Lay Off The Cleaning Lady Pete!!

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I didn't see the original intention of your post as calling Pete out for using the term cleaning lady at all. You never even mention that except in the thread title. I took the intention of your original post to defend Meg Crofton's job performance. Which is fine if that is what you believe, but the reason this thread is still here is because you apparently believe Meg is doing a great job and all is well at WDW....two obviously debatable things, with the first definitely being a matter of one's opinion.

Saying she's doing "great" may be a stretch, however I don't think she's doing such a bad job to call her the cleaning lady in a derogatory tone.
I work at a lumber/hardware store. If we did what Disney is currently doing we would be out of business. We are having a hard enough time, if we just decided to raise prices on everything people would not do business with us. We are the only lumber/hardware store in Aspen. People come in here because it is convent. If we did what Disney is doing they would drive the extra 20 miles down valley to save money. As a business you must be ready to deal with the ups and the downs. Disney does not want to deal with the downs, they want to keep making more and more money. What ever happened to being happy with doing well in this country? :confused3

What you mean is that if you raised your prices YOU would drive 20 miles down valley to save money. Not everybody would go to that extent. Most people accept price increases. Just because you believe people would not buy from you if your prices went up does not necessarily make it so.

I know because I own a printing company and I have raised my prices every year for the past 17 years I've owned the business. I may have lost a few customers but most have continued doing business with me.

The first time I raised my prices (the first year after I purchased it from the previous owner out of bankruptcy) I had a purchasing agent from GE tell me it was about time my prices went up because the former owner hadn't raised prices for almost 5 years (the major reason he was in bankruptcy) and the purchasing agent was afraid I'd make the same mistake.

Price increases are a fact of life.

I guess I have a different take on this, but then again, I don't get as easily offended as some.

It is impossible to please all of the people all of the time. Pete, or any member of the team, might say something, inadvertently, that is going to offend someone or a group of people.

Here's an example...I have heard both Jon and Pete say something along the lines of "It made me go into a seizure..." and then laugh. My youngest daughter has a serious seizure disorder--there is nothing funny about it. However, I am certainly not offended by these comments. They are just comments and part of the banter that makes the show entertaining. We can't expect the team to be mindful of every single word they utter. It isn't realistic.

In terms of the "cleaning lady" reference, it seems to me that folks can choose to be offended by that or not. I don't see this as Pete talking down about cleaning staff or that folks who perform this function are somehow "less than." Rather, I interpret his comments as simply meaning that someone is in this position who is not qualified for the job. It could just as easily be any other job. Let's say the dentist who used to clean Walt's teeth was somehow involved with some aspect of running the parks. Pete could just as easily be ranting "Go back to telling people to spit in a bowl!" His point seems to be simply that she isn't qualified for this job, not that all cleaning staff are idiots.

Before getting offended, as so often happens here on the boards, remember that there are TWO sides to this communication process. What one person SAYS and how the other person INTERPRETS that message. So who is to say that it is Pete (or anyone else) that is being offensive? Maybe it is just YOUR (or those listening) interpretation of those words.
Saying she's doing "great" may be a stretch, however I don't think she's doing such a bad job to call her the cleaning lady in a derogatory tone.

Would it be okay if you did think she was doing such a bad job? ;)
I guess I have a different take on this, but then again, I don't get as easily offended as some.

It is impossible to please all of the people all of the time. Pete, or any member of the team, might say something, inadvertently, that is going to offend someone or a group of people.

Here's an example...I have heard both Jon and Pete say something along the lines of "It made me go into a seizure..." and then laugh. My youngest daughter has a serious seizure disorder--there is nothing funny about it. However, I am certainly not offended by these comments. They are just comments and part of the banter that makes the show entertaining. We can't expect the team to be mindful of every single word they utter. It isn't realistic.

In terms of the "cleaning lady" reference, it seems to me that folks can choose to be offended by that or not. I don't see this as Pete talking down about cleaning staff or that folks who perform this function are somehow "less than." Rather, I interpret his comments as simply meaning that someone is in this position who is not qualified for the job. It could just as easily be any other job. Let's say the dentist who used to clean Walt's teeth was somehow involved with some aspect of running the parks. Pete could just as easily be ranting "Go back to telling people to spit in a bowl!" His point seems to be simply that she isn't qualified for this job, not that all cleaning staff are idiots.

Before getting offended, as so often happens here on the boards, remember that there are TWO sides to this communication process. What one person SAYS and how the other person INTERPRETS that message. So who is to say that it is Pete (or anyone else) that is being offensive? Maybe it is just YOUR (or those listening) interpretation of those words.

Thank you for this.

It is impossible to do what we do and offend no one and still make people want to listen.

