Let it Snope Let it Snope Let it Snope! A Very Merry crowded Christmas! Nov Report updated and over

We had a similar thing happen with the elevators at Tower of Terror. There was a crazy long line to the right and a CM waved us over to an empty one. I think a few more people got on but it certainly didn't fill up. I thought it was odd but I guess it is routine.
Oh My God you guys are off the chain! I love it. The pics of the kids at the Toy Story Meet and Greet. I love the pic of you and Peanut on R&R.
Love all your updates, even while you're sick!? I'm sick today, too, so thanks for giving me something to read :flower3: and I hope you're feeling better!

The pics in the Toy Story line are so awesome! It almost makes the wait seem not so incredibly terrible!! :mickeyjum I just love how your kids play along! I try to take pictures of my son and I either get the giant cheesey smile or the look of horror that I expect him to take another picutre. He's only 6...he better outgrow that!
Holy carp! I completely forgot that you hadn't even checked into your room yet!! You're flying through these updates lol

Where did you go to get your citizenship? Might be something fun for us to commemorate our next trip. I'm guessing they've moved it somewhere different now?

I know! i am moving at a snails pace on this report! Thankfully i have Ariana's report to remind me..

It's in One Man's Dream. You just need to ask the CM at the front! I have no idea if they are going to move it. I hope not as they are missing 4 our of the 5 of us!!!

I love the room. I am totally going to put AoA on the list for our next trip. I think we're going to do a split AoA and AKL stay, because AoA is just awesome.

Definitely try to stay here at least once. and make time for the pool and walking around! AKL is a beautiful resort. I fell head over heels when we stopped in there. OUr next resort WILL have a washer and dryer.. I have to!!! LOL. AoA is really great place.

Ha! You do have the day all backwards. :rotfl: You guys had actually done most of that stuff at HS before we met. You showed me the Citizen certificate when we first met up. Of course I would probably have it all mixed up if I didn't keep a journal. :confused3 That's a complete lifesaver for me when it comes to writing my TRs. Especially because I usually end up taking a year to finish them most times.

I did get my update finished just need to proofread so hopefully I can get that done before I leave today so I can post it first thing tomorrow.

Well.. This is why i have you. I can't remember anything anymore. I normally have pictures of the timeline.. This year i was BAD at taking pictures.. Only because i was having a good time! So the time we weren't with you is going to b e jumbled..

Good now that i am almost caught up to you neither one of us are the spoilers! LOL

Holy updates Batman!
Love the Cars suites....love all of them, so roomy :)

HI Suzi!!! Love you mean it!
The rooms are fantastic. I wasn't looking forward to cars but in the end it was a really cool room!

The Frozen sing a long looks like fun. We never even considered it....I think I just totally forgot about it.

I was pleasantly surprised with the show! I laughed a LOT!!!

Ahhh...snope. Yeah, not a fan. It was pretty on Main Street for about 5 mins, then I wished they had turned it off


Yay! You finally met Ariana! She's so much fun!

Just adore this girl!!!

Keep em coming chica

Imma gunna try!

We had a similar thing happen with the elevators at Tower of Terror. There was a crazy long line to the right and a CM waved us over to an empty one. I think a few more people got on but it certainly didn't fill up. I thought it was odd but I guess it is routine.

Loved having it to ourselves!!! great memory too!

Oh My God you guys are off the chain! I love it. The pics of the kids at the Toy Story Meet and Greet. I love the pic of you and Peanut on R&R.

HA HA HA! Thank you!

Love all your updates, even while you're sick!? I'm sick today, too, so thanks for giving me something to read :flower3: and I hope you're feeling better!

Hope you feel better!!! being sick is the PITS!!!
thank you i'm better. just need the meds to kick in.

The pics in the Toy Story line are so awesome! It almost makes the wait seem not so incredibly terrible!! :mickeyjum I just love how your kids play along! I try to take pictures of my son and I either get the giant cheesey smile or the look of horror that I expect him to take another picutre. He's only 6...he better outgrow that!

Thank you! The wait was fine because of all the FUN stuff to play with! The kids are so used to a camera in their face!!! Yes they love to ham it up.. Because we are all nuts.
Loving your report, I can't believe you drove so far though :faint: :rotfl2:

How great you got ToT to yourself :goodvibes
The photo bombs while you were trying to get a picture of the sink area made me laugh. My kids are definitely entering the photo bomb phase. And Megan's face on the roller coaster is awesome. All of the pictures of them hamming it up with all the photo ops are so much fun.
Loving your report, I can't believe you drove so far though :faint: :rotfl2:

How great you got ToT to yourself :goodvibes

Thank you! We did drive FOREVER!!!
We did! how cool was that?!?!?

