Let it Snope Let it Snope Let it Snope! A Very Merry crowded Christmas! Nov Report updated and over

What beautiful cards your girls made you.... such a nice keepsake! It sure does not sound easy to please so many parents. At the end of the day, the kids are what matters and kudos to you for standing up for yourself and taking care of business! :thumbsup2
Also the fact we are supposed to get hit with an AWFUL AWFUL snow storm today... That's not going to be fun.
We were in Disney the day this storm was supposed to hit - Feb 24th. Southwest cancelled our flight and we had to stay two more days in Disney. It wasn't planned but it sure was fun to have two more days down there. :)

MATTHEW!!! I couldn't BELIEVE He was picked! well i couldn't believe he would participate!! But It's Disney!!! All reservations are OUT THE WINDOW!
I bet he made a great Beast. We've only seen them use girls for this role.

He REALLY enjoyed being part of this!!!
He looks like he is loving it. :)

Funny we did this mainly for Meg..
Did Meg get a role? Usually they let you be a plate or something.

Afterwards we just kinda sat there.. I dried my tears.. As much as i could Then out of No where came Suzi Bradey D and Ariana!!!
They were leaving the park and it was the end of their trip. So again came the tears. I really wish we had more time together!!! We chatted for a while then they were off....

After the Kiss Goodnight we made our way down Main Street too.. It was an End to a MAGICAL DAY!!!
Your fireworks pictures are gorgeous. I wouldn't have noticed the lamppost if you hadn't pointed it out. I'm glad you saw your friends before they left. I guess that you will just have to do another trip together before Dee's annual pass expires. ;)

I hate they are growing SO FAST! thankfully we do try to keep up with family vacations just because they do grown too fast i want them to have a WONDERFUL Childhood! We have all been through tough months, they need to know even in the tough dark times we can and always will have better FUN times together no matter what. Nothing can keep us down!!
We took a lot of family vacations with our kids and it wasn't until they were grown up that I found out how much those trips meant to them. :)

They all took it upon themselves to give cards. I teared up. This! This is why i coach. Not because of parent's and their high opinions of themselves. it's all for the kids- how wonderful they truly are!!!
This is so sweet. I bet those kids will never forget that they had the best coach ever. :)
Tell me about it! I was on day 5 of going non-stop. Need to plan a break day sooner on my next trip.

Yes.. A break a little earlier in a trip is necessary! Defiantly going to plan it that way next time.

I think it's my favorite of all the trees. And I got to see it lit up later that week!


I'm not sure what I think. I am excited for new stuff but I really need to watch the movie. Then maybe I will get excited once I know what the heck it's about.

The movie was a fun fantasy. I would never think Avatar and Disney would mesh. BUT i know Disney will make it colorful and fantasy just like the movie!

Man that's a close one but for me it's Mickey Waffles vs. Mickey Ice Cream sandwich. I may have to do some hands (or mouth) on research next trip to determine a winner.

Same here.. We need to research.. a lot of it..

They were having so much fun. I should have gotten up and joined them since I'm still 5.

YOU SHOULD HAVE! I would have joined you.

:rotfl2:Elephant butt is a must for any TR.

It makes for great reading!

Crap that's an awful picture of me! I have a feeling it was the sun in my eyes. You know me and animals, I'd probably try to tame the Yeti and bring him home as a pet. No fears here!

It isn't the best picture.. But it's still cute.. Your right the sun was blaring in our eyes.

Did you ever start the Black Jewels Trilogy? (I finished the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy myself a few nights ago!)

HELLO! Where have you been?
I have not plan on starting it this week! How did you like the smoke and things books?

I'm going to see it this weekend!

YAY! you will love it.

What! Say it isn't so!

It really was! the outlet in Gurnee has a LOT of park stuff. This one was like the regular Store! and it was lacking FUN we are accustomed too...

D'aww. Hers loves yoo, Momma!

Yes she does the cow.

I've been wanting to do the boozy painting class thing!

You really should they are a lot of FUN!

Wait, are these talks different from your September 2016 talks with your family friends?

Yep that one... well i will have to write about it in that report.. BUT i will not do that until this report is finished!

I agree! I just love it!

the tree is beautiful!!!

I have been dreaming about these since I left Disney 3 months ago. LOOK AT ALL THOSE DELICIOUS CARBS. When I get back there in October, I'm going to eat ALL the Mickey Waffles.

I know! plus your walking it off anyway so it's a win win! LOL..

Genius. Seriously.

He is.

Love this!

It's one of the cutest ever!