It is never our intent to offend. We do everything we can to avoid that.
I've got a sneaky feeling that following an 11 page discussion on the boards, we probably won't hear Meg referred to as 'that' again. So kudos to the OP, I think it worked!
I've got a sneaky feeling that following an 11 page discussion on the boards, we probably won't hear Meg referred to as 'that' again. So kudos to the OP, I think it worked!

Don't be so sure of that. There has been a thread on this discussion before, and it didn't stop. While he might read it and take it to heart, he might just go with the side that thinks it's funny.
I guess I have a different take on this, but then again, I don't get as easily offended as some.

It is impossible to please all of the people all of the time. Pete, or any member of the team, might say something, inadvertently, that is going to offend someone or a group of people.

Here's an example...I have heard both Jon and Pete say something along the lines of "It made me go into a seizure..." and then laugh. My youngest daughter has a serious seizure disorder--there is nothing funny about it. However, I am certainly not offended by these comments. They are just comments and part of the banter that makes the show entertaining. We can't expect the team to be mindful of every single word they utter. It isn't realistic.

In terms of the "cleaning lady" reference, it seems to me that folks can choose to be offended by that or not. I don't see this as Pete talking down about cleaning staff or that folks who perform this function are somehow "less than." Rather, I interpret his comments as simply meaning that someone is in this position who is not qualified for the job. It could just as easily be any other job. Let's say the dentist who used to clean Walt's teeth was somehow involved with some aspect of running the parks. Pete could just as easily be ranting "Go back to telling people to spit in a bowl!" His point seems to be simply that she isn't qualified for this job, not that all cleaning staff are idiots.

Before getting offended, as so often happens here on the boards, remember that there are TWO sides to this communication process. What one person SAYS and how the other person INTERPRETS that message. So who is to say that it is Pete (or anyone else) that is being offensive? Maybe it is just YOUR (or those listening) interpretation of those words.

How else can we possibly listen? Of course it is our interpretation, its the only way we hear things. I also believe its been stated over and over again that this is our "OPINIONS" (another way of saying interpretation). I don't doubt people are offended by me quite often, I've been know to have a slightly skewed sense of humor and a very limited filter ;) I'll try to say it again, I just don't agree with Pete on this one, I think he has gone overboard. Once or twice was funny, over and over again has gotten a little too much. Again, my OPINION. If he keeps saying it I will keep listening and just cringe a bit. So what, who cares, no biggie. There is a long list of things that get said on any given day that I may not agree with, just so happens there is a thread on this one that I can talk about with others.

I've got a sneaky feeling that following an 11 page discussion on the boards, we probably won't hear Meg referred to as 'that' again. So kudos to the OP, I think it worked!

This isn't the first thread of this kind, hasn't slowed him down yet. I wouldn't expect it to either.
To your original point......I think that Pete knows this thread exists and I believe he knows about previous ones. I just don't think it's important enough for him to change the way he speaks about Meg. I think I can speak for most in saying that we like Pete a lot. I also believe that Pete is being what he accuses Disney of being....Arrogant! I'll give Pete credit for this. I truly believe that he listens to other people's points and even incorporates change where he sees fit, but this is not one of those things. We all have a little arrogance in us and there are some things that we just will not budge on. This may be Pete's. I find that particular rant to be very offensive, but someone else may think that he is offensive on just about any subject. So, you have a choice, don't listen or try to ignore what you don't like. For me, I'll continue to listen, but Pete, if you are reading, remember this. Some of these same people that are complaining about what you say on a FREE podcast are also DU customers. Do what you tell Disney to do. Try not to disregard the feelings of your customers.

:grouphug:Peace, Love, and Hairgrease.

Nicely said.
How else can we possibly listen? Of course it is our interpretation, its the only way we hear things. I also believe its been stated over and over again that this is our "OPINIONS" (another way of saying interpretation). I don't doubt people are offended by me quite often, I've been know to have a slightly skewed sense of humor and a very limited filter ;) I'll try to say it again, I just don't agree with Pete on this one, I think he has gone overboard. Once or twice was funny, over and over again has gotten a little too much. Again, my OPINION. If he keeps saying it I will keep listening and just cringe a bit. So what, who cares, no biggie. There is a long list of things that get said on any given day that I may not agree with, just so happens there is a thread on this one that I can talk about with others.

This isn't the first thread of this kind, hasn't slowed him down yet. I wouldn't expect it to either.

I was actually agreeing with you here, Don. :goodvibes

Basically saying that all of this is opinion...Pete's opinion as well as each invidual listener's opinion. But my point was it is also each invidual listener's perspective on how to take get offended or to hear it for what it is--someone else's opinion.

My other point was that I don't think (again, just my interpretation) that Pete is talking down about cleaning personnel. If some choose to interpret it that way, then it is exactly that, their interpretation. But I always wonder why some folks (and this is certainly not directed at you nor really anyone in particular) automatically choose to assume that comments like these are intentionally said as derogatory. I look at this as Pete using a metaphor. Not something to get offened about. Again, it is my choice to interpret it that way just as it is other's choice to assume worse intentions by the use of the term cleaning lady.

