King Charles has cancer

Everyone has tough things going on. Having piles of money servants and houses and immediate access to doctors makes tough things a lot easier.
Can’t say that I agree with you on this one. My late husband had an eight month battle with
pancreatic cancer. Had surgery at John’s Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore by a world renowned surgeon. Even if he had been the King of England, there was no way to make it easier. It was brutal and it would be brutal for anyone. No amount of money or power could change that. I think cancer is the great equalizer.

I hope that King Charles has a treatable cancer.
Can’t say that I agree with you on this one. My late husband had an eight month battle with
pancreatic cancer. Had surgery at John’s Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore by a world renowned surgeon. Even if he had been the King of England, there was no way to make it easier. It was brutal and it would be brutal for anyone. No amount of money or power could change that. I think cancer is the great equalizer.

I hope that King Charles has a treatable cancer.
:hug: My brother has pancreatic cancer it’s terrible but he is still going.

Wonder why they are not saying what it is . Makes everyone think of the worse .
Wonder why they are not saying what it is . Makes everyone think of the worse .
Usually, like with the enlarged prostate announcement, making it public is done to raise awareness regarding getting yourself checked. Consider the cancer announcements Sarah Ferguson has made. Both breast cancer and skin cancer benefit from having routine screenings, so making those diagnoses public can have an impact and save lives. An announcement may not have the same effect if it’s something that is more rare or isn’t easily or routinely checked.

He is the only one who really knows the reason, and it’s possible an announcement could come out later. I keep remembering William delaying the announcement that he had Covid around the same time as Charles so people wouldn’t get concerned about the succession. Elizabeth’s father, and even Elizabeth herself, according to reports, kept their cancer diagnoses under wraps until after they passed. I am sure there has to be some sort of protocol regarding how and when these kinds of announcements are made.
Reports are that Harry arrived yesterday morning, spent a few hours with King Charles at Clarence House and tonight is already flying back to CA. Hopefully, it wasn't because they had such a frosty meeting that Harry didn't see any point in staying, but that Charles isn't so bad. That after a brief visit, Harry felt it was okay to go back home.
Can’t say that I agree with you on this one. My late husband had an eight month battle with
pancreatic cancer. Had surgery at John’s Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore by a world renowned surgeon. Even if he had been the King of England, there was no way to make it easier. It was brutal and it would be brutal for anyone. No amount of money or power could change that. I think cancer is the great equalizer.

I hope that King Charles has a treatable cancer.
Yes, cancer is horrible. It is a bit less of a burden though when you can focus on your treatment, and have available child care, transportation to appointments, and no worries about how to pay for food if you can't work. I used to drive cancer patients to treatment for the Cancer Society. Many of those people really struggled with basic day to day needs.
Reports are that Harry arrived yesterday morning, spent a few hours with King Charles at Clarence House and tonight is already flying back to CA. Hopefully, it wasn't because they had such a frosty meeting that Harry didn't see any point in staying, but that Charles isn't so bad. That after a brief visit, Harry felt it was okay to go back home.
I was watching a couple of British tv stations this morning and they said he met Charles for 45 minutes, then Charles and Camilla flew off to Sandringham and that William refused to meet with him. Wasn't it just a few days/week ago that Meghan's friend revealed that it was Charles that supposedly was concerned on the skin color of the baby? I don't think fences are getting mended soon.
Everyone has tough things going on. Having piles of money servants and houses and immediate access to doctors makes tough things a lot easier.
Yeah... I've read several of the comments on this thread and just 🙄

He will get the best possible treatment in the world. He does not have to worry about costs or health insurance.
He does not have to wait for an appointment with the NHS.
He does not have to wait months to see another doctor for a second opinion.
There are no lines he has to wait in to see a doctor.
He does not have to keep working well he has chemo so he can keep his health insurance and home.
He does not have to go and plan his own funeral and pay for it with the small amount of money he has on hand.
He probably does not have to worry about the sudden interest from his family members trying to get put in his will that he is writing, and has to also pay for, knowing he will probable be dead in a year.

Similar comments on how tough this is on his kid having to step up, even though the kid will have the support of hundred of folks and won't have to deal with cleaning up the messes, changing diapers or making sure he is eating, cooking and brining him meals, etc... He does not have to worry about loosing his full time gig or explaining a gap in his resume.

I've been through this before - twice - and now have to go through it yet again with another family member.
Having nurses and staff 24 hours a day to do everything.
I was very lucky to get a nurse one hour a day three days a week - anything beyond that cost $$$.
Those visiting hospice nurses are great people, don't know how they do it.

So the outcome may still suck at the end, and it sucks, but the road there is much simpler for all involved.
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Reports are that Harry arrived yesterday morning, spent a few hours minutes with King Charles at Clarence House and tonight is already flying back to CA.