THIS VIEW is everything!!!! It's amazeballs!

Thank you! I do LOVE the ride for the view!

YAY VOLLEYBALL IS OVER...for now :) Glad you finally got to have your say with that rotten mother. Immature? I think she might need to look up the definition of that one again. She might be surprised by what she reads.

RIGHT? the righteous brat! But i am over it. I am done with her and the rest of the hens.

Awesome you got to spend a day off with the kiddos!! I love the Disney outlet in the Wisconsin Dells but it's the only one I've ever been to! I didn't realize there was one in Gurnee Mills. I know there's one in Rosemont now, too, but haven't been there either. I really should get moving on that!! :)

I do love a great outlet.. But the one in aurora is LACKING! I want to go to Gurnee this weekend but i believe the the kids have a birthday party?!?! Depends on the time.
Let me know how rosemont is?

Another trip to Disney?! YES!!! Maybe you'd like to go say...December 21st??

yep! i am not saying anything, do not want to ruin the surprise!!

So happy for you that volleyball is over with. It sounds like you enjoyed the day off with the kids.
I love that your kids still love meeting the characters. It looks like a great breakfast and fun ride on Everest. I bet you were clutching your camera tightly to get that amazing shot of the broken tracks.

You have NO idea! Next year is going to be very different. VERY.
Disney is our time to just be who we want let go of everyday pressure and have a great time!
I used my point and shoot for that. NO WAY would i bring out my woobie for a ride photo! HA HA

I wish I'd thought of that!! Looks so yummy!!

Great animal pics!!

HA! Always have the best ideas ya know?

Thank you!

We were in Disney the day this storm was supposed to hit - Feb 24th. Southwest cancelled our flight and we had to stay two more days in Disney. It wasn't planned but it sure was fun to have two more days down there.

Oh no had to stay in disney two more days that must have been horrible... o_O

I bet he made a great Beast. We've only seen them use girls for this role.

He did do a great job!
Really only girls?!?! that's odd.

He looks like he is loving it. :)

He did...

Did Meg get a role? Usually they let you be a plate or something.

Nope only Matt was the star in this family

Your fireworks pictures are gorgeous. I wouldn't have noticed the lamppost if you hadn't pointed it out. I'm glad you saw your friends before they left. I guess that you will just have to do another trip together before Dee's annual pass expires. ;)

The better ones will be on my web site soon. I just need some time to get them up there.

It was a sad goodbye for sure!!

I would love to do a weekend trip.

We took a lot of family vacations with our kids and it wasn't until they were grown up that I found out how much those trips meant to them. :)

awwwwwwwww!!! See this is why we need to go back as many times as i can fit in!

This is so sweet. I bet those kids will never forget that they had the best coach ever. :)

I teared up. I do love those kids.


Last night i came home to Tom you tubing all Disney resorts!!! so we ended up watching them all night. I LOVED IT!!! LOVED IT! so fun to look at all the rooms and stuff.

If you haven't do and look at all the presidential suites! HOLY MOLEY!!! talk about amazing!

not telling you anything else.
You HAVE been a busy lady!! Love the cards from your girls, so sweet!

Stevie has gotten so BIG! Goodness, where does time go?

I have got the Disney blues so bad this week!!!! So, if you plan another trip...maybe we could coincide a day or two??? You could catch the tail end of mine, and the beginning of D~'s...it would be GREAT!!
You HAVE been a busy lady!! Love the cards from your girls, so sweet!

Stevie has gotten so BIG! Goodness, where does time go?

I have got the Disney blues so bad this week!!!! So, if you plan another trip...maybe we could coincide a day or two??? You could catch the tail end of mine, and the beginning of D~'s...it would be GREAT!!

it's been a little crazy to say the least.

Stevie is big isn't he??? I didn't know they got that big. which means bigger trouble! HA HA

I have the Disney blues too.. so that's why we are in Planning MODE!
I'm so glad the season is over for you! It sounds like those parents need a good talking to. I would have found a way to "accidentally" see to it that a volleyball found it's way to that woman's face. I hope they all got to see the lovely things their kids wrote about you and how much they love you. If it were me I would have posted those pics on FB and tagged their parents!!

A lava lamp…Unneccessary crap?! Surely not! Especially when it has "multi effects"! (See, this is why I have so much stuff to clear out before we move…). I wish we had Disney stores at our Outlet malls in the UK.

Your niece's painting is lovely! I hope you raised a lot of money. My friend group sometimes go boozy pottery painting, that's a hoot! We have a little local place that lets you take your own food (or order a takeaway!) and wine if you book a party on one of their late nights. So much fun!!