The photo bombs while you were trying to get a picture of the sink area made me laugh. My kids are definitely entering the photo bomb phase. And Megan's face on the roller coaster is awesome. All of the pictures of them hamming it up with all the photo ops are so much fun.

Thank you! The kids are all nuts. I don't know what to tell you.. and I have no idea where they get that from...

Good Luck. as it only gets worse.

So this next installment is going to go a little different. Since Ariana posted her side to this i am going to piggy back on it!
Yes i am that lazy. (blame it on the thyroid)

Part 1

The kids couldn't wait for Ariana to come up to the room. She seriously made a huge impression on them and we were SO excited she was coming along on our wild adventure of an ADR!

Once we FINALLY high tailed it our of our room and loaded into my trusty DUSTY car Ariana was forced to sit up front with me. Tom knows me driving we were already behind schedule and knew i would drive even faster then normal..
Little did Ariana know.


We entered onto the road to what we THOUGHT was Fort Wilderness and started to drive out of AoA and on to the wild west side of WDW!

After driving in CIRCLES trying to get out of AoA parking lot...
we were finally on the road!
to here:

19 minutes? we can do that...
When we QUICKLY realized the mistake we rerouted laughing hysterically-

She is Thelma to my Louise!

Of course we made it but we did need to high tail it over to the busses!

We jumped on the internal bus and headed in the right direction for Pioneer hall! So FUN to drive through all the campsites all decorated up for Christmas i wish we had more time to wander around! Some of those people really go all out!!

Once we arrived at our destination and had to stand in a very long line.. then another line for tickets (really should have left earlier)

With our handy dandy ticket in hand off we went!

bio breaks for all since Ariana our Disney tour guide told us there isn't a bathroom in the restaurant itself and had to go around the side.. Good deal must go NOW!

We were escorted in - in no time and was so happy to see our location!!!

YAHOOOO I mean we were right smack dab in the middle!!!

Our really sweet server brought out FOOD!!!

Oh my yum of corn bread!!!

Even the salad was out of this world.. We couldn't wait to see what other goodies we were in for!


Never allow your children to have a camera....


They were all around us! banging on drums singing just all over! it was a HOOT!
I do not have pictures of them coming at us as my camera couldn't focus on just ONE thing!! it's all a blur!
again see Ariana's report.. Part 1

Once they made it on stage made introductions:

We were having a great time watching them
This guy who i just learned is Johnny Ringo

Was scouting out a friend we all know and love.....

we will get back to this...

The performers were singing to other guests

and themselves

This guy was not impressed

Does not look like it but they were enjoying the stuff around them..

We are not patiently waiting for the food to come..

But they needed to get that one more song in there

FINALLY the food came out!
which again please see Ariana's pictures of food as i was way too busy eating apparently to take a picture.. Ariana's: Part 1 I am not a huge fan of fried chicken there are only a few places i will eat it from. but i ate like 3 pieces of this golden fried food.. and i ate and ate.
the kids could NOT get enough in them either. I swear Ariana must think I starve my children as they would not stop!!!
After filling myself silly with the best food ever it was time for the show!!!

next up. Don't Be emBEARrassed..
Tom knows me driving we were already behind schedule and knew i would drive even faster then normal..
Little did Ariana know.

Didn't notice a thing actually. Probably because Jim is a crazy driver and scares the crap out of most people. His Mom keeps her eyes closed and moans the whole time he is driving. After 17 years with him I guess I'm immune because it doesn't bother me any more.

She is Thelma to my Louise!


So FUN to drive through all the campsites all decorated up for Christmas

I totally forgot about seeing all the decorations. See you have some stuff that I missed!

and i ate and ate.
the kids could NOT get enough in them either. I swear Ariana must think I starve my children as they would not stop!!!

Nope, I was so busy stuffing my own face that I wasn't aware of much else! That chicken was like crack!
Don't be emBEARrassed!

This is going to get very picture heavy..

Mr Johnny Ringo who had his eye on our Beloved Pluto girl came right up and took her by the hand

Because SHE WAS PICKED TO BE THE CAN CAN GIRL!!! YES SHE DID! i was so so excited for her!!! I saw the trepidation on her face but with the sangria in her blood stream and the loudness of our family she just couldn't say NO!

Look at all her cuteness!

that actually may be the face of "what did you get me into"

and here she is in all her pink fluffy glory

shake it...

come on you know she is having a blast!

Her line: " I can't do that i would be too emBEARrassed

I would be emBEARessed about kissing a bear!

i gotta WHAT?

yep kneel...

one more dance!

CAN continue!