FTFY. I think the whole thing was a show, so he wouldn't get slammed in the media for not coming. I'm not sure he really wanted to come, or even thought it was necessary at this juncture, but felt like he had to for "optics."

The rumors are that he and Megan are desperate to come in from the cold now that their money and commercial opportunities are drying up and they need the royal family again, but that the family doesn't want them. Rumors only, of course, but it would explain his need to come over, and Charles' need to keep it short.
FTFY. I think the whole thing was a show, so he wouldn't get slammed in the media for not coming. I'm not sure he really wanted to come, or even thought it was necessary at this juncture, but felt like he had to for "optics."

The rumors are that he and Megan are desperate to come in from the cold now that their money and commercial opportunities are drying up and they need the royal family again, but that the family doesn't want them. Rumors only, of course, but it would explain his need to come over, and Charles' need to keep it short.
or maybe it was such short notice, that it was always going to be a short visit, that he had to fit the trip into prior arrangements, and had to fit in with flight times. When you fly America to Europe its an over night flight so you leave on a Tuesday and arrive on a Wednesday but going Europe to America you leave and arrive on the same day.
My guess is that the minute they announce the type of cancer, the media will go into overdrive with experts on that cancer trying to guess the success rate of treatment.
One good thing is maybe it makes people more aware and they might learn a bit, get checked etc.

Its really hard to get good info, even from the doctors.
My guess is that the minute they announce the type of cancer, the media will go into overdrive with experts on that cancer trying to guess the success rate of treatment.
exactly, and as Charles is King and a Head of State, it has wider implications than just another 75 year old celebrity having cancer.
My guess is that the minute they announce the type of cancer, the media will go into overdrive with experts on that cancer trying to guess the success rate of treatment.
Yeah, and there's nothing to be gained except a worldwide freak out over it. Everyone is different in their response to treatment and the course of the disease. If it's something that is thought of as easily treatable and everyone gets excited, but then he goes downhill, then that's bad. If it's something that has a low success rate and he lives for 20 years, then that's good for him, but they alarmed everyone for nothing. I wouldn't say anything until it was clearer how he's responding to treatment. If even then.
Yeah, and there's nothing to be gained except a worldwide freak out over it. Everyone is different in their response to treatment and the course of the disease. If it's something that is thought of as easily treatable and everyone gets excited, but then he goes downhill, then that's bad. If it's something that has a low success rate and he lives for 20 years, then that's good for him, but they alarmed everyone for nothing. I wouldn't say anything until it was clearer how he's responding to treatment. If even then.
That is not an option, as Camilla/William/Anne have to take over responsibilities. It was not an option to say nothing till they knew more.
It is not possible for the King to retreat for weeks or months without an explanation.

One of Charles' former communication officers said in an interview they probably kept the exact cancer and treatment out of the communication to not fuel additional speculation. The speculation is now limited because we do not know enough.
or maybe it was such short notice, that it was always going to be a short visit, that he had to fit the trip into prior arrangements, and had to fit in with flight times. When you fly America to Europe its an over night flight so you leave on a Tuesday and arrive on a Wednesday but going Europe to America you leave and arrive on the same day.
Please, it’s not as if Harry is burning vacation time. He’s a stupid loser and he and his conniving wife have made the worst possible decisions and been nothing but grasping snakes in the grass. I can’t imagine the King or Camilla wanted to spend time with him, God knows when he’ll do another tell all. When does the next Enquirer hit the stands?
I think 'worldwide freakout' is a wild exaggeration, but maybe it would take some of the spotlight over Taylor and Travis.
I was watching a couple of British tv stations this morning and they said he met Charles for 45 minutes, then Charles and Camilla flew off to Sandringham and that William refused to meet with him.

Imzadi said:
Reports are that Harry arrived yesterday morning, spent a few hours minutes with King Charles at Clarence House and tonight is already flying back to CA.

FTFY. I think the whole thing was a show, so he wouldn't get slammed in the media for not coming. I'm not sure he really wanted to come, or even thought it was necessary at this juncture, but felt like he had to for "optics."

The British news reports I saw said 2 hours. So, basically we really don't know what went on, once Harry pulled up to the gates and was inside.

Does the Royal family have a right to be extremely guarded and suspicious, wondering if Harry will do another tell all? YES.

Is there a way to be in the same room with him and talk about the weather AND his health? YES.

Does a cancer diagnosis sometimes wake a person up and/or their family members up to how little time we all really have? Sometimes yes.

Let's hope that Harry, on his long flight to England and back had some self reflection on what an *** he and his wife have been.

