I'm here!
I need to catch up in between last minute planning and packing.

:welcome: and :woohoo: Can't wait to meet up at F&W! Jen cubed. :thumbsup2

You made me tired just reading all that. I understood what you meant about! I would need three days of downtime just to make up for what you have to do before you leave!

Girl, I'm fried already. I'm trying to talk the kids out of decorating for Halloween. At this point, we'll enjoy it for 10 days and be gone for 13. :hyper:

I knew what you meant lol. Just teasing you.

:rotfl2: Whew. I honestly thought I had offended you. Had I had your cell, I would have text you. Lol!​

I'm here!
I can't believe you're leaving SO soon!!!


:welcome: Amanda. Glad you're here. I need to catch on your report.

Are the kids getting excited for Halloween?​
That's one busy list of last week things to do. Hope you get it all done and yet manage to stay relatively sane.

Not long to go now.
Went to the Apple Store and of course they forget to put my screen protector back on the new phone, the old one was not fixable, so now I'm without a protector. I swear I'm not a Negative Nelly but this is frustrating. The Apple Store said I can drive back down and get it or call Apple Support. I called Apple Support. They're sending me out a new protector. It won't be the same as the one I bought from AT&T but it'll be comparable. 26 minutes later. I'm going to need a vacation to recoup from preparing for my vacation. :rotfl:

:rotfl2: Whew. I honestly thought I had offended you. Had I had your cell, I would have text you. Lol!​

Which model do you have? I will definitely hold off on the update, do not have time to deal with that kind of fiasco. Spent the last 2 hours trying to get my laptop to work, it wouldn't open up my email. Spent an hour Friday on the kids mac with other similar issues regarding updates so they could get into their various match and science homework sites and have the videos actually load.


I've never had a screen protector on mine, nor has Jeff and they are both fine so I wouldn't worry about that too much.

Which was needed as our appliance warranty info is in there and our fridge is having major issues so I need to call them.

2 hours later, in to the email, got the contract and...

they are only open 8-8 EST.

I'm not sure about Miss Kitty's spring break dates but ours is off peak due to weird testing schedules so we generally miss crowds as a result, if we actually go. Which makes it appealing versus early july. E's aren't even out of school till soemthing like 6/21.

June can be soggy. May is usually lovely to tease us and then June sucks. Summer starts July 4th.

It came a day early last year, she and I celebrated it on my PTR if memory serves. :rotfl2:

Fall has been GORGEOUS here, so much so we did a spontaneous getaway to our cabin last night. Indian Summer rocks!

I'll PM or FB email you my cell, we should trade nubmers for coordinating.


That's one busy list of last week things to do. Hope you get it all done and yet manage to stay relatively sane.

Not long to go now.

:goodvibes Got quite a bit completed today thank goodness. The only other snafu was DS's Mike Wazowski iron on for his costume. I did it today and its peeling on the edges. Realistically he's only going to wear it at MNSSHP. I emailed the lady making our arrival basket....I'll post some pics of the see if she could find a Mike W shirt. If not, no biggie.

Packing lists are finished. :woohoo:

Which model do you have? I will definitely hold off on the update, do not have time to deal with that kind of fiasco. Spent the last 2 hours trying to get my laptop to work, it wouldn't open up my email. Spent an hour Friday on the kids mac with other similar issues regarding updates so they could get into their various match and science homework sites and have the videos actually load.


I've never had a screen protector on mine, nor has Jeff and they are both fine so I wouldn't worry about that too much.

Which was needed as our appliance warranty info is in there and our fridge is having major issues so I need to call them.

2 hours later, in to the email, got the contract and...

they are only open 8-8 EST.

I'm not sure about Miss Kitty's spring break dates but ours is off peak due to weird testing schedules so we generally miss crowds as a result, if we actually go. Which makes it appealing versus early july. E's aren't even out of school till soemthing like 6/21.

June can be soggy. May is usually lovely to tease us and then June sucks. Summer starts July 4th.