Yay, Stevie!! :D

Their tree is AWESOME
I love that tree! So pretty!

we got all GIDDY!!! cannot wait for this to OPEN
I'm behind the times, I didn't know they'd got this far already! I can't wait to see what they do with Pandora, even though I'm not a big fan of the films, I love the imagery.

After squaring away the bill we hopped over to the safari! With pre park ADR we are able to hit it before the crowds!
Your safari photos are great! I didn't take many as I videoed the whole thing for my parents. We had the best guide ever, and we were sat right at the front so you can hear his commentary. I wish I'd taken his name to send a compliment to Disney for him.

After our Animal encounter it was time to battle the YETI!

This pic cracked me up!

I love shots like this.

Another trip in the works? Resort videos on Youtube?! I'm jealous already and I don't even know what the plan is!!
It's a Dinosaur Size Adventure!

After Ariana tamed the Yeti- it was time to go and find the Iguanadon!
But first Ariana, Tom, and the kids took a spin on:

Thanks Ariana for taking the picture!

Once they were done they came and found me on a bench and off we went!

While winding around and around I hear my named called!


it was DEE! OMG HI!!!! Quick hug We wanted to chat a little more but the people behind them were getting a little irritated.. Whatever.. Do you think she and Keith would have waited for us after the ride for a proper meet?!?!


They vanished... :sad2:

Ketsup, Mustard, Mayo

They were getting ready for the ROAR photo we would have on the ride right?!?!?

Maybe not.. But Ariana and I got it DOWN PAT!!! Tom was a little late--- We found the Iguanadon yet we didn't help him escape. He helped us! Love that guy..

HEY!! I am missing the Dug Meet and Greet!!! We did meet them i swear.. and we did see It's tough to be a bug!
I love that little show!!! cracks me up every time even if Hopper wasn't working properly!

On the way out of the dino we need water so off we went and grabbed some Water while i went to the DSA since it's right there and there are only 2 in the park!
We walked a little and we found HALEY!

I haven't said but as of now she is a full employee of Disney now! Still works in AK! She is beyond happy. I cannot wait to see her again!

So if any of you ever see her make sure you stop to say HI!

It was time to part with Ariana. (kids were NOT happy) But we had a FP for the rapids! Ariana who doesn't like to get wet didn't want to go.. So we said see ya soon we went to ride the white waters!

we tried to guess what raft we would get

no time at all we were boarded with another extremely awesome family!!

ugh oh

After this i put the camera away.. we did get wet.. not so bad..

well knowing full well what was around the corner i ushered everyone over for.....

BEER AND JALAPENO Pretzels! I think Meg and Zack opted for ice cream
We plopped right down and had a little picnic of sorts!! While sitting there a women started yelling out a child's name!!! SHE LOST her kid!!! She was frantic (obviously) I don't know the outcome but it was still scary to watch!

done with our picnic snack we started to walk

This was our only day at AK so we strolled and enjoyed.

It is a really pretty park

as we were strolling we ran into this fella!!!

I have never seen him in the parks! He is a childhood favorite!!!

Um, do you and Ariana coordinate your posts? Seriously! She JUST posted photos of HER with Thumper! LOL!

Oh, my Jalapeno pretzel... :sad::sad::sad: AK will NOT be the same for me without it! Now, my only hope is Flametree.

Your kidoos are just cute as buttons!!!
Wrapping up AK!

OK i noticed i am missing a TON pp pictures!!! WHY?!?! did i lose them?!?! I'm going to have to ask a certain someone if they have them... :rolleyes1

So i will skip the stuff i am missing and start with what i do have!

We stopped in a store and i saw this and INSTANTLY fell in LOVE WHY didn't they have this in MY SIZE!!!

I would wear this..

OK so let's just say we left.. Yeah.. we left.. I needed to go and pick up our tickets for MVMCP!!!
and that we did!
After some PP of course!



Little movie!

Tickets in hand it was time to head back HOME and hit the pools! and much needed RELAXATION!
I did text Ariana and invited her to come by if she wanted. I think she was pooped too.

so off we went!

The Duffy's were playing cards:

These guys were scared of the snake thing

Along with the elusive peace fingers... Elusive finger animals do tend to show themselves time to time in Disney..

These guys were in the middle of folding clothes

These guys? I have no idea what mischief they were into

Everyone ready it was time to hit the Cars POOL!