As for whether or not this woman is actually doing a poor job as oppossed to a good one, eh, for me the jury is still out on that one. :goodvibes But I appreciate Pete's opinion on just as I appreciate yours and those who disagree with Pete's take on Meg.
I was actually agreeing with you here, Don. :goodvibes

Basically saying that all of this is opinion...Pete's opinion as well as each individual listener's opinion. But my point was it is also each individual listener's perspective on how to take get offended or to hear it for what it is--someone else's opinion.

My other point was that I don't think (again, just my interpretation) that Pete is talking down about cleaning personnel. If some choose to interpret it that way, then it is exactly that, their interpretation. But I always wonder why some folks (and this is certainly not directed at you nor really anyone in particular) automatically choose to assume that comments like these are intentionally said as derogatory. I look at this as Pete using a metaphor. Not something to get offended about. Again, it is my choice to interpret it that way just as it is other's choice to assume worse intentions by the use of the term cleaning lady.

As for whether or not this woman is actually doing a poor job as opposed to a good one, eh, for me the jury is still out on that one. :goodvibes But I appreciate Pete's opinion on just as I appreciate yours and those who disagree with Pete's take on Meg.

We'll have to see.

I'm not being negative when I say what I did. I'm just saying that if Pete changed everything because of negative comments on the boards, well, there would be no cruise, no DAP, no iphone app, no giveaways...... He just has to decide if after reading our thoughts that he thinks that maybe he has crossed the line or maybe he's just gonna side with the people that think it's funny. Either way, I'll still listen. I just think that comment is in poor taste.

I was actually agreeing with you here, Don. :goodvibes

Basically saying that all of this is opinion...Pete's opinion as well as each invidual listener's opinion. But my point was it is also each invidual listener's perspective on how to take get offended or to hear it for what it is--someone else's opinion.

My other point was that I don't think (again, just my interpretation) that Pete is talking down about cleaning personnel. If some choose to interpret it that way, then it is exactly that, their interpretation. But I always wonder why some folks (and this is certainly not directed at you nor really anyone in particular) automatically choose to assume that comments like these are intentionally said as derogatory. I look at this as Pete using a metaphor. Not something to get offened about. Again, it is my choice to interpret it that way just as it is other's choice to assume worse intentions by the use of the term cleaning lady.

As for whether or not this woman is actually doing a poor job as oppossed to a good one, eh, for me the jury is still out on that one. :goodvibes But I appreciate Pete's opinion on just as I appreciate yours and those who disagree with Pete's take on Meg.

I am not offended because Pete is calling her the cleaning lady. I think it is in poor taste to attack someone's character. If you want to call someone out for doing a poor job, fine, but do it with facts, not with name calling. So, to me, it wouldn't matter if he was calling her a cashier, cleaning lady, garage lady.... It's that he's calling her names at all.
This thread is so interesting. So much discussion over two little words.
"Cleaning lady."

It's interesting because Meg isn't the first one Pete has ever called a name. He's called Jay Rasulo lots of names, one was moron not too long ago, maybe pinhead too. No one ever said a word. I wonder if Pete had called Jay Rasulo a janitor would there be a thread about it? What if he had called Meg a moron instead of cleaning lady? Would this thread be here?
I guess it comes down to this: People are tired of Pete's arrogance when it comes to calling people names. Why does he feel he must do that? I think the only person who can really answer this question is Pete, anyone else is just guessing.

Compare that to a comedian that uses dirty language versus a comedian who does not and still gets laughs, usually bigger ones than the dirty comedian.
Do any of you watch Rush Limbaugh? Glenn Beck? Keith Oberman?

Just curious if there is as much moral outrage over those shows.
Okay, I did end up editing my previous comments. I'm a little emotional today.

I'll just say, though, to not ignore two threads. That's a lot of DISers.
I don't follow the podcasts, but after reading a good bit on this thread, I just have to say this...

Pete does make some incorrect or biased comments, he also doesn't respond well requesting to remove/alter/adjust them. Does he have to, no, he's allowed his opinion, just as the rest of us are, but it is important to take anything anyone says as just that, their opinion based on their views and values.
Do any of you watch Rush Limbaugh? Glenn Beck? Keith Oberman?

Just curious if there is as much moral outrage over those shows.

I hate those guys, I don't watch them, and I tell my friends not to watch them, even though I have similar beliefs of one of them (I won't say who). I'm sure several of us feel the same way.

But this isn't a pundit-bashing thread (there are certainly plenty of those). This is a podcast thread. Plus, we can't talk about politics, and Pete is SO much better than those guys that we don't want him to go down to that level.
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