It came a day early last year, she and I celebrated it on my PTR if memory serves. :rotfl2:

Fall has been GORGEOUS here, so much so we did a spontaneous getaway to our cabin last night. Indian Summer rocks!

I'll PM or FB email you my cell, we should trade nubmers for coordinating.



:cool1: Single digits baybee!!! :cool1:

::yes:: We need to trade cells. I've got Jen's and of course Jenna's. Poor Jenna has been stuck in the woods all weekend. :lmao: No cell, no internet, no nothing, just family goodness.

I have the 4s. Apple is great and they gave me a new one, no questions asked its just a pita to have do deal with it all. iOS6 is on this one though so they much have done it at the store.

I saw your FB pic. Love a good fire. And wine. Fire and wine are good. Did you got to relax?

I'm sorry you've been having computer issues. :headache: Especially when you're trying to accomplish work and the kids are doing school work. We finally got Michael his own iPad as the kids needed the Mac. They need their own computers but it's not in the budget to buy 2 more MacBooks, thats for sure. I refused to jail break my iPad to get Flash etc but it can be done and the iPad can get all of the PC programs too. We've got a dusty PC. ;)

Did you get the fridge warranty? Hows it acting up? Will they be open tomorrow due to the *holiday*?

Do your kids have school tomorrow? Mine do, Jenna's don't. I think Jen is off from teaching. :upsidedow I can't tell if tomorrow is a real holiday or not.​
Please tell me how to prepare myself for a small plane? I'm guessing its a little cooler as far as scenery but more bumpy? The bumpy scares me. That's cool he was a pilot. Did you get to fly all over? Blue Angels? Neat! We have a local air show here and the Angels always open it up; they're unreal.

I don't know but it seems that the stuff hits the fan the week before a trip? Went to the Apple Store and of course they forget to put my screen protector back on the new phone, the old one was not fixable, so now I'm without a protector. I swear I'm not a Negative Nelly but this is frustrating. The Apple Store said I can drive back down and get it or call Apple Support. I called Apple Support. They're sending me out a new protector. It won't be the same as the one I bought from AT&T but it'll be comparable. 26 minutes later. I'm going to need a vacation to recoup from preparing for my vacation.

Does it rain a lot in Seattle in June too? Are the winters harsh? Spring Break is a great time weather wise but it's so hit and miss with crowd levels. Have you stayed at the GCV?

You will have a great flight, I am sure! Back then my dad usually flew Cessna's (usually 4 seats) and the farthest I went with him was Seattle to Southern Oregon/Medford.

A girlfriend and I were flying from Palm Srings to LAX to connect to Seattle about 15 years ago. The plane in Palm Springs was so small that we entered thru the cockpit -- the pilots actually stepped out of the plane onto the tarmac so the passengers could board! No flight attendant on that flight! Lol!

I don't have a screen protector on my iPhone either....I don't like the "feel" of them. DH does have a protector on his but swears the only way to put them on without air bubbles is to have someone at the Apple store take care of it.

The weather in Seattle from November to June is grey....with some rain and lots of drizzle.

Like Cynthia, my kids have spring break in April (starting the second week). With this upcoming trip, we want to try to balance days at Disney with relaxation/beach/pool time. I know about June "gloom" but figure the weather will be a bit warmer of we wait a couple of months.

No, we have not stayed at the GCV -- although I would love to! I have reservations for Hojo's because my kids love the water park there! I checked into the Disneyland Hotel for June and it was around $500(!) a night. Yikes!
Yea! So happy it's almost here! There's a grill by the pool? I never knew that- I thought it was near the basketball. Cool!

And you are going to LOOOOOOOOVE EE at night- please put that at the top of your must dos- it is SUCH a blast AND so different at night!

And I remember that Cabo trip!! Like I was there! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: It does look gorgeous- have to put it on my someday list....:thumbsup2

Back to the countdown!! SO EXCITED for you!! FINALLY!!!!!:yay::yay::yay:
You will have a great flight, I am sure! Back then my dad usually flew Cessna's (usually 4 seats) and the farthest I went with him was Seattle to Southern Oregon/Medford.