We grabbed a cozy cone and RELAXED!

well I relaxed...

i wish i was there right now..

after a while i found the nearest DSA with this beautiful view

I could NOT find the entrance to the pool again until i saw this.

Oh.. Here is it...

Tom relaxing!

after some time and totally exhausted we walked back to the room..

which was

This was on one of the doors i thought it was really cute!

that was the end of November 17th!
I'm so glad the season is over for you! It sounds like those parents need a good talking to. I would have found a way to "accidentally" see to it that a volleyball found it's way to that woman's face. I hope they all got to see the lovely things their kids wrote about you and how much they love you. If it were me I would have posted those pics on FB and tagged their parents!!

I did post it on facebook.. and a couple of friends of mine posted right with it.. not specifically say WHO we are talking about! HA HA

A lava lamp…Unneccessary crap?! Surely not! Especially when it has "multi effects"! (See, this is why I have so much stuff to clear out before we move…). I wish we had Disney stores at our Outlet malls in the UK.

HA HA HA HA Yep a lava lamp.. Do we NEED a lava lamp? No but Matt Lava's it..

Your niece's painting is lovely! I hope you raised a lot of money. My friend group sometimes go boozy pottery painting, that's a hoot! We have a little local place that lets you take your own food (or order a takeaway!) and wine if you book a party on one of their late nights. So much fun!!

Yay, Stevie!! :D

Yours sounds like more fun! I would do it again if it were with a lot more people i knew.. I believe they raised a lot?!?

I love that tree! So pretty!

it really is

I'm behind the times, I didn't know they'd got this far already! I can't wait to see what they do with Pandora, even though I'm not a big fan of the films, I love the imagery.

Oh i am sure they are SO MUCH MORE farther along!

Your safari photos are great! I didn't take many as I videoed the whole thing for my parents. We had the best guide ever, and we were sat right at the front so you can hear his commentary. I wish I'd taken his name to send a compliment to Disney for him.

Thank you so much! Awww We always get the back and can hardly hear anything!

This pic cracked me up!

He's nutty

I love shots like this.

Thank you!

Another trip in the works? Resort videos on Youtube?! I'm jealous already and I don't even know what the plan is!!

LOL! you will soon see i don't have much more here.

Um, do you and Ariana coordinate your posts? Seriously! She JUST posted photos of HER with Thumper! LOL!

Nope! I do try to let her go first as my memory is a wee bit foggy. HA HA HA

Oh, my Jalapeno pretzel... :sad::sad::sad: AK will NOT be the same for me without it! Now, my only hope is Flametree.

HAD i known that would be the last i would have bought SEVERAL and froze them at home!!!

Your kidoos are just cute as buttons!!!

Aww thank you SO SO MUCH!!!!
You must have had a wonderful Mousekeeper! He/She had so much fun with all the stuffies!

Where were you when you took the pictures of the characters peeking from the ceiling tiles? That is friggin' awesome!

Lovely pool photos! I absolutely LOVE night time pool photos. I just want to crawl into the photo and relax myself!
Thanks Ariana for taking the picture!

You are welcome! Just wish it wasn't so blurry.

But Ariana and I got it DOWN PAT!!!

Yes we did! We know how to scare that Dinosaur.

HEY!! I am missing the Dug Meet and Greet!!!

Uh oh! Let me know if you don't find them and I will send again. Maybe I screwed up and didn't send them correctly the first time.

We walked a little and we found HALEY!

I totally forgot about seeing her that day. But I did look around for her in January when we were at AK.

JALAPENO Pretzels!

Even though I don't like these, I'm sad for my friends that do. Jim had one in January and loved it.

as we were strolling we ran into this fella!!!

Even though I was on the hunt for Flik, I was so excited to see Thumper!

Um, do you and Ariana coordinate your posts?

Nope! I just update when I have a few minutes at work. I fully expect Mo to get ahead of me eventually. Well she kind of has since I still have another update to post from this day.

OK i noticed i am missing a TON pp pictures!!! WHY?!?! did i lose them?!?!

Like I said before, let me know if you can't find them and I will resend. You know I'm not very tech savvy and could have screwed up sending them.

I did text Ariana and invited her to come by if she wanted. I think she was pooped too.

I was dead on my feet and the thought of going anywhere that night was just too much. I ended up in my PJs at 6 pm!

Everyone ready it was time to hit the Cars POOL!

Love this area! Such a nice relaxing place.