I honestly do believe she has found her new line of work here

Ariana was then given a certificate to FOREVER remember being the Cannist of can can girls!!!

taaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaaa

I was as loud as possible cheering on our friend!!! So happy for her!!!

They gave out washing boards and the kids had a LOT of fun with them

Singing about dessert! My Kinda place!

We waddled back to the buss stops and said SEE YA REAL SOON to our new best friend off to the parking lot. again the campsites are amazing so fun to see the different decorations! great experience! I will absolutely do this again in the future!!! fantastic food, great entertainment and better friends!

I cannot be happier Ariana wanted to hang out with us to do some ADR's together!!! It was one fantastic night and one we won't forget!

Yes we do have video. Somewhere.... As we haven't even looked at them let alone take them off the camera yet.. Hey! to my defense we went from Disney into Thanksgiving to volleyball- christmas new years! NO TIME!!!

Have a great weekend!!!
I saw the trepidation on her face but with the sangria in her blood stream and the loudness of our family she just couldn't say NO!

Yep, definitely was a little freaked out although not right away. I think I was just in shock at the beginning.

that actually may be the face of "what did you get me into"

I think it was about here where I realized what I was about to do! I think it was even scarier to me since I'd seen the show before and knew what I was getting into!

and here she is in all her pink fluffy glory

That bra top thingy was quite flattering, wasn't it? And it looked so good over top of my clothing. ::yes:: :rotfl:

I honestly do believe she has found her new line of work here

I actually told my boss this when I got back. Told her I had found a new career and was going to put in my resignation. For some reason she was not amused. :confused3

Ariana was then given a certificate to FOREVER remember being the Cannist of can can girls!!!

I forgot to mention in my TR but I actually framed it and it's going to hang in my Pluto room whenever I get a chance to put it up.

I cannot be happier Ariana wanted to hang out with us to do some ADR's together!!! It was one fantastic night and one we won't forget!

Me too! :grouphug:

Yes we do have video. Somewhere.... As we haven't even looked at them let alone take them off the camera yet..

No worries, I know how busy you have been. Plus I'm not sure if I really do want to see it. Ah who am I kidding I do but mainly so I can laugh at myself!
I know I'm way behind the curve here, but I'm just now joining in. I'll slowly try to catch up!
Hahaha!!! I was reading about your HDDR dinner over on Ariana's TR. What a wonderful time!! That look of joy on her face is priceless!

I love HDDR and I kind of wish we weren't skipping it this year. The food is amaze-balls and the show is hilarious to me. I especially love the performer in glasses. I could have sworn I saw him later on in the week we were there doing street performances at HS.

Oh, by the way, you left out the part where you and your big lug did your sweetheart dance :) Just saying. :duck:
It looks like your family has fun no matter where you are. HDDR looks great. I asked Ariana, but maybe I should ask you, what level seats did you get to have such awesome seats in the middle?
Once we were in our library nad let into the boiler room everyone went right... This family are not sheep-ple we went straight. TO NO LINE!!!
YESSSS! I never veer right! Always keep going straight!

Well our awesome CM said THEIR LOSS and we had the entire elevator TO OURSELVES!!! YAHOOOO!!!
OMG!!!! That is freakin' AWESOME!!!

Remember i am the one who HATES crowds and goes to Disney when the crowd levels are about a high of 4... I am was NOT used to these crowds!
Yeah, my week was unseasonably busy, too. No good. No good at all. :sad2:

He almost came home with me. I was very seriously tempted.

Hahahaha. I love this!!!

i was in need of a drink

What! I need details on this!

OMG! Her face! So dramatic! So serious!

Love it!!!!!!!

I really enjoyed walking through here taking photos. The themeing is so great!

All ready we finally took a picture of the two of us.. I am sloppy and she is adorable!
Oh shut up, you're both adorable. And as usual, I love both of your bags!!

I am not a huge fan of fried chicken there are only a few places i will eat it from. but i ate like 3 pieces of this golden fried food.. and i ate and ate.
On the other hand, fried chicken is one of my favorite foods! Om nom nom!

Because SHE WAS PICKED TO BE THE CAN CAN GIRL!!! YES SHE DID! i was so so excited for her!!! I saw the trepidation on her face but with the sangria in her blood stream and the loudness of our family she just couldn't say NO!
Oh wow!!!! How fun!!!!

I will absolutely do this again in the future!!! fantastic food, great entertainment and better friends!
I've never had any interest in doing this, but now that you've mentioned that fried chicken..... :scratchin
Your evening at HDDR was amazing. I think this dinner show is always more fun with friends along, especially when they get to be in the show.

We ate there a few years ago and would love to return sometime. :)
How great that Ariana got chosen, it looked like so much fun and I bet it made the meal so much better for all of you too :)


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