A girlfriend and I were flying from Palm Srings to LAX to connect to Seattle about 15 years ago. The plane in Palm Springs was so small that we entered thru the cockpit -- the pilots actually stepped out of the plane onto the tarmac so the passengers could board! No flight attendant on that flight! Lol!

I don't have a screen protector on my iPhone either....I don't like the "feel" of them. DH does have a protector on his but swears the only way to put them on without air bubbles is to have someone at the Apple store take care of it.

The weather in Seattle from November to June is grey....with some rain and lots of drizzle.

Like Cynthia, my kids have spring break in April (starting the second week). With this upcoming trip, we want to try to balance days at Disney with relaxation/beach/pool time. I know about June "gloom" but figure the weather will be a bit warmer of we wait a couple of months.

No, we have not stayed at the GCV -- although I would love to! I have reservations for Hojo's because my kids love the water park there! I checked into the Disneyland Hotel for June and it was around $500(!) a night. Yikes!

$500 a night for the Disneyland Hotel? No way Jose! We love the HoJo. Last time we were there the pirate pool wasn't built. I remember their service being stellar. And right next to Mimi's makes it perfect. :thumbsup2 Lots of folks complain about the walk but I don't think it's far, maybe 7-10 minutes.

The good thing about June gloom is that it burns off. I'm from So Cal, about 15 minutes from the beach. June is beautiful and warmer than April though my nutty kids swim in the Pacific in December. June is nice too because they generally don't close many attractions during the summer.

Your DH is right about the protectors. I had the AT&T guy put mine on and he used what appeared to be a tiny window scraper to get any bubbles out. I'm a spazz with my phone so I need the protector. I'd get an otter box but they're just too bulky. Maybe bubble wrap? :hyper:

Through the cockpit? :faint: And flights with 4 people? Holy! DH said our plane probably won't have a flight attendant. What a neat experience to have with your dad. :thumbsup2

Yea! So happy it's almost here! There's a grill by the pool? I never knew that- I thought it was near the basketball. Cool!

And you are going to LOOOOOOOOVE EE at night- please put that at the top of your must dos- it is SUCH a blast AND so different at night!

And I remember that Cabo trip!! Like I was there! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: It does look gorgeous- have to put it on my someday list....:thumbsup2

Back to the countdown!! SO EXCITED for you!! FINALLY!!!!!:yay::yay::yay:

:welcome: cute friend!

We'll eat by the pool but grill by the courts, that's if DH doesn't get eaten by a huge gator or bug of some sort. ;) I'm so excited for Kidani. Hope the 5 mile, I mean minute, walk to Jambo doesn't do us in either. :rotfl: Have you done the night vision goggles or Mix n Mingle? Storytelling? I told Michael after his 3 trips to Africa, AKV might be a little dull but hey, at least he won't need Malaria pills after or shots before.

We're so super excited for AK at night. Like seriously, canceled our date night excited. Haha!

:thumbsup2 Finally indeed. I'm tenacious if nothing else. I posted my Nantucket pics on FB if you're interested. Wow is all I can say. It's amazing. I can't describe the feeling, it's like nothing else. It's like your heart is full the entire time. :cloud9:

I've been lurking on your Hawaii report. What a beautiful place. One day. Was it as fabulous as it looks? Michael says the sunsets are unreal.