OK, I need that Pluto peeking out of the ceiling. Sneak back in there and steal it for me will ya? :rotfl:
I have the Disney blues too.. so that's why we are in Planning MODE!
Did you buy annual passes when you were there in November? I can't wait to hear your plans. :)

we had a FP for the rapids! Ariana who doesn't like to get wet didn't want to go.. So we said see ya soon we went to ride the white waters!
We'll be there in June with grandchildren and I might go on this ride. I'm sure it will be hot enough for it. ;) Do they have a place to lock your stuff away? I heard that they make you wear your shoes on the ride.

Love this area! Such a nice relaxing place.
Those little cone cabanas are really cute. :)
You must have had a wonderful Mousekeeper! He/She had so much fun with all the stuffies!

we did! I would see her every morning too. She was a SWEET person!

Where were you when you took the pictures of the characters peeking from the ceiling tiles? That is friggin' awesome!

Where i had to pick up the MVMCP! It was a hoot!

Lovely pool photos! I absolutely LOVE night time pool photos. I just want to crawl into the photo and relax myself!

I wish we were there now.. It was GLORIOUS sitting there!!! The kids favorite past time is night swimming! mine is having a nice drink while watching them! LOL

You are welcome! Just wish it wasn't so blurry.

It's PERFECT! especially since my family IS blurry! HA HA

Yes we did! We know how to scare that Dinosaur.

We did... We rock.

Uh oh! Let me know if you don't find them and I will send again. Maybe I screwed up and didn't send them correctly the first time.

I will have to check my other computer??!

I totally forgot about seeing her that day. But I did look around for her in January when we were at AK.

She's a cute girl.. Very sweet.

Even though I don't like these, I'm sad for my friends that do. Jim had one in January and loved it.

Yes we are part of that I LOVE IT! darn it!

Even though I was on the hunt for Flik, I was so excited to see Thumper!

I KNOW! He is so adorable and huggable! Love meeting new characters!

Nope! I just update when I have a few minutes at work. I fully expect Mo to get ahead of me eventually. Well she kind of has since I still have another update to post from this day.

HA! I have gotten ahead of you!

Like I said before, let me know if you can't find them and I will resend. You know I'm not very tech savvy and could have screwed up sending them.

I will i have to check the other computer!

I was dead on my feet and the thought of going anywhere that night was just too much. I ended up in my PJs at 6 pm!

you and me both i laid in that cone. didn't move until we trudged back to our room! LOL.

Love this area! Such a nice relaxing place.

It really was!!

OK, I need that Pluto peeking out of the ceiling. Sneak back in there and steal it for me will ya? :rotfl:

You got it. I don't think they would notice right? My mad Ninja skills.

Did you buy annual passes when you were there in November? I can't wait to hear your plans. :)

No it's not worth it for us.

We'll be there in June with grandchildren and I might go on this ride. I'm sure it will be hot enough for it. ;) Do they have a place to lock your stuff away? I heard that they make you wear your shoes on the ride.

Yes yes yes! It's refreshing after a hot day!
They do have a spot in the middle you can put your stuff... But i always have a large ziplock bag with me too! ya know rain and my family?!? LOL
They DO make you wear your shoes BUT there is a bar you can pick up your feet so they don't get THAT wet..

Those little cone cabanas are really cute. :)

they are! So clean!!!
I love the update Mo! The Thumper picture is super cute. Those cozy cones look perfect on a bright sunny day! Did anyone try listening to the music underwater?
I few left out pictures/video's

First kids having FUN in the pool

a little long but the Parade

the rapids...

Tom was the unfortunate soul who got it...

Then and nows:


Pretend there is one from 2011






I love the update Mo! The Thumper picture is super cute. Those cozy cones look perfect on a bright sunny day! Did anyone try listening to the music underwater?

Thank you!!!
Yes i do have a video of the underwater somewhere.. But they only do that in the Big Blue Pool now the cars one.

This is the BEST picture!

thank you!!

:guilty: My worst nightmare. Hope she found her child quickly. The terror she must have been feeling...:sad1:

It IS a terrible nightmare! I felt bad for her but i didn't know what to do. I was shocked NONE of the CM's around made a call?!?!
Love the updates and all the AK fun! Your pics are just gorgeous (duh. They always are!) You MUST frame the family pic with Thumper. I hope I stumble into him next time I'm there because he is a favorite of mine, too :)

The Then and Now pics--how adorable!!! I forgot how Meg did that whole neck lean thing on your whole trip that year. I think that was your first TR I ever read. :earboy2:
Fun updates! I LOVE that you guys saw Thumper! I didn't know he was out meeting either. I love him, I had a stuffed Thumper from my 1st or 2nd trip there.


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