Is it possible the Royal family may never trust him again after doing a tell all and trying to set the palace aflame? 🔥 YES.
My guess is that the minute they announce the type of cancer, the media will go into overdrive with experts on that cancer trying to guess the success rate of treatment.
Agree that has to be a good reason enough or having "experts" etc.. going into every detail of possible procedures or treatment. It was bad enough knowing now about every prostrate procedure imaginable.

the whole Harry thing is so odd. Of course we dont know their committments etc.. believe next week they are in CA for Invictus something.. But it is VERY odd to fly in for a 45 min visit, supposidly stay at a hotel and fly back...

I moved away from my home country- was truely estraged from my dad but I would still make trips to see friends and other family. At least friends and let's say nobody could or wanted to see me, heck I would spend two binging Portillos or other local foods I miss or at least just sniff in my home town smell. He admits he misses england.. so why bolt? All so strange and with all his rich friends and palaces, houses, cottages, estates.. nobody had a spare bedroom for Harry??
I have been reading some theories that people think Charles is really bad off. They feel the palace would not publicize his condition unless it was really serious. Also they felt Harry would not run to England if it were not dire. I don't agree. I think there are many reasons Charles wanted to make his diagnosis public:

1. I think as King, he wants to be transparent. I think he wants the public to feel more included in the monarchy and what goes on with the family.
2. I think he wants to encourage people to get screenings.
3. I read that he is on the board of cancer charities and he wants to raise awareness and possibly get more funding for cancer research.
4. I think he wants to "get out ahead" of it. I think he knows that if the news leaked, then people would get angry and accuse the royal family of keeping secrets. Plus, that is how rumors start and people would jump to the worst case scenario.

I think, as many experts have speculated, that is probably bladder related. It makes the most sense the way it was described by the experts, although it is just speculation, none of these experts has knowledge of what is going on with King Charles (that I know of). Thankfully, if it is indeed what experts think, it is reported as being very treatable with a high success rate.

As for Harry, well, he knew that there would come a time that he would need to show up for the family. Whether it be a death or a wedding or some celebration, or serious health issue like this. I personally think he was summoned for a family meeting. I think they need to know how to present this to the public if they are asked or interviewed. They probably have public relations people coaching them. Even being in CA, Harry will likely be questioned about this by any reporters, paparazzi or fans. I think they want to have a united front and make sure they are on top of it.
He admits he misses england.. so why bolt?

You missed a lot. Harry & Meghan left the UK as the media there were relentlessly racist to her. Every day. So, they left England and moved to, at least, a commonwealth of the UK, Canada. Only, I forget why that didn't work. I think it was the inability to have security there. (Others can fill this part in.)

Now, they've moved down to CA. They hid out in Tyler Perry's huge home for a while. Yet, a couple weeks ago, even HE told a story about how he & Meghan talked, and to what depth they had a conversation. :sad2:

All so strange and with all his rich friends and palaces, houses, cottages, estates.. nobody had a spare bedroom for Harry??

He can't stay in friends' homes as that puts an unwanted spotlight on the friends, with people prying to find more on WHO they are. The paparazzi would be camped out at their door, trying to dredge up details on these friends, and what's going on as he stayed there.

Also most people wouldn't have the room to house the amount of security Harry needs to have. About a year(?) ago, Harry complained that once he & Meghan removed themselves from active Royal duties, the UK government took away their security detail. He tried, unsuccessfully, to lobby to have the detail return, especially when he's in England, or a portion of the money given to him so he can hire his own security for him and his family.

Whatever his personal relationship is with the Royal family, Harry is still a son of a King and the brother of the heir apparent. For terrorists, who don't give a jot to read tabloids, the son of a King is considered a "high value target." Especially now, with all the conflict in Israel & Palestine and whatever side the UK is taking, Hamas killing a high value target of the enemy is a HUGE victory. Especially as Harry used to be in the UK military himself.

Back to the paparazzi stuff: last summer, when Harry & Meghan came to NYC, they made up this story about being chased in a high speed chase through Manhattan. (A physical impossibility here, with all the traffic and grid locks, meaning traffic stuck IN the intersections blocking traffic in all directions, every few blocks.) Yet, they were followed a bit by paparazzi. They didn't want the paparazzi following them to the friends' building where they were staying. They tried to protect their privacy. It was finally found out that they just waited the paparazzi out in a driveway near a police station.

When this made the news, they were given grief as they could have avoided it all had they JUST STAYED AT A HOTEL which knows the security protocol to protect high profile guests. Their security would have the extra rooms on either side of theirs to house themselves. They'd be allowed to be stationed at all entrances and on the floor they were on, and the hotel could hide what floor H&M were on.

Apparently, Harry finally learned the lesson and stayed at a hotel.
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