Here are my basket pics. Hope they enjoy it:



Your baskets are beautiful. If they don't enjoy it, ship it my way. :thumbsup2
PrincessInOz said:
Your baskets are beautiful. If they don't enjoy it, ship it my way. :thumbsup2

Thank you! If they don't enjoy the baskets, I'll keep the baskets and ship the kids your way. ;) Its chock full of goodness too. Personalized blankets for the kids, vinylmation, bracelet for Gab, sketch pads for the girls, coffee mugs for DH and I, Halloween plush....should be a good time. They're getting them when we check into AoA. I thought about not giving them until our first THV villa night but I like giving an arrival gift.​
Hi Jenny! Our trip was great! Everyone had a great time and the look on my nieces faces when they saw the castle was priceless! There was no screaming or yelling - just mouth wide open and eyes as big as saucers! It made me cry! They had a great time at the Bippity Boppity too, then we had lunch right after at the castle. My youngest - Natalie - had her Snow White dress on and when Snow White came to the table, she just about passed out! It was incredibly awesome! Even with the large group we still managed to like each other at the end of the trip :rotfl:

I'm so excited for your trip! I was just catching up on your plans, wow! I can't wait to hear all about it. I'm interested in your thoughts too at the AoA. It looks so cool and I hadn't heard about the underwater sounds in the pool - how cool!! I love the baskets, what a great idea! You have made this a trip of a lifetime with such wonderful memories in the making!

I just booked today our trip for next year. We are going with my other BFF and her family, but they are staying off-site in their RCI share. We aren't planning on being together every day so it will be nice and relaxing. Jay and I are in a 1 bdrm Std View at AKV (which is our home resort) but I'm contemplating moving it at 7 mos to possibly the BCV or BWV's. We'll see. There are two things on our agenda though, for sure - the Backstage Magic 7 hour tour and the Wild Africa Trek.

How are you coming with all of your To Do's?
:goodvibes Got quite a bit completed today thank goodness. The only other snafu was DS's Mike Wazowski iron on for his costume. I did it today and its peeling on the edges. Realistically he's only going to wear it at MNSSHP. I emailed the lady making our arrival basket....I'll post some pics of the see if she could find a Mike W shirt. If not, no biggie.

Packing lists are finished. :woohoo:

The baskets are adorable! I have the 4S as well, the ios5 update wasn't an issue but based on your experience, going to hold off on the 6 until after the trip. Can't deal with the phone freezing on me between now and then or worse, there!

Kids have school today however we had bus drama today. Evan only takes the am bus on Monday's and I swear it's something every Monday morning! Today it was a sub bus driver who apparently was lost. Poor kid was having a total melt down.

I PM'd you my number on FB.

It was a spontaneous road trip on Sat. Kind of neat, I had sat out my other girls trip and was a little bummed. Friday my parents had their annual Oktoberfest party which we were thinking about skipping (as we'd be the only ones with kids), ended up going and had a wonderful time. Sat, as we were picking up Evan from his trombone lesson and commenting on the gorgeous day, his teacher mentioned he was going on a road trip with his mom and girlfriend.

Jeff goes

"we should go on a road trip"

And so, we did!

We hadn't been to our cabin in a couple of years and it was really nice to sneak away there for a night, very relaxing.

The computer thing has been a nightmare, had major printing issues last night with kids homework. UGH! That was the printer, not the laptops. I hear you on needing multiple laptops for kids. Ours have to share one MacBook as well and Jeff and I have PC laptops that are barely limping along. An iPdad won't really meet our needs but we are hoping that the Surface, the pro version, when it comes out, will. Question is if we can wait until then.

Fridge is dead. DEAD. They can't come out until tomorrow. Couldn't call to schedule until this morning of course as they were closed yesterday. I did find our extended warranty. If it is fixable, it's covered. If not...we will get some $$ towards a new one but not enough to cover a new one. Pray it's fixable. I think it's the compressor but we will see. Thank goodness we have a backup one in the garage.
:mickeyjum 5 days until WDW!!! :mickeyjum

I'll be back later to respond ladies but didn't want to miss my countdown. :hyper:

Today's pics are some of my favorites from our first trip to WDW in 2007. As you can see there was a lot of kissing and hugging going on. Love Captain Jack planting one on Gabby. :thumbsup2







It was during the YOAMD and we had so many Dreams and Magical Moments. Eileen our main CM gave us a day we couldn't believe from waving in the IASW boats from the podium and announcing our names to watching the fireworks from an empty Astro Orbiter deck, it was unreal. I need to find her picture and post